Monday, June 29, 2015

I'm So Hor Or Orn Kna Kna Knee Days-These I Could E-SO: Ja Ja Jack-U-Them-ALL-What-A Ball! Eyes-Do, I Could SO : U-Them-All-EAT But Covnets Ents Entions Make IT ALL So Ha Har Hard 2 Do Just That Girl Run Wo-Woe-Women-Senoras-Ladies RUN Runnin' Scare-Scarred Scared Me Of, Know Not-ALL Dem Tie UP In-Out Hide They Them Their Selves, Back Of Shelves, Locke Deir Doors Puertas Portals ALL Tied Ahhh Way-Way Away-They Me From Stay Runnin' Scared! I mean No Not Un-knot US-My Words My Acts I Mean 2 Faletter To Bolster To Be Helpful 2 B Cuddled, nestled In Their Soft Skins Their Fair Hairs Their Smiles Their lovely Lilting Laughs, I Am Wanting Comfort A Harbor A Nest A Nesting A Cuddle More 'N Anything Else, Fuck Da Sex! I Want More, So Much More, Give I My Eyes My Prize My Acts Meaning SO : yeah, Very Various Yet Adding SO MUCH 2 Their Out Their Looks SO MUCH MAS MUCHO Beaucoup Plus! Si Si Si Oui Si!

                                I'm So Hor Or Orn Kna Kna Knee Days
                                -These I Could E-SO: Ja Ja Jack-U-Them
                                -ALL-What-A Ball! Eyes-Do, I Could SO
                                : U-Them-All-EAT But Con-vents Ents En
                                tions Make IT ALL So Ha Har Hard 2 Do J
                                ust That Girl Run Wo-Woe-Women-Senoras
                                -Ladies RUN Runnin' Scare-Scarred Scared
                                Me Of, Know Not-ALL Dem Tie UP In-Out
                                Hide They Them Their Selves, Back Of Shel
                                ves, Locke Deir Doors Puertas Portals ALL T
                                ied Ahhh Way-Way Away-They Me From Sta
                                y Runnin' Scared! I mean No Not Un-knot US
                                -My Words My Acts I Mean 2 Faletter To Bols
                                Hole Whole-Ol-New-Mid-OhOhOhOhOhhhter
                                To Be Helpful 2 B Cuddled, nestled In Their So
                                ft Skins Their Fair Hairs Their Smiles Their love
                                ly Lilting Laughs, I Am Wanting Comfort A Har
                                bor A Nest A Nesting A Cuddle More 'N Anythin
                                g Else, Fuck Da Sex! I Want More, So Much More
                                , Give I My Eyes My Prize My Acts Meaning SO :
                                yeah, Very Various Yet Adding SO MUCH 2 Thei
                                r Out Their Looks SO MUCH MAS MUCHO Beau
                                CupBut-Ut-B-C-Do Agoche-coup Plus Si Si Oui Si!
                               Nips2Tucks2Balls2ALL-Pairs-Parts Feel Real Alrigh
                               ttttttttt !

I Hug Your Soul I Hug Your Heart Eyes-Mine Eat Your Flesh U Give Flaunt You-Me TITS-Taunt-2--Hell-Help-Heal-Me-HAUNT So's All I Is U Want!

                                  I Hug Your Soul I Hug Your Heart
                                  Eyes-Mine Eat Your Flesh U Give
                                  Flaunt You-Me TITS-Taunt-2--Hell
                                  -Help-Heal-Me-HAUNT So's All I Is
                                  U Want!

                                  Now I Like Male Covents Comment
                                  Prisons 2-B-All-Senses R's 2-Live Si
                                  Death-Like 2 Ham Am I-2-Hammer
                                  My Meat Always While Miser So All
                                  Hem Hem Hemmmm I Want 2 Worsh
                                  From M Head 2 Arms 2 Hips Mine B
                                  So Current Run Mine-Them-Through
                                  Till Sore Till ALL Red Heat R Hot R
                                  Pass @ Passion R Pass @ Love 2-B N
                                  @Selves Real A Toe-2-Head-Hair-Han
                                   And R Feet Spree-Spread-Spanked-Sp
                                   Purred Paired Perfumed Perfected Yea
                                   Entered Erected Inspected Casu So AS
                                  @ As-u-YouBeSOCum-CumCUMMin
                                   G Gee Ghee G GrinGrindGrantingALL

I'm Over Sex ! So Over IT Sex Sex Sex Sex Sexed I AM! / Wanting Wanting Wanting To Feel Close To Another / Shed Our Clothes , Naked Natural Numb-Hum-Hum-Hum-Hum / Not Ped Yes Peed If Need Be, But Re-LAlaLAlaLA-Laxed,Maxed, With You You You You & U-2 , I Love ALL U I Really 4-real, Reel-Me-IN-2-U,Onto-U-Through-You-UPonINOyouYOuyouYOUYou My Pam My Sue My Gail I Etes Mine Sail Into 4-U-US, I'm LOVE-FILLED Amore-Spilled, Flatter-U-Tell You How beauty How Wonder How WantI-in-B-Lieve-Eyes-Mine-I-Pin-PinePound-WordsOfLoveJust4UmyLOVEmyLassMySassMyStashOfComplims-Me_heyMeantJustLoveI-You-Love-4-Lots-ALL-In-Store-2BU-stormed Meee WheeeeeeBy Hi Hell Ell Ello OhhLahh AaaahMiMeGagGaaaaa I Sing Just Now 4 U You Sue Pam Louise Heloise Helen Harriet Happily 4 U!

                                 I'm Over Sex ! So Over IT Sex Sex Sex Sex
                                 Sexed I AM! / Wanting Wanting Wanting T
                                 o Feel Close To Another / Shed Our Clothes
                                 , Naked Natural Numb-Hum-Hum-Hum-Hum
                                 / Not Ped Yes Peed If Need Be, But Re-LAlaL
                                AlaLA-Laxed,Maxed, With You You You You
                                & U-2 , I Love ALL U I Really 4-real, Reel-Me
                                 OuyouYOUYou My Pam My Sue My Gail I Et
                                 es Mine Sail Into 4-U-US, I'm LOVE-FILLED
                                 Amore-Spilled, Flatter-U-Tell You How beauty
                                 How Wonder How WantI-in-B-Lieve-Eyes-Min

                                 med Meee WheeeeeeBy Hi Hell Ell Ello OhhLah
                                 h AaaahMiMeGagGaaaaa I Sing Just Now 4 U Yo
                                 u Sue Pam Louise Heloise Helen Harriet Happily

                                 4 U!

I Fuck Your Eyes I Fuck You In Your Eyes Through My Eyes I See Into Snake Be Low Hi High Higher Still IN 2 U / The Heat Is BLow The Passion Is ON High In My Bray Rai Rays Rain Drain Rain Aim Me IN 2 You Below! Yes I Fuck U

I Fuck Your Eyes I Fuck You In Your Eyes Through My Eyes I See Into Snake Be Low Hi High Higher Still IN 2 U / The Heat Is BLow The Passion Is ON High In My Bray Rai Rays Rain Drain Rain Aim Me IN 2 You Below! Yes I Fuck U

                                 It's Not ALL Sex No Not All Sex
                                 @ ALL MOST It's Not Passing O
                                  ON Passion Not Passive But-Nak
                                  @ At @ U R Nat At Atu Tu Tu R
                                  Ral Enter Enter Ta Ta Tain Me U
                                  Our Passion R Love R Natural Se
                                  @U-Me-US-Sell Eacj Other In So
                                  Must Include First R-Selves @ Re
                                  Eel Eal-So-Lies-Past-2-First-True
                                  Roots R's B-They One Once R's B
                                  4 Society Pro-RobUS-Riot-Us-Of
                                  Before Being us Before Society A
                                  Planned A Fake A Foreign A Forg
                                  Ed Plate Not Ours So Shed Plate-
                                  Da Artifs Ifs Ificia Ficial All Ality
                                  Fine Final Now 2 Live Last Days
                                  As real Natural Unplanned Person
                                  We Could Have Should Have All Us
                                  Nature's Children Born 2 B So B It!

Monday, June 2th, 21

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Thinking Of Mrgan Just Now That Is Going Through Difficult Times ... mONDAY AM at 1:53AM to be exact now ... 6/29/2015

: " She came once, her hair all a toss yeah bit toss-boss-free, her flow, her foxe's grin-2-eat-me-bet?!? Mine-hers-ours?!? Yet, was she there to alarm me, disarm me? Was she fluidly-exploring life from fresh Appelation and dangle-she-Jed-MeEye-Straight-Steele-Her Aim So Slicingly Fresh So the purse lips of hers, a smile an aisle, a kiss of sorts to mine eyes, I hard yeah, momes-mine did ahhm QUICK< breath mine-2-Catch To Sip Wine From Her Eyes My I Ohh A prize Cau Cau So Ought-Eyes-I-Mine-Caught-Bbbbbbbb Be, In heres. Sock Da Sake Me-@ Sprite A Curly tall Nymph-Natural-oss-Me-More-Tassles LOVE, my-ours-all men's lass lassie light leisure , combined pleasures, all , her-in-caught-UP UpUpUp Up Sourire-smile grin. a fairy-a tale a longing/ lasting pleasing pleasure tree trea tred lightly dear friend, she will quick-as-she-appears Dis Dis SO QUICK Disappear right 'tween R's If Unsettled We Her Make Be Become, She is Lady 1st Foremost forever a pleasure pleasure pleasing free-her-spirit-my friend, her friend ... " Just wrote this off-the cuff Morgan, hope you like it, hope it makes you feel strong, better, that is the whole idea ... my flights of A A Qcummings! My dear ...

thinking of Morgan my friend ...

The Moon Shine The White Cloud's Passing Gauze / My Upwards Gaze A Trans-Spor-Spor-I-Fix-Eyes-Mine Ahhhh Above That Round Family Of Doves Chez Moi Esta Noche With Love Mio Amour Mia Amore La Luna Bella Magnifica!

                      The Moon Shine The White Cloud's Passing Gauze /
                      My Upwards Gaze A Trans-Spor-Spor-I-Fix-Eyes-
                      Mine Ahhhh Above That Round Family Of Doves
                      Chez Moi Esta Noche With Love Mio Amour Mia
                      Amore La Luna Bella Magnifica!

                      Can Love Be Without A Man Or A Woman ? Love
                      Is Love Bounds Not-Existing Yet Can Love Of Mo
                      On Love Of Sun Amour Des Herbs Amore Di Luna
                      Exist Without Love Of Animal Animal Of Kind-Kin

                      To Love To Passion 2 B Con-So-Mucho-Sume-Muy
                      Mass-Muito-Boa-Blissfull-Fill-FULL-2-Cert-Sure P
                      l? You Must Or Gask Yours Casket Ke Ket Gasses
                      Loving Long Song's Living-Lasting Warmth-Am-WE
                      Amassing Amazing Am-SurprisedPrizedPracticePra

                      Love Amour Amore More More Moon Mooning Men
                      Sexes-A-Sexing Boys-A-Brushing Girls-A-Tossing
                      Hairs'A-Sashing Hands'AGrabbing Eyes'A-OMG-ogg
                      Og-Oggling Ears'AListing Noses'A-Nozzing Nights'A

                      Lighting Bugs'A-Charging Deer'A-Slow-Dashing Dar
                      Arcs Of Darkness Nesses Of Deep Dark Parks Asses 2

Le 2 Juin, 2015  Lundi matin juste!

Ana Rosa's Very Own White Moon Forming With The Night , With Every Moment, Wondrous beauty Both They ' Certain-4-Sure They Be B Big Bigger Bigger Till Birth B They Three : Moon , Mother And Child

, i feel like a poem coming on now :

Sunday Night, June 28th, 2015

" The luna is growing rounder the
white female form is growing, too ...
like a Renoir, maybe Like Modigliani 
once her child is delivered, more like 
she is a Rubens, the pastoral elements
of warmth and lushness, growth and rea
ching for that moon as I, as she spreads
for sun's light, wanting comfort in her pos
ition of two instead of one, ahhhhh, the se  
mblance, the love, the beauty-eternal she 
conveys, she is a lovely subject for the lens
of her male partner, but her beauty , as tha
t of the moon's is not lost on others. "

Caio Bella .... TONY

Saturday, June 27, 2015

O I G F T P O Y! Y I G T F I H I A! You C B O That! I A! L S S Sweet H P O Y!

O I G F T P O Y! Y I G T F I H I A!
You C B O That! I A! L S S Sweet H
P O Y!
I'm S G T F Y I A I A I A S I A P Y R!
Fucked S! And You W I I K Y W M D
S C It A Pr R I C K A Pen I S C I Y Is!
D S Deep Y I Sight I Sigh I C I S Sm I
Eyes M Like S N A K E T W T U U I S
Y Y War Y Arm Y Rmt Rm Rmm Mttt!
I D So Love 2 F Y M D I M B Q N Y I
Love 2 F Y M Dear! Y R S Warm I Y B

Y W E El Me 2 Come I S Y B Y C Y Pu
Us One So Now T Get US T Get Eth S
L O V Us 2-Gat Ath Athe Us Ther Y O S!
I S I Eyes M In Ine U I D Cry As Let Leas
Ease M S I 2 Y W H Arb Y Ar Bo Bo Or S
Sweet I Bare ALL Us 2 Bare Na Na Ak Ak
W Whee We B Bare Naked Naught SO :
Na Na Nah Nahhhhhh Naught Haut Ty Te
Not Eve Ever No Not Store But Home Butt
Beaut Eaut So US Nat @ Atur Natur Natur
R B SR Natural Ski Sky Skins Saline Sated
Natured Naughtied Tie Tied Pied Pee'ed S

Friday, June 26, 2015

I Have A Dream, I Dream Now A Bit Calmer ( 8/29/13 ) LOve One Another

I have a dream, I dream now a bit calmer
I dream a bit more feeling less lost
I dream a bit more with a smile
I dream, too , like Martin of less inequality
I dream like him, too of addressing our many 
problems here as a great country
I dream, too of things I can only whisper
I dream of having the chance to whisper soon
I may soon take my stance on the physical distance
I sigh with a twinkle now, with a wide mouth
open and saying the word " Wow " in a 
bit of surprise, wonder, in thanks, in awe
I vow to be yet even a better person than before
I dream of u u u u u u u .....

I Am So Overwhelmed So / Standing & Running Naked ...

  I Am So Overwhelmed So
                             Standing & Running Naked
                             Splashing Through White Spray
                             Warm 'N Unselfconscious Of
                             My Complete Skin & Hair So

                             Free Of Any Cares But To Hold
                             Your Hand, Your Left My Right
                             I Had No Right To Push To Ask
                             You Took It All Anyway Me From
                             Gave It Back Silently So Gently

                             Your Inner-Alter Ego So Like A
                             Child's For Me So Freshly I You
                             Did Absorb Through All My Bared
                             Senses Piled Quickly As Thrown
                             Onto Grains Of Tanned Sands

                             You Run Me Over So Gently I Do
                             Not Ever Notice Till Much Later
                             As I lay Still, Sandy Still In My
                             Bed Later Much & Scenes , Vi
                             Bye Sand Dunes Vibrate Reson
                             Resonate My Piece Of Calmness
                             My Warmth My Invisible Shield
                             The Knowing In No Terms Not
                             Doubting The Love Wash Through

  Pick My Spirit & My Senses 

                             In Our Nakedness The Achedness
                             The Loneliness The Pain Of Sharp
                             The Harp The Sting Of Words Of
                             Others That Once Did Bite 'N
                             Brittle Make My Skin & Gruffle

                             My Bones You By Joining Me As
                             So Often You Surprised Me, Did
                             Yourself You Surprise, Too? Or
                             Did All Along Somehow You Know
                             This Magic Folly Was Unfold To

                             For Two Kindred Children, Really
                             In Twenties Still Real No Fancy
                             No Pretense No Wanting But
                             Loved To be By One Another To
                             In Holding Hands Hold The Peace

                             The Space For Our Heart & Soul
                             To Forever Lie As If Warmed &
                             Nestled By THe Brightest Blue
                             Moon There In Darkness On So
                             Much Sand As Bedding Our

                             It Must Be Said It Must Be Spoke
                     Resonate My Piece Of Calmness
                             My Warmth My Invisible Shield
                             The Knowing In No Terms Not
                             Doubting The Love Wash Through
                             Pick My Spirit & My Senses 

                             In Our Nakedness The Achedness
                             The Loneliness The Pain Of Sharp
                             The Harp The Sting Of Words Of
                             Others That Once Did Bite 'N
                             Brittle Make My Skin & Gruffle

                             My Bones You By Joining Me As
                             So Often You Surprised Me, Did
                             Yourself You Surprise, Too? Or
                             Did All Along Somehow You Know
                             This Magic Folly Was Unfold To

                             For Two Kindred Children, Really
                             In Twenties Still Real No Fancy
                             No Pretense No Wanting But
                             Loved To be By One Another To
                             In Holding Hands Hold The Peace

                             The Space For Our Heart & Soul
                             To Forever Lie As If Warmed &
                             Nestled By THe Brightest Blue
                             Moon There In Darkness On So             Our Nightly Vows At A WonderA Wander A Prance A Skip Hop
                             Hop Run Throttle-Full To Romance
                             As If Married As Two Possible Can

                             Ever Be ...  More Happy More Care
                             So Free To be Truly Free & Happy
                             So Married To Each Other That
                             Distance & hell Both be Damned
                             In The Ocean's Eyes We As One

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Wake Up Eleve-Toi Donde-Esta-Amiga-o Where Si EveR / Add Ada Ada-Boy-Mmmmm U R 4 My Pick-Prick-Like-Lick-Tick-Eyes-U-I-Do Di Do Tock Re-Yeah Your Smock SO : Remove Move Motion Make Matter Must Fall Bars Your Barrrios I-Eyes-Ojos-Yeux-You'sUs-es-es OhhOver Room 2 U Make My ALL US Get Licks R's In Quids Pro Quoi Quo's Qualms R's 2 B Act Naked ALL Timids Braves Squaws 2 Squash Fear R Ears 2 Hear Peace Pleasures Prances Da R Dances Sweat-Eet-Mmm-ManWom-Ances R Trains-2-Trances!

                                 Wake Up Eleve-Toi Donde-Esta-Amiga-o
                                 Where Si EveR / Add Ada Ada-Boy-Mmm
                                  mm U R 4 My Pick-Prick-Like-Lick-Tick-
                                  Eyes-U-I-Do Di Do Tock Re-Yeah Your S
                                  mock SO : Remove Move Motion Make M
                                  atter Must Fall Bars Your Barrrios I-Eyes-O
                                  jos-Yeux-You'sUs-es-es OhhOver Room 2
                                  U Make My ALL US Get Licks R's In Quids
                                  Pro Quoi Quo's Qualms R's 2 B Act Naked A
                                  LL Timids Braves Squaws 2 Squash Fear R E
                                  ars 2 Hear Peace Pleasures Prances Da R Dan
                                  ces Sweat-Eet-Mmm-ManWom-Ances R Trai

                                  Up-U-Sure-Now Must Wake 2 B Regaled Gay
                                  Gail Ale Ailed-Not But Loved-Naked To Till
                                  Butt Putt Smutt Gruff Your Stuff Full Mated
                                  Hungers Chills Spies Spilled Say-IT Sated Ye
                                  Ease Pain Pay 2 Dray Rai Rain Sun 2 Dry Si
                                  Sins Spins Fins Fans 2 B Bailed Sailed Trailed
                                  Trig Tigs Rigs Raked Ranted FULL-PANTED
                                  To Vestig Estig Stiges Stages Stars Stains Of
                                  Pure Passes Paths To Plain Jane Jack Ass Ours
                                  Plated Unplanned Un-made 2 Natu At @ Tures
                                  R Tired Tepid Tainted Tarnish Arnish Nish Ish
                                  Ours Selfs Useses US-es-es Ested Usteds B Be
                                  Best Est Ouest We West Why-Not-Unknot-R's
                                  R Silly Stupes upes Upes Tupids 2 Walk Ha Ha
                                  Happy Sans Nos Vetiments Dans Les Herbs Si
                                  Comme Amigos Con Amis With Friends 2 R E
                                  Ends Me Men Mends 2 Perfs Bods R's Be Won

Tarde esta noche Jeudi Soir @ home le 25 Juin, 2015 ....                                

I C N F U , Deeply Or Not, S I F Y D , Or Not , I Try, I Do , W My T! Thurs, June 25th, 2015 @ 8:04 AM

        I C N F U , Deeply Or Not, S I F Y D , Or Not , I Try, I Do , W My T!

                                I W 2 B T One That Has Y I ONLY
                                In R Thoughts T T Is So Appealing
                                To Me T Cas Sa Sa No Nova In U I
                                T One U Y 4 When Alone I Y D In
                                Your Fan May I B ALL Wa Wa Wi
                                 Se Ways Y F Y D M Ma Man Eno
                                 Yes 'Nough Tough Y Guy Y Plug
                                 O Spot Si Oui 'Twee Tendr Always
                                 Gee G Grin-Grind-Hine-Hind-szzz
                                 Hands Mine In Y Our Bray Brai Ra
                                 2 Hi Heigh Bits Bites Fantas Yours
                                 I To Fly Fill U 4 Hard Da Life's Ma
                                 Man R Shipe 2 Be Bear W W Wear!

                                 F U So G U F G A D F U S Good W
                                 My Acys Actions Words My Paroles
                                 Palabras My In-U-I-M-S-U-M-Self
                                 So Deeply Embed M S Into U U U U!

                                 Tease Taunts Joes Jaunts Jams Jargons!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

I Cannot Have You / I Want You - I Am Curious - In Love - ! Still Yearn For You - Plural You - I Pleur 4 U - Mes Yeux-Yous Plein Of Joy-Joi : Moi Para Ustedes Senorita - Senora - Fille - Etre Feminine! Le 24 Juin, 2015

                                 I Cannot Have You / I Want You -
                                 I Am Curious - In Love - ! Still Y
                                 earn For You - Plural You - I Pleur
                                 4 U - Mes Yeux-Yous Plein Of Joy-
                                 Joi : Moi Para Ustedes Senorita - Se
                                 nora - Fille - Etre Feminine!

                                 Yo Pousse Le Limit Yo Le Sais Si
                                  I Flatt Yeah Lat Lat Latt @ U Fla
                                  La La Con Mes Palabras Words Mi
                                  Jests Oui Mine Gests My Acts Mots
                                  Know I I Now Agora SO Agora Mu
                                  Ito Nuit Nuito Nigh-Hi!-Hill!Hel-Lo
                                  Ho Ho Ho 2 Get U Me US IN Yes 2
                                  R's Outa Holes Us Whole Whole-So
                                  Some Bring On De Rum! So Taut I
                                  In My Grain I Eyes Mine Into You O
                                  You's Want Me-I-DO-Quiero Mucho
                                  Usted Instead Besides Me Next Us B

                                  So Flattery Meaning So U 2 Com Ro
                                  Roa Romp Stom Tom-Theresa Julia
                                  Raost I My Eyes Yeux Mon Regard
                                  Comer Manger Plonger Bon Mes Bon
                                  s Toi I U Can No Not Have So I Push

                                  I Want U Wet 2 B By Mots Mine-2-U
                                  Have Moan Si ' Twee Wee Ween Tes
                                  Cuisses Cuss Center 2 B Point-ON 2
                                  But Yours Ut Utt Night-Bare Bun Un
                                  Da Those Marv Dey B 2 Halves-One-
                                  Bunda Luna Landing Lu Lu Lune Aa

                                  So Push Taun Aun Aunt U Merc So
                                  Use-I-Eyes-Music-La Musique-Ma V
                                  Victory Langue 2 U Plats Of Words-

 Le 24 Juin, 2015

Monday, June 22, 2015

I Do Not Pass On Passion ? So It Does Not Pass On Me / Somewhere Always Our Jeans Me-Them Gene-Up Meet-Meat / Grin-Grand-Grow-Grind!

                              I Do Not Pass On Passion ?
                              So It Does Not Pass On Me /
                              Somewhere Always Our Jean
                              s Me-Them Gene-Up Meet-M
                              eat / Grin-Grand-Grow-Grind!

                             I In Time I U Do TimDaDaDat
                             e I Eyes Mine Senses All Mine
                             Feel This ... Hell2Heave-Heave
                             n-Back 4 Forward-Tread-Treat
                             SO : Mus Ud Uddle Mire Brain

                             I Eat Life I Eat Chunks-A-Hunk
                             s-Big @ I Eat Passion Mine IT
                             So ON IT Die-Not-Dye-Yes ON
                             Upon Into Ahhh Row Round IT
                             Come2My SensesCum Lump Bi-
                             Big Sums Strums Tums Trums
                             Pets Rums-Pet Blare-Blast-2-La
                             La Listen Languish Lantern Last

                             I Mange Pieces La Lune Le Ciel
                             En Noir En Jour Hard Ard Arder
                             Raid R Larders All Times Day A
                             Any Till Moon Dis-Sap-Eaten-Al
                             l No More Go Go Gone Sky Fro
                             Roam Blank Hole Space So Sad
                             Clouds Nuages Hid Holed-Spot
                             Till stars etoiles Gathered Made
                             Another Whole Bloomin' Shine
                             Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon!

                             I Eat My Passion. I Do Not Try
                             And From It Hide. I Look Deep
                             InOutSide Share My Insides Ya
                             GO 4 Rides Go Broke 4 Lure My
                             Yes Self-My And Others Like U
                             2 To Ride Long With Side-By-Me

                              My Art My Constant Candy Mia
                              Bon Bons, Tiramisu Mia, Mia Le
                              R Legumes Combined, Pom Pom-
                              me Mia, Mia Chocolat, Amour M
                              ia , Mia Amore , Confectiones De
                              Mes Yeux.

                              Come Long-Short-Wide-Narrow
                              With Con Moi Mio Ride Voyage!

You Hide Your Hide From Me / Your Purse Your Puss From Me / Show It Let Me Peak Inside / But Never Place It Where It B So Long Long-I BeCumLong IN Longint I 4!

You Hide Your Hide From Me / Your Purse Your Puss From Me / Show It Let Me Peak Inside / But Never Place It Where It B So Long Long-I BeCumLong IN Longint I 4!

                                You Run Scared As If Scary Am I!
                                I Wear My Pass@Passion Passing
                                It Towards You As Time Is Short
                                My PassITround Is Long Yeah Stic
                                2 U Stick I SelfMEMINEMIGHTY
                                Not To be Mired Not Knotted But
                                Hands ON Lips ON Heart On Soul
                                ON Everything 'Bout Me ON ALL
                                Me ALL Mine My Bod Mine Flesh
                                I Eyes U ALL Embrace 2 U Eyes M
                                E PluggingUEyesMineAllCrawlSwim
                                SailMailNailNaughtyEyesMine But
                                Eyes May Prick Pinch U But Not My
                                Cock I Save That It's There Eve Ever
                                Present But Hold I Eyes IT Back May
                                I Hope Some Yeah Day Way To Sink
                                2 Rise High UP IN yes I Am Into U But
                                Not Hands Mine Yet On Your Butt No
                                That Is My Way A Gent A Man A Male
                                 But Re-I-Eyes-Inspect-Outspect U ALL
                                 But I Touch U I Hope Pros-So-Fine-F
                                 Found U Foundly Firmly 2 All My Way
                                 Weight Words Send My Sentiments My
                                 Arrows To Entice To Dice To Splice Sp
                                 Sp Pie Try Laugh Cry Sigh R Toys Joy!

I Love Life , I Love Being Alive , FULLY , No Ifs Ands Or Butts About That : Front And Center Stage!

I try And Keep Focused I Try And Share I Try To Pause Long Enough ...

to see what the world offers. To See what is happening Round-Me!

blessed to be, blessed to see , to b part of Da Sea to b wits'mine SO :

ness to every yes bloody thing coisas choses evenements autour de moi!

I SO LOVE LIFE, eating it daily, big hunks and pieces BI OFF NO by

bit but in hunks, hunks of butts, ggobs of tits , penises, arms, legs, breasts

hair and sweat and piss and shit and coagulations, mores, pires, pits and

Just below hair and sweat and must and wonderful skank and smell and

parts mixed, dried, dabbed, mussed, so much wonder the ols da facts of

our factories ol-new-sudden-seasoned, olfactories facting and fixing and

flirting and farting and firsting and forth forth forthing ahhhhh so all be

dey, you and I eye and U, us 'n dem Them So To US ALL Get washed

get dried, fried, pried, plied pissed parted yes R ALL Stars Ahhh Above

Da Moon Da Lightning Bugs, TOO : Some Blue some bless some mess


Sunday, June 21, 2015

I Won't Apologize, I Won't Back Down, I'm Who I Am And Blessed To be So : What A Rare Gift : To Be Who I Am No Matter What Response, Whatever comes My Way, Whatever Notice, or Not, Whatever May be My Lot I Am Who I Am And Visible And Vocal About it, And Mighty Proud, Too! Cheers, Happy Father's Day All Dads!

I Won't Apologize, I Won't Back Down, I'm Who I Am And Blessed To be So : What A Rare Gift : To Be Who I Am No Matter What Response, Whatever comes My Way, Whatever Notice, or Not, Whatever May be My Lot I Am Who I Am And Visible And Vocal About it, And Mighty Proud, Too! Cheers, Happy Father's Day All Dads!

                                I Love Life. I Eat Life I Love
                                I Show My True Skin On My
                                Skin I Do Hide-Not What I Do
                                I Do Some Show Only Night @
                                Shadow Of, Light-Moon, Stars'
                                Light Night Right-Life I Hone I
                                Honest Hum I Tune Mine ALL

                                I Eat Life I Eat You I Love Life
                                So I Love You Eat U Ho Ho Si
                                Yes Oui Whole Enter Into Am N
                                No Not Scared To Be Come To
                                Cum Prepared " I Always Cum P
                                Prepared ' Just Rand With Laugh
                                @ Aghter-After In My Ears Oh
                                Yeah father's Day Son Daught's
                                Visit Vestige Vistas Of So Fun I
                                Need No More

                                Yet I Note I Sense ALL Senses
                                Mine On Alert Always Flirt @ U
                                Your Many Pants Your Many Sk
                                Skin Skirts My Faves My Raves
                                I'm Brazen I'm So Be Eyes Embo
                                Embo So MmmmBOLDened, SO
                                Get I My WAY W/ You All 4 Mm
                                You Let My Express My Press Es
                                Essions Centered Stage UP-DOWN
                                Stage But Price I Eyes Mine So Mm
                                So Bolden Be Thet Cert Do U Threa
                                Thee Threaten I'm So Sad Yet All M
                                Me FULL To Spill To Spur I'm @ L
                                Ease East Alive Full Full Ull Pull Me
                                Us ALL To get Together To Gat Gath
                                So Ather As I Eat You Fems You Em
                                Em Em Ma Ma Males Pa Tra La La
                                Femmes Ahhh Si Oui Tout Vrai Oui
                                Je Vous Mange Tous Avec Mes Yeux
                                Avec Mon Esprit Avec Mon Si Cote
                                Cote Ma Passion Ma Vie Mon Coeur
                                Oui Je Vous Mange Tous Cote Mas A
                                As As As Cue On Que Masculine Si S!

Je Suis Plein D'amour Je Suis Plein Plein Plein Plein Plein Of Love Of Life Of Everything To Take Not But Of Strife / I Strive I Arrive I'm MOS Ahhhhhhh I Feel IT ALIVE!!!

Je Suis Plein D'amour Je Suis Plein Plein Plein Plein Plein Of Love Of Life Of Everything To Take Not But Of Strife / I Strive I Arrive I'm MOS Ahhhhhhh I Feel IT ALIVE!!!

                               I'm Feel I'm A Eel 2 Realreel Spiel
                               I Spell I Spurr I Sprig I Spreg I Do
                               To Share To Wear My Clothes Of
                                Flesh I Leash Un-So-Up-Onto-ALL
                                Know Selfish 2 B Real I Do Frant
                                In Kaleid In Sco Sco Cope I Spiel
                                Speil Spill Mine Own Very Vary Si
                                Be bee bean beans @ Mine Own Me
                                Me means By Mine Own Tracts Ouis
                                I Can I Will 2 Will So Go For Yeah
                                So ON ON ON I Love My Inters My
                                Acts Of With Others All Ways Act
                                Act Fact Tracts Cons Pros Actions!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

To Plun Lun Lung De Dee Dea Deep To Other Ge Gee Ee Eeh EeP So! DEEP So To Stars See C Sea Cee Seep Into Do Drow Row Ow Own Yeah I Eyes My Wrap Rap Me Inners Sa Sa Sap, I Buts Butts Uts Uttochs 2 SO Lap Tap Slap! SO : Mucho Mas Much I Lay I Late I Do So Na na take My R Nap!

                                  To Plun Lun Lung De Dee Dea Deep
                                  To Other Ge Gee Ee Eeh EeP So! DE

                                  I B Gee So Then Term Now Per Pur Pe
                                  rm Gee Gee Geeped Yes Ble Blea Blee
                                  Wee Whee See Tree Sky-Hight Goose S
                                  So Very I Eyes B Wary Seeped Sapped
                                  A Cum 2 sENSe My R Senses All In Cre
                                  Red Red-IT-Ma Ma Maxed So B We IN
                                  OUT Say Shed Sane Insane Outsane Into
                                  other's Bods Be US So Sane Plane Pane
                                  R Pan Our An Ann Yeah We R Red We
                                  R Hot Howed Snow Plo Plode Low High
                                  Helled Fel Elle Elled Pell Me-U-Us-Mel
                                  2 Joy-IN-OUT-Join-R-MoltenROCparts!

                                  So To Stars See C Sea Cee Seep Into Do
                                  Drow Row Ow Own Yeah I Eyes My Wr
                                  ap Rap Me Inners Sa Sa Sap, I Buts Butts
                                  Uts Uttochs 2 SO Lap Tap Slap! SO : Mu
                                  cho Mas Much I Lay I Late I Do So Na N
                                  a take My R Nap!

                                  Plun Lun Land-Lunge De Dee Deep So W
                                  Whee While Wild Winning Wonders Cree
                                  P! P! P1 P! P! Pee Penis Piston Puss! Peep!

Monday Morning, November 21st, 2011 , Before Starting Work, My Poem In French

Here is my French Poem of Monday morning before work in Washington D.C. on November 21st, 2011 : enjoy, cheers, TONY

D'Abord Je Tombe Am
Oreaux Du VIsage
Les Yeux Le Capacite
De Sourire, Montrer
Au Monde Sa Joie C'Est
Bien Ca Pas Plus Le Reste
Je M'En Fou - Pas Vrais
Exacte Mas Si La Personne
Peut Sourire Il Est Beau
Elle Est Belle. C'Est Pour Moi La
Born Vrai Biele Plus Importantes
Des Choses Il N'Y A Pas Plus
Importantes Je Sourie Immediament
Quand Je Vois Le Sourire De Quel
Qu'un Ca M'En Leve Ca Me Donne
Tout Le Courage / Invie De Bien
Montrer Au Monde / Donner Au Monde
Ma Touche Mon Regard Mes Compliments
Mon Aide ... Merci! Vrais Vrais Monts!

#1 Le 21 Novembre, 2011 Lundi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:51AM ... TONY

Raise The Bar Eye The Poe Of Et Disc Da Ba Ba Bard / Another Lone On One Shard Be It Lone One Lonely Poet Bard ... Saturday, June 20th, 2015

                                Raise The Bar Eye The Poe Of Et
                                Disc Da Ba Ba Bard / Another Lo
                                ne On One Shard Be It Lone One
                                Lonely Poet Bard

                                Love Reds?! Lighter Heartier Beef
                                Guard Da Lake Of A Fine Fleshed
                                Bardo A Rdo Rdol Dol Doli No No
                                Simper So 2 SkimpHerHimHeavHe
                                Bardolino To The Resq Esq Esque

                                Time To Pay Bil To String Bean 2
                                Blast Birt Bert Ert Irth Bbbb Bring
                                Da Babe Her Aby Saby Savvy Aby
                                Brim Sim Sin Ink The Way Flame

Friday, June 19, 2015

Embrace Moi Embrace Me I Embrace The World Through My Embraces Of You : All Of You We Embrace All Of One Another As Brother As Sister As Lover As Mentor Comme Il Faut Claro Que Si Boa Noite Presque Hora A Dormir Fim De Tarde Si Oui Oui Wee Whew Phew We R ONE!

                                 Embrace Moi Embrace Me I Embrace
                                 The World Through My Embraces Of
                                 You : All Of You We Embrace All Of
                                 One Another As Brother As Sister As
                                  Lover As Mentor Comme Il Faut Claro
                                  Que Si Boa Noite Presque Hora A Dorm
                                  ir Fim De Tarde Si Oui Oui Wee Whew
                                  Phew We R ONE!

                                   To Flow In Flowe Lowe Owe We Other
                                   Each's Beaches Flowers Bit Of Itch Of
                                   Batting Basts Yeah urds ar Scars Tards
                                   Of Da Itch Da Bitc It Itch To Be Blast
                                   Last Past Agora Plast With Words Des
                                   Paroles Pas Pardones No Passes Interes
                                   No Rest No Weary Looking Past Drear
                                   Rah Rah Rah Rah For More Cheery Da
                                   Face 'Bove Be Da One Parted Faces R
                                   Mmmm Mmmmm Moo Blue-Red-Pin
                                   Da Donk An ON Prick Tail US To 4 U
                                   All Us Sail Wanna OUT 'Bout Be Emp

                                   Pa Pa Pal Ales Paled-Pailed-Ma Ma May
                                   Sexes Ours Others The Empaler The M
                                   As In Empalee Paled By Compar Pair S
                                   Silent Talk Ka Ka Parle Habla Moo Moo
                                   More Mucho Embs To Brah Rah Race O
                                   Others Nosotros Ustedes Venga Si Usts
                                   Usts Steds Teds Tedes Beds 2 Too Juste
                                   Embraces Nous Ahora Hug Wanna Hold

Friday night chez moi avec beaucoup des bugs lightning dans una boa noite ici here now in the dark, I just wanna park my sorry sore ass, clothed or naked and embrace ... the night, another, to hold close, to feel soak-in da warmth caliente calamatous close cling 2 so soft loft listen to swim more-like just con ustedes agora swing ... sing, a gentel evening's carefree human bonding blissful innocent fling ...

Thursday, June 18, 2015

THE Man In Me Out Bursts Thirsts Hurts / Playful On-Empty Flirts Small Squirts / Eners Mine Gies Gize I Prize! #1 Wednesdat Evening March 26th, 2014

                               THE Man In Me Out Burts
                               Thirst Hurts Playful In-Em
                                Emp Empty Pro Prode So
                                Do Du Duc Duce Produce
                                Theatrics Most Chest Thumps

                                Grins Grinds Simues...
                                La Lat Lated Lonely Lost
                                Groans Blow Blight-Fry-
                                Frighted Fraught Flown Flay
                                Fragile Froggy Doggy Home
                                Flimsy Flummoxed  - Boned!

                                Grit Gray Grist Lousy-Loaned
                                Got Gained Loins Strained
                                Head Brains Broke Drained
                                So Loaded Down Shoulders
                                Shouldering Shuddering As In

                                Dazed Stupoured Drunk On Pay
                                Pay Pay Pay More For No Mo
                                More Mas Nunca Por Favor
                                No Mas More Pain Dolor Dolores
                                Strip Down To Naked Erase Pain!

                                A Strong Shell I Am I Rally I Rant
                                I Rave I Raucous I Rawnch I Rec
                                Wreck Wreak Winching Wretching
                                Wrong End Bend Bending Brute
                                1-Way Route Rect-Ta-Ta-Tall-Tal

                                My Shitty Glorious Life I Blow Hot
                                My Air My Airs My Imagined Heirs
                                Damsels Saved @ Fairs Fraught
                                Free Final Froze-Un Frightened-Not
                                Nice 'N Naughty Pranks Preening

                                Proud Pappy Manly Man Mained
                                Mustarded Mired Mudied Not Mun
                                Not Munched Not Matted-In-Dry
                                Dried Drummed Drafted Dradled
                                Drifting Along Damaged Dirty

                                Good Good Good Good BAD Goods!
                                Dey Be
                                Good - SO GOOD!

                                Ask Any
                                Go On
                                Do It



