Thursday, May 29, 2014

Copying Fresh An Older Poem Of Mine That Celebrates All Life & Bumblebees, Too! Cheers, Thursday May 29th, 2014 ...

Sunday, May 1, 2011
To Hum Humbe Humbled / Be Bees By Bumbled : 4 Saturday Morning Poems Of April 23rd, 2011 : Enjoy These, Cheers
Here are my 4 Saturday Morning Poems of April 23rd, 2011 written before work. Sorry I have not been copying these here for awhile. I have been writing them but so short on time and energy to get them written here. I will add some this weekend of May 1st, 2011 - today and tomorrow. Never have I felt more artistically motivated and inspired. Whether or not these poems are understood or appreciated I am writing them and we will all have to see where the chips will fall inevitably one way or another?!? Hope you enjoy them, cheers, TONY
To Hum Humbe Humbled
Be Bees By Bumbled
A Blast A Call Closed
Near Head Buzz Little
Dark Black Balls Of
Biz Of Buzz Of Sounds
Close Start Startle Be
Surped Pr Prized
The Bumble Mission On
Us Be Seated Be Ease At
Be Pleased Surrounds With
A Moment Piece Of Peace
Of Pleasure To Mind's Pra
Ra Prance Dance Romance
To Pause Pose Reposes
I'm Thinking Now Back
To Outside House be Being
A Bliss A Bless A Temper
Ra Rah Rare Rary Moment
Seize Size Wow Win Our
Surprize I'm Special I'm
Joy In Surroundings Treasured
Bushed Treed Trunked Truncated
Out Spread Spree Spun Spurted
#3 Le 23 Avril, 2011 Samedi matin
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  • Jim Smith likes this.
  • Jim Smith I love this an original work that picks at my brain only to make it think in such fun ways. Had fun reading this
    6 hrs · Like
  • Anthony Quinn Thanks Jim, I write quickly and let the words and partial words and sounds spill out- shout out, come forth, comfort, excite and stimulate me as I word the writing I do as it flows unedited and raw and as much ' as is ' as I am possibly able to render. Glad it speaks to you. Cheers, have a great Thursday today. TONY 5/29/2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I'm Softer Than A Teddy Bear Imagine That?! / To The Touch That Is Warmer My Pen / Is Softer Truly Than Yours Eve / Even Under Your Own Teddy That You Wear ... #2 Le 28 Mai , 2014 Mercredi Soir Chez Nous

                                                I'm Softer Than A Teddy
                                                Bear Imagine That ?!? Me
                                                Bare To The Touch That
                                                Is Warm Warmer Still My

                                                Is Softer Unruly So Truly
                                                Than Yours Fair My Eve
                                                Even Under Your Own
                                                Teddy That You Wear

                                                My Words So Do Affront
                                                So Defy So Deny Yours
                                                Yet Touch Us Both 'N We
                                                Both Can Feel Fields The

                                                Of Our Dreams Perhaps
                                                Conceal True Reality That
                                                Softer Skin Than Mine So
                                                Dear You Can But Oft So

                                                Resist Not Hard Not Soft
                                                As It Does You Both Do
                                                To Other So

                                                From To
                                                Deny Not

                                                Georgia Peach
                                                My Pen Is
                                                Your Hands'

                                                Never Lying

I Fell Fell Fell Felt Feeling Excited Me ! / Tin Ting In Tingled Touched Just Gen / Gent Gentle So Men Ment Mental Lee Lea Ly ... #1 Le 28 Mai, 2014 Chez Nous Il Pluie Dehors En Ce Moment Apres Mon Bains ...

                                                I Fell Fell Felt
                                                Feeling Excited
                                                Tin Ting In Tingle
                                                Led Softened Lead
                                                Touch Gen Gent So
                                                Vary Clothes Peeled
                                                Naked Peed Gentle
                                                Rain Hot Skin Myyy
                                                Mine To Drops Too

                                                Touching Heated Tors
                                                Ours Bear's Hairs To
                                                No Cold No Fe My
                                                Ear My Eyes Mes Yeux
                                                Nake Ake Ness Mine
                                                I Fell Felt First Her So
                                                Present Me To A Un A
                                                Gifted Woman A Fem
                                                Emme Lady Age Mine
                                                Undressed By Me Her                                              
                                                Y Marks Her A Naked
                                                Her Femaleness I Did So
                                                Ape Civil Apre Appreciate
                                                I Grew In Stature Still Sof
                                                Soft Firmly Soft No Want

                                                To Threat No Desire To
                                                Fear Her To Me Leave
                                                Wanting Her To Me Us
                                                To Hold Other Si Per New
                                                Haps Sometimes 1-Another

                                                Possible Some Time X-Plore

                                                Naked Torsos 2 Darkness-In
                                                Lightness-Ours Spilling Out!

In Mama Mia The Haunting Song : " Thank You For The Music " That Hooked me Instantly As Sung By ...

TODAY, Happy Mother's Day On A BEAUtiFULL Sunday after noon here at home thinking of you Mom, you are the best! Love you :
Can Hear Me Mom - Mother Mine?!?
Loving Times Gat At Ath Ather Her U
Us Me With Years Over Ohhh Neve Ev
Over Quite Store Tore Tories Told Ohh
Ohhhver 'N Nnnnn Nice Nursery Times
Bed Sleep Sweet Be Demme Drea Rea
Ream Eams Ams Arms Yours Round Me
Come Comf Omfor Mmmmmfor Fort To
Me Pro be Always Pro So For me / Us U
Girls Moma You GO Stop List Liste Isten
Us Make Glis Glist Listen Gllll La La La La!
Laugh Augh Ughi Ughin Huggin Lovin' Laugh
Your Smile Your Care Me - Us Boys 3 For 
Years Over Welcome We Love You Momma
Mine Mother Ours Mama Mia Mia Mama Yeah!
Sunday afternoon thinking of you constant Mom, May 11th, 2014
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wat At Atch Watched/ Mam Amia Ma : 4 Sunday Morning Poems Inspired By Song " Thank You For The Music " In Movie Mama Mia
Enjoy these four Sunday morning poems that I wrote inspired by the song " Thanks You For The Music " in the movie " Mama Mia " with Amanda Seifried and Meryl Streep. I loved Amanda's singing of this song that was played at the end when the credits were shown - haunting, tender, yearning, truthful, unadorned expression of thanks. I liked the simplistic accompaniment and her voice as it gained momentum and strength. Cheers Amanda, you made me rethink the whole movie and this song and it's meaning. I only wish that they had filmed and shown the film of you singing this song. That, too would have added to my enjoyment greatly I believe and think it was a grave mistake to have not included the footage ...   Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn   5/28/2014

  • Jim Smith likes this.
  • Jim Smith Deeply amazing
    5 hrs · Like
  • Anthony Quinn Thank you Jim, I appreciate this very much, very much indeed. I loved listening to this song sung by her, haunting and so transitory and so fleeting and fragile and yet lasting, played it over and over and over and over and over and over all again ... cheers, TONY

Monday, May 26, 2014

Not 2 Late Was Am Sti Moo Me / Mu Mul La La So Oui Lat / Late Lated Still Much VERY! #1 Le 26 Mai, 2014

                                         Not 2 Late Am Sti Moo Me
                                         Mu Mul La La La So Si Oui
                                         Lat Late Lated Still Much VE
                                         Vast Airy Vroom Boom VERY!
                                         Verizons Horizons  Hemisphere

                                         Write Feels So Very Right Now
                                         In Yeah Now Wit Bare Mine Sk
                                         Kin Skin Flair Hair Hairy Soft Bi
                                         It Bit B Gnarled Be Wrink Rinky
                                         So Dink Nights Some Dank Writ

                                         Yest Did Walk Day Night Into Out
                                         No Unders Just Tops The Skin On
                                         ON Fire To Touch Airs Nature's NO
                                         Cares Nag Old Concerns Head Did
                                         Some Ache Did Some Twitch Itch A

                                         Throb A Thrash A Pow Poun Pound
                                         Remind Me Of Unfooting Perhaps No
                                         Quite Not Right Not Over Edge Unsure
                                         No Pants Under Pants Shorts Mine Hu
                                         Hung Down To Feel Touch Groin Parts

                                         Almost If As To Fall Off Come 'Plete Ye
                                         Leave Naked Me " X " Posed To Whirl
                                         All World To See Me Come So Pletly
                                         Skinned Back To Birth State To New So
                                         Beginnings Beguns No Sins Soft Babe Abe

                                         Wrote I Intently While Loosely Tire Tired
                                         At Attired Shirt Pants Only be They Loose
                                         Falling Touching Sensi So My Skin Senses
                                         All Now So Attentive At Soft Wrinked At
                                         Attention Feeling It Recording Words With

                                         Got It
                                         Get It
                                         Naught All

                                         Still Have
                                         At It
                                         For It
                                         So Still

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Clothed : Closed Doors

                                        Clothed : Closed Doors Hide Away
                                        Norms be Not Social Not Heal Not
                                        Healthy Just Heels Would 'Cert Be
                                        Nice But Feet Bare Would Be Well
                                        So Welcome Come Drink From Da

                                        Well, Be Well Be Spell Be So Happy
                                        Naked No Clothes No Walls No
                                        Customs No Traditions No Barriers
                                        At All Just healing Health To Drink
                                        To All R Health To Love The Imperfs
                                         R Perfections R Bodies R Ways To R
                                         Minds To B Healed Not Heeled So
                                         Very Skins Peeled ....

Where Is The Under I Wear Under Underwear?!? / Exposed Posed Now To Dee Elemens Da / Ments Meant To B Bare , That's Where! #2 Le 25 Mai, 2014 Dimanche A 6:13PM Memorial Day Weekend!

                                               Where Is The Under I Wear Underwear?!?
                                               Covered So Long Hard Ever Seen On The
                                               Scene Most Imagined Clean Not Obscene!
                                               A Cloth For A Screen A Fabric A Texture
                                               A Cover A Conceal A Prude Make Us All!

                                               Exposed Posed Now To Dee Elemens Da
                                               Ments Meant To Be Bear Bared Bar No
                                               Never Meaning Being Barred By Me By
                                               My Nature I'm Natural I'm Reposing I'm
                                               Baring My Drift if Get U What-Where Co
                                               Come You All Expect The Unexpect The
                                               Peculiar To Man's Many Fellows But My
                                               Butt Now Stares Almost Naked The Tim
                                               Timid Now Not Be Must Nerve Get Up
                                               Drop Underwear Drop Shirt Drop Dis No
                                               Quise No Mr. No More Sir No More Air

                                               Just That Which We Breathe Let Brush Bear
                                               Skin Hairy Merry Mighty Fine Build My
                                               That's Where Is My Under Not Asunder No
                                               Not Want You To Stare Just Drop Yours 'N
                                               Walk Over 'N Up To Me Be With Me Us B!

My Tran My Quil My Will Dee Oui Si Desire Write Be Open Be Present Be Counted Be Part Of Your Worlds! #1 Le 25 Mai, 2014 Dimanche matin Chez Nous A 10:28AM - Il Fait Tres Beau Comme Vous ...

                                                My Tran Mio Quil Word Quilt
                                                2 Wordy Must Stop Weed Si
                                                Desire To Collect So Lect 'Sect
                                                In-OutSect Insects I Mean To
                                                Gard Guard Garden Ours Out

                                                So Too Quick I See In My Brai
                                                Brain's Fields Rangy Shoot Up
                                                My Loined Purr Works Touch
                                                Touchin Ma Mas So Sage Gut
                                                Be I Spewing My Trains My On

                                                Cars On Bikes On Feet Two My
                                                Jumping To Catch Brew So Mast
                                                Sail Wind For 2 Catch To Dive 2
                                                Driven Be Part My Man Mad So
                                                Muffing Muffins Stuffing So Delir

                                                So World Delicious So Perked Me
                                                For Accents Piths Perky Peeks
                                                Perfections Of Sight In-Sigh-I-@
                                                Sights Sounds Bits Bites Brights!
                                                My Man My Inner Man My Fram

                                                Frame Wild Barely Tame A Brut I
                                                Like Cavas In Caves Do Bub Bub
                                                Bubble I froth I Fro I Row I Raw
                                                Down Eggs 4-2-Swim Laps Lapp
                                                Lie Lapping Dive I've Divine So Be

                                                Divining Driving My Mot Motor Mots
                                                Jumping Over Moats Finding The
                                                Morcs The Orces The Orcels The
                                                Pieces The Prairies The Fields My
                                                Own Gathered Temp I Just Borrow

                                                Their Treasures In Them 2 Mine Eye
                                                Flames-Up Skin Rise Goosies @ Si
                                                Jennifer's Attention Mine Much More
                                                Base Basic Brandished On Skin My
                                                All Mine I Glow I Perspire I Perfume

                                                I Perk @ Perky I Stop-Dead-SO-Ahh
                                                Live Living To Share To Shout 2 Ex-
                                                So Press So Face So Share So Ring
                                                So Dive Yes Thrive B Part Find Sums
                                                Total R Gains New Verse New Refrains!

                                                2-day Started Fresh So Frank So Prance
                                                Prank Prune Plum Partial Centers R Stage
                                                Stage Star I'm Mooning U All I'm Dare
                                                Stare Daring You All Yeah Wanna I U
                                                Wanna Me Come Out Show Self Let's Play!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Work's Weight Weighs Heavily On My Frame & References My Day's Active Conversations Constantly Sounding - Sending Strong Deposited Lengths Of My Wave ( s ) / Saves Voiced Till Voice Dried Mostly On Glorious Memorial Week Today Star Start Ending Finished Starting My Beginning! #2 Le 24 Mai, 2014 Samedi Soir Chez Nous ...

                                                 Working My Weight Posturing My
                                                 Stance @ Fat My Ta Tat Tigue
                                                 Tasting My Sitch My Desire For
                                                 No Stitch My Thinking No Hit No
                                                 Hitch My Love My Firm Itch Yeah

                                                 Give It Ta Da Bit It Itch Bit Brew Si
                                                 Brut Champers Britch Rit Spirit Wrote
                                                 Senses Syncing My Soft Flame My
                                                 Const Insist Yes Is Ist In Tent A Rem
                                                 My Mind My Body My Remainder My

                                                 Pup My Pupi Upi Upi Upil Up Hill A
                                                 Rise A Hell-Bent A Wanting More
                                                 Simply Hold Me My Face My Un So
                                                 Clothed Not Eyes My Shielded Not
                                                 Lips My Ungloved Hands My Gruff

                                                 Crushed Grapes A Stick A Sticky Pur
                                                 Urp Urp Rple Juice No Alc No Hols
                                                 Just Mango Magic Oranges Furred
                                                 Crush Crunch I Uncrank I Soft Pulp
                                                 Of Fragile Shrunk Limbs Flesh The Pu

                                                 Da Threat Of A Tent The Present Tense
                                                 Presented Proud Stick Yeah He I We 2
                                                 Our Guns A Humans' Guns A Fig Just
                                                 Meant A Gest A Desire A Long Flam A
                                                 Fire A Flame ALL Yes Fired Briered Bro
                                                 Broad Braided Paraded She Nude Front
                                                 All The Sex Hers The Sex His They Be
                                                 True To Them No Sex 'Tween Them The
                                                 Point Dull The Tent Shrunk The Collapse
                                                 Into Srms Each be The Others No More

                                                 Druthers Sisses Or Brothers Friens Rien
                                                 More Much Mas Mucho Mejor Magest-
                                                 Gest The Gist The Call An In An Out Vie
                                                 Vroom Vrast Vast Vit Vita Ita Ital Tall
                                                 Soft Cush Ush Tus Ush Ussion A Taste

                                                 Be Base-Not Based Cen So Ent So Enter
                                                 So Hel Ell Lo Llo Olleh Ole All Lay All
                                                 LIe Side To Each Other Under A Naked
                                                 Not Naugh No Houghty No Tot Yet No
                                                 Thought For A Tot Tott Otty Pot May Yes

                                                 Be A Consider  A Ra Rah Ration Eeee So
                                                 Lay By Each Other Nation Late Bet Other
                                                 On Bett So Sweater-Off Flesh Talk Tingle
                                                 Retch Ren Wren Rench On Park Be On A
                                                 Bench Just Ho Hol Be Old be Young Be 4

                                                 Other Now So Avail So Able  To Be To 4
                                                 Talk Tend Yeah To Listen To Bliss Blissen
                                                 To Unwrap Self Yours Be Sold On The Oh
                                                 Other To Blos So Som So Smit Be Kit Kitt
                                                 Kitten Smitten One To Other Com So Pan

                                                 Fried Toma Tomay Mat Mate Matoe 1 2
                                                 Yes Bind Yes Enter Be Into Other Be All
                                                 B Breast Be Beast B Brave Be There B A
                                                 Haven A Help A Hero A Wonder So Dare
                                                 Other Wander Deep In Haven Yours So

                                                 Future Yes Events Yeah Later Sooner B 3!

                                                 But Till Then Butt To Butt B Naked B Tru
                                                 Row Row Rows Your Boats Down Other
                                                 Rows Say See Sails Be Eyed-Stare Starry
                                                 Unstash Your Heart Your Feelings Be So
                                                 Wayyy Un-So Now Unlocked Unclocked 2


Rolling Thunder In Shades Of Roar, Gruff, Boast, Blast & Euphoric Boost, Too! Friday, Saturday, May 23-24th, 2014 Here In Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. On Two Glorious Uproarious Days!

The thunder of motorcycles did roar, did escort me to and from work  yesterday

 : I followed a couple to work yesterday morning and crossed the Teddy Roosevelt

bridge from Virginia to Washington D.C. and loved the sight crossing over the Potomac 

River with the sights all before me, the small American flag fluttering rapidly in the wind

 on the back seat of the motorcycle, the lady's blond hair blowing everywhere, too, 

the picture was perfect and I felt connected in a big way just then with that veteran in front

 of me with the gentle thunder of his Harley growling, letting everyone know it was very 

much there, alive and still able ... and I felt proud, I felt good, I felt connected as I said

 and as if it was an honor to be escorted like this, if only in my mind, into Washington 

to start Memorial Day weekend on a breezy, glorious May 23rd, 2014 morn ...   

 and then again later, at night, many vets escorted me home, all different , all roaring

 to some extent or another, all thundering to some level or another, in the dark , the lights,

 the flags ruffling and fluttering, all ages, some alone, some couples ... so many silent,

 untold stories wrapped up in each of them, so many experiences ... making me happy to see them here, to be gathered together like this, inspiring, really special, I felt to honored

 and special, glad to have been a slight part of all of this , happy to tell about it, 

to speak something for them, to recognize them, to say THANKS to them,

 for what they did for all of us, keeping us safe ,,,




obregado, ....  

 TONY 5/24/2014   

on a glorious baby-blue skied morn with a breeze now and bright sunshine everywhere on Saturday ... 

come celebrate here with us, we have some great Spanish Cava open now from Fernando

 and Estebe of Tradewinds Specialty Imports for you all to taste, 

and just sold a bottle of the MAWBY Michigan sparkling wine to a young lady that had been

 on a run and thrilled to see it here! 

Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn 

Friday, May 23, 2014

So Strung So Tight So Stret / Ret Retch Stree-Tree / Tied Fried Stretched Wret ...

So Strung So Tight So Stret
Ret Retch Stree-Tree
Tied Fried Stretched Wret
Retched Yeah Yet Pony Sail
Bob Bob Blond Legs 'Sposed
Toned Runs Way Other Me
From Too Bad I Want
Follow Doub Doub I
Want Back Double More
See More Look Sight Me Tra
Tra Tract Attractive Blue
Short Cold Brr Me Up Nice
Warm Now I Like LIKE Lots
As Stress Tress Goes Go Go
Fast Quick Away A Feel Good
Pulse Heart I/Them/We All
Pum Pum Pumped By Sight A
View Lucky Me See Chan
Enhance My Moment's View
Just Now As Strug Tug By
Be/ Feel Pulled Some Torn
Some Anx Anxi-Eye-Aye
Aiety I'm Under Now
Above Over A feel Touch Be

Her Running By Other Direction
A Randy Rant I Crow Croon
Be Less Feel Less Marooned
To Work! To Work! Off I Go!
Day Full Dread Arielle Meeting
No Fun A Bad Mome Still To Come
Another Blond To See ...
#1 Le 6 Janvier, 2012 Vendredi matin
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