Thursday, March 21, 2024

Influencer, navigators, to serve whom, to be the instrument, the pawns of whom!? I do not trust any of this

 And I am a trusting person, I put my trust in my abilities

To navigate, supersede, circumvent , avoid, see through,

Get along, March on, find my paths, keep for the most 

Part, my part, an influencer for the greater good, not for

Or by hire, fired by my own sense of the good and the

Continuation of those values simple and sound that I am

Directed by, by just being alive and open to life, not to

Be bought or taught by others serf-serving interests, I will

Have none of that, you may not buy me, you may not tell

Me what or how to do things, I will use my very own simple

Navigational tools as both an enabler and an influencer that

Gets nothing in return for my actions and efforts except for

My firm belief that it is the right thing for me to be doing, my

Gut tells me so, and so I stick to that, often with a sense of

Being and living quite alone and yet important in the context

Of things in life around me to be very positive and nourishing 

Indeed, in my deeds, my acts, my words my drawings, my photos,

All that I collect, create, assemble share with of things that do

Indeed touch my life so much that I believe so fervently that 

It is my gift to share all of this with you as it touch’s me strongly!

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