Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Life hangs in the balance! Less than 13 minutes left! Wolfed my breakfast down, shared three bites with our dog!

 Lunch med, do not have enough hair to

Brush a comb thru it! Walked our dog!

Short cul de sac tour promenade all so

Rather quick but good. He did not poop

But got several pee’s in and loads of 

Life-informing sniffs in! The garbage 

Truck came early, hauled it away with a

Shiny black bag of leaves, a reflection

And a glare, I see myself and the bare 

Brown branches and beautiful baby blue

Sky above! See myself, too in this iPad

Screen! The birdies tweet lovingly loudly,

The rat a tat tat tat tat of a loud woodpecker,

Just once! Have to go in, take vitamins, and

Brush me teet to make up for not having

Much hair, so have to save my teeth!

The woodpecker now takes two more at

Attempts at it! Silence now, the warmth of

 A glorious sun now as we go in and I get

Ready to drive off to work! Did it yes I did do!

Tweet tweet tweet goes that bird, rat a tat tat tatty goes

The woodpecker, off to the races we all go our merry way


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