Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Perfet of Hor Or Ore Horn Orn I Am Perfet Pet pet Wet whet Wet In My Sin Sink Stin Stink I Smell I Stank Like Lick ink

the Perpet Purr Pup Pup My Ten My Tan My Tin My Tank 2 B So Ohhhhh Tunk Tank Turn I Am Perpect so peck pectu er er tua tua too yahhhhh yay yawl scrawl scribble dye die dribble drab scrab so crab so skun kun skunk dun d'une dune drip drop I can, I cannnnnnnnn no not knot got me tum my knot my mire to so cum 4 U spire spit spat @you yours so slip so slip it it ip ipp lips flipping lippery die dye dip drip up up ippory so wet, by you others all me met set ohhhhh yeah, no swear no sweat sweet bleep blip whining now total wet!