Sunday, January 21, 2024

My messages do not speak to most, my words do not elicit much response, I have to tell you, that is so discouraging to meBut it is not about me,

Energized am I !

Fighter in me in us all unite!

 It is about us, it is about our now and what our futures may hold

What is our audience? What gets reactions? What gets us at

Attention, hungry for more? Is it only sex and physical contact?

Or the possibilities of such? As we retract more, not into ourselves

But into the fakery of facades and facial and body stereotypes of

Beauty?! What’s wrong with everything else!? Why is there so

Much attention on what does not matter , what is ever attainable

Or relevant to us except to derail, confuse, dishearten and hurt us

So very profoundly, fundamentally, humanly, humankindly 

Now we are humanmeanlyNOTkindly!on Meet The Press just

Now the male commentator said “ they want populism, that

Is what will win, they want a fighter “, speaking about our 

Upcoming election in 2024, I think we all can rally around

This, we need the fighter in each one of us to stand firm and

Hold our ground, that is what matters that we fight 4 R Rights!

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