Sunday, November 30, 2014

What's Your Intention ?!? You Femmes Females Senoras Mademoiselles Think Only One Thing , No Two Things When You Spy An Homme, Male. Senor, Monsieur : He Wants-Intends 2 Fuck Me, How May I Let Him Then Make Him MIne, My Puppet, Form Him Into My Mind's Eye Vision?!?

                                What's Your Intention ?!?
                                You Femmes Females Sen
                                oras Mademoiselles Think
                                Only One Thing , No Two T
                                hings When You Spy An Ho
                                mme, Male. Senor, Monsieur
                                : He Wants-Intends 2 Fuck M
                                e, How May I Let Him Then M
                                ake Him Mine, My Puppet, For
                                m Him Into My Mind's Eye Vis
                                ion?!? Get Him In My Vise?! N
                                Not Just Knot Him Not Him Ad
                                No Non Certainly Not Advise H!

                                We're Programmed R Bodies R
                                So Thus Wired, He Heh Heh, No
                                Joke Ladies This Bloke Me My
                                Sell Myself ( ?!?! ) No, Not Yet
                                I Wanna Know I Want To Hold
                                Mmmmmm Man-Woman Many
                                A Femme A Senora A Madame,

                               I Like U Older I Like That I Feel
                               B Act Can Move Makes B So Bo
                               In-My-Old Yeah Be Bust Bolder!
                               Roll My Boulder Thump By Thun
                               Hun-4-U Thunder Pump Plunder
                               Rip Tip Top Ease Tease Plus My
                               Spa Pace Place My Man An So V
                               Very Special Cave My Man's Cave!

I'm On A Real Floe Yeah Can Say Truth / I Do So These Momes Memes Oui Si / I So Do 2 Outside 2 U To Others / In My Reach / 4 Them I Do So Real It's Pain Not To / sO wITH a TOuch Of Reck A Bit Of Less Caution I Am May So IT B Careless Though I Care Deal-Great! Find In Others A Balm A Baste A Ta TAS Taste No Real Waste / Wanna Me-2 tHEM Hug By Their Waist / Feel Some A Sense Of Haste / Do Not Wanna Be In My Mind Chaste / Yea, Having Sex Not The Deal / In Mind In My Penis YES Big DEal/ But In My Soul My Thoughts My Senses Not THE Big Deal / I Just Wanna CloseHold Another Warm Human Being 'N Feel The Human-Man-Woman-Humane-Hum-Hum-Humble-Hearted Bond!

                                I'm On A Real Floe Yeah Can Say Truth /
                                I Do So These Momes Memes Oui Si / I S
                                o Do 2 Outside 2 U To Others / In My Rea
                                ch / 4 Them I Do So Real It's Pain Not To /
                                sO wITH a TOuch Of Reck A Bit Of Less
                                Caution I Am May So IT B Careless Though
                                I Care Deal-Great! Find In Others A Balm A
                                Baste A Ta TAS Taste No Real Waste / Wan
                                na Me-2 tHEM Hug By Their Waist / Feel So
                                me A Sense Of Haste / Do Not Wanna Be In
                                My Mind Chaste / Yea, Having Sex Not The
                                Deal / In Mind In My Penis YES Big DEal/
                                But In My Soul My Thoughts My Senses Not
                                THE Big Deal / I Just Wanna CloseHold Anot
                                 her Warm Human Being 'N Feel The Human-
                                 Hearted Bond!

I Get So Randy @ NighhhhhhhTTTTTT I Ohhhh / I Floe Eyes ALL MINE On U Floe Loe Et / Oui Si Yo / Te Quiero To Hold My Ho Host I Brag-Not / Feel Knot In My Trunk Of Dick / B I Old-Some I Warm Soft Leg Small 3rd! / Like A Bird I Hear U Floe I Herd 2 U! My Flesh-Feather Warm Horet-Honest Shiny Satin Blackened-Bird!

                              I Get So Randy @ NighhhhhhhTTTTTT
                              I Ohhhh / I Floe Eyes ALL MINE On U
                              Floe Loe Et / Oui Si Yo / Te Quiero To H
                              old My Ho Host I Brag-Not / Feel Knot In
                              My Trunk Of Dick / B I Old-Some I Warm
                              Soft Leg Small 3rd! / Like A Bird I Hear U
                              Floe I Herd 2 U! My Flesh-Feather Warm H
                              oret-Honest Shiny Satin Blackened-Bird

                              Scare - Sca Ca Scare Care Me Lo Lots Loads
                              U So Floe U Ti Tiq Tiqu Tique I'm Wanna S
                              U 2 Speak 2 Be Spoke 2 To Be Wrote Yeah
                              Floe Write 2 me Writ Rit Rite Peace-Piece P
                              Pan Scap Crap Rap Rap Rap Ta Tas U Rape
                              Me Rava Have Sav Sava Ava Avag Va Va V
                              Vespa Me Make Me What U Will Have Your

                              Say Your Way Your Words Dance Your Some
                              Sums Of Me B Yours 2 Rap Sap Sape Ape Me
                              Grrrrr Girrrrrrl! Grind Your Words Sharp Blo
                              Loo Lood Of Mine Cut R Fingers R Tips To B
                              Bleed Together 2 Rits Our Its Our ItUUUusUs
                              Rituals Like Pagan-Pay-Not-Others Have No D
                              Druthers Have R Covers 2 Warm Arms Become
                              Round One Another Hug One Another Be A Ble
                              More-Than-Less-A True Blessing 2 Each Other
                              The Wonder When We May Act We May Ennac
                              Nact A Trust More Than Just Physical Thrust A
                              Yeah Actual Factual Trust Treat Treasure Sure P

                              Leisure Lie Linger Long Longing Spiritually 4 U
                              Me Us 4 Yeah Dis Blasted Bastard Wants His Bl
                              Shin-Shine-2-Sista-Satanic Angel Bitchy Blessing!
                              U Sis Is Whom I Wanna Know 2 Surprise Us Both!

The Desire o Sir / To MultiplyHer-Him / Me Me Me Me Me Me Me! / Thus Thrust Me Me Me / 2 U U U U U U U! / Through U I Do Construe My Dew / My Yarn Make Mew New / Bar Barn Spin Span Spawn / Spun My Lick Liquid Yarn Oh / Dear Darn Quite Ames I Do / Make! I Thrust You Do Quake / Not Want 2 U Break!

                                  The Desire o Sir / To Multiply
                                  Her-Him / Me Me Me Me Me
                                  Me Me! / Thus Thrust Me Me
                                  Me / 2 U U U U U U U! / Thro
                                  ugh U I Do Construe My Dew /
                                  My Yarn Make Mew New / Bar
                                  Barn Spin Span Spawn / Spun M
                                  y Lick Liquid Yarn Oh / Dear Da
                                  rn Quite Ames I Do / Make! I Thr
                                  ust You Do Quake / Not Want 2 U

Friday, November 28, 2014

I'm Scared Of You Real Unreal ?!? Found Hound Founded-UN?!? / Seems So Real 2 Me Reeled Constant / Do Don't U Trust But My Will 2 Thrust / U Trumps IT All Wanna U Ball SO BAD!

                                I'm Scared Of You Real Unreal ?!? Found
                                Hound Founded-UN?!? / Seems So Real 2
                                Me Reeled Constant / Do Don't U Trust But
                                My Will 2 Thrust / U Trumps IT All Wanna
                                U Ball SO BAD!

                                U'r Whirl World So Stark So Bold Be Da Sta
                                ars Blah Lah Lack Shin-Shiney Brin-Briney-
                                Brune Brown-2-Deepest-Dar-Arc-Arkest Be
                                What Mean IT 2 B Black? Da ' N ' Word Wo
                                World me Scare The Viol La Len Lence A C
                                Con ON Onstant Resonance Pert Impert @ A-

                               Always On Alert I So Do Wanna Touch IT U
                               Your World Have 2 Do It Through You Some
                               Scared Of Your World 2 Too Many Complics
                               Ca Ca Cations! yet I Read Your Prose & I Wa
                               Want 2 Abs Mine U Absorb U Your Writs Yo
                               Your Smarts Your Being So Become Mine In
                               You Inspire me 2 B Bet On Better Wetter An
                               Intel An El Elle Eligence Yours 2 Absorb To
                               B Be Come Cum Over Your Words In Praise
                               IN Homage In Wonder In Wander I Wanna W
                               Wander - Ponder -Sing-Oww-Out-Low-Loud
                               Prow Prowl Proud Over - 4 - For You And Re

                               Ad You Again 2 Gain Perspective 2 Gain A
                                Feel Cop A Feel A Fanta A Faint Ink A Sem-
                               Perm Yes Erm ERman/woman-Nent Link 2-
                               Of You My New friend That , I Fear, I Want
                               2 Reveal So Much More I Want To Show U

                               So Much More Of Me 2 U o Read Out Low-
                               Hello-Pillow- Lous Proud Prude-2-Prance D
                               Dance Roman Oman Omen Man-Woman Y
                               Yes We be Ritual Writing In R Own Inks 2
                               2-Gather-Gether Lin Sin Sink Link Fink-Fun
                               Funk! Ahhhh Physc Ca Call U Us Del Delic!

I Have My Own Personal Engineer , SHe Keeps Me Up / He Keeps Me Aroused & In-Tune With My Wiring / That's Much The Same Maddening Stimulation THE Same Desire / SAME FIRE 2 Get Laid Made Trade My Sperm Silver-Trayed / PASSED Amongst U Back And 4th Displayed Played As in U Perpet-IN -Purr-PetU-Ahhhh All Made! .... 4-EveR 'N EVE!

                                 I Have My Own Personal Engineer ,
                                 SHe Keeps Me Up / He Keeps Me A
                                 roused & In-Tune With My Wiring /
                                 That's Much The Same Maddening S
                                 timulation THE Same Desire / SAME
                                 FIRE 2 Get Laid Made Trade My Sper
                                 m Silver-Trayed / PASSED Amongst
                                 U  Back And 4th Displayed Played As
                                 in U Perpet-IN -Purr-PetU-Ahhhh All M
                                 ade!  .... 4-EveR 'N EVE! Band-Play Ay                                      
                                 Aye Hell Hello Aid Laid U Band-Aids!

If You Can't B There With THE ONE U ThinK U Want Most / Then B There With THE ONE By U 'N Reach-Out TOUCH-HER Tease-Plea-Please Her Make Overs U Know ures GestYOU2Her-owards Her Woo Her Run Hands Ohhh Over Her She Sigh Your Fingers Through Her Fur Lips On Her EveR So Light-Bit-Nip-Inhale Her Ahhh Aromes U Know 4 Her , Perhaps She Purr U Fuck Her?!? 'N Mind-U-Yours Fuck THE ONE FAR AWAY There 4-Square-4-Sure In Your Thoughts Inner Enter Focused Feelings Inside Your Mind While Physical, You Fuck THEONERIGHTTHERE! Cruel Prime Prim Primal, all-Timal!

                                  If You Can't B There With THE ONE
                                  U ThinK U Want Most / Then B There
                                  With THE ONE By U 'N Reach-Out T
                                  OUCH-HER Tease-Plea-Please Her M
                                  ake Overs U Know ures GestYOU2Her
                                  -owards Her Woo Her Run Hands Ohhh
                                  Over Her She Sigh Your Fingers Throug
                                  h Her Fur Lips On Her EveR So Light-Bi
                                  t-Nip-Inhale Her Ahhh Aromes U Know
                                  4 Her , Perhaps She Purr U Fuck Her?!?
                                  'N Mind-U-Yours Fuck THE ONE FAR A
                                  WAY There 4-Square-4-Sure In Your Tho
                                  ughts Inner Enter Focused Feelings Inside
                                  Your Mind While Physical, You Fuck TH
                                  EONERIGHTTHERE! Cruel Prime Prim P
                                  rimal, all-Timal! Rhythm Rhime Prime Ti
                                 Tim-time Nicke U Dip U Dime She By U S
                                 Ohhhhhhh Now Red Ready SO : Prim Go
                                 Gone Earlier Song Now Onto Her Well-B
                                 She U Your Gestures Your Words Primed!
                                 Worked Geared So Very Scary Wordee So
                                 Well 2 4 Short Time Dip Your Wick Into H
                                 Her Sunken Oft Often So Hidden Maiden W
                                 Well Your Man-Cave Your Man-Save Your
                                 Hide-Hide Engorge Yourself In Her Gorge
                                 Ho Ho Hoe Hot Heated Meet-Meated Mall.
                                 Steeled Peel Peeled Potted Shiny Juices Pr
                                 Rick Roasted Roosted Fostered Fly Floe So!

The Horn Is There @ Daytime, Hangs Like The Best, Silent Most-Part-For / Ready 2 Pound-Pounce-Trounce! / @ THE Ready Eddy Netty! Of That You May Comfort-in-Come-Forth Come-For B Sure Latte Later Sorely Sure Dear Dearest Darling Darning Me THE Horn My Horns Building, Amassing , Fill Full 2-Sill-Ho-Hot-Not-Chill La La Now, Late Much Later Ohhhh Dare I Dare Them Dare Us Dare All ake On the Cold The Chill Oooooohhhhh Over Tip Mine Male Clit Spill Forth Into Mine NEW Man Cave Man-Save Man-Crave Van Car Vani Vain ?!? Vanilla Chocolate White Frosting-Cake Add 2 That My Own I Do IT OWN Nutted-Nutty-Peek-Pecan-Toucan osty Roar-Roasty Pie Ohhhhh meee Ohhhhh myyyyyyy I Spend Later Up UP-Her-His-R-En-EN-End Till The End Or Really JUS BEFORE So There Can Be More From Where That Came : Ahhh DA Glory Gory Stored Stories Of IT ahhh ALL! What A Ball A Baller Am I A Baller-Caw-Caw-Caller For You Ladies Mine All! So Many Falvors So Many Man-Over Upon Labors 4 Me I Am Do Dew Spew Enter Enthrall!!!

                                  The Horn Is There @ Daytime, Hangs
                                   Like The Best, Silent Most-Part-For /
                                   Ready 2 Pound-Pounce-Trounce! / @
                                   THE Ready Eddy Netty! Of That You
                                   May Comfort-in-Come-Forth Come-Fo
                                   r B Sure Latte Later Sorely Sure Dear D
                                   earest Darling Darning Me THE Horn M
                                   y Horns Building, Amassing , Fill Full 2-
                                   Sill-Ho-Hot-Not-Chill La La Now, Late M
                                   uch Later Ohhhh Dare I Dare Them Dare U
                                   s Dare All ake On the Cold The Chill Ooooo
                                   ohhhhh Over Tip Mine Male Clit Spill Forth
                                   Into Mine NEW Man Cave Man-Save Man-
                                   Crave Van Car Vani Vain ?!? Vanilla Choco
                                   late White Frosting-Cake Add 2 That My Ow
                                   n I Do IT OWN Nutted-Nutty-Peek-Pecan-To
                                   ucan osty Roar-Roasty Pie Ohhhhh meee  Ohh
                                   hhh myyyyyyy I Spend Later Up UP-Her-His-
                                   R-En-EN-End Till The End Or Really JUS BE
                                   FORE So There Can Be More From Where Th
                                   at Came : Ahhh DA Glory Gory Stored Stories
                                  Of IT ahhh ALL! What A Ball A Baller Am I A
                                  Baller-Caw-Caw-Caller For You Ladies Mine A
                                  ll! So Many Falvors So Many Man-Over Upon
                                  Labors 4 Me I Am Do Dew Spew Enter Enthrall!!

Venga Viens Viernes Ver Vair Var Bl Loo Verga My Mine All Soft Silk Mine Con Migo Mi Amigo My Please Pleasure My Stone Blood Leisure I Lease I Reel I Lease I My U I Hope 2 Too Soo SO : Soon Boom Boom POP! Fizz, Yeah YES Jizz Pleasure Feather Weather Skin's Mine Bent ill Ilt IltedUP 2 Tow Ow War Wards U My rees Your Branch Your True-Blue Hot-Red Pink-Puss Kiss 'N Naked Only Your Boots Into Onto Up Out Onto Ohhh Ove So : Over Into ALL : Rouse-You-Me Now I Take You I Find My Eye Of Bull's Meal 2 Insert Some Measure Of My Pleasure!


Venga Viens Viernes Ver Vair Var Bl Loo Verga My Mine All Soft Silk Mine Con Migo Mi Amigo My Please Pleasure My Stone Blood Leisure I Lease I Reel I Lease I My U I Hope 2 Too Soo SO : Soon Boom Boom POP! Fizz, Yeah YES Jizz Pleasure Feather Weather Skin's Mine Bent ill Ilt IltedUP 2 Tow Ow War Wards U My rees Your Branch Your True-Blue Hot-Red Pink-Puss Kiss 'N Naked Only Your Boots Into Onto Up Out Onto Ohhh Ove So : Over Into ALL : Rouse-You-Me Now I Take You I Find My Eye Of Bull's Meal 2 Insert Some Measure Of My Pleasure!

I Rode Your Flow With You Floe Loe Loet U Your Road Words-Of / Did Me Cat-Like At-Me Mine Bod / So Vaery Day-These Tea-tEASE Me Plea pLAY ME LAY ME. ;OAD ME. ALL ON BOA BOARD ME SNA nA Nak B Ake So To Slide 2 Me Mack U Words From You You Wrote Bout You Fpr U Ahh 'B 'Bout I Pou Pow Pot Not By Me tHEY Me To Blither To Smit I Be U Wit Smit Smit So Smiy A Foo An Old Too-Too Tool Unwound-Spool U Me Take Dig Pull My Me ALL Skin 2 Sin 2 Be Rode On By Your Words 2 Per So Happy Haps U 2 Hold To You-Us Write Create Dabce Sin-G Son-G Daugh-Ought-2?!? Just Wanna B Wit U With Not This-Vise-Like-Not-I-Eye Feel Without U @ Wit's End Must See C Sea-Vent Vend Venga,Vamos odoa Just Your Words My Eyes Round The Be B Bend Till Spike-Spill ALL Almost Us All And Our Ends!

                                  I Rode Your Flow With You Floe
                                  Loe Loet U Your Road Words-Of
                                  / Did Me Cat-Like At-Me Mine Bo
                                  d / So Vaery Day-These Tea-tEASE
                                  Me Plea pLAY ME LAY ME. LOA
                                  ME. ALL ON BOA BOARD ME SN
                                  A nA Nak B Ake So To Slide 2 Me M
                                  ack U Words From You You Wrote Bo
                                  ut You Fpr U Ahh 'B 'Bout I Pou Pow P
                                  ot Not By Me tHEY Me To Blither To S
                                  mit I Be U Wit Smit Smit So Smiy A Fo
                                  o An Old Too-Too Tool Unwound-Spoo
                                  l U Me Take Dig Pull My Me ALL Skin
                                 2 Sin 2 Be Rode On By Your Words 2 Pe
                                 r So Happy Haps U 2 Hold To You-Us W
                                 rite Create Dabce Sin-G Son-G Daugh-Ou
                                 ght-2?!? Just Wanna B Wit U With Not Th
                                 is-Vise-Like-Not-I-Eye Feel Without U @
                                 Wit's End Must See C Sea-Vent Vend Ven
                                 ga,Vamos odoa Just Your Words My Eyes
                                 Round The Be B Bend Till Spike-Spill AL
                                 L Almost Us All And Our Ends!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Floe Of My Flesh Fresh Ah, ALL Agh Aglow / Hi Hello Tique I Do Round You Toque Eyes Mine Taque Toque / Spiel Speak My Nake My Ache Bod Od Odd-Nay At Natural Ness / I Confess I Nakedly Through Words Mine 4 U Now So Streak / Paint My Pics My Reach My Each Eaches Speeches / Mine Spars My Sparks My Yearns SO In Me Now Loud Burns / Grins Grands Grunts Grates Grows / I Do So Sew B Sewn Be Shorn B Hang Hung Desires-Fires UP In My Head/ Warmth Below To Abe Ably Purr-Haps-Per Hug I Must I Mist I Try Rye With Must Mast Muster Bus Bust Us 2 Buster To Brag 2 Be Sweet Sworn Shadowed Lighted Not Now Ever Forlorn / Just Abe Mabe B Bor Born-Florn Floated Flatted Flated 2 ique 2 Squeak 2 Sing-Squack-Square-Dan-Nan-Ance No Pins Not Pants Mind's Love 4 Real Images Of R Imagined! Romances! Prances!!!

Sure-Not-May-Babe-Abe-Mabe- Shirley I'm Amazed / To Discover 2 Perhaps recover 2 X Plore Exlode My Mind My Eye's Load / I Flow I Glow I Extol I You Read Eye You Aye You / Pics 'N Words Yours So Me Make Inside Implode / How Be IT So ?!? I Do Judge Imps Of My 'Pressions / Of You Do Not So Quick So Fast / Do Did Then Not Convey My Reactions Inside To Those So Sudden Judging The Outsides / My Mind's My Feelings , My Emotions, My Brains' Man-Boy-Male Ohhhhh SO : Many Brutal Beasts Of Beastly Aghs Aghasts Over-Rides As All I Want / Wanted Then To Hop-Hitch Da Dis Bitch This Woman's Flow Hi Hello Low Dow Down I'm So Down Wit Dat / Wanting Nothing More 'N To Hop On Her Words / Take her By The Hand, Em So Bra Ra Rah Race Her / tray Trace Out-In Line-Sketch-Fetch-Face Her With First Mine Fingers As If To Draw Her Close / To know Her To Bet On Better Her Know Now/ Waste Not Wait Not Waist Hold / Be So Braze So Raisin So Ripe Rip Razen To Inspire Each / 2 Enjoy Company Of Other 'n Explore Galore !

Where is this all coming from ?!? Gotta love it, I do! So!!!!

                                   Sure-Not-May-Babe-Abe-Mabe- Shirley
                                   I'm Amazed / To Discover 2 Perhaps rec
                                   over 2 X Plore Exlode My Mind My Eye's
                                   Load / I Flow I Glow I Extol I You Read E
                                   ye You Aye You / Pics 'N Words Yours So
                                   Me Make Inside Implode / How Be IT So ?
                                   !? I Do Judge Imps Of My 'Pressions / Of Y
                                   ou Do Not So Quick So Fast / Do Did Then
                                   Not Convey My Reactions Inside To Those
                                   So Sudden Judging The Outsides / My Mind's
                                   My Feelings , My Emotions, My Brains' Man-
                                   Boy-Male Ohhhhh SO : Many Brutal Beasts O
                                   f Beastly Aghs Aghasts Over-Rides As All I W
                                   ant / Wanted Then To Hop-Hitch Da Dis Bitch
                                  This Woman's Flow Hi Hello Low Dow Down I'
                                   m So Down Wit Dat / Wanting Nothing More 'N
                                  To Hop On Her Words / Take her By The Hand,
                                  Em So Bra Ra Rah Race Her / tray Trace Out-In
                                  Line-Sketch-Fetch-Face Her With First Mine Fin
                                  gers As If To Draw Her Close / To know Her To
                                  Bet On Better Her Know Now/ Waste Not Wait
                                  Not Waist Hold / Be So Braze So Raisin So Ripe
                                  Rip Razen To Inspire Each / 2 Enjoy Company O
                                  f Other 'n  Explore Galore !
                                  You're No Bitch I Do Know It So, Please Forgive
                                  It's The Lady Da Female Da Girl In You B So G
                                  Gee Grand I Do Grin I Do Glad I Do So Groan!

In Fact Color Is Not The Issue @ All / I Was Describing Two People Of Which I Am One / And I Fell Into The Easy - Lazy Role Of Describing The He / She-Surface Of Things And Missing The Point / Entirely Which Is That I Have Serendipitously Discovered Another Artist That I Want To Know More About As Her Words Have Inspired & Fired And Stirred me / The Boy-Man-Male In Me So To Thinking - Feeling - Reeling He's Uncovered A Grand Buried Treasure : A Perhaps Kindred Soul?!? Holly-Mole!

                                  In Fact Color Is Not The Issue @ All /
                                  I Was Describing Two People Of Whi
                                  ch I Am One / And I Fell Into The Easy
                                  - Lazy Role Of Describing The He / She-
                                  Surface Of Things And Missing The Point
                                   / Entirely Which Is That I Have Serendipi
                                  tously Discovered Another Artist That I Wa
                                  nt To Know More About As Her Words Have
                                  Inspired & Fired And Stirred me / The Boy-M
                                  an-Male In Me So To Thinking - Feeling - Ree
                                  ling He's Uncovered A Grand Buried Treasure :
                                  A Perhaps Kindred Soul?!? Holly-Mole!

I'm Just A White Boy Asking A Black Girl To Show Him More ....

I'm Just A White Boy Asking A Black Girl To Show Him More / Just A White Artist Reaching owards A Black Artist TO mEET Somewhere, Anywhere, To Dance Together, To Write And Draw And Possibly EVEn Sing ogether Till This White Boy's Adam's Ahhh Ape Apple Drops Down So Low That The Flow 'Tween Spleen-Preen-Plumb-Num-Num-Numb-Bum-Bum-Pum-Pum-Ummmm-Um-Ump Us SO! Cre Re Rea @ At Ate Be So Us Eat So Eaten We Mix Juices Ours Create Gray Gris Whee Whee Wee We Whee So Fleshly Gray We B! What A Quan What A Wan Wand Uandar Andar Ndary 'Tween ' Twee Tweet Us Now So Sud So Thud So Mud So Mire So Mired Ad @ Us 2 Souls 2 Reach Ow Out Other Two! I Love The Color Gray! Don't You?!?

I Bear Yeah Bare Clothed Full Still Know Now Be I Gin I 2 Knot UnTie You Wit Mine Eyes Know You Your Face Your Feats Eat Your Facial Creatures With Eyes All Mine Hunger Lunge Lunger As In Facial Plun Lun Lunger I Do Dry Drill Drone You Mine Over Eyes As Drones To Scope Scoop Scratch You Out Fro Roam I From Expressions Yours Meant To Hide To So From Us All Conceal I Unseal I Not-Knots-Reveal-Revel-Delve-Devil-Pevil-My-Pel-My-Pal-In-My-Vis-Vis-Pen-Is Smack-Dab-Hard-'Tween Mine Legs I Run I Rant I Pin I Pan Pant-Un-Pant-U-Panty-Panties-2-Side-Push-Eye-Eyes-Wide-In-Out-U-I-Eyes-Mine-Glow-Glad-Lad2Lssie-Insides-Reveal-Revel-Pulse-Parade-Pride-Purr-Purse-Parcel-Perk-Prune-Prance So I We Do Primal Dan Pam Ance! La Belle Si Vie-A-Moi France-En! On! Go ! Va! Vroo ! Roo ! Room! Boom! Boom ! Boom !

                                I Bear Yeah Bare Clothed Full Still Know
                                Now Be I Gin I 2 Knot UnTie You Wit Mi
                                ne Eyes Know You Your Face Your Feats
                                Eat Your Facial Creatures With Eyes All M
                                ine Hunger Lunge Lunger As In Facial Plun
                                Lun Lunger I Do Dry Drill Drone You Mine
                                Over Eyes As Drones To Scope Scoop Scrat
                                Rat-At-@-Atch-ch You Out Fro Roam I Fro
                                m Expressions Yours Meant To Hide To So F
                                rom Us All Conceal I Unseal I Not-Knots-Rev
                                n-My-Vis-Vis-Pen-Is Smack-Dab-Hard-'Tween
                                Mine Legs I Run I Rant I Pin I Pan Pant-Un-Pa
                                rse-Parcel-Perk-Prune-Prance So I We Do Primal
                                Dan Pam Ance! La Belle Si Vie-A-Moi France-E
                                n! On! Go ! Va! Vroo ! Roo ! Room! Boom! Boo
                                m ! Boom !

I'm Fucking You From A Distance / Yeah, I Can Fuck You Even Though I Don't / KNow If You Want Me To ? I'm Remembering / Image Yeah Mage Magin So Magic-In-Ing Me In So Sigh Side You're Heaven-Hellish Skin! Fifty-Fifty Chances . More Changes. You May Not EveN Care So My Prick Down Your Adam Dam Dam's Apple I Still Eye You Dear Whether You Give A Fuck For Me Still Or Not / I'm On The Sill Red Ready Ohhhhhh Need So Over You Spill Your Warmth Drill ill It I Cert Blurt Squirt Square 'Tween Legs Yours Mine Eye Mine Bull Mine Horns You @ Bull's Eye I Spurt Full Attention Full Alert!

                                  I'm Fucking You From A Distance / Yeah,
                                  I Can Fuck You Even Though I Don't / KN
                                  ow If You Want Me To ? I'm Remembering
                                  / Image Yeah Mage Magin So Magic-In-Ing
                                  Me In So Sigh Side You're Heaven-Hellish S
                                  kin! Fifty-Fifty Chances . More Changes. You
                                  May Not EveN Care So My Prick Down Your
                                  Adam Dam Dam's Apple I Still Eye You Dear
                                  Whether You Give A Fuck For Me Still Or Not
                                   / I'm On The Sill Red Ready Ohhhhhh Need So
                                   Over You Spill Your Warmth Drill Ill It I Cert
                                  Blurt Squirt Square 'Tween Legs Yours Mine E
                                  ye Mine Bull Mine Horns You @ Bull's Eye I S
                                  purt Full Attention Full Alert!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

So Striking, You Have My Attention, Your Words, What They Conjure For Me ... 11/27/2014 Happy hanksgiving Flow-Da-Ti-TIQ-Tique In Ya!

  • Anthony Quinn So striking, you have my attention, your words, what they conjure for me, the questions they raise, the life, the pictures , the scenarios you paint, tu es un vrai artiste mon amie, tu parles Francais? Oui, je le crois. J'aime les trois fotos ici. I do like these three photos and love and hate at the same time the deep shadows that they are shaded in too deeply to revela but the tall, sleek, svelte and stunning silhouettes, the movement, the iphone disturbs me, what is it about that as you hold it that inspires or concerns or effects or directs you?
  • Anthony Quinn I response here I flow . I tick I tiq tiqu Iqu tique in as gentle, no swift tick-to-tock-to-beam-me-up-by Jove, by Scott! Share the truth the kernels of observations, the thought that roses and rose here from feelings in the plain, the raw, the real flow of a person's emotions that have grappled and seen certain connections, truths and trials , trails of tries and fails and succeeds, you have shared pieces of your life, of your escapades, of your witnessing of life around you that you have both been active and sometimes also, I imagine and keen observer in. Bravo. Happy Thanksgiving Flow I U Do Not Critique Love Your Mystique, your Will So willing to share and reveal and poke and prick and pun and point and partake in the mystery and the magic and the glory and all else that life surely is! Cheers!! 11/27/ 2014

                             Give Me Your Load I Can Fee
                            Eel Yours I Squee Quee Ueel!
                            You Jet You Son U In Yeah J
                            Jizz Iss Is Some Izzum Yum 2
                            Tou Ouch 2 ouch My Tum I Fee
                            Reel You me My Plu Lu Lug M
                            Hole Mine Whole Do Load N
                           Lock Seal My Meet My Meat Mi
                           2 Sigh 2 Fly 2 La La Land My
                           Hang Hung Hanger My Slam La
                           Lamb Samb Pamb Ma'aamed By
                           Let Me Carry Now Your Fine S
                           Load Laodes As You Mine Ass
                           Now 2 Loaded Boarded Sordided

                           Filled Flung Sung Spung Your
                           Load Has Flown Multips Tim Ti
                           Me Times Down My Poop My S
                           Shout Mad Pass Excite Wit My En
                           End's @ Wit's End At Cocks' End
                           Mend Fend Me Best Penit Bend 2
                           Cock Ass Meet meats Fleash Firm

                           Soft You Stab I Squirm U Me Perm!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I'm Broken Not Broke / I'm Men-Ding Fen-Ben-Ending MysElf / In Ways E-Qua-Quat-Uat-Watt-@-@sz / Money No Not Equa Non Quate With Broke / Is Not Me Bloke I'm Sto Toe-Tow-Towards / Them Stoked! I'm Broken So Me 2 My Mend Sel El Elf / Try Tread Tree Frog Swin Wing Through / Get My ar My Zan Spin Span Pan And An Dex Decks ON!

                                 I'm Broken Not Broke / I'm Men-
                                 Ding Fen-Ben-Ending MysElf / I
                                 n Ways E-Qua-Quat-Uat-Watt-@
                                 -@sz / Money No Not Equa Non
                                 Quate With Broke / Is Not Me Blo
                                 ke I'm Sto Toe-Tow-Towards / Th
                                 em Stoked! I'm Broken So Me 2 M
                                 y Mend Sel El Elf / Try Tread Tree
                                 Frog Swin Wing Through / Get My
                                 Tar My Zan Spin Span Pan And An
                                 Dex Decks ON!

                                 Noooohaaaa Moo Moar More Chim
                                 Not Cham Non Ham Nunca Himps-
                                 C C Ch Chhhhhh Him-Her-Imps Y
                                 Pins Needs Eeds On 'N Chimps Now
                                 Need Kneed We Whee Weed Wond
                                 Willies Wanting Chocks So Man-W
                                 Ohhh Omen Omens-Wwwwww Wh
                                 4 Five High 2 Striv rive Hi Heights

                                 Pandas Pandering Pampering Pusses
                                 Parts Parking Parting So Much Vira
                                 Rahhhh Alllll Pimping Pumps Umps
                                 Trumps Strumping Stripping All Ow
                                 So Eawly Out-There Pairs Squares S
                                 Quanders Squanders Wands Wanders

                                 I'm Not Broken Just Broke Need So S
                                 Ome Bum Blunt Brutes Rites Rutes S
                                 Homme Femmes Reaps-2-Repairs In
                                 Couples Mot Sling Singles Not Them
                                 Mess Mire Mistrust Misunder-Oh-Ove
                                 Stan Tan Tums TUMBS Rums Rumble!

Monday, November 24, 2014

All AhGlo Glo Low Ho Hoe Ho / Creep Warm Tin Skin Tint Tant Pis I / Fee Ee Whee Da Eeee Eel Da Pen Da Trah Tray / The Bran Brandy Fren Fine Ren Me / Wren hen So Men So Femme / me menche My B Hi Hin Hind / Rays Of My Cock / Like Coke Like Viag So Iag So Rah No Not Me / Wan Wave Wand Wan On Only be On Wit Mine Own Pow Pow Sow Cow Owers / Mine On Flesh Man-Made Flowers / My Dick o Tow o Power To Towe Toe Reach Cun Her Un Un Unny By All It's Own / 2 oWN The Mome All On It's Very various Stags ags tageOwn! Blessed B Da Cock Mine So Get Got B Got So Go Ol Old Bowled Owled Ho Hoo Howl In Old Moe Mol Ol Molds Of Glory Of Past Of Hard To Hard Get What Hap AP Appen Ape Sava Ava Avage Of Pre Of Store / Of His Her Store In She Hel helf Elf Of My Twenties-Old!

                                             Ahhhhhhhh My Bal My Mine Me Re Si
                                             So Mind So Scrot Rot Ot Ot Tu TU Tum
                                             Soft Silk Old Frag So Age-Agi I I Wild
                                             Sacks Mine Hang Hung Fine Finished So
                                             Spun Spin Not Much More 2 Yet Stil Spe
                                             Spreee Spren Ren Up In Out o TOu Ouch
                                             Tuch Tache Stay Stain To Shoo Hoo Hoot
                                             Cove To Cove Ove Over Cover Cum In Ye
                                             Yes 2 B Proud 2 So Prwo So Owl Prowl Da
                                             De Da Dept Ept Epths Of Hers Her War He
                                             Her Arm Her Space Her Place Spec Pec Ec
                                             Ecial Hid It Be So Hide Fro From Most But
                                             2 The Most Discerning Eye Of Mine Own EE
                                             Snake Pith Of My Python My Cobr Bra Rah
                                             My Copper My Haed My Male Clit 2 Fin Find
                                             So Into her 2 Win Wind Un-So-Spew-Spend

                                             All AhGlo Glo Low Ho Hoe Ho / Creep Warm
                                            Tin Skin Tint Tant Pis I / Fee Ee Whee Da Eeee
                                            Eel Da Pen Da Trah Tray / The Bran Brandy Fre
                                            n Fine Ren Me / Wren hen So Men So Femme / m
                                            e menche My B Hi Hin Hind / Rays Of My Cock /
                                            Like Coke Like Viag So Iag So Rah No Not Me /
                                           Wan Wave Wand Wan On Only be On Wit Mine
                                           Own Pow Pow Sow Cow Owers / Mine On Flesh
                                           Man-Made Flowers / My Dick o Tow o Power To
                                           Towe Toe Reach Cun Her Un Un Unny By All It's
                                           Own / 2 oWN The Mome All On It's Very various
                                           Stags ags tageOwn! Blessed B Da Cock Mine So
                                           Get Got B Got So Go Ol Old Bowled Owled Ho Ho
                                           o Howl In Old Moe Mol Ol Molds Of Glory Of Past
                                           Of Hard To Hard Get What Hap AP Appen Ape Sava
                                           Ava Avage Of Pre Of Store / Of His Her Store In She
                                           Hel helf Elf Of My Twenties-Old!

In My Mind's Realm-Real-MyJarg-Mine-I-Do-IT-Ouch-Owe-Own Have F'ed U'ed C'ed K'ed E'ed D'ed So As If IT Be On Me Up Down Into Me Sewn, Bab Bab Sma-Pam Ma'am FULL Blow High-Low Strown!

                                  In My Mind's Realm-Real-MyJarg-
                                  Mine-I-Do-IT-Ouch-Owe-Own Have
                                  F'ed U'ed C'ed K'ed E'ed D'ed So As I
                                  f IT Be On Me Up Down Into Me Sew
                                  n, Bab Bab Sma-Pam Ma'am FULL Bl
                                  ow High-Low Strown!

                                  Just Did Ahhhh Gag Gain So Few Ew

I'm Soft My Skin My Feel My Fur Soft-So / Pliant A PLiab Abs-My Be Ply-Ab-Able-Abe , Too! / Tou U 2 Touch To Ma Make Pa Break Me What / Eve Adam Ever Now The Hen En-Out-In-Ouch / Craw Draw In Yeah 2 My Your Pow Pou Pouch!

                                   m Soft My Skin My Feel My Fur Soft-So
                                   / Pliant A PLiab Abs-My Be Ply-Ab-Able
                                   Abe , Too! / Tou U 2 Touch To Ma Make
                                   Pa Break Me What / Eve Adam Ever Now
                                   The Hen En-Out-In-Ouch / Craw Draw In
                                   Yeah 2 My Your Pow Pou Pouch!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

I Cam Came 2 U Too Took Am My Ame Mine / A Game Aim 2 Fu So Cuf Kuf Uf Uf U / I Sprea Dis Bod Mine Sprea Firm Tread My / Med My Head Fed Feed Fles Les Esh / Foo Oo Ood U Yours Your Cave Cre Crave/ Spa Pac U Space Ur's With My Con Mi / Migo Amigo My Point Pound Hound Sound / Rest My Tum-Scro Tu Tum Dip Die Dye / Grav Rav Rave Ha Hav Have / B A Mave A Maver A Rick Your Night Dick!

                                 I Cam Came 2 U Too Took Am My Ame
                                 Mine /  A Game Aim 2 Fu So Cuf Kuf Uf
                                 Uf U / I Sprea Dis Bod Mine Sprea Firm T
                                 read My / Med My Head Fed Feed Fles Le
                                 s Esh / Foo Oo Ood U Yours Your Cave C
                                 re Crave/ Spa Pac U Space Ur's With My C
                                 on Mi / Migo Amigo My Point Pound Houn
                                 d Sound / Rest My Tum-Scro Tu Tum Dip D
                                 ie Dye / Grav Rav Rave Ha Hav Have / B A
                                 Mave A Maver A Rick Your Night Dick!

My Scro Crow Stro Tro Trok Roke Toke Take Care / Full Hand-Cup My 2 Smaller So Soft Oft Tums Und Unde So/ B They Melt Softer Hand Left In I Gent Am I That ?!? / Stroke Dem Deem Demme Like 2 Femmes My Tum-Scros Scrump So Ump Umpt Untious Like Food To My Left Hand / As Cream Warmed 2 Soul-My!

                                  My Scro Crow Stro Tro Trok Roke Toke
                                  Take Care /  Full Hand-Cup My 2 Small
                                  er So Soft Oft Tums Und Unde So/  B T
                                  hey Melt Softer Hand Left In I Gent Am
                                  I That ?!? / Stroke Dem Deem Demme L
                                  ike 2 Femmes My Tum-Scros Scrump So
                                  Ump Umpt Untious Like Food To My Le
                                  ft Hand / As Cream Warmed 2 Soul-My!

Run To Emp Empt B So Yeah Clos Los Ost 2 T T T aS cAN R ASS EVAHHHHH BBBBBBBB! Ohhh, Can't You C See C Sea Lan And On Land On Me ?!?

                                              Run To Emp Empt B So Yeah Clos Los
                                              Ost 2 T T T aS cAN R ASS EVAHHHHH
                                              BBBBBBBB! Ohhh, Can't You C See C Sea    
                                              Lan And On Land On Me ?!?

                                              Eye I'm So Bles Blee Lee Loo Ood Ho Ho H
                                              Odded-Hhhhhh He Hel She Us Them US B
                                              So Me U Us Mess So Vary Various Vericose
                                              Cosed Coasted Countered En-Enter-Out-Of
                                              B 2 Specs So Selecs So Elecs So Lected Lick
                                              Like Hi Hicked Hiked Heckled So Lead Led
                                              Feature Feathered Seem Weather Seams 2 B
                                              Like Lickened Like Moss Soft Pro So Us Tec


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Fkuc Kuck My All M-Eye B Bra Unders-Wears-Less But Gut Gash Got Home-Where Whole Butt! Yeah ! B Da Ram U B Fear Not Me Any Repers Reap Gepe Keep Geepers' Cuss Cush Cuss Me Cussions!

                      Fkuc Kuck My All M-Eye B Bra Unders-Wears-Less But Gut Gash
                      Got Home-Where Whole Butt! Yeah ! B Da Ram U B Fear Not Me
                      Any Repers Reap Gepe Keep Geepers' Cuss Cush Cuss Me Cussions!

                     I'm Gay Gate-Game So Red-Fed-Bed-Feed-Free-Fred-French-2-Your-
                     Toe-Tongue-Tip-Top-Tur-R-@-R-Urge Be Want So Pa-Ma-Pant-So-
                     Parting Perking Par 4 Par Par-KING- Wanna Que Quee Uee Enn-2-
                     Puss-On-Boots-Ohhhhhh-Only-Clothes-B-Boots NO Panteez Just R
                     Red Raw Wilful While Wild Hairs 2 T-TEASE Us Plea I We Beg U 2
                    Par The Art 2 Pin 2 Part 2 Press Preen Screen Us Me - U -All 2 Wall
                    2 Door To Floor To Sample Yeah Other's Waht's In Us 4 Us Store!
                    Cat Purr Kat Lit Kit Cut Cute Curt Curtsy Cathart Careen Us Off Car
                    Kar Kart!

Me Mess Yeah Sa Sag Sage In Long Age-Longer / Bottle-In Bottoms-Up Mass Yes Me B Hands-By Own-Mine Massage

                                       Me Mess Yeah Sa Sag Sage In Long
                                       Age-Longer / Bottle-In Bottoms-Up
                                       Mass Yes Me B Hands-By Own-Min
                                       e Massage So Balls-Mine B Soft So
                                       2 Mine Touch My Hands Warm Sens

                                       Say The Say Sez Senses All My Feel
                                       Real Reelings 2 Touch To Cup Balls
                                       Huevos Bijoux Jewels 2 Share B So
                                       By Cared Love-In-G-Ling Long La
                                       La Lang I Pin I Pine Me Pinned B 2
                                       Sigh Yours Side In-Out Onto Your S
                                       Shoulders Sides Thy Thigh Tween G
                                       Gigs Onto Shoulders 'N Thighs The
                                       Balls-2 Do Thrive The Seed Da Sper
                                       Mmmmmm War, Arm 2 Warm My I
                                       Out-In-Besides Behinds Become So
                                       Soon Warm Cum White-Like-Snow
                                       Me Melt So Melting Molting Morph
                                       Orph So Becoming 2 U 'N Eye Yeah

Friday, November 21, 2014

Wanna So B Fuk U By!

                                             Brin Bin In Ing So On Da Me
                                             Meat Da Meat Meet U'r Rah R
                                             Raw @ Me 2 b bRIN sO sIN so
                                             sPINE pIN pINE mY pOING pOINT
                                             pAR aART mY cHEE mY eEK mY
                                             pIN pART sTAR aRT tar tar Tar ar
                                             Cath So Man So Womb So Femme So Fart
                                             Mass My Mil Mille Cath So Men Catharts!

God, I Just Wan To Fuck You I Just Wanna Do Dew Spew Pew Pew-U! I I'm So Hor Whore Horn Orn ON U Hon U Honey!

God, I Just Wan To Fuck You I Just Wanna Do Dew Spew Pew Pew-U! I I'm So Hor Whore Horn Orn ON U Hon U Honey!

                                             I'm A Rp Ip Rip Wrip B Eye SO :
                                             Row Raw 2 U Me I'm Mess ! B
                                             Blah Lah Late SO : La Lat Ate
                                             B Eye Spun So Spin So Sin In Ink
                                             Sink My Pink My Pun Punk So B
                                             My Spunk I'm So Sad Now So Dri
                                             Rin I Eye Rik I Bly I Blin I Sin I Ey
                                             Drin Rin So Rink My The Mar Deee
                                             Mark I Do Die Jus Juste Did My Spu
                                             Nue Nun Nink My Dire My Rink I Dru
                                             B Un So Un So Skun So Uk Unc 2 Da
                                             Mimbs Da Blims Da Blimes I B So Blime
                                             IT b cRIM iT B Crim Rhyme B Rimme B
                                            Sigh Eye So Aye All us Be Simmed Simed!

                                           A Dram A Drow ARaw Rope Ope A Piss A
                                           Pa Par Ar Art A Tar  a TART i I  B So Sma
                                           Ma Pa Mart I be So bro So Sis In I Out Sist
                                           Graw Grain Da Gry Gris In So Insist! Oui Si!

Eye Aye Eye Aye Eye / I Mmmm So In My Rec Ca Ka Kav Ave@IT Cave / Nav 2 Nave IT Ga Gah Gate Sor Sore Mine Orroo's Ows Oves Yeah Flee Fly Flow Up UP Throw!

                                             Eye Aye Eye Aye Eye I
                                             Mmmm So In My Rec C
                                             Sea C See I Saw I Sim I
                                             Skeye Skhim Skher In-O
                                             Out Into Kher Khim Sty
                                             TIE Till Eye Sock My Ec
                                             Ecks B Dey So Ohhh Pe
                                             En In Un On An Oww L
                                             Groooow Griiiiiin Prim I
                                             Need U Other 4 Prop I 2
                                             Drawer Draw Mine Draws
                                             Raws Aws Awers 2 B So
                                             Droop Rope Rip I Dew Y
                                             Now U 4 Stripe Strip On
                                             Mind Ahh Alive Eyes' Tr
                                             Trip Trap Trep Trop Op Ip!


                                             wANNA fU fUK tween TWEEK WEEN
                                             My wand My And I Dew Do Wand In Ow
                                             Out I Want Into You Yours Chee Your Ee
                                             Ass Eeks Lea Leen Leaks Your Gen Your
                                             Rah Rah Ras Bah Bahhh I Eye My Pry Wi
                                             Ick My Witty Watty Weyyt Wotty Prick I
                                             Do U Snick Snark I Do Dew U Par Part
                                             Ween Wander In Out TWEEN Two Che
                                             Eek Ass Mass Might I Par Art Of Par Ap
                                             Rt Yrs ?!?