Thursday, April 11, 2024

Satisfaction in small, medium and large doses, depending, state-of-mind determines a lot


Today has been gardening and transplanting and Australia

Aussie wine history and sales, and moving baby holly

Bushes from one spot to another, as so many shot up in

The flower beds and embraced the sun and would grow

Well there but disenfranchise and disrupt the growth of

The flowers so many that we want to give every chance to

Grow, bloom, spread their petals and shine and shout and 

Hoot and howl their glorious shapes and colors! From the

Budding young sassafras bushes , just one thin lonely stem

Now, soon to expand and fill up more space and announce 

Their shapes and forms and unique characters that make

Them a part of our floral community and ties between

Both land and sky , earth and wind, rock and cloud and

Roots and weathers! Such important parts to bees and so

Many insects and animals from deer to chipmunks to birds

And rolly-polys and butterflies and bumblebees and lady-

Bugs and animal and all living creatures and plants hugs!

And we cannot discount the effects importance of indoors too!

The idea of honesty! Really! You must be joking! What? You serious?! Can you, can we handle it!? Or do we simply say ‘ fuck it! ‘, no one tells the truth, never have, never will,so - why start now?K

 Relative anyway whether with relatives , associates, neighbors

We all live from white lie to white lie as no one is prepared to

Deal with knowing the truth, especially about ourselves, we would

Rather be sugar-coated-floated-flailed-flashed-framed-frozen—fried

Why deal with knowing what we already know and suspect, why

Have it all so blatantly brutally spelled out , emblazoned, tattooed,

Branded in heat on our naked so fragile, delicate, break skins so

That not only we, but the whole world knows, we are not prepared

Sadly I fear unfortunately as humans as we are we will never be!

Monday, April 8, 2024

The fat ti ti tigue of a good grand green earth’s did & trans plan an ant ting of works feels suptptoplime!

 I am bushed gushed crushed here on sit I

Am on my ass my back to the si a breeze

Birds chirp rip urp arp out chrtorting bird!

Their word words sin sand songs sang all

Round me now as I read so very get get getting

Myself ready to read the front page of Sunday’s

Washington Post a day late but never too late

I have a date here soon on our glorious deck with

My beautiful wife, our dog, to here by my side 

We wait for my wife to awake having with our

SeeEclipse of sun partial here by moon just now

From 2 to 4 quite the specs so dark we bpneeded 

To not get blinded by this stunning spectacle not

To return till 2040 so watch in full earnest we sure

Have, I stopped my digging and transplanting, I

Have three more plants to care so be as I round them

In our earth I dig at them trying for a clump to not

Roots all theirs keep as many intact to then move said

Clump to another anointed spot and now the birds

Sing to one another, three at least I do discern and so

In seconds as the owl hoots I will open my can of La

croix sparkling lime and read the Post and then angel

Hair pasta, a chicken thigh grilled on stove in pieces 

And some homemade pesto will make up our dinner

Here on this glory it be MondayvApril 8, 24 outside!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

I feel my buzz, I feel the effect, I am touched by the White wine, I love it!

 I wear the effect as I am effected soooooo

The affect on me has effected me and my 

State of being so lax so relaxed so very 

Muchly mellowed calmed and just being

Here seated and with little desire to move

To do much, just to be here and very easy

Aware without being much aware, so numb

Uncomfortably numb I am  so very numbed

Some might say that I am quite so dumbed!

The love the delight tge wonder of meeting, meetings unplanned, that connectiveness!

 The idea that you hold yourself back to be safe

The dare, the daunt, the devilish heavenish be it

A debate, a struggle, a star an art a start to discover 

Really a reveal, an uncover, a way to be in tune so

As much aware of that which surrounds you, us, we

Are all knee-deep in this together, whether we signed

Up for it IT or not we are now all so very caught up in

IT, not our choice as we were once totally unaware and

Now we are all more so aware vas we wear this addiction

We all share on us, no mistaking any of it, we are involved

And we feel trapped  wrapped, sapped, crapped mapped!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

I am making the most of my time as there is idle times at work when I should be busy

 What to do? Fill my time stay and be me

Be as active as I may be at work doing two

Things or more at once so I eel more full

More fulfilled purposeful and useful Help

Helping myself and others , more helpful

Where I may be! Listening more, being

Patient and looking at the bigger pic yes

That picture That frame inside a frame 

Creating a story and song more than

Only refrains and refraining from the

Obvious and the first impulse as I may 

We may benefit more from acting

Without some sense sometimes 

Of restraint acquaint paint saint!


Thursday, March 21, 2024

To be sooooo very horn knee in one day in just a few hours, to yearn and fiery burrow burn, churn, upturn!

 How can or May a knee be soooo horned!?

Not scarred,  scared or scattered  or scorned

Not shorn of one’s knee’s hairs or even porned!

It goes to physicality to yearning to pissed past

To that inner guts wanting to gain control, to be

That nasty troll, to patrol and practice being led

By our genitals that are crying soooo to be seen,

To be felt used, near abused, to take things to that

Very limit, over and ooohhhh oooohhhh over now

No turning back, just pushing on, up, out,baaahhh

Into onto upon,nsoooo deliciously ready for any

And all things as it is obvious, this may be the 3nd!?!

The life in words is a treat, honor, obligation for me to reveal, unveil, align, distribute, create, piece together, form, envision, capture,nshare

 I react I respond I eat and drink and all

It is absorbed, infused, broken, regurgitate

Mate date rate equate emman ewoman sip

Cip pa ma pa ma ta tat tit tot tip tap pate tate!

All amalgamate all impregnate, sate my fate!

My fat, my belly, it comes with my territory 

I cannot tell you all as I barely know what I know,

And by no means is any of it ALL! I do have a ball!

My balls act up disrupt, inter-outer ME rupt wrap

Strap crap crepe Suzette creep rap tap a tap tap me!

So I do , I work, I move, I lust, I listen, I  long , so 

linger languish brandish outlandish inner , too dish

Push posh past paste parcel partake piss perform pay!

Influencer, navigators, to serve whom, to be the instrument, the pawns of whom!? I do not trust any of this

 And I am a trusting person, I put my trust in my abilities

To navigate, supersede, circumvent , avoid, see through,

Get along, March on, find my paths, keep for the most 

Part, my part, an influencer for the greater good, not for

Or by hire, fired by my own sense of the good and the

Continuation of those values simple and sound that I am

Directed by, by just being alive and open to life, not to

Be bought or taught by others serf-serving interests, I will

Have none of that, you may not buy me, you may not tell

Me what or how to do things, I will use my very own simple

Navigational tools as both an enabler and an influencer that

Gets nothing in return for my actions and efforts except for

My firm belief that it is the right thing for me to be doing, my

Gut tells me so, and so I stick to that, often with a sense of

Being and living quite alone and yet important in the context

Of things in life around me to be very positive and nourishing 

Indeed, in my deeds, my acts, my words my drawings, my photos,

All that I collect, create, assemble share with of things that do

Indeed touch my life so much that I believe so fervently that 

It is my gift to share all of this with you as it touch’s me strongly!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Feeling good this day of Tues! What will it hold, dangle, do, be as I am, too, aware, unaware!?!?

 Only ten minutes to type before I drive off to the known

Not knowing all as so many things simply happen when

I am around ,and I have no real concrete notion of what

They actually may require attention from me , and that,

My friends, those I know, those I do not, are what lies in 

My path in one manner of thinking as that is the old way,

Whatvarebthe new ways? Are there really any new ways

A few precious minutes to sip my coffee now, loving that!

Except for each and every one of us because we are I’ll so

Not acquainted with those things that once occurred over 

And over again, new to those now, too familiar to those of

Yore! Time now for me to get out there and so frankly explore! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The drive home, the best ever! Wowers, powers sowers towers gone by and through green traffic lights missing the reds - NOT!

 I could not believe my good fortune! I slid through

I kept driving, fewer cars ever than I have experienced 

In many drives so few of them to weave in and out and

Disturb my wah! I was sunset tripping as I drove so in

Shock, in surprise! What a treat for me, not upset at my

Drive for a change relieved, it made it so much more

Enjoyable than usual, it has really made my end of day

As the sun took more and more of its leave as I drove

From Washington DC to Virginia feeling grander and

Greater to greatest as I r pad along getting closer and 

So much closer, counting my blessings, so happy to, 

For once be making good time,  ohhhhh what a

Relief it all was and now is as I sit now and type and

Think how lucky I am to be off from work tomorrow,

Here sipping my dry red Carignan Sardinian red so very

Smooth, touch of white pepper and spice, warming red

Wine brew brew brew, no who who who! No need to

Reach out to that Cat in his red Capp! Who knows!?! 

He might have spilled this red wine and turned my life

Now to shades of pink! That would have stirred up

Quite the sink, a really big stink to live with all the pink!

Lap it up baby lap it up so swift so quick so
Lick it ity bitty split splat splash splash crash!

You come over to our house and expect it to be yours, calling the shorts, upset when not alerted, not coming outside to greet our guests


Preferring to be inside, happy to see our dog

Sitting in your place in our living room, read-

Ind, scrolling your iPad while both your mom

And I, your dad, fix dinner, not getting up even

To offer any help, having to be asked to set our

Table, to make water, alla struggle, talking to

Your mother as I am not even there, that hurts!

Telling her what a good meal she has made, never

Acknowledging me and what I might have contributed!

That hurst so bad, makes me so mad! I say nothing to be

Considerate of your mother that will defend you even

When Sophie has asked me to ask you to help her in the

Kitchen. What an awful mess, lazyiness I call it, so self-

Centered, over for another free meal at 38 when you should

Be home with your three cats keeping them company, looking

For your own life apart from us, being brave enough to go out

On a limb, I worry for you, I worry for the both of you, both

Enablers, that special bond is something,  but come on, cut

That umbilical chord once and for all, grow up, move along,

Let each other live your own lives! I worry, too about me? I

Am caught up in all of this and am mad, resentful, hurt, bleeding

 inside, and very unhappy about all of this, so I go off, like so

Many men, not included, not even a second third fourth or fifth

Or spare wheel, like nothing at all, just someone paying some of

The bills and left out for the most part because I am too much 2 handle

And you all simply yes , for sure, simply rather not!

Life hangs in the balance! Less than 13 minutes left! Wolfed my breakfast down, shared three bites with our dog!

 Lunch med, do not have enough hair to

Brush a comb thru it! Walked our dog!

Short cul de sac tour promenade all so

Rather quick but good. He did not poop

But got several pee’s in and loads of 

Life-informing sniffs in! The garbage 

Truck came early, hauled it away with a

Shiny black bag of leaves, a reflection

And a glare, I see myself and the bare 

Brown branches and beautiful baby blue

Sky above! See myself, too in this iPad

Screen! The birdies tweet lovingly loudly,

The rat a tat tat tat tat of a loud woodpecker,

Just once! Have to go in, take vitamins, and

Brush me teet to make up for not having

Much hair, so have to save my teeth!

The woodpecker now takes two more at

Attempts at it! Silence now, the warmth of

 A glorious sun now as we go in and I get

Ready to drive off to work! Did it yes I did do!

Tweet tweet tweet goes that bird, rat a tat tat tatty goes

The woodpecker, off to the races we all go our merry way


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Been a very good day, only six hours at work, more than enough! It fatigues me greatly!

 Coming to the realization that my hours must

Change to fewer as I am too tired these four

Days with driving 45 minutes to and fro, it

Is registering on me in ‘ it’s too much ‘! I am

Feeling the strains, the rips and tears and back

And spine and sometimes shoulder shout-outs

To me, alerting me that I must be careful, I

Must not strain too much! I must so respect

My physical being so that I may maintain my

Health and live to live another joyous healthy day!

The forces be with me, some forced on me, some I force myself against, and others just appear to me

 Their appearance comes quite clearly into me

My brain my skull my thoughts, feelings, soul

Quite spirited most, wordy converses like those

Shoes for running to traverse my many rooms

Like square, as in rectangle, most with windows,

All with doors, sometimes inside of me and yet

Souvent dehors outdoors in explores explodes

So many frogs, lizards, snakes in waters and

Tall grasses, yes Monsieur's Mesdames, and toads!

I love to see them all, that loud pecking of so

Many woodpeckers, there to feast on the bounty

Of so many decomposing limbs and branches,

They, too come in small, mid and large sizes,

And that striking necks in deep bright cadmium

Reds that shout out so quick, such intense flashes

Of their presence, but you have to look quick!

So often they disappear behind the trunks of trees

To be heard and sorely not seen on ‘ mis en scene ‘!

To be so inspired, to as if climb lofty towers outside

Hoping for that best that princess that prince looking

Out a stoned solid window out upon the expanse of

So much held within those plains, those views are

So engaging if not for the only thing in our brains

As we climb up to taste those fruits and sate our

Desires! It’s a worldly wonder, one of so many, mag-

Nified in our thoughts and transcribed from our so

Growing feelings, what if anything will any of us

Attain, if anything at all!?! Which begs the question

Is the moments thinking and wishing for that embrace,

That kiss more rewarding than either embrace or kiss

Once attained!? That’s too much time to spare on our

Hands and in those waves of energies and sparks of

Words to bother with these answers as living fully and

Striving mightily is our path to being so fully engaged

And engaged to marry our actions as they happen and

As they dismay, entertain, befuddle, bemuse, be of

Contract irritations to our very peace of living as us,

As ourselves that should be both championed, congratulated!

Eleven minutes and counting! Birds singing , get noise above just passed over, the bird singing did not notice! Cars pass by,mbreexe welcomes to light my bare skin!!


Sun is all over me as the breeze

Rushes brush’s thrush’s it off me

I ain’t looking out at our garden

That I have raked and bags leaves

Off the ground now for days, black

Shiny bags piled down at our cul-de-

Sac now ready to be trucked away

And the earth and plants so green are

Now more visible as they push up

And out to flower to sprout to tout 

Their magnificent shiny green selves

As I recall yesterday and before the

Loud constant peck of woodpeckers

Needing to eat the bugs in those rot’

Ting woods showing their span of

Lives are perhaps nearing their ends

A sign of age a sign to many of de-

Cline, hard to stomach for many

Men peck too in another fashion

Their peckers insistent a sign of

Their hopeful not decline in their

Masculine fiery fierce manhood

A pleasure and pain equal in parts

To many on earth, so those budding

Jonquils those vibrant yellows in

So many shades and brilliant whites, 

The lavender blooms so round and

Tiny on crawling to low ground 

Vincas such encouraging signs to

Regrowth and rebirth that constant

In life to sustain our passions, contain

Our vigor, repeat our off to on spring!

I have reached my fifteen and must now

Off to work,

Adieu till  my hellos replace my departure 

And usher in my new entrance to you and

Our glorious beautiful shared lives her

On earth onto more living and loving so!