Saturday, October 31, 2015

I'm Run I'm Drim Drum Dra hhhhhaaaahhhhh Rahhhhh Rim run Ran Rant sDrimo 2 B Drunk to Be Rimmed Raned Dun Run Stun Stun uTun Tun TUNted Tn Tan tan Tin TIMMED tummed Tnned TOSSED 2 B Drunked I Am!

I'm Run I'm Drim Drum Dra hhhhhaaaahhhhh Rahhhhh Rim run Ran Rant sDrimo 2 B Drunk to Be Rimmed Raned Dun Run Stun Stun uTun Tun TUNted Tn Tan tan Tin TIMMED tummed Tnned TOSSED  2 B Drunked I Am

                               I',m Me us A;hhhh All So 2 b us we Mess
                               Me Mire Miss Missed mussedFu Fue Fuss
                               ALL Ahhhh Bu Bus Bussed bless Blesy Blest VBlue blussss
                               I Am Ehhhh Real Rung Rand So t\ Tin Tam
                               TUN UN UNG UNGU UNGUE UNGUED AO AK ACK AOOOOh
                               I', not no not I type be no know knot sell MY SELF MY RUN MY
                               I Be Me mess So I Con So Sun I  Cum I Cummed I bBe Blesss Be
                               Un So Un So No Know Now Not Free Fresh Not Knot Dr Dress 
                               I be Drun Run Ran Rant Run Runt In My ALL MY Mee Mess I',m
                               So Come Sp  So Ple leeeeeeee Plete Ahhhhhh A Ro Rot Roytyyyyy
                               I Know So Nor NkNot Knot Whataaaaaa ye type I Here I',a A Diun 
                               Drin So I Be A messs Ob  On A Bt a lot A Whole A He She Hef He
                               J Hell helf Hald HoldHolf I fDo ip ype aft Ma Pa Make Sooooo Ma 
                               Man Wooo hooooo Woooooo Womb So Man She he His Her Many
                               I', so See ceee Silf Sre;lf Shelf ype tip taop ap Blowwww BlooodI I
                               be he sg She Shere Sj Shim I type I tap  Tap TIP top i'< bLUE bLAD
                               loody meesss mereee Meeeerrrrrr Mist Mast Most Must Mess Ha Ha 
                               Ap I Sill B Ha Ha Happy! No Edit Be No re No Course No edir ALL!

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Shiver The Shake The Shimmer The Shin Hine Hiney Shine Of Moo Moo Moon's Glow2GlaLalLalLalYaMELazeMeLieMeLameMeMightMEMaPaMastMazeAhhhhhhhhhhhhSOOOOOOOamEyeImineI'sMeUusALBMazeDaDayNighKnightsNaughtsNatsMatsMightsMazeCoCorSOorORNBI EyesMineALLCorn'mCray Craze GrinGrandGrantGruntHoHorHornOhhhhhSO:HornYAM'NRaRahRandI'mRandyTOO!nOWnOWnOWnOWnowwwwwpOpOpowpowpow!

                                  The Shiver The Shake The Shimmer        
                                  The Shin Hine Hiney Shine Of Moo
                                  MooN'S                              Moon'SGlow2GlaLalLalLalYaMELazeMeLieMeLameMeMightMEMaPaMastMazeAhhhhhhhhhhhhSOOOOOOOamEyeImineI'sMeUusALBMazeDaDayNighKnightsNaughtsNatsMatsMightsMazeCoCorSOorORNBI EyesMineALLCorn'mCray Craze GrinGrandGrantGruntHoHorHornOhhhhhSO:HornYAM'NRaRahRandI'mRandyTOO!nOWnOWnOWnOWnowwwwwpOpOpowpowpow!

The Warm Arm I Feel From The Shin Da Dat Ahhhhh@ Shin-Sine-I-Eyes-Mine-Dew-SO-Pin-Pant-Pants-Ohhh-My-MineFa-Fa-Fallow-Follow-2-Grow-Rou-How-Him-Her-But-Butts2BindBineBEBurrs2Burn2GriGruntGrind2PinePuntPurrPerkPartOhhhhhSO::PurrWeTheyUsALLdoPINHERHIMTHEIRS oHHHHHHHHH Yeah U R All R's Theirs We R R'sssss ON Parrs Perfect Unis So SonsGOdaughtsGObrandsGOnephsGOGreatsGOGroandALL so B IT nOW 4 r's 4-Eve-Ad-Add-Adam2 Plees Please Pleasure R rees R reasure r Measly Might Measures!

                                 The Warm Arm I Feel From The Shin

 Da Dat Ahhhhh@ Shin-Sine-I-Eyes-Mine-Dew-SO-Pin-Pant-Pants-Ohhh-My-MineFa-Fa-Fallow-Follow-2-Grow-Rou-How-Him-Her-But-Butts2BindBineBEBurrs2Burn2GriGruntGrind2PinePuntPurrPerkPartOhhhhhSO::PurrWeTheyUsALLdoPINHERHIMTHEIRS oHHHHHHHHH Yeah U R All R's Theirs We R R'sssss ON Parrs Perfect Unis So SonsGOdaughtsGObrandsGOnephsGOGreatsGOGroandALL so B IT nOW 4 r's 4-Eve-Ad-Add-Adam2 Plees Please Pleasure
                                  R rees R reasure r Measly Might Measures!

@2AmIam EyesAM Yeah Yes Sa Sam Ha Ha Hap Ap I'm SO Happy ....

@2AmIam EyesAM Yeah Yes Sa Sam Ha Ha Hap Ap I'm SO Happy I'mPamSaSamONoffLallaLilt@LaltAlt ComeALL 2 Pa 2 Ma 2 Sis 2 Bro 2 Un Un Unc Unc Uncle Nephew Aunt Hellen Nephew Howard B ram B Flam B Broad'N So Your Our Their SquireSquare Squimish Squashing Squinting Squirting Ahhhhh SO FlyFlirALLaler LerLert2BbudsBestBloomsBrosBroachBrandsBringONitITon ON2UsON2UON2Others4AL2 B Blessed!

The Pull The Allure Of The Moon That Would Be Full! I'm Spell I Am So Bo Bon On Bond-Bow-Bou-Ou-Ound!

                                 The Pull The Allure Of The Moon
                                 That Would Be Full! I'm Spell I A
                                  m So Bo Bon On Bond-Bow-Bou

                                  I Bath Did Sel El Self-Mine My B
                                  Od Od Od Ody No Lick-Her-Tod-
                                  De Dy Ddy Just Del El Eli Elic-Li
                                  ck Icious Cious Ious I O Us Us 2
                                  Me Wan An Want-2-3-4-Us-2-Cus
                                  I'm Bit Brand Bit Broad Bit Bit By

                                  Moon's Pul-Tug-Coo-Coo-Kool M
                                  Be Bat @ Ha Hat @ Hatched Bu U
                                  Sweep We Wee Weep Broad Brim
                                  I'm Me-Mes-Es-Ess-Essed 2 PoyOi

                                  Strip Slip SlaLalLaLalLadLassLap
                                  Lore Lor Or Ore GO Gold Grin Gra
                                  Run Rand 2 Play 2 Say 2 Sail 2 Em
                                  Pow Sow Ow Ow Owe We Wer 2 B
                                  Brim By Moon's My Moon's So US

                                  ALL Moo Moo Moon OOn OOnned
                                  Fed Found Feathered Wintered Weat
                                  @ Eathered As-In-Lat@AtherINowO
                                   Out We R Sp pro So Ram Ramm Am
                                   Sinners Saint Sail Sally Ally So 2 B
                                   Brole Yeah Yet In GrayDar-Ark-Arcs
                                   GrowGroi-OyOin-Joi-Joy-Joined We
                                   Jizz R Fan R Fizz R Wizz WiseWand

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Standing Outside Just Now In The Cool Nakedness Of Night That Has Just Disrobed .... Thursday Evening, october 21st, 2015 ... An Almost Full Night Tonight!

Standing outside just now in the cool nakedness of night that has just disrobed with only the moon to guide it's fluid, flowing, totally natural motions that are as regular as the daily absence of light giving way to the warm and accented in golds and sharp sounds of night where no robes are needed, never encouraged, when the body is pulled up into the skies or deep splashing into a pounding surf, the yearn, a rise, a cry to show the world through darkness one's lightness, one's inner sanctums through the shades and deep contrasts of mostly darkened blues and greens, browns, purples, shifts and slants, shadows that cry and stir, that make us feel a touch, a tad, a splash, a splish of afraid, of fear, yeah, what lurkes that is not so visible there yards, just feet-steps away, yes, count them, make them : NO! You, I, Us WE are all afraid, ahhhhhhh, the pity, for what lurks, what beckons, what can and may be too dangerous, what are we hiding, what is hidden from us?!? We feel the cool air rise up from around ankles-ours touching the cool deep soft blades of grass, we yearn to peel the last layer, the remaining vestige of a t-shirt, to shed our clothes as Nature has done previously theirs : to BE ONE with each other, to embrace the other, to be full-Montied there splendid in our frank nakednesses finally as it should have always been there surrounded by refreshing nakedness and honest humbleness of self expression of love for ourselves, each other and that place around us that makes it all so wonderfully delicious and childishly possible, as it can still be if we are not too society-cowered or afraid.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Q A A ... T O D ? ... A I W A T ! L M S I T E A T M T ... N M P G ... T T F A F E O R H N .... O W ... I C I ...

Q A A ...  T O D ?  ...  A I W A T !  L M S I T E A T M T ... N M P G ... T T F A F E O R H N .... O W ... I C I ...

                               I W T F Y S B N !
                               I Wa To Fu Yo So Ba No ...!
                               ! Won Dab Os Uoy Kcuf Ot Tnaw I

                               D P C O C W M N !
                               Do Pl Co Or Cu Wi Me No !
                               Won Em Htiw Etuc Ro Yoc Yalp Tnod

                               i w y s r b r n i c p i m p , c i m p,
                               i o b h b m r n y r m t m b b s y d!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I Don't Cum No Not Cu Cu Cumm Umm Ummm YaaaaYaaaa Yum Cu Cum Ummmm Mew Meeewwwww MeeeeeuwwwNaNaNaNaKaKaKaCaCaCaCaCaCATEAll@DaysMomesNightsTheseWithBrayRaIRaysRainMineDicDast@PryLooseLoseMyThoughtsDeSoMan4Man4WomenFeFemmeMaleMalesMyFantsDaAntsInMySkinMyFleshMyFleesUPupUpUPDowDownShimShinINoutInnyUP'NdowntrunksmineOffMyPrickMyPieceMyGrinMyGreaseIDoEyesMyALLMineUonFeFieFoeFreshFrantFrankFrickFothFreshFreeFleeceFurnishFlowMineOdes2UyourfleshYourBraiYourIntellsSOUDoMeNowALLwaysSODrainFromOutFromINmyfranticmembranes!

                                 I Don't Cum No Not Cu Cu Cumm
                                 Umm Ummm YaaaaYaaaa Yum Cu
                                 Cum Ummmm Timber Brrr Tumber


I Think RISE NOTHING I'm Shrun Shrin Hrun Hrin Run Run Run RUN Rink A Dud A Top-Heavy DUDE, A Fla La La Lab Ab Ab Abby Lower De DDDDD So B I Defla Fla La La Late Soon Now May IT Be Neve Never My Mate My Date Mine In-Out-Ven-Vent-Hell-NO Not Heaven-Bent 2 U So Low Down Bend Ohhhh Over 2 X 2 Po Po Pos Pose U Your Etre Your Caractere Your BootHoHoHoldMeOldMeHolster4MyThirstyPussPussPussPUSS!

                                 I Think RISE  NOTHING I'm Shrun
                                 Shrin Hrun Hrin Run Run Run RUN
                                 Rink A Dud A Top-Heavy DUDE, A
                                 Fla La La Lab Ab Ab Abby Lower De
                                 DDDDD So B I Defla Fla La La Late
                                 Soon Now May IT Be Neve Never My
                                 Mate My Date Mine In-Out-Ven-Vent
                                 -Hell-NO Not Heaven-Bent 2 U So Lo
                                 w Down Bend Ohhhh Over 2 X 2 Po Po
                                 Pos Pose U Your Etre Your Caractere Yo
                                 ur BootHoHoHoldMeOldMeHolster4My

                                 Get UP Get IT So Speak 2 My Prick IT
                                 B Use No Not Use There's Less Of IT@
                                 Flab A Limp Low Slab Flesh Mesh A
                                 Lack Of Total Communication From Br
                                 Rain 2 Dick I Am So Dis So Gusted So
                                 UP B I Eyes Mine Pass On Passion A F
                                 Ly By Detour From Fantas My Antas M
                                 y Cies My Cries Of Pain Of Not Any N
                                 No Not Rien Nada urb Pro2MyTurb-My
                                 Tum Mine Tumes No Umes No Essence
                                 No Dick2CunnyConCumQuestsFestsNon

Monday, October 12, 2015

Open Yourself Ohh 4 Me Pen My Mine It's A Pair A Meet A Joe-Jan Join A Joint Must Be Joined Jarred Jammed Jades Jading Jaunts Jauntin Jargon Jerked Jazzed Yeah Ji Is Sm Me Us Together Med Medded My Might Melt Meld Melded Eld Eld Elded!

                                 Open Yourself Ohh 4 Me Pen My Mine
                                 It's A Pair A Meet A Joe-Jan Join A Join
                                 t Must Be Joined Jarred Jammed Jades J
                                 ading Jaunts Jauntin Jargon Jerked Jazze
                                 d Yeah Ji Is Sm Me Us Together Med Me
                                 dded My Might Melt Meld Melded Eld El
                                 d Elded!

                                 Dead No Never Dead-Headed Not Cons N
                                 o Notion Non Motion Not There 2 B Boss
                                 Bless The Cold The Stern The Star ! Do
                                 Follow My Tuition Uitions Itions Tions 2
                                 Tear To ar To Me Torp So Not Tarp Arp
                                 Not Leaving Not yet I Am A Blood I Am
                                 A Warm Bloo Loo Ood Od D! Hell! Here
                                 's To The Hero Heroine The Heart Of Us

The Brrrrrr Now Juste Of Stepping Ow-Outside Brings On The Shiver Sliver Through-Me Shiver-I Feel I Reel I Spiel Cold I Do Now Just brrrrrrrrrrr!

                                The Brrrrrr Now Juste Of Stepping Ow-
                                Outside Brings On The Shiver Sliver T
                                hrough-Me Shiver-I Feel I Reel I Spiel
                                Cold I Do Now Just brrrrrrrrrrr!

                               Spin Spell Spill Spark Pa Par Parts 2 A
                               Arc Spar Spark Spur Yeah The Urt-Sp
                               Spread Of The Arc Of The Various In
                               Now Ahora Vise Visibs Ibles Ables Ye
                               Yeeeeeeee Go Got God Git Get Grand

                               A Gray A Rai A Rain-Grrrrrrr Rand Ra
                               Ant Smar Ar Art of Eeee Mots Of Emo
                               sssssss Oceans Otions Otters P 4 Pots2
                               Make Ha Hap App Ppy ppeee Potters S
                               In U Out U In us In We Weee Worms
                              Arms LegsUp Spree Spread Why Wide
                              2 Win hearts To Speer Darts 2 Damn Th
                              e Stops Just Stars Just Starts Just Ohhhh
                              Flame-Flan Body Bodies Spin Nake A
                              Creme Brulee Body Arcs Ravenous Sha
                              Ha Hark Harks We 2 B So Close Bine R

                             Parfect Piercing Partial Parting Parts So!

The Paths The Parts Pies Pieces Perks Partings So Like2 Gather-Spread Speer Spark 2 B Spunked Spermed Sparted Spartanned, 2!

                                 The Paths The Parts Pies Pieces Perks
                                 Partings So Like2 Gather-Spread Speer
                                 Spark 2 B Spunked Spermed Sparted Sp
                                 artanned, 2

                                 The Roles Rolls Rants Rhythms Raucus
                                 Run 4 Your Lives Live 4 Your Lives Li
                                 Ve Vest Vroom Room A Broom A Bro
                                 Test Turf urn Ties True Trains U Us We
                                  I'm In Yeah So Invest-Ted Torpoedoed
                                  All To Be Whatever I May I Might I M
                                  UsT Certain To Try To Fail To Fire I'll
                                 Be ALL That And More As I Do Go In
                                 I Do Throw My All Self-Elf-Spirit I Spy
                                 Sprite I Spur I Do All 2 Not Knot Detou
                                 R Some Detoxe Some Draft Some Drill
                                 I Eyes Mine Now oft So Over Ohhhhhh
                                 Spil Spry In Thought Limp In Pen Is My
                                 Crotch Member Like A Failed Faint IT
                                 So Does me Fail Not Eve 4 Flail Sad Ad

The vitals the centers my centered stag stage me my sole my page paged to save me my almost dear my deer my fans love me I hope, I Scope,my fantabulous ass ' n me clock my ducky died dastardly be it soft almost no more on it's own wee bit blasts!

I'm Amore or less silly puny puewwwwnkneee miss! I can't like my rest bid yeah we send I my session 2 massage to mast 2 get:-p to full 2 blown 2 blast 2 bliss yes fine find, I'm a really blood-my-2-dick summon I do send I cert 3 yes to ask to demand so to rise I get Nada Niltvh fill full-fill one of any of that just lay IT so darned dampened flat to wimp to wimpy wimpy wanting more than swampy than wimpy that list no air I 'm be I my bid my groin my duck my clock passed up so to give what once I had to the new the young those with steam Pam Pam pump pump sum sump yum yummy load lasts blesses and embellished bluest and flourishes flames flesh heat hit helping portions of my once miss it do I cert I so do my eighth my erupts rips romps of salvo sperm sunk puns of white whips of lashes lasting pong pong oh to you all I will ping I will you tang I will my demon sermon to you all to close goings yours cruises tight Comme des de Francais, do not let me Tar Tether Leath Leathers My spies my spices my pies my peas my perks my you all should concealing ago have been at full all you at.your alerts as $Zorba Orb Tony Da Tiger Zorba da Greco The Greek 2 Em you to balm you to psalm palm you with those of-old lorry.l oil rd Lord my salvos my full-ooooohhhhhs, you with.pillows, you to greet my great my fully long my thick my wicks of substanStandCharge Till you've take all my fullness my cauldron my creations my earthy micro blasts of relations as @ lay I do you all repeat yes U I Do I fast Eyes I mine selves my senses with landmInes ArmeNians TakeMake BreakBristWristRakeRantPinPantPuntStunStuntTanTinglePinPingleMyManyThoysOfMen@Sea in full flesh you tray be they trays of.micros meeecros messages of little armed armies of TonysTarzanzZoreosZorbas 2 You ALL I do balleT do inWithMeYouPregUnahnahNahNateNow!

The learning a the start T know Some bits Tiny more's If One could learn Any More !?! Comme Set Si nos Ways Nosotros All WE ON B No More !?!We are set so as Tie in On celebrity to grit Writ So Ma Little Woman SmLk We be in way in ourssetnotchallenge not met

the purpose the pose the pie r piece all there all sub not like not haughty no way really much ahhh where as we ex we so X we so exist customers east as Bengals as be blah as b blame form so of lam lamb lame similar yet not really any not the same not same name cert ours is another game?Unique special perfectgifted  we all feel , our cause the best the first the center all look stop doing drop things just go on, come on, look our way as we mess we subdued limes headliners yes lambs yes cert we be choose chosen up up rose rose in Bloomberg best the wonder the sum the answer the link was now found missing now to save to salve to free to fresh to Frank to froth froth Frappato appreciate appreciate purse grump unfolding into go on , say it. Diamonds 'm gold we are the saviors of our species the best here final not too soon before be no more all gone all be dampened all trashed and yet here we do save ourselves the world, too, final, finally, gasp, grasp, all onboard, aaaahhhhhhhhhhh $ last, ship at full mast!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Watching Swedes Yaaaaaaah I'm So ON Turn True T Stroke To Mine Own ISlip I Wet I yearn To Move my hand Long So long For a Mou Out In Out!In-Laws!2!Long-make-Mine Roost -Mine-Perm-Prick-rick!Dick-Long2-Cum-Long-Hard-Spill-OhhhhhhhhhVerMineSillTrillMine-Ahhhhhhhh-So-VeryFreeWilllllll!

I Don't Get No U You No None Not U me Knot I Think Wish I Got But U You No None IT Of Have I Bit ALL Not Any So Smid IT B Idge It Be Fridge It Be Cooked-See-Seal=SealedUP Tie Tight So Dist I Can Bare I Ca'n't See Much Feel Touch Hard Hardly At @ ALL ?!?

                            I Don't Get No U You No None Not U me
                            Knot I Think Wish I Got But U You No N
                            one IT Of Have I Bit ALL Not Any So Smi
                            d IT B Idge It Be Fridge It Be Cooked-See-
                            Seal=SealedUP Tie Tight So Dist I Can Bar
                            e I Can't See Much Feel Touch Hard Hardly
                            At @ ALL ?!? Bear Male Bare Bearen

                             Night Fine As Salton As Tarzan Sip I
                             Figs 2 IT Try Figure Her Figure Her A
                             @ ALL ?!? I Try I Trip I Cry I Cryst I
                             Eyes Yeah Cert I Do Mine Inside Pay
                             In-Out-Owwwwwww I Soooo Do Blur
                             Wan Yes I Wane Yes I Sort I Drain I
                             So Wanting To Be More Than Feeble
                             Squir Uir Uir Uir-Squuuuuu Aaaahhhh
                             I'm So less Power I be Done I Be Lass
                             Mighty less Piston Less Might Bridge
                             TROLL Less In My Prives My Parts M
                             Sex My Orgs My Sticks My Wicks So
                             Dey Do Drain For Forc or Ore Orce-F
                             Frantic ' Tems 'Temps 'TEMPtaTaTA
                             Taysions Female Taunts Teases Tests
                             I be Mess Be Messed Be So Done So S
                             Sealed Pee Peeled Parted From Senses

Saturday, October 10, 2015

I'm Not Snivelly I'm Not Snivelling I'm S'now Snow Sn'ore N'ore Not Oth Thin IN Hin Ing Short Of - Ta Ta Tall I'm Shorting So Sor Sorts Shorts-Fa-Fa-Fall Down So E-E-Ef-EF-For-4-Fort-Grass DarkCo-Col-Grrrrr-GrowGrowl-Grin-Grand-Growing-Grants-Granting-Eyes-MineB-So-Fee-Fie-I-Foe I Eyes Plant Seed Wee Wee Ee Eee Eee Eeds-Pl-Ply I So Sew Soe Soap Lat Ath @ Lather Self I Do Cloth Drop Skin Moon Stars Cool Breeze brrr Btush My Ache My Nake My Name Mine Morrels Sell be So Old Sold Selling Slipping Sins Sinning Nature's Naught Ought I'm Knotting Nasting Nifting Snipping Sniping Striipng Dow Dow Ow Own 2 My Birth My Etre My Hum Ume Aine Man-Boy Blushing Blatant Blasting Blowing Brimming Brows Naked Be As They May Now 2 ALL U Be!

                                 I'm Not Snivelly I'm Not Snivelling I'm
                                 S'now Snow Sn'ore N'ore Not Oth Thin
                                 IN Hin Ing Short Of - Ta Ta Tall I'm Sh
                                 orting So Sor Sorts Shorts-Fa-Fa-Fall Do
                                 wn So E-E-Ef-EF-For-4-Fort-Grass Dark
                                 ee-Fie-I-Foe I Eyes Plant Seed Wee Wee E
                                 e Eee Eee Eeds-Pl-Ply I So Sew Soe Soap L
                                 at Ath @ Lather Self I Do Cloth Drop Skin
                                 Moon Stars Cool Breeze brrr Btush My Ach
                                 e My Nake My Name Mine Morrels Sell be
                                 So Old Sold Selling Slipping Sins Sinning N
                                 ature's Naught Ought I'm Knotting Nasting N
                                 ifting Snipping Sniping Striipng Dow Dow O
                                 w Own 2 My Birth My Etre My Hum Ume A
                                 ine Man-Boy Blushing Blatant Blasting Blow
                                 ing Brimming Brows Naked Be As They May
                                 Now 2 ALL U Be!

Friday, October 9, 2015

I'm Too Demanding! No One Can Meet My Demands Not Even Me I'm Ask Ass-Kin-Neighbor-King-Quee-Uee-We-Us-You-2-3-4-All-The-More-2-Two-Too-Much-Mass-Mucho-Ucho-Trop-Muito-Mas!

                                 I'm Too Demanding! No One Can Meet
                                 My Demands Not Even Me I'm Ask Ass

                                  2 4 Grande Great Grease Grin Grind Gra
                                  Ra Rand I'm 2 So Very Vary Over Ohh-V
                                  Vagina Tit Ass Hand Boca Bit Batch So
                                  Sna Na Nag Snatch Each Free Fresh My
                                  Fa Fac Ace-Fffffff Face Mash In Da Nat
                                  To Cat Cat @ Catch Caw Cau Cau Ough
                                  B Capered Tossed Teased Tested Tore T
                                  tANGO tEmpered I'm Ohh OVER TOP

                                  I Go @ IT Ask Too Way Yeah 2 2 2 Mu
                                  Uch Molto Many Martyred Mistered Mi
                                  Iss I Want It ALL Ahhhhhh Be I Eyes M
                                  Mmmmmmm Hor Or Who Ore I'm Not
                                  Go Gol Old Scold Scorn Bit Lots Bittered
                                  Bar Barned Burst I Eyes Third Bird Bush
                                  Balm Itch Test My Est My Ouest My Sud
                                  Mine Nord Ma Cuisse Ma Quest I'm Push

                                  2 Touch TASTE Manger Comer CumBso
                                  Eeeeee Wheee Mine Wee My Hard My No
                                  Osts Ostril Flair Flare Fly Flame My Dick
                                  B Lame Lam On Am Am Amb Not So Ag
                                  Thoughts Agile My Pen My Is My Pry Ry
                                  Drin Rin Ink Rub Ho Ho Help My Dick 2
                                  Plea To Lea 2 Last 2 Come Cum Not Be
                                  So En So Flagi Not Lagi-La-Le-Lent-Spe
                                  Pen Mine Is Pent-Spent-Spun-Be42Squirt!

                                  Feel Dumb Like Comme Si Littel Squirt A
                                  Kid An Old Red Rusty Rusted Feet Ked M
                                  Might I Not Be Mighty Mm Morph-Fin-Fu
                                  2 Much Ask 4 2 B Steeled Hee Heel Eeled
                                  Wanting Ho Hol Into HoleWholeFitDickD
                                  Dere Darn Spank Mine Yarn My Bunda U
                                  Yours So Mighty Fist-Fighty-Slip-Slighty
                                  Stem Stern Storm No Nor Orme Norman B
                                  Brand Bray My Master My Baster 2 Itch B

                                  Go Gon On One On U On Her On Him Hum

Anthony Quinn Dis : De Touche Nos Etres Oui Si Claro Es Verdad C'est Bien L'Essence-Meme-Nous! Vendredi Soir Le 10 Octobre, 2015 Chez Moi Ce Soir A 1152 PM ...

Anthony Quinn dis : De touche nos etres, nos fonds nos portes nos centres, nos emotions nos caracters , nos sortis, nos murs nos fenetres nos entres nos psychs, nos calmes, nos electricites, nos challeurs, nos raisons caches, nos maisons nos chateaux, nos piscines, nos chalets, nos hammeaux ... nos maries nos antoinettes nos nous-memes ...
Like   Comment   

Thursday, October 8, 2015

My Penis My Cock My Rock, Rock You Baby!

                              My Penis My Cock My Rock, Rock
                              You Baby!

                              Fly High Them Cowboys! Cows Trous
                              Pings Of Pows Wow Wow Wows Dem

Master Mine Art Arting My Part 2 So
Mome In Live I Eyes Mine All Live
I'm Rife I'm Strife I'm Like Old Like N
New Rough Rye Ride Rider Knife 2
Nitch 2 Knot 2 Punl Tu Ture Toe So
Kick My aunts My ALL MIne Bins Bines

My Penis My Cock My Rock, UmeBit!
Rock You Baby! Sock Eye Me 'Twee
We WeanNotKnotYesSoCaughtUPuIN


Fly High Them Cowboys! Cows Trous
Pings Of Pows Wow Wow Wows Dem
No Pale A Shade Of Power Of Masc Cu
Que On Quaint2Pai-Pain-Not-Paint A
Strin A ri A trike A Mick Mike All Our
Male Sail Nail Migh Migh Might A Gen
En In On Gents' Bites Bits Nip Nip Nips!

The Tar Da Leath A Eath Earth Tarred S
ooooooo Star Par Part 'tweem Cuises A
Snap A Snape @ Na Na Nape I Sooo Ac
He-She Ache To Boo Oo Boot Shake Da
Boot Da Bit It IT Itch-Bbbbbb Boo Boob
Bray Brain Be IT So Nat@Atu@You-Ra
Rah Rahl All My Ache I-U--Want So Mm
MmmmmmOr Ore-2-Me-U-B, I-2-U-Be
Less On Lees I Drop On Knees I Prop I
Dru RuRu Rum CheeseMyChest-Mmm
How Owl HowlHurtHerSheMeDoMeSO
Breack Brack Broke I'm Not Stoke Not S
e-4-U-Squeal Squirt Squand My Lance My
Wan Wain Wand My Flesh My Pulse My
All Thoughts I Do U @ Dire Devore De-S
Erve Swerve Un-My-Nerves-My-Sense B
Ground be meat be On Floor Round-Me-U
Us ALL I Note U Take None U Move On

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Cricks Of The Kets Is Mellow Ellow Sooo Ellowing Soft Oft-CloClos-Close Softer As Is The Cool Nigh Nigh Night Now ...

                                 The Cricks Of The Kets Is Mellow Ellow
                                 Sooo Ellowing Soft Oft-CloClos-Close So
                                 fter As Is The Cool Nigh Nigh Night Now ...

                                 Came In From Sigh Sigh Side To Wring To
                                 Wing My Wan Want-Wand I To So Wand
                                 My Sky My Ponder-Po Po Ping Da Pond
                                 I Swin Win Wim Wim Fall Now The Calm
                                 Sum Of Summer Per May Yeah Haps Be
                                 Go Gon Gone One Two Going Going A
                                 Might A Heave A Ho A Can It Candle Ow
                                 Out Mighty Blow So On To Other Yes Be
                                 Thinking Of 'Nother Not One Not Summer
                                 Fall's Not Just Ohhhh No-Not Bum Bum N
                                 Broad Brim So To Skim Not Scam Finge
                                 R R's Hands R R's Toe Oe Toes Tan I Did
                                 Trail I Di Days-Two Ahhhh Ago Try 2 Tail
                                 Feel My Eel My Lings My Langs Longing
                                 Lasting La Long La Lap Be Us Now Danc

                                 In Ing Out To Tan TANG Ang Tangle Gle-

I'm Shivering I'm Cold / I'm Naked I'm Bold!

                                              I'm Shivering I'm Cold /
                                              I'm Naked I'm Bold!

                                              I So Am Get To Get I
                                              Getting Ohhh So Old!
                                              Yeah Orn So All Way
                                              Ways I Do Oth Yes Ot
                                              Hers Be I 2 Them Sco
                                              Co Col Ol Old I'm So
                                              Be I Etes All My Two
                                              Cen Sen En Ent Enter
                                              I Squee Wee Weez Eze
                                              Mine Ass My Legs My
                                              3rd Small Quai Uai Ain
                                              t Stick My Ply My Lia
                                              Iab Iable Fles Les Esh
                                              It Be Blessed Be Rest
                                              Be Curse Be Save My
                                              Ave Avi Avio Vio Vio
                                              Rrrrrrrr So Old So Toe
                                              Tol Told Tested Once
                                              be It 4 Once Best Bested

                                             Now So Wim Wim Im
                                             Like I'm It 2 Wimp Like
                                             I Do Skim Kim Kimp I
                                             Hard Can Bare Ha Ha Ha
                                             R'ddddd Ard No Flesh-
                                             Solid Bard Bad I'm 2 Old!

Gotta Pee! Squeezing The Head Of My Penis Legs-Mine, Too Tie-Tight QUICK! Together! Need To Bad Sooooo Now To Must Soooooonnnnn To Peeeeeeeee!

                               Gotta Pee! Squeezing The Head Of My Penis
                               Legs-Mine, Too Tie-Tight QUICK! Together!
                               Need To Bad Sooooo Now To Must Soooooon
                               nnnn To Peeeeeeeee! Piss Piss Post My Pee!

                               Thoughts Gath Get Be They To Try Bath Ath
                               Go THEM Gather Yeah yet My Pee My Pen
                               Prick Pricking Me Soooo Me Tell Telling Me
                               Soon I Will So Need Some Yeah Bad Someth
                               Need 2 Pee 2 Out 2 Duck Bos Mine 'Splo Plo
                               Load Mine 2 Cert Now Or Quick Un Un Low
                               High Flow Stow Tow Throw My-Mine Lick
                               IT Ick It Itty Itteee Sply Pie Plode Plose Mine
                               Booming So Bro Rod Road I Cast I Blast I B
                               Burn My ear My Eyes Squint Tie Tight I'm
                               Be TETHERED Taut Tense Tease Toes Tor
                               Tossed Now ALL Cums Together My Need 2
                               Shy Shi Hi Hi IT Hit Let Loose My Liquids
                               My So Sol Ol Oli Oli's Li's Lids Come Burst
                               Out Ow Ow Ouch 2 Together They Plo Plo
                               Two Loads 2 Modes 2 Missions 2 Batches O
                               I'm Tested Tossed Boss Boss So Now By My

                               Mine Dick My Jay Jane Jack My Hole My
                               Mind's Now Over Yes Wrought Yes Stop Op
                               Opped With Only Needing Kneeding Legs S
                               Ohhhhh Squeeze Together Grunt Grind Load

Friday, October 2, 2015

Pssssttttttt! Psych Ike Del Deli Foof Fond Friends Ma Mak Ak Ake All More Be Bet On Bette I'm I'll So Be Soon Da Oui Si Yeah Yet Soooooo Much Daaaaaaaaaaaaa betting With No One I KNOW Da An Swe We Wer Win I'm Winni Not Whine I Dime Not Nick No Ick Not ickle No Dime Some Hum Uma Uma Our R's SlimeFat Fused Fuss Bud Udd Uddin Ding ON Best be My Have R Havio Avio Vor Vora Ora At @ Ation Suck To Dim Sum To Some Be Summed be Blow Low Hi High Flown Blown Sewn Sohn So Special Blasted Blown My My My Luck Have @ It Bone!

                                Pssssttttttt! Psych Ike Del Deli Foof
                                Fond Friends Foo Food Ood In Da O
                                Odd-Hhhhhh I B Bud Yours Budding
                                Ma Mak Ak Ake All More Be Bet On
                                No Now Never OhhVvvv Over No Ma
                                Ack To Maqui Aqui Age All Old Da O
                                Ohhhh Older Bet Bette Be Best Eve Be
                                Old Grow Soft Less Stiff Yeah Parts Se
                                Ex X Not Grow Not No X Not Tend To

                               Not Get A Ahh Aro Rou Ou Ous Use Us
                               Men Get UP Not Ease With Ease To Us A
                               All Selfs Elves Selves Selfish 2 Want Pee
                               Preen Quee Ueeeeee Ueen Steen Stern Ste
                               Tem Je Me I My All Self  Taime Lov Ove

                               Lover My All So My Come Me Plete Cum
                               Pa Pan An Ani Anio Nio Nion Ion Pee-On
                               Cum Onto Up Into Strip Stem Star Tar Tea
                               Team Temper aunt Tain Tain Enter Into Up

                               Bette I'm I'll So Be Soon Da Oui Si Yeah Yet            
                               Soooooo Much Daaaaaaaaaaaaa Betting With
                               No One I KNOW Da An Swe We Wer Win I'm
                               Winni Not Whine I Dime Not Nick No Ick Not
                                ickle No Dime Some Hum Uma Uma Our R's
                                SlimeFat Fused Fuss Bud Udd Uddin Ding ON
                                Best be My Have R Havio Avio Vor Vora Ora
                                At @ Ation Suck To Dim Sum To Some Be Sum
                                med be Blow Low Hi High Flown Blown Sewn
                                Sohn So Special Blasted Blown My My My Luck
                                Have @ It Bone!

                                Brawn Braun Spun Spin Spit Spat Sprint Sprung!