Sunday, July 14, 2024

It is National nude day and night as well as France’s Bastille Day and I am celebrating both as well as my new found self realigned, redesigned redefined, remeasured , remade, slow and steady like the tortoise or the toad standing still, waiting to outstretch its tongue for a morsel so tasty of fly , bug or mouth, dinner is served! Et voila, c’est bien comme ca, je marche dand une facon seule, libre et sans amis!


I have accepted my loneliness as my best friend

Second only to my own self and body as me as

Myself,MAs no one else, bearing & baring my

Life through my acts of actions small steps so

Often that amount to something lie the moving

Of a stone I dig up to now often transplant some

Ferns and ground cover to widen my narrow so 

Oooohhhhhhh yes overgrown path on the side of

Our house as happily married I am to both my

Friend and my wife so many shared memories now

Together such life we have shared weathered treasured!

I made my commitment to her and that I will honor in

My own fashion as I move forward to promote my art 

And find homes for it to delight others I hope and strive 

To  ensure before I close my eyes one last time or have

Them closed for me! So today and tonight I celebrate

Bastille Day and Night and will soon disappear ton strip

Away myvshorts and be naked in my private traipse cavorts

Hell and heaven I am sure to let escape, too some snorts!

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