Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Big Frisk! I was sooo frisked by the wind, goosed by the yank on the leash, our dog stopped to peel, frequent as not, to sniff at the grass

 He passed up the weed, I picked up the branches, those wigs like Twiggy herself, thin as they grew, the tartness of that wind! The affront of such cold! The brash interruptions of my bodily peace, how dare they all be so very present in our walk, those pesky cars that drove by, that horrible noise of trash trucks, the whitening of blue sky, the nakedness of trees, the green saviors Tony eyes of firs and pines! That cold shot through my spine, bundled as was I , took precautions before stepping outside! Felt in the core of my bones ‘ this is a cold one’, reference to our outside promenade to discharge our business, to de clutter my mind!

The intruders they were many, inside my thoughts, outside my body, so much to assimilate, reams of reels to associate, life to analyze, or not!

I have trouble, so much, ignoring those ‘about around me ‘ things,bannoyances of a kind, deliverances of another.

Keep it all in balance, some focus will arrive, my mind will my emotions perhaps drive, at best and each moment, I will strive.

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