Monday, February 12, 2024

The daffodils are mighty bright brimming UP spout aaahhhhh about early and so lucky that no bird takes any notice

 Those birds of so many different feathers

Though often here orange as in Robins

That peck for their worms in much all

Weather yes forced to , in mood or not

Wanting to or not whether suiting them

They peck and pull quickly into gullet

To feed their young or each other in

Winter and spring that is poking around

Too, let their focus inspire ours as there

Is so much to draw us away so quickly

From our given or suggested strongly

Tasks with masks with distractions so

Insidious, so disruptive, so blurring of

The lines of toil and boil and turmoil

That precede supersede, do not seed so

Nothing grows, the opposite of what we

May and certainly can do with a discipline 

A mission a bit of luck, hard work, talent,

Sticking-to-it persistence that may and 

Can so eventually pay off eventfully so!

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