Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Sunset to outdo sunsets to set the tone with Valois de Provence, rose dry if you don’t understand, the combo a gift,not toast both lands and skies, the French wine a glorious conduit connected both, the glass in our hands, the only manner to both them celebrate one in


Riding high, head down low, sipping and snapping,

Blogging them both the pure wild salmon colors

Of a setting sun, leaving a brief tail of tales not

Often enough told. The rose of Valois belonging 

To Provence, sipping such delicate colored liquid

Perfumes , Aphrodite in tulle rose, so hard to sew 

Such splendid liquid afros to adorn our tongues,

Such under-the-radar aphrodisiacs, too, so delicate

So unassuming, that taste for shade, liquid salmon-

Colored rose that charms us all, perfect foil, perfect

Partner to such a rainbow assortment constantly

Changing right before our eyes of sun’s adieu to

This western hemisphere many call in our divided

States, with our own states of mind at war with

Others, may we heal and grow and soon again love

One another each other, sister and brother, father

And mother ! We can we must we have this to do!

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