Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The surge in my surgery, I was eye-balling it, my left , left me with little choice, had to do it!

 The odds are in my favor, rolling my eyes like dice,

And so far so good, a stretch for me , an exercise in

My will always willing to work with my body and

Here now stretching my time, looking down to the

Ground, not my pants, they are on me, not Ike that

Man on American Idol, I also do not want my eyeballs

To be on the ground either, bending down, my neck

And left eyeballs the issue as my left retinal wall

Heals and the hole there goes away and mends and

My nec does not get too sore and I maintain the

Flow in my legs and all stays healthy and well!

So far so good, more to tell later as this time-off

For me goes and I continue to heal! Cheers! Yes!

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