Saturday, May 30, 2015

I'm So Horny I Pop I Pop Eye-Eyes-All-Ayes-SO-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP : Ow Out Loud I Scream I Cream I So Rub My Dream 4 Dar Ra Rah Rah Rah Dram : 2 Plo Lo Lode Load ALL Mine You Yours Doors Pores Purse Lipe Oh Ohh Op Opt 2 OhhPen Mou Ou Outh Uth I Do Scream I Do So Roar My Horn My Horn My Kness Bend I Do NO Not So Ease Not Mend I 2 Split Spend 2 U Yeah Mine Seas My men Mens ALL 2 U I Gift Sift I Sper Purr Purt Spert X's Y's U 2 Will U 2 They Now Ahora Ahhhh Agora Wiil 2 U Mine ALL So Now Send 2 Feel 2 Reel To Squeal Spend-On-Da-Me-U-All-Over-Mess-Me-Men-Mend Uhhh UP Upper bend! IEyes U Yours 2 Defend!

                                  I'm So Horny I Pop I Pop Eye-Eyes-All-Ayes-
                                  SO-POP-POP-POP-POP-POP : Ow Out Loud
                                  I Scream I Cream I So Rub My Dream 4 Dar R
                                  a Rah Rah Rah Dram : 2 Plo Lo Lode Load AL
                                  L Mine You Yours Doors Pores Purse Lipe Oh
                                  Ohh Op Opt 2 OhhPen Mou Ou Outh Uth I Do
                                  Scream I Do So Roar My Horn My Horn My K
                                  nees Bend I Do NO Not So Ease Not Mend I 2
                                  Split Spend 2 U Yeah Mine Seas My men Mens
                                  ALL 2 U I Gift Sift I Sper Purr Purt Spert X's Y
                                  's U 2 Will U 2 They Now Ahora Ahhhh Agora
                                  Wiil 2 U Mine ALL So Now Send 2 Feel 2 Reel
                                  To Squeal Spend-On-Da-Me-U-All-Over-Mess-
                                   Me-Men-Mend Uhhh UP Upper bend! IEyes U
                                   Yours 2 Defend!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I Just Want o Cum To My Senses I Just Want To Cum Or Else Explode I Just Want To Come For Relief My Release My Salve A Va Vroom Vay Vay Va - Shawn , Vacate Vacation Vacuum Varnish Inner Polish Outer Veneer!

                                 I Just Want o Cum To My Senses I Just Want
                                 To Cum Or Else Explode I Just Want To Come
                                 For Relief  My Release  My Salve A Va Vroom
                                 Vay Vay Va - Shawn , Vacate Vacation Vacuum
                                 Varnish Inner Polish Outer Veneer!

                                  I'm Edge I'm Do Due Done Too Thinking Smart
                                  Need Some Dumb To Be To Hum Hum Hum
                                  As In To Strum As If To Stroke To Stretch To
                                  Fie To Fiddle To Flum Flam Me UP Flame A Fl
                                  La La Lash Cash My Chip My Hip Hip's Hop M
                                  My Engine My Drive My Meal Consume Cum
                                  For My Rand My Randy my Paltry My Owm M
                                  Me Meet My Car Care Ra Rah Ress My Real M
                                  Wanting Release Relief To Spill See In Yead To
                                  Sea Hand You World My White Cream-Of-Seed!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

To Nigh Yeah To Too Nice Night Be! / I'm Be 'Thrall Ball Bill Bat @ BIte Take / We Well Dip Dap So Me My R Ours App Apple / Sny Ni Nip I Nap I Naught I Neck Night Eye So Eyes / Light Night Bugs Fly High Be Dey Lightning / Fla La La Lash Sash Ash Shay Hey You Us Me 'Bove / Ours orbs Disps Pla Play Lay Us On-Over-wins-'n-More Lighting Lightnigh Flashing! Sunday, memorial Day Weekend, May 24th, 2015- Now Monday Early Just! Dark Arc Sliv Live Liver Sly High Hello Mooon's Slice Our Pie So Nigh Nigh Nice!

                                 To Nigh Yeah To Too Nice Night Be! /
                                 I'm Be 'Thrall Ball Bill Bat @ BIte Take
                                 / We Well Dip Dap So Me My R Ours Ap
                                 p Apple / Sny Ni Nip I Nap I Naught I Nec
                                 k Night Eye So Eyes / Light Night Bugs Fl
                                 y High Be Dey Lightning / Fla La La Lash
                                 Sash Ash Shay Hey You Us Me 'Bove / Our
                                 s orbs Disps Pla Play Lay Us On-Over-wins-
                                 'n-More Lighting Lightnigh Flashing!   Sund
                                 ay, memorial Day Weekend, May 24th, 2015
                                 - Now Monday Early Just! Dark Arc Sliv Liv
                                 e Liver Sly High Hello Mooon's Slice Our Pie
                                 So Nigh Nigh Nice!

                                  Warm Want So Such Darn Damn Broke Mine
                                  I'm A Wah Wah Want Wanting Much Such Y
                                  es I myself Confess Mess Must All So Bless I
                                  Can can't So Mighty Bite Be I Bit IT Itt Itten
                                  A Carn My Mot Mr Arn My Ot Oto Otor Na N
                                  aaaaaaa Nal Carn IT Young me Hit Hard 2 B
                                  In Const An ON A Motion of Glits Lits Cli Li
                                  ITS Carnaval Bra Ra Ra Ras As Sil Silled So
                                  File Full Fly Flirt Con I'm A Habit A Bit-Lot
                                  Such A Darn Yeah GO Gos Osh Osh Flirt 2 B
                                  Bless 2 Love All 2 Wa Wa Want ALL Peop S
                                  Salts Slats Lits Slit Lits Be Burn My Soul My
                                  2 4 ALL Fema Ema Ma Ma Male Ale Ales I
                                  So Now Then There This That Thun Hun I Do
                                  U ALL Want 2 B Ha Ha Hap Ap Appy Si Sil
                                  Silly Slappy Happy Loved 2 Weak B So 2 In
                                  Knees Hon Your Honeys Your Girls You U S
                                  SudThud Ground 2 Mighty Misty Me U Pairs

Saturday, May 23, 2015

I Cray Cray Pa Pazz Pas Drawww Raw Col Color / Gut Guts Tie Tigh Me Rile Rip Me Sooo / Strip Tripe Me Gut Rue Rut 2 Nut / NutTin NutKing Me Pay Pain So Have@! Must Paint My Pain My GutGlueUn Nuts Strut Truck Bam Struck!

                                I Cray Cray Pa Pazz Pas Drawww Raw Col Color /
                               Gut Guts Tie Tigh Me Rile Rip Me Sooo / Strip Tri      
                               pe Me Gut Rue Rut 2 Nut / NutTin NutKing Me Pay
                               Pain So Have@! Must Paint My Pain My GutGlueUn
                               Nuts Strut Truck Bam Struck!

                               NO Ifs Ands Or Butts Ho Hee Hee Help Head-Hits O
                               Nuts Naughts Nots Nasts Ast As As Ass-Tees Tie My
                               Bats Balls Juevos Jewels Jeffries Ahhhhh U Killin' Me
                               Words Birds Beaks Bats Bitches Teeease Taunt Test
                               My Testies My Erects My Dire Directs Mine Drives I

                               Driven Drawn Drafted Grafted Gifted Knotted Nipped
                               No Why-Where-Want-Use-Need-Butt-Bust Brat Me
                               Nice Ice Iceties I'm Tied Lash Bash Titted By Crush
                               Juice Spruce Sprung Rung I'm So Cented Ented So H
                               SheHe Hell Helped-Not-Nice-Not-Nastied Naughtied!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I W-W-W-WantAnt-T He Her Her Her-R Righ Right-T T'Now! She He He He's-Sh-Sh-Sheeeeee's MeMyOhhhhh Aw Awl ALL Mine For Her I Pie-My Pine Pin Her Pint Her Come When I ClosedEyes I'm I'm A ImageHers ImagineHer! All Love Alt Lovel Ovel So Vel Vel Vely B BlueurnSkin "CauseOfHer I Do EtesUPFill BLUR! Who Ho Hole Bod Od OdEEEEE Mine Body One Big SmiShiHitEyesTween HeadToeTwosToo Stir Purr Me2HerLure!

                                              I W-W-W-WantAnt-T He Her Her Her-R Righ Right-T
                                              T'Now! She He He He's-Sh-Sh-Sheeeeee's MeMyOhhhhh
                                              Aw Awl ALL Mine For Her I Pie-My Pine Pin Her Pint H
                                              er Come When I ClosedEyes I'm I'm A ImageHers Imagine
                                              Her! All Love Alt Lovel Ovel So Vel Vel Vely B BlueurnS
                                              kin "CauseOfHer I Do EtesUPFill BLUR! Who Ho Hole Bo
                                              d Od OdEEEEE Mine Body One Big SmiShiHitEyesTween                                                                   HeadToeTwosToo Stir Purr Me2HerLure!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I Came On To The Sky I Made A Tiny Splash / Blonded By The Light-Stars-Just A Sli Sliver / Of The Moon Eyes Mine Dashing Straight 'N / Ahhh Above The Motion Eeeee.Motions Yeah Smy My Mile Smile / Long I Come 4 Fort So Nake My Ache I Luck Stroke 2 Have ... 5/20/2015

I Came On To The Sky I Made A Tiny Splash /
 Blonded By The Light-Stars-Just A Sli Sliver /
 Of The Moon Eyes Mine Dashing Straight 'N /
Ahhh Above The Motion Eeeee.Motions Yeah
 Smy My Mile Smile /
 Long I Come 4 Fort So Nake My Ache I Luck
 Stroke 2 Have
I Came Onto The Night I Came 4 My Neigh-Nigh
Glued Eyes 2 Skies Lights Neighbor's Blow-Me
Wa Wa Jimmy's " All Along The " The Mood
JoJoe Just Right In Sile I I'll Soft Warm Silence I
My Hand's Rub
I Came 4 Da Con Da Ta Ta Tact A Fro Front Si
Ohhh Open Dis A Pla La La Play Eyes Mine B
ON Yeah Disp Wit Shar Share Sharp I Harp 2
Her With Play Known My Pre Re Res Resence
ON OFF There Yards Ahhhh Way Way Way I
Mean Meant 2 B
Make My Of Fer Her 2 B Her By Soon Hoping
I  Eyes Roving Mine In The Night Da Warm Arm
The Full Aahh Ra Rah Ray Nights' Sounds Skies
Works Cracks Spars 2 Sparks Mine Distrays My
Ohhhhh Mine All Wonder Whoa Whoa I Wand
Way Mine All Do So Direct Her 2 Then Now Wa
Wa Ohhh Over Fields Water Grasses @Her Wave!
Can No Not And Won't My Stave Non Nunca Sa
Sashay Hey Hey Me B Me Behave  No No Way!?!
Yet Sile Exiled Yes
Social Norms Still @Play Eve Yet Night-Dark Still
I Did Come I Did So Succumb Suck My Wound My
Thum Thum Tum Rub Rubbedy Flub-No-Not-Snub
Fortune Have me IT  Have No Snub No Snub Just
Quiet Coming B Coming

 ... 5/20/2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Nowhere Scene B Moo No Moo Scene Moon / Seen Da Win The Flow So See Eye Mine / ... Monday AM 5:03 AM To be Exact, May 17th, 2016 In Northern Virginia Looking Up @ The Stars!

Nowhere Scene B Moo No Moo Scene Moon / Da win The Few So See Eye Mine / I Scene Ache Warm Arm Ho Old Cup Gree Reet Reat / Greem T I T B ea Make 'N / Mill Stars Bove Wis Wis Two Thin Wit Whit Hi Hit Dey / So Wink wins Twink Da Grrr-No-Not Smi My Mile-Smile Girls Boys Sta Ta Tar Ta's-Ahhhhs @ Wrin Rin Me Winkle @-Like 2 ink Their Go Gol Old Girls-2 winkle Dimps Imps-You-Us-All Still Ra / Ray Rays R's Raid Da ills Till You-We-All-Youth-WeLIKE Spark / Park Kiss Wish Sprint-2-Win-To-Sprinkle Da Pick R's Dust-Not-No-Yeah NO YET : still Tim-Tam Another Set Ga Gams Game Cams Gay So Ha Hap Ha Ap Appy Roun Row Round Play 'Nother Bet! Dark Now Hours Till Next Sun's Set! 5:03 AM dark outside still here en Virginie du Nord Lundi matin chez nous, j'ai des allergies.
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  • Anthony QuinnThank you Rasheed, it is a lot spontaneous, of-the-moment, unedited and pure and I hope as true to what I was thinking, marveling over, enjoying, absorbing myself in : looking up at the stars and enjoying the twinkle that they give, the blanket of white wispy clouds, looking for the moon, the still in the night, it's warmth and comfort, all that and more : that I chop up words, re-attach them, use them as jumping-off points for another thought that , for me, was related, ... and all combined in a fluid letter-puzzle of partial words and many meanings, too. Cheers! TONY 5/ 18 / 2015
    Like · Reply · 9 mins