Thursday, March 7, 2024

Be in be out but most of all, be about, about yourself!

 Being vulnerable able to be so and strong still

Be in be out be about , learn to life with all your

Bouts! But, most of all, know what you, yourself,

Are about in truth in real life not in virtual, but

Know your virtues, your weaknesses and do not

Let yourself or others derail you before you even

Start! Stat on your strengths to keep you going

Be ready willing and ready to lose it all for

What might happen just as equally possible, all

May simply fall to pieces, break off, go to hell,

And back, but lose your festering crippling fear!

Go on! Get it up, get it on, get yourself a good

NO! A great big kick in your BUTT, hut hut! 

Shut shout spout spit spank spank sprink wink!

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh FUCK! Know what you R


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