Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The drive home, the best ever! Wowers, powers sowers towers gone by and through green traffic lights missing the reds - NOT!

 I could not believe my good fortune! I slid through

I kept driving, fewer cars ever than I have experienced 

In many drives so few of them to weave in and out and

Disturb my wah! I was sunset tripping as I drove so in

Shock, in surprise! What a treat for me, not upset at my

Drive for a change relieved, it made it so much more

Enjoyable than usual, it has really made my end of day

As the sun took more and more of its leave as I drove

From Washington DC to Virginia feeling grander and

Greater to greatest as I r pad along getting closer and 

So much closer, counting my blessings, so happy to, 

For once be making good time,  ohhhhh what a

Relief it all was and now is as I sit now and type and

Think how lucky I am to be off from work tomorrow,

Here sipping my dry red Carignan Sardinian red so very

Smooth, touch of white pepper and spice, warming red

Wine brew brew brew, no who who who! No need to

Reach out to that Cat in his red Capp! Who knows!?! 

He might have spilled this red wine and turned my life

Now to shades of pink! That would have stirred up

Quite the sink, a really big stink to live with all the pink!

Lap it up baby lap it up so swift so quick so
Lick it ity bitty split splat splash splash crash!

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