Friday, July 31, 2015

I Drink Your Soul I Seep I Weep I Wipe My Brow / In Your Sweat I Sweet Tweet Wheat Weeten / My Heart Hear Be Bee Beat Bt Seat Of / My Pants Crack Mt Invisibs Clothes Opt OUT i eYES / oF Seat Sip Nip I Do You Ahh So Soar Sore T I'll Snore! / Sorb B U By U Me-By-Bye Bring Ring Us Gether-2!

                                 I Drink Your Soul I Seep I Weep I
                                 Wipe My Brow / In Your Sweat I
                                 Sweet Tweet Wheat Weeten / My
                                 Heart Hear Be Bee Beat Bt Seat Of
                                 / My Pants Crack Mt Invisibs Clothes
                                Opt OUT i eYES / oF Seat Sip Nip I
                                Do You Ahh So Soar Sore T I'll Snore!
                                / Sorb B U By U Me-By-Bye Bring Rin
                                g Us Gether-2!

Drink From My Throat - Throat-ed Water / Water My Well My Spring Spring Me / I By You Be So Sprung Stung Hun Do-Me! Hung! / I'm So Well Si Inside-Up-Welled By You / Won By Us Both Sun Moon Stars Sun / Sung Shine On Ohh Over Us B Now / Eyes R's Ideal Deal Our Souls Sprung

                                 Drink From My Throat - Throat-ed Water /
                                 Water My Well My Spring Spring Me /  I
                                 By You Be So Sprung Stung Hun Do-Me!
                                 Hung! / I'm So Well Si Inside-Up-Welled
                                 By You / Won By Us Both Sun Moon Stars
                                 Sun / Sung Shine On Ohh Over Us B Now /
                                 Eyes R's Ideal Deal Our Souls Sprung-Lung

Whether You Like It / Or Not / I've Already Made / Love To You Dreamed On You / Creamed On You / ... July 30th, 2015

                                             Whether You Like It
                                              Or Not
                                              I've Already Made
                                              Love To You
                                              Dreamed On You
                                              Creamed On You

                                              Makes No Matter
                                              Where You Are
                                              To Me
                                              If You Respond
                                              Or Not
                                              I'm Stronger Than
                                              Your Silence

                                              Damned You ( r )
                                              I'll Hug You
                                              All The Same
                                              To Me
                                              You're Mine
                                              Frame By Frame

                                             All The Same

                                             No Shame No Bla
                                             La Lame Dee Dah

Jeudi Matin avant de travailer au magasin a Washington D.C., 20008.... il faisait tres beau, tres beau!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

I Wanna Suck Your Nuts Dry / Rub Your Hair Above Your Shaft / Ball Your Ass Just below Your Soft Sacks Of Spunk / Punk You Fun Yes 2 Too Funk Fuck U UP!

I Wanna Suck Your Nuts Dry / Rub Your Hair Above Your Shaft / Ball Your Ass Just below Your Soft Sacks Of Spunk / Punk You Fun Yes 2 Too Funk Fuck U UP

                              U Need To Kneed B Fed Yeah My Ramp
                              Eyes Mine Help me 2 De: So Sir-U-So-S
                              Si Sire My Balls Their White Charges 2 B
                              So In-U-Up-U-Snug-Hug-Bug-Slug-U-Yo
                              Your Tight Your Butt It Be But A Butt I M
                              Mine Eyes Eyed EYE AYE AYE AYE Yo
                              You Fit Mine Fire Mine ALL-Yours-4-Now
                              I Pow Pow Pow I Ow Ow Owwww You Y
                              Yo You Your Hole I With Shaft Mine Us N
                              Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow ow Ow B Us Butt Who
                              Hole Whole Stowe Way Mine Dick My Pry
                              You Quick Mine Sir With My Wick Stick
                              Whole Hole Hough Hough I Stuck Whole!

I Just Want To Be Fucked . Be Funneled, B Flashed Flaired Flown Be Fussed Be Friended B Fun Fresh Flared Flummoxed Flamingo'ed Famished 2 B Fucked Yeah!

I Just Want To Be Fucked . Be Funneled, B Flashed Flaired Flown Be Fussed Be Friended B Fun Fresh Flared Flummoxed Flamingo'ed Famished 2 B Fucked Yea

                               I Just Want To Be Free Yeah
                               2 B The Fuckee The Fucker T
                               Torn Tasted Tested Teased So
                               Yes Eve-By Adam@Textured
                               Jill-Tempered Jack-Treed By
                               His Mighty Missile Jill's Many
                               Muffins Mired Miffed Mightied

                               I Just Want To Be  Free Not Fr
                               Ramed Not Knotted Not Knitted

                               I Just Want 2 B Here 4 2 Live 2
                               Eat My Life My Loves My Place
                               My World I Love IT All Real Si
                               So True That I Wante 2 Be King
                               -FucKING ALL With My Powers
                               My Might My Love My Liquids
                               My Many Gifts So Jizzomed-So
                               Wanting 2 B Free So Released Si

Friday, July 24, 2015

I'm So Horn Corn Pour 'N Judge Rich In Porn My Though I Thoughts-Through-Twee-Wee-Wean-Ean-Eaner-Mine Push Through Brai-I Bray-Rays-Rain-ME-Dray-Dray-Drayne SO!

                               I'm So Horn Corn Pour 'N Judge Rich In
                               Porn My Though I Thoughts-Through-T
                               wee-Wee-Wean-Ean-Eaner-Mine Push
                               Through Brai-I Bray-Rays-Rain-ME-Dra
                               y-Dray-Drayne SO

                               I From My Limp I Do My Pen Is Lum
                               Lum Like Glum-Glump-Little Fa Fattt
                               Yes Is My Pen 'Twee-Wea Weaner No
                               Not It Be Like A Big Knot A Big Lum
                               P In-@-STUMP How Could De My Si
                               So High My Sire 2 Sigh SIGH SIRE 2
                               F 4 Fire 2 B Burn-Blast-Plast-Be-Pee W
                               My Cum Yeah So B-I-Me-ON-U-Cum
                               Cum Cumming Sing-Song-Hum-Humm
                               CUMMING SUM Some Loads-Lots-My
                               Mine All My Depths My DEEP My Re-
                               Sir Miss Master Mrs Mistress 2 Pimp 2
                               Pump 2 Drain My Limb My Limp Stum
                               Tum Tum Stump Of ALL My Gun Mine
                               Ahhhhhhhhhh Am Am Amo My Listless
                               Yet Randy So Ramp Amp I Reve I Eyes
                               Mine Rich Register Ring Mine Rung A
                               Dick A Derelict A Drop Not Left 2 Spa
                               2 Pee 2 Preen 2 Part 2 prime 2 Prim To
                               I'm All Spree Spend Pending Mine Spu
                               Pun Spunk Yours Soon 2-Stick Be Stuck
                               B Mess-US-Messed-Mussed-Hairs-Swee
                               2 Us ALL ox-De-Dum-Dumb-Like-US-
                               We B Drowned Round Mired Mixed Gun
                               Guns-R's Cocked-Low-High-Tide-Flood
                               Run Amuck In R Bloods Comme Cum Uh

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

I Wanna Wanna Wanna U 2 U 3 U 4 U All 4 Hugs On 4's ON ALL Tea-Tote-Tout-Tot-HOT-Tit-Tat-Tush In/Out-IN/OUT U ALL I Wanna Want Wanting Watering Washing Wishing Working SO " Inot U All Wander-Wonder U Plun-Lun-Under-Lun-Lungs-Lungs-U-4 I'm SO : Me-Mess-B-I-Eyes-Bless-Fess-ON U I Feast Eyes Fester YES SI OUI Sequester Se Sem Semen Semester Saliva Sylvester Sigh SylVaVaVroomVA-VOOM U I Eyes Mine All Bod ALL Me Mile Miles Mine Aisles U Con-2-Cun-t-2-Cum-Cum-U-Find_Fill-EyesR-Come-For-4-Others-R'sComforts-IN-Forts-ON4's-InStores-In-StaataDic-SO;a-ta-Make-R-StationsEeeeeMan-Woman-HowHowlsNigh-Sigh-NightOwls-Ohhh-ON-So-B-Us-Prowls-Prowl-ROWL!Other4ForMORE!GO:GahhhGal-Gal-Galore!

                                 I Wanna Wanna Wanna U 2 U 3 U 4 U
                                 All 4 Hugs On 4's ON ALL Tea-Tote-T
                                 out-Tot-HOT-Tit-Tat-Tush In/Out-IN/O
                                 UT U ALL I Wanna Want Wanting Wat
                                 ering Washing Wishing Working SO " In
                                 out U All Wander-Wonder U Plun-Lun-U
                                 nder-Lun-Lungs-Lungs-U-4 I'm SO : Me-
                                 Mess-B-I-Eyes-Bless-Fess-ON U I Feast
                                 Eyes Fester YES SI OUI Sequester Se Se
                                 m Semen Semester Saliva Sylvester Sigh
                                 SylVaVaVroomVA-VOOM U I Eyes Min
                                 e All Bod ALL Me Mile Miles Mine Aisle
                                 s U Con-2-Cun-t-2-Cum-Cum-U-Find_Fill

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Why Guy Guise-Male Gueeze-Pleuu-Please-Pleasure-Persist-Part-Art-Plunder-Person-Prairie-Pristine-Teen-Taut-ender-tend-2-R-Male-Prick's-Plunders-Pressing-Preening-Persnickity-Pounding-Sounding-Purrs-Gurrs-Grunts-Grins-Grinding-Grownup-GRASPS-GaGa-GASPS-Rasp-Asps!Co-Col-La-La-La-La-LAps-Lapses-Asses-Grasps-IN-ten-twent-thirt-I-Spurt-SO:Col2U-LapseLapseLaps!

                                 Why Guy Guise-Male Gueeze-Pleuu-
                                 LapseLapseLaps! IN-U-Out-U-IN-Ahh
                                 X2SplowHiHelloHighInOfFromUISo D
                                 DashMy SpunkMineKathunkIn2UDive
                                 Spend Spend Spent Spun Punk 2 Us Drai

                                 On us Both R Own Man-Male-SprayedAin!

Monday, July 6, 2015

My Poem To Joni Mitchell Sunday, July 5th, 2015 : Cheers Joni! TONY

                                 Always a grand inspiration, time is marching away
                                 and not looking around, it is just a constant that is
                                 constantly moving. We hold on, we take our rides
                               , Joni's has been shared with so many of us and that
                                 counts for the world for many of us that have found
                                 such an enriching deposit of wealth that cannot be
                                 measured or contains in her voice and the myriad of 
                                 many intertwined meanings of many of the words that
                                 she has strung together as she has sorted through the
                                 many recollections and happenings of her life to come
                                 to some understanding, to some possible connections,
                                 to some threads that bind, to some parts that stick and
                                 gather and shed some sort of glimmer of meaning as t
                                 hey constantly contain joy and sorrow and truth and lau
                                 ghter, points of glee and skirmishes of emotions, rolled
                                 and colliding, sliding and slathering our perceptions in 
                                 climaxes that refuse to be extinguished as readily as the
                                 y simply will not permit and collection or gathering, any
                                 interpretation beyond that they simply were, that they si
                                 mply are, that they happened and that some of us like J
                                 oni were quick enough, observant enough to dash them
                                 down, to record and sound them so that they , for her, lat
                                 er for us, would resound with the authentic truth of having
                                 happened and having been noticed in their fragments and
                                 parts and streaming pieces and collected, ot not, glued qui
                                 ckly, swiftly, no reflection but at the moment to preserve the
                                 m in their pieces and perhaps , at some instance or time, to
                                 connect them later and get even more glimmers of the magic
                                 and the truth that they help us and enrich us as we try and fa
                                 thom and live the lives we are and try and understand or app
                                 reciate or find sustenance and both the joy and sorrow, the wa
                                 rmth, the love, the war, the battle, the killing and the living that
                                 life holds for us and that we are a part of whether we know it or
                                 not ,a appreciate and of it or as much of it as are humanly poss 
                                 ible to do..... ahhhhhhh Joni, we - I owe you so much. I brim with
                                 joy, I trill, I spill, I splash I lash and lunge and plunge all my sense
                                 s in this celebration of life and the music and the words , your voice,
                                 your paintings and art, that you have shared over the years with me
                                 / us, thank you, merci, grazie, gracias amiga, friend, amie, fellow
                                artist! Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn So happy to write and share this
                                now with you my friend! TONY 7/5/2015 Sunday afternoon here
                                in northern Virginia at 4:44 PM after gardening outside ... : " A 
                                child got up to wonder " a,and still gets up to wonder, always will 
                                Joni ... and the lightning bugs here Joni are alive and strung like
                                so many blinking stars of necklaces above silhouetted by the dar
                                k leaves of oak trees above our garden here with the real stars
                                and the moon behind them and visible depending on clouds and
                                how thick they are, or not, from what I - we understand, although
                                I do not really claim, as you, to know them much at all, except to
                                love them when they are thick and like cotton candy and the lights
                                plays withing them, off of them, around them, and puts my senses
                                into a dive, a roller-coaster ride, slide, slither, wisp, wash, whoosh! 

Martha Finney took this picture years ago in college when we went to seeJoni Mitchell playin Newport News at the stadium there when we were in college at Randolph-Macon in perhaps 1975 was it Martha? I do not remember except that the concert was amazing and we went with George Barrow , too, made the drive I believe in my VW Bug 1967 white that was like the shell of a car, all metal, we drove there successfully and enjoyed this amazing concert of Joni's and it was one of the great experiences of my life. Martha, I hope you do not mind me including this picture that you printed in a adarkroom at RMC and gave to me, that went into the yearbook, too, the 1976 yearbook, so it must have been in 1976 that we went with George to see Joni Mitchell sing there? Cheers, happy Sunday, July 5th, 2015 all!

                              For Free Sand Canyon Lady So En-Me-Chant
                              Meant Her-4-Me-2-Once-Twice-THIRD More I
                              Eyes Images They Imagine Sounds Me I Do So
                              R George By George R Our Thurman Boy 4 Fr
                              Ree Whee WE All Center-Campus Down Beat
                              Strum Martha Smiles Here Then sHE Mag-SO:
                              Nice-Nif-Swift-Ifty-Ifty-IFTY Capture On Her Fil
                              Film @ Rand SO: Us R Expereinces There SO:
                              Random-Yes Macon-Randolph With Campus C
                              College My Mater-ALL-ONLY-Mater-Ours-W/By
                              George Thurman He Too Joni By Gosh Darn He
                              Yarn-Words He Strung Wove 4 Us Dylan's Bo Bo
                              Ob Ob Of Early 1971 Lyre Lyrics U Do He Did U
                              All Us Do Still : " Going To Make Me Lonesome
                              When You Go " ...  SO : Please Yes Do Not GO!

Martha Finney took these pictures of George Thurman playing at our campus center at Randolph-Macon College in 1975 or 1076 I believe. Thanks Joni, George and Martha!  


KEN Fawcett or David or David Chuck Forrest must have taken this photo of us. Cheers! Happy Monday all , 7/6/2015

Sunday, July 5, 2015

I Wanna Suck Face Wanna Suck Pussy Want 2 Fuck Face Yeah 'N Fuck Your Puss 2!

                                I Wanna Suck Face Wanna Suck Pussy
                                Want 2 Fuck Face Yaeh 'N Fuck Your
                                Puss 2 ! I Know I Yes-No Know SO: B
                                Eyes Mine Cock Like-2-B-ON Coke I
                                I'm So Base I'm Centered Si So Oui Ba
                                Bah Black Based-She-He-4-Eep-Geep
                               Geep Geeped Need SO : 2 B Bleeped!
                               What Vile-From Injected-Based-Blast-L
                               First-Last On Earth In Space Like-2-B-
                               Ambl-Bmal-ALL! I'm So Worded So H
                               Herded Helled-Healed-Not-Yes-Heeled

                               Help me SO : I Just Wanna Cup You Na
                               Ache B Nake Die-4 B Aked-NnnnnnMm!
                               MMmmmmmmmmMMMMMMM 2 Be
                               C B A Naked Bake-ed Not 4-Sake-Ed 2
                               Cud-My-Yours CHEW R's 2-Gether Ga
                               Gath Athered AS @ We R Lathered So

                               Sweet-Sweat Wet So Centered SO De
                               Deem us Both SO : Men-Wom Me U C
                               Seem SEams-R's Cem Crem-Bend-2-Us
                               Meanted Mighted Morphed Orph Orph
                               Wanna Cup U Your Tits Wanna-Ass FU!

                               So Dire SO: Di-Die@! DirgePee-Purge
                               Re:2 Resurrect 2-EeeeeRec Rec Rect My
                               Souled-Selfed Muff-Muffed Miff IF?!?
                               Missed Mothered'NFathered Yeah SO :
                               By Society By Routine Theirs No More

                               B I Fucked Not Knotted No Not EVEr
                               Gain My Self My Soul Not B FuFuUpUP

Hungry For Pussy I Am / Starved I've Been ! Raven SO Raven-Me-4-U-Us-Nous NOUS NOUS Nouse Nouse N'US! Mus-Mus-Must-Of-Pussy-Send-Scent-Sending Your Pussy-Your-SmilesYour CURVA-VA-VOOM-Vroom-Vay-WAY-VayVayVais VAIS Vacious-Various-Vonder-Vander-FULL-ME-FU-FOU-FULL-Flau-Flaw-I-Want-ALL-Your-Flaws-YourFlames-Famish-Me-U-4-I'mNear-MaMah-MADmadMadMAD! So Pussy-Pathetic-I-Am-Sad-Bad-U-By-Constant-Roped-Groped-HAD!Had!HAD!!! LOVE Your Smiles Love Your Lips BOTH Tops 'N Bottoms!

                               Hungry For Pussy I Am /    
                               Starved I've Been ! Raven
                               SO Raven-Me-4-U-Us-No
                               us NOUS NOUS Nouse No  
                               ( A Mouse Of Your Musts! )            
                               use N'US! Mus-Mus-Must-O

                               f-Pussy-Send-Scent-Sending Y
                               our Pussy-Your-SmilesYour C
                               y-WAY-VayVayVais VAIS Va
                              D! So Pussy-Pathetic-I-Am-Sad-
                              ed-HAD!Had!HAD!!! LOVE Yo

                              ur Smiles Love Your Lips BOTH
                             Tops 'N Bottoms!
                             What A Sly One
                             Miss Mrs Gr Grin Rin-Tin-Inch U
                             Give U My Eyes My Ears My Lip
                             U Want My Soul-2-Soles Oh-Lay!

Friday, July 3, 2015

I Wanna But Butt Fuck You I Wanna! I Bust My Nuts I Thrust My Guts I Cream My Scream I Moan My Drone I Drill My Spill I Spur Spur Pur Purt PURR My Growth As Rimm I Eyes R's Rim Other's Sills Drink From Other's Licks of Liquids Liquors Spills Spied Pied!

I Wanna But Butt Fuck You I Wanna! I Bust My Nuts I Thrust My Guts I Cream My Scream I Moan My Drone I Drill My Spill I Spur Spur Pur Purt PURR My Growth As Rimm I Eyes R's Rim Other's Sills Drink From Other's Licks of Liquids Liquors Spills Spied Pied!

Uuuoooooooowwwwwwwwwww, I Wanna FuckYou ! GggggRrrrrrruuuuuuu I Wannnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa SO! 2 U Man Fuck U Your Puck Y-Yyyyrrrrrrrr YyyyyyuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmMEMEMMMMEEEEEEE BuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhTTTTTTT bOO! BOO! bUUUNNNNDAAAAAAAbUTTT! nO iFFSS nO aNDS jUST fUCK yOUR IN-OUT-IN-OUT-IN-OUT-IINNNNNNN-AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH OWWWwwwwwwwT bUTT! wIT mOVE aHHHside SO i mAY mOVE Inout-In-Out SiggghhhhhhhhDDDDDDDDDDD! BustMyNut!!!!!INsighhhhhUUUUUuuuuuuuuSideIEyesMyMineDo-U-IN-SideSlideSKINSColle-SO LieLay StiffRide- Sly SLY SLYYYYYGlide-Ply-Slid-Slopp-Fuckin'HardNESSmyyyyCock2SplitGutsBALLSin-out-staaaaTaaaaaaaaTALLLS Allls My SpuresMyWhiteEyes-MineWhite-OutsIntoYouSpermsMyWhiteWarmPermsUUUUUUUUUUUU444444444444444AllMyMen@SeaSEASSeesPees-LikeYou-YoursALL I UuuuGive Glad So Now!

Uuuoooooooowwwwwwwwwww, I Wanna FuckYou ! GggggRrrrrrruuuuuuu I Wannnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaa SO! 2 U Man Fuck U Your Puck Y-Yyyyrrrrrrrr YyyyyyuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmMEMEMMMMEEEEEEE BuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhTTTTTTT bOO! BOO! bUUUNNNNDAAAAAAAbUTTT! nO iFFSS nO aNDS jUST fUCK yOUR IN-OUT-IN-OUT-IN-OUT-IINNNNNNN-AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH OWWWwwwwwwwT bUTT! wIT mOVE aHHHside SO i mAY mOVE Inout-In-Out SiggghhhhhhhhDDDDDDDDDDD! BustMyNut!!!!!INsighhhhhUUUUUuuuuuuuuSideIEyesMyMineDo-U-IN-SideSlideSKINSColle-SO LieLay StiffRide- Sly SLY SLYYYYYGlide-Ply-Slid-Slopp-Fuckin'HardNESSmyyyyCock2SplitGutsBALLSin-out-staaaaTaaaaaaaaTALLLS Allls My SpuresMyWhiteEyes-MineWhite-OutsIntoYouSpermsMyWhiteWarmPermsUUUUUUUUUUUU444444444444444AllMyMen@SeaSEASSeesPees-LikeYou-YoursALL I UuuuGive Glad So Now!

GGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWDDD, U're A Dive-Dine-God-Mmmm-Me-Us-All-CummmmmmbyBYBeBeenBus-Fuss-First-Second-Third-ALL-US-NutzzzzzzRsssssIN2USurethey all cumm to papa cummm to you cummm ON-InIn-IIINNNNN2UuuuuuuuDivineSperlsPunksPees-whitteesssssssRrrrssssssCUMbyBeBeenBineHineHineBhinBeHindsMesssWEallCumWeComfessCummCleanCummCreamCummScreamUUUUUUUUUUUbuttYoursRBleessingsRCummWhiteDropsOfPEARLS WhitesOfSwirls!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

U Say U Love , Me - U Say One Love The Other We Do - Explain U Me Clear - We My Bulb Off It Goes Head My Pea My Size < A Smile Light-Big-BuBuBigBroadBulb!

                                U Say U Love , Me - U Say One Love The Other
                                We Do - Explain U Me Clear - We My Bulb Off
                                It Goes Head My Pea My Size < A Smile Light-

                                U Face Me Not It Me Knot IT I'm Do IN Don-I-
                                My-Deep My Press Yeah Ress-FALL2-Dark-To
                                -Plumb-Numb-Ness MY WORST NESS EVEr M
                                y Dear ! u mE lOVE mANNER This ?!? Like U
                                Care Me 4 Not-Knot-Nice-NOT-Naught U Augh
                                t B Naughty Pla La me Lay Me Lay Play-Till-U-

                               Me From U Born 2 Stray As Me 4 U So Cray Yeah
                               Drive Me Yes For Me 4 Or Ork Your Pitch IN-2
                               My Low My Sex My Pit U Like-Me-Onto-Spy Y
                               Spit Split No Roo Oo Oom Bo Boo Boom Me Ha
                               Ha Hard So I Eyes Mine Wanna Yeah 4 U Find My
                               ALL Have Done Finish My Inspect My Wanna Now

                               B U With But Butt Yours Me From Spin Turn U Me
                               Do So Quick 2 Me Spurn As I Were U 2 Yearn No
                               You Find Way U 2 Earn I In Fire Burn 2 Urn Turn.

     July 3rd, 2015, early Friday morn now ...