Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Eleven minutes and counting! Birds singing , get noise above just passed over, the bird singing did not notice! Cars pass by,mbreexe welcomes to light my bare skin!!


Sun is all over me as the breeze

Rushes brush’s thrush’s it off me

I ain’t looking out at our garden

That I have raked and bags leaves

Off the ground now for days, black

Shiny bags piled down at our cul-de-

Sac now ready to be trucked away

And the earth and plants so green are

Now more visible as they push up

And out to flower to sprout to tout 

Their magnificent shiny green selves

As I recall yesterday and before the

Loud constant peck of woodpeckers

Needing to eat the bugs in those rot’

Ting woods showing their span of

Lives are perhaps nearing their ends

A sign of age a sign to many of de-

Cline, hard to stomach for many

Men peck too in another fashion

Their peckers insistent a sign of

Their hopeful not decline in their

Masculine fiery fierce manhood

A pleasure and pain equal in parts

To many on earth, so those budding

Jonquils those vibrant yellows in

So many shades and brilliant whites, 

The lavender blooms so round and

Tiny on crawling to low ground 

Vincas such encouraging signs to

Regrowth and rebirth that constant

In life to sustain our passions, contain

Our vigor, repeat our off to on spring!

I have reached my fifteen and must now

Off to work,

Adieu till  my hellos replace my departure 

And usher in my new entrance to you and

Our glorious beautiful shared lives her

On earth onto more living and loving so!

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