Thursday, April 28, 2016

To Thanks Be I Thankful Eyes Mine Full Thanks-Of Eve Even Tired When Tires Mine Still Spin Lead Me 2 Sin Saint-Not My 1st IMPulse , NO, Not Way @ ALL, I Am Too Quick Too Much Splash Too Much Da Dah Dash, Soon As Soooooooooo I Will May be Event It Will be To See Me Come Cum Buckets Ah Aaaahhhhh Yeah Yes, @ IN Ow OUT o Cray Cray Crave Rave Rant Run Rinse Plu Plun Lun Lung Lungs Mine @ To ImMEDiate Fly Cry Not Cring No Syringe, I Am Too ALL, Myself Always Ready Real Excite No Need To Further Artifficial Stimules, Too Man-Woman Visuals Stimules Out There o get Rise UP UP In-OUT Rise So Wonder So Wander My ALL MIne Sun My Set My Rise Surfprise U me Us ALL 4 To Share To Pass To Spin To Span To Divide 'N Con Conq Onqu Que Quaint Quant Stray Straight Meme Queer To Make So Many Pass So Much Green Grow Da Grass Here By My Our Sides, Into ALL We I You Us Do Glist-N-Glide ON 4 Da Ride With Sooooooo Much saint Solemn Simple Start Stare Pride Ahhhhhhhhhh All On Our Siden Now Ho Ho Hop Do Not Stop Stand Sit Squat Cop-A-Squat Squint Squeeze 4 There Be So Much Life So Much ick ickl ickle UP Mine R's Yours Theirs Them's Sc Scrt Rot Rich Rinds Roms u um ums! Yeah!!!!

                                 To Thanks Be I Thankful Eyes Mine
                                 Full Thanks-Of Eve Even Tired Whe
                                 n Tires Mine Still Spin Lead Me 2 Si
                                 n Saint-Not My 1st IMPulse , NO, No
                                 t Way @ ALL, I Am Too Quick Too M
                                uch Splash Too Much Da Dah Dash, So

                                on As Soooooooooo I Will May be Even
                                t It Will be To See Me Come Cum Bucke
                                ts Ah Aaaahhhhh Yeah Yes, @ IN Ow OU
                                T o Cray Cray Crave Rave Rant Run Rinse
                                Plu Plun Lun Lung Lungs Mine @ To ImM
                                EDiate Fly Cry Not Cring No Syringe, I Am

                                Too ALL, Myself Always Ready Real Excite
                                No Need To Further Artificial Stimules, Too
                                Man-Woman Visuals Stimules Out There To G
                                et Rise UP UP In-OUT Rise So Wonder So Wa
                                nder My ALL MIne Sun My Set My Rise Surf
                                prise U me Us ALL 4 To Share To Pass To Spin

                               To Span To Divide 'N Con Conq Onqu Que Quai
                                nt Quant Stray Straight Meme Queer To Make So
                                Many Pass So Much Green Grow Da Grass Here
                                By My Our Sides, Into ALL We I You Us Do Glist
                                -N-Glide ON 4 Da Ride With Sooooooo Much Sain
                                t Solemn Simple Start Stare Pride Ahhhhhhhhhh All

                                On Our Siden Now Ho Ho Hop Do Not Stop Stand
                                Sit Squat Cop-A-Squat Squint Squeeze 4 There Be S
                                o Much Life So Much ick ickl ickle UP Mine R's You
                                rs Theirs Them's Sc Scrt Rot Rich Rinds Roms Tu Tu
                                m Tums! Yeah!!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Call To Wild Be / While Breath Take We Souls Ours / Be Drawn Natural Willowy Wild See / Give To ake Be aken Be Made / Yeah Rampage Wilder Nah Nah Nah Nah NAH NAH Ness, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! What Wild Nature's Full Undrees, Loose Da Stress Naughty Finesse, Flanks Flaring Nostrils Inhaling So Draw Draw Drawing The Apes In Us, Those Brutish Brawls 4-Appandage Crawl Scrawl, R Sweats Our Flames Our Workings So Tall Simply Wide Wild Why Wonders Prancing Plunders Balls Dat Balder Dat Da Dah So Us All Dash, Sunken Treasures Tree Roots Gone Deep Dark Willy Wanton Wild Silly Imps Us Smile Smirk Smart Smell Da Sweat R Trunks R True Colors The rusty Smells Of Living Loaned Laughed Larked Learned Lanterns Lame Laments Do 4 Forth Worlds Whirl Squire Squirrel Tree trunks Tree Limbs Lamps R's Listen Loan Loath Lie To Be Laughing To Sleep Late!

                                            The Call To Wild Be / While Breath Take
                                            We Souls Ours / Be Drawn Natural Willo
                                             wy Wild See / Give To ake Be aken Be M
                                             ade / Yeah Rampage Wilder Nah Nah Nah
                                             Nah NAH NAH Ness, Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!

                                            What Wild Nature's Full Undrees, Loose Da
                                            Stress Naughty Finesse, Flanks Flaring Nost
                                            rils Inhaling So Draw Draw Drawing The Ap
                                            es In Us, Those Brutish Brawls 4-Appendage
                                            Crawl Scrawl, R Sweats Our Flames Our Wor
                                            kings So Tall Simply Wide Wild Why Wonders
                                            Prancing Plunders Balls Dat Balder Dat Da Da

                                            h So Us All Dash, Sunken Treasures Tree Roots
                                            Gone Deep Dark Willy Wanton Wild Silly Imps
                                            Us Smile Smirk Smart Smell Da Sweat R Trunks
                                            R True Colors The rusty Smells Of Living Loane
                                            d Laughed Larked Learned Lanterns Lame Lamen
                                            ts Do 4 Forth Worlds Whirl Squire Squirrel Tree tr
                                            unks Tree Limbs Lamps R's Listen Loan Loath Lie
                                            To Be Laughing To Sleep Late

                                            Confetti Rolls Thrown Balcons Beckon Brace So O
                                            Counting Trails As To Ground Throw To Grass Kn
                                            ow To Bound To Trounce To Traipse Be So Tram
                                            Tram ramped As In Proper Props Of Peeps Vamps!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tonight The / Drive Do We ? Have We At Night? ... Le 17 Aout, 2011 ....

Tonight The / Drive Do We ? / What Kind Drive / Have We At Night ? / What's Good For The / Night ? Male ? Female / Who Wants To Bite ? / Who Will Bite ? What / Feels Right ? / In The White Bulb / Glare Of Light Electric / Sharp Edges Or In / The Comfort Of Darkness / Night ? Hide Away / With Me Let's be Silent / Partners In Our Hidden / So Dark! I We Cannot / Se See To Sate - Our Loves Le 17 Aout, 2007, :9:48P.M. ...

Monday, April 11, 2016

Eloquent Tangent / Gent Bent Tial / Tale / Talk Wine Talking Be / ...

                                Eloquent Tangent
                                Gent Bent Tial - Tale
                                Talk Wine Talking Be
                                Can It Me We Be

                                In No Harm Yet Harm
                               Mon " On " ( Moan ) Ny
                               (Knee My Knees Yours )
                               In Out Through Pass ( Ow
                               Owl Out! ) In Be Know

                               You Between In Tot
                               Tou ( Tout ) Tal Harmony
                               To Wine Loose Oosen
                               ( Goo Gew Goose Dr Si! )
                               Me Tongue Cheek Out

                              Peak Thoughts Feelings
                              Mine I Dine I Wine ( Din )
                              ( Head High Soooo Spy Sp
                              Pi Pie Pin Sin Say So Saint
                              It Ain't Paint Me Black S
                              Ooohhhhhh Say We ALL

                             Can Do Will Sooooo See )
                             Win Not Whine Speak (2
                             U Us We-Me-Three-Whee! )
                             Squeak Not ( No Now Free )                  
                             I Am Fed Led ( Bred Bread )


                           Red Cheeks Flush Gush
                           My Face Red Eden
                           Flush Out In Cleans

Le 30 Juillet , 2007 , Lundi soir chez nous , and all that is in parentheses I just added. Cheers!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Beguile /You Be Guy Aisle Me / I be Girl Pearl Whirl You ... hursday, April 12th, 2007 In Washington D.C. Northwest, Cleveleand Park Neighborhood, 20008 : Yes!

                                            You Be Guy Aisle Me
                                            I Be Girl Pearl Whirl You
                                            No! You Not Be Guy
                                            Be Girl You So As
                                            Me You Beguile

                                            All he While I Smile
                                            How So ? Easy So 4 U
                                            Your Smile It Take
                                            Beguiling Wondrous

                                          Rousing Stirring Purring
                                          Eyes Lift Brows Touch
                                          Ears Perk Stares Peak
                                          All Seven Sense Alert
                                          Overt Not Inert Spurt
                                          Spin Swim Run Meet

                                         Incite Ignite Excite Feel
                                         Reel Into Bite Sink
                                         Be Me Guy Your Guy
                                         Wink Wink After Wonder
                                         Me ? Why ? Blink Eye

                                        Mine A Maze Get Through
                                        Into Light Yours Mine
                                        Be We The Next Pair ?
                                        Steal Not Our hunder !!

#2 Le 12 Avril 2007, Jeudi matin au travail a Washington D.C. ...



Sunday, April 3, 2016

I Bristle I Bright, I Wrattle And Fight .... March 2nd, 2016 ....

I bristle, I bright, I wrattle and fight , For more fertile , fur-tility kept , on animals backs , held them warm stay , spring of produce , spray to sprung be , their sung songs, more make mire , not mirror reflect , inner purp pose prayer ... part two of my poem on December 15th, 2007, Saturday morning, hope you enjoy it!

Be Kind, As Kind As, Kind Can Be A, Re-a-Spe Spec Pec Pec Pect, ... Full Of Hope ... 4/2/2016

Be kind as, kind can be a , re- a spe spec pec pec pect, full of hope, plein de joie, si claro clear be hone in on-it yours, ours, we'rezzzzzzz such tran-2-clair-clear-spar-par-ours-pairs-ours-triples-r's, no, not none not tripped gipped gupped up, remember geing once by other teens ' geeped '? Or was it ' geaped?!? " I got once, in pool, Beane's pool really intent my pup my ten my twen my ties to my own it yeah, not loanded yet, y pole a tent a fly by the swim by my ming Ming might ogh ohhhhhhh so mr misses madame mademoiselle, two madeloiselles intent on geapin gipping geeping my pup my third what do , did then then call, all, ball, ohhhh , ballz zzzzzzz I can I may I cannot can it not I am flesh my heat my bod my brain I do animal bray they girls yound with pinchers theirs ahhhhh ouch fingers pinching sqealing gayly gaily-they in triumph phhhhhhh pphhhhhhh mmmmmmmm ogh, oh , da deal, theurs, in such delight in pool then the Beane's no Katie there, just as well, respect for her 4 her had still I do, others names, now pow bam so many years later strain brain I eyese turn inside, and yet theirs their names cannot re not meme no not at all remember, just the act the want the desire to fire so up mine my yeah it then still be proud I eyes all turned then four be they then , now I know not ON 2 my mine grow-easy-then-dif-bit-dif-now-IT-so-sorrry-IT-not not so easy my mine groin I growl I prow prowl like owl mine groin, poing it do pin ping sin sing win wing swin swim swant ahhhhhhhhh still factions lots loads all on boeards, surf I so now bod mine body say I sail I fly flail some bits nail nay nayes pays pails tails tales snay snai nai nails be they still withing not beyond the pales bales male-females trails! enjoy all my typos there are many, will correct tomorrow, for now they stay as typed!

Remember You I Want To Know You @ Fascine-Ate-ME U Do Dew Does Fawns You me Captive-Va-Va-Va-Va-Vate Soooooooo, My Be I Bit Slow-2-U-Foll-Fall-All-Allow-Low-Hi-High-Hell-Heave-Ho-Eaven-He-She-Us-Talk Like This I Am ALL So Go Go Go ALL Ahhhhh-Glow!

                                Remember You I Want To Know You @ Fascine-Ate-ME
                                U Do Dew Does Fawns You me Captive-Va-Va-Va-Va-Vate
                               Soooooooo, My Be I Bit Slow-2-U-Foll-Fall-All-Allow-Lo
                              w-Hi-High-Hell-Heave-Ho-Eaven-He-She-Us-Talk Like This
                              I Am ALL So Go Go Go ALL Ahhhhh-Glow!

                             U R Take-N Bit Brake Broke Bracken Braken And Me-Tell G
                             Oooooooooo Spend My Time With Someone Else You R So
                             Very Direct! You Hurt Me Some Your Words Pierce My Skin
                             My Blood Red Turns Quick Dead-Blue Blasts Of Words Are
                            Hard Steel Co Co Ol Ol Cold-Present-Piercing-Punches Not Y
                            et Old Like As @ 2 Me Sooooooooooo Hard Me My Uck Scold!

                            You Blame It, Sorry Excuse On Italian Wine, Ow Ow Ouch Ugh!
                            Puts You In A Bad Mood So So Sore Sorry 4 That My Dear Fri
                            End! You Still Are Eve Yeah Even So very Stephen With Bagg
                            Age Like That!?! 42 2 2 32 22 12 To Too Never Too Old or You
                            Always Young-Least-thOUGHTS-Yours-In-Out-Ahhhh-About
                           Swim My Dearness My Gift My Female Stubborn-Differ-Iffer-S
                           ooooooooooo Vary Various Very Female-MY-Other-Part-Smart
                           PerSO-haps-2-3-4--TOO Smart Intellect-Not-All-That-You-R-
                           Your Blood-Red Runs Rampaging Rampant Vam Vamp-U-R-SO
                           Amp Samp Damp Amping Stam Stam Tam Tamp Tamping In U
                           Your Posts Your Pets Your Husband's Brilliance His Brand Of  In
                           Tell Me You us Your Daughter Does IT Yeah, Does IT Let You In
                           Or Does It frost-Freeze U Keep You Froze Dry Dried Fade Faded
                           Rose Ohhhhh My Van My Vani An An Ani Only You Knows Dis
                           4 Sure?!? So More ON Move Along Unfreeze Catch Da Breeze Ye
                           You My Dear Need A Good Squeeze Toe-Hands-Fingers Touch Ah

                          Sleeze ... Trees Whees Winters-Unfreeze Flesh Fly Out Fleshing Yes
                          Some Flowing Flaunting Flashing Flirting Just With Yourself Yeah
                          Allow Now Yourself To Smile To Feel Embolden Be Not Holden NO
                          No One Just 2 Yourself 2 To Now Must You You Please! Ease Your
                          Fight Inner Self With Now Dearest Colleague Artist In Red Blood
                          Hot Hard Won Hard Fought 4 Life 4 Love 4 Laughter 4 Self So Yeah!

Cool As A Cucumber, Makes Me Wanna Cuke It Does, How Sad Is That ?!?!!!!!!# Sad, Sad, Sad!

                          Cold As  Cucumber
                          Makes Me Wanna
                          Cute! It Does , How
                          Very Sad Is That!?!?

                          Responses Order Is
                          Limiting So Very So
                          I Scream Inside I X
                          As To Implode My
                          Inner Imp As 2 B      
                          Pinned Pumped Go
                          Gimped Feels So R
                          robbed Unrobed G
                          Skin Skimmed Yeah
                          She Me Has Served
                          me Mired Me PimpD

                          Feel So . Robbed So
                          Slapped So Ignored!
                          No Inter No Outer N
                          It Knot Naught I So
                          To Be Happy Yes So
                          Her Answers Repleyes
                          Closed Clothed SphinX
                          -Like, I Not Like @ALL!

                         I Deserve Better Butter
                         Dan Than Pam Dam-N!
                         No Spam Not Be Cramm
                         Ed Knot Be Sammed No
                         M'Ammed Just Blood Yu
                         Yours Give Me Some Now!