Thursday, February 29, 2024

I’m the king of trite, nothing I say compares to the horrors happening in our world today - nothing!

 I am embarrassed, I complain, 

I go on about things that bother me, 

but nothing can compare to the horrific

 shit going on all around us! I am so

Sheltered, have been all my life, so

Lucky without fully knowing it till

Now, so oblivious, so in my head 

Unawares! So not believing any of

This, my privilege, my ignorance

My code of silence that some caLl

Bliss, but that I now consider one

Bug Nightmare Daymare too, why?,

Me!? Born into this without really

A care, left mostly by my loving

Parents to my own wits, for that

I am eternally grateful for, they

Gave me my freedom and with

That I have tried to be loving

And fair, with a big care for my

Actions and how they affect others?!

I am so blessed, I am a nudist
Love to be naked and unafraid
I fear it not, it liberates me to
Feel so very alive and connected
And more like myself than before!

Everything about me is too much! Too quick! Too personal, too pointed, too up-close, too probing, too fast! Too colorful, too upsetting, too unnerving, too too TOO!

 Till you are all blue in the face from me - TOO!

I need to tone things down, slow down, say less!

Offer less of me up to you all, you are not prepared

At all for me, I move too quick! I say too much!

You do not know how to respond to me, I know that!

My life is so blessed and I have nothing to complain

About at all and feel blessed, lucky, fortunate, special!

Always someone! Yes!! I live in a congested atmosphere of cars, people, bikes, scooters, motorcycles, more! Always something, too!

 Yeeee gads! Never glad, always disturbing!

It brings my lowest denominator out to gasp!

Never the one to be glad with the fact of that

Other bike or car or person! I don’t like driving

Cuz of that, right off the bat! It’s annoying and

Adds to my stress level as much as most things!

I’m not a fan of any of this, not at all! Where

Others like to drive, I think it’s quite the drag!

I sound like an ol”;used-up bag/ rag, that’s bad!

Just sayin’ ‘ another one! Sheesh! This is sad!

I am so much better than all of this, just leave 

Me be!

That fatigue of an active brain’s imagination and a body’s physicality bagging and raking leaves through gnarled and tangled two colored vines with lovely lavender flowers coming soon!

 The bramble of sticks and stones and leaves 

And vines fighting back so fierce just now

Against the steel thin shapes that form a

Rake and wanting not to give in, much

Like a human rake trying to have his way

With the fairer sex and she not taking

Any of his bait! It was a struggle and I

Only got one black bag stuffed with all

This cover of winter and fall fallen over

Time in quite the mat of tangle and so

Thick this floor canopy covering all spring’s

Buds so wanting to grow and burst forward

At sun’s invitation of warmth so generous,

So early, too early some would say, the day-

Fodil’s such splendid yellows and white on

Thin green delicate swaying stems, and me

Now resting before later to walk our dog

And maybe bag another batch of fallen

Winter and fall from trees so grand oh so!

The lifting game , lifted a rock to find crawfish, in the semi wilds of Brasil, in Gavia up in the hills,

 This child gets going

Each and every morning 

Puts on his child’s face

And draws a frog on his

Internet’s screen so it will

Share the childish glee of

Drawing inspiration right

There outside by what is

Seen! The child does not

Know yet about any screen

Or being monitored by it or

By others off screen, still time

To save one child at a time be-

Fore they disappear into that

Screen never to be seen again

As born once they were to

Inspire and be inspired, to be

Caught up in the natural wonder 

To give chase to wander to real

Be and thankful for the gift of ,

And the richness of life and all

That it holds in store for sure

One way or another if freed from

The human shackling by a few

Others that claim so much that is

Really free and start charging us

As if we all are chattel not peops!

Wearing I am green of life it enriches bountifully sooooooooooooooooo!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The cool air on my bare skin that touch, a feel, a contact, brush of, kiss , the feelings so supreme

 In my total nakedness experience life more

Fully I some to understand to be one

With my place my time my moments 

Enriched enlarged, caught more fully

Felt more supremely, as that cold of Feb

Ruary is certain there, all over my naked

Skin my flesh exposed and partner or not 

To my surroundings so many wonderful

Scenes I prefer not to be screened off or

Siphoned away as this sense of pure so

Intense and natural contact with my elements 

Give me such a visceral a. Animal , an

Unimpeded beautiful raw touch that makes

No demands , asks for nothing, is fine if

I react or not, it is and will be, and how I

Respond to it I’d totally up to me, its 

Warmth it’s cold it’s essence its power

Or effect on me, and I love the cold of

Now on my bear bare skin, a 70 year old

Man that some would shudder, feel strongly

That I should for god’s sake know better!

But what I do know is I feel naked and fully

Exposed so much better without shame or

Guilt, simply truly and beautifully and supremely

Nakedly nicely, some say naughty, so much better!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

On high am I , I say hello even if you say bye bye! I am on a gasto astro boy- man high my luncheon meal soooo fine!


My meal what a splendid deal that

I made myself! So flavorful so real

So divine! Bits and pieces of some

YUM foods like onions and chives,

Baby tomatoes and green peppers

Popping with flavors, a vinaigrette,

Some squeezed yellow lemon, a

Touch of baby thin carrots, the

Euro lamb blended meats, that

Bread, too, pita pita putter patter

On my tongue and palate washing

Down with intent and wanto chews

Oh boy oh man, I am loving it all!

Friday, February 23, 2024

The time I fall to pieces at night is exhausting all in itself, my body slumps

 Actually my body lumps and out-spreads,

Dinner was quick and tasty, mango frozen

Pieces followed the wild rice and pork roar

Poarin’ delectable roast with some olive oil

Applique si oui, the fresh salad, too, so good

For my health, no wine yet though I brought

Italy home with me tonight, loaded the dish-

Washer and my head is sore at certain moments

It alerts me to those two points into my temples

Inside my head, I am careful, I pay close attention

Need to preserve my state of healthy being, the

Boat needeth not any rocking, some soothing,

Some kind words and visions of feminine beauty

Some gestures of love perhaps!? Some caring for

Me , I am here firmly ensconced to our couch, I

Feel senses greatly , grandly, thankfully of relief,

I am blessed to feel so good, to relax, to have so

Much to enjoy, to appreciate, to surround myself

So pleasingly with! What a scene, here at my lit

Screen, I am happy pleased, too, to be so alerted

To all that today be so sadly perverted, such bad

Calamities follow the other and fill frantically our

Lovely world now so very messed by all up down!

In the trenches, that is what I all my work, on ground zero, right there in the muck!

 No ivory tower for me, no big beautiful safe clear

Glass windows to look out from, protected and warm 

and away from the elements, I am in full elements so

Aware of and fighting some of the status quo, asking 

“ why?!” Why why, when , where? Everywhere and

Is that good for most of us or are we being constantly

Raked over the coals for someone else’s good and not

Ours!? I am fighting the fight in the trenches! Constant

As a rock there, for me, for you, for us all, and proud of

It Am I!

In process, not complete!

Twelve minutes can buy you many things indeed, in practice, in the doing of something in this time!

 I have to get in my car and drive it

My car drives so smooth sez Lynne

I agree , it also makes me feel good

I do not much like my driving with

All that nuisance traffic that keeps

Me so intently on full look alert to

Drive for myself and others as we

Share the same road, some moving 

with me, others the other direction

Do not want to have a problem in

Either direction, smooth and easy

My car with the midnight blue

Sparkles to it makes it feel like I

Am covered in so many tiny stars

All a sparkle, all a glitter! I call it

My James Bond car , a Toyota 

Sedan Corolla, it simply is splendid

And, even though I do not like to

Drive I feel super kool as I do any-

Where I go, in the groove, and a flow

All lit inside, all shining so and a glitter!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

To be caught up in a web, th web,like a narcotic, an addiction, how to breat free, loose, to escape!?

 Seems impossible but there is a way, there must be,

So insidious, devious, the Web knew in advance, it was 

calculated , designed, programmed to rob us of our powers

To change, to live our lives really free as we were born

And have all the rights in the world to be ourselves being

Alive in response to stimuli that touches us constantly in

Nature natural occurring sometimes variations reoccurring

That effect affect us and off us deflect, in us absorb in

Some form of parts, particles and that we embrace or

Ignore, hide from, dismiss, engage, we need to loose 

That Net from our necks that has systematically altered

And changed us and our lives so profoundly! We must

Recapture ourselves and set both ourselves & others

Finally permanently free from this ferocious grip that

Is now so very scary with scares crippling us to the bone!

Save us saving what can still be saved and planted to grow wild!

Wildly rawly untamedly unblamedly beautifully so splendidly
Naked wondrous wandering wondering thundering singing so!

Using as well as I can that I know how to , the tools at my disposition

 How well is that? Primitive I suspect

But then at least I am going through

The motions to so now record my

Man men my own man manly notions

And so proud of that as that

In itself is an accomplishment 

Of sorts sorting myself me I my

Out out out! From my mind’s

Dusty shelves and do man many

Piles as I am such a pile-er, I

Pile all myself all my work all

My time in stacks so often to

Be neglected left to fend for

Themselves later and my excuse?!

At least they exist for better or for

Worse they are real in their forms

There for the world at large to see

React feel more and all!

Text me, how would I react, my response, my reactions are unsure even though I think I would react this or that way, might be surprised to my utter dismay!

 Low battery, only 10% now so type away I must

I may have to charge and change and rearrange to

Not derange to not be strange yet, said I just today,

I do not fit, my brother told me that my lot in life

Might have been by those forceps once used to

Pull e up and through and out from inside Mom

So many years ago in Washington DC, they had

To refashion my head and scull and my brother

Was so upset for me! I told not to worry  that I

Was totally infinitely okay of the maze that is

Me that ability that will that want I to you amaze

Like a daze with my turn of a word a phrase so

Reconfigured so spontaneously purposely to

Make us stop as if at a stop sign without an

Actual one, just in the heads of social structures

Who formed those, by what hands were they 

Molded to suit someone else’s needs, fancies?

Who May we blame? I choose never to point 

Or to blame, to me that is so utterly horribly

Lame, I want to live so untamed so myself me

Purposely by me deranged as to stand up for

What beliefs I hold so dear, near to me even if

In doing so so I suffer lonership and called deranged

Self rearranged and mighty proud individual living

So as myself that comes to life in pieces pieced in

Perpetual change and on a plain today quite strange!