Monday, January 15, 2024

The calm of warmth and cold, cold on top, warmth below, thecwrap of night, the silence of a buzz in my ears and the slap of car doors closing

 The thump of two feet hitting our wood floors, the tap of

Dog feet hitting them, too, the floor boards, like they, 

Once asleep, now awaken in night as it comes early and

Spreads across the white snow fallen so recent, disturbed

By the rolling of it into balls to make snow women for two

Young girls intent to each make one woman of snow, the

Modern Snow White, the original Barbie and Ken, Trini

And Kimberley and the other Power Rangers protecting

Us in snow and sleet and rain and evil forces lurking all

Around us, so happy to feel the intensity this constant

Pulses up against my two socket feet that are really no

Match for such into-inside-from-cold-outside that brrrr

Breeze chills me even here sitting on couch feet spread

Legs a bit, too, the lower body is attacked, my upper body

A low burning stove fire that does not tingle of quiver

Like my feet! The promise of company soon, our dog

Just checked up on me, more curious he was about

The stirrings outside, as once

again car doors just

Slammed shut again, and I feel that school closings

Must have just been announced, as snow is promising

To fall and both blanket and carpet all night our rooms,

Even those without walls, starting outside, working

In their dropping temperatures to bundle us more in-

Side now, so quick I must rise and then face down once 

Again for forty-five minutes, head straight down, with

The promise to straighten up fully and walk and stretch

Before once again I assume this position, for 45 more,

Even on this Martin Luther King,  Jr. celebration of his

Birth, I do not get a free pass so my upper feet continue

To be stabbed with that cold from snowings outside!

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