Monday, February 19, 2024

Enter into the inter at your own peril, your grave great groan grind risk, frisked without your knowing, as you enter into the mostly evil risky wrong wretched phony world of the internet!

 It’s danger incarnate you are er, covered up the carne meat

To be ate eaten attacked robed detached re-

Gurgitate ated ,as in waste, don’t waste their

Time, you will be rated wronged, righted so

Raped wrung through The Ringer The Brain

drain Washer so no one, least wise you, will

Recognize what has just happened, been hap-

Pening for centuries now, the Rape and Wrong-

Full stripping of the whole humane race that

Which is rightfully their but wrongfully so

Stolen so calculatingly, so sinfully, so dastart-

Ly erased destroyed drowned, burned, cut off,

Flushed down, painted over, removed, retarded

Renamed , never once ever reimbursed, done so

It was not detected, this whole internet now so

Spoon-feeding us everything that is so bad for us!

To finally impress on us the absolute cisgust of it

ALL, barely anyone anywhere really alive anymore!

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