Thursday, February 29, 2024

I’m the king of trite, nothing I say compares to the horrors happening in our world today - nothing!

 I am embarrassed, I complain, 

I go on about things that bother me, 

but nothing can compare to the horrific

 shit going on all around us! I am so

Sheltered, have been all my life, so

Lucky without fully knowing it till

Now, so oblivious, so in my head 

Unawares! So not believing any of

This, my privilege, my ignorance

My code of silence that some caLl

Bliss, but that I now consider one

Bug Nightmare Daymare too, why?,

Me!? Born into this without really

A care, left mostly by my loving

Parents to my own wits, for that

I am eternally grateful for, they

Gave me my freedom and with

That I have tried to be loving

And fair, with a big care for my

Actions and how they affect others?!

I am so blessed, I am a nudist
Love to be naked and unafraid
I fear it not, it liberates me to
Feel so very alive and connected
And more like myself than before!

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