Thursday, January 25, 2024

I feel serious, seriously like I have something’s to add, that I must contribute, make any difference I can and May, as that will make a difference

 The difference may only be to me, it might

That I will be the recipient more than anyone

Else, I do hope it makes a difference, a positive

One at that? That would be my ideal, really, that

Would make my day, my night, my total being so

Much connected to life , I am so in tune with my

Surroundings outside but to others I feel like we

Are mostly like ships or sailboats passing each

Other at a distance tooting our horns at one 

Another , brief acknowledgements of the other

With little commitments , if any at all, today

Much like texting one another , mad when we

Do not hear back but much too lazy to dial

Or tap in their number and talk screen to screen

Still separated yet connected , yes protected 

As we fear intimacy and simple contact b cause

We never know what that might bring, Andy

Alone, aloner now more than ever before, we

Grow more-er out of practicer than everer Be-

Fore fearing more and more with our retracting

And fewerer actions than everer before 4 shore!

My message here still is that I love being soooo

Aaaahhhhhhh very merry not contrary ALIVE

Let’s bring all our TRIBES together , compro-

Mises en scene on stage, but no more BRIBES!

I’ just a tryin’ am I so very invested in connecting
In all the right ways, let’s try all over one another
Again a gain our gains through our pleasures our
Pains working hard to find ground we hold in common
Using our might common sense of our our senses
That are not so common as one would gather from
Our examples at resolving our issues that have
Festered for way too long in our stupid resolves
To become even harder than rocks and buried
Bones that should be left to rest in peace as we
Finally manage to our pieces pick up and mend.

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