Sunday, November 29, 2015

I Come Out Of My Skin To Yes Eventually Cum From Between My Skin

I will not lie, I will lay, I will lounge, but my butt bare will not lie!

I Come to reveal more if myself than meets the eye, my eyes, your eyes, all eyes, they are not exactly in me, that is okay, they have more pressing things on them than me and yet I want both myself and the world to see that I am being awake yes I am awaken so now.more best-known aahhhhh, B I eyes all I pull to tow I them push my way, I am yeah but lots imp I am impatient, I am AhhhhhHH, living in my seconds, split them, dive I eyes into them,

To lie to lay to XP ....ahhhhBSoSOsorSoarSorbThem, now, no time to waste, no waist to leave unexplored!

To be bare so raw so.ow ow pie pow POW out there, for others to see too look to stare yeah saw gave gawk some even to square was wake squawk, with, without smock, with smoke, without, to be exposed alive visible there 4 ALL 2 U C!

I Come Out Of My Skin To Yes Eventually Cum From Between My Skin

I Come to reveal more if myself than meets the eye, my eyes, your eyes, all eyes, they are not exactly in me, that is okay, they have more pressing things on them than me and yet I want both myself and the world to see that I am being awake yes I am awaken so now.more best-known aahhhhh, B I eyes all I pull to tow I them push my way, I am yeah but lots imp I am impatient, I am AhhhhhHH, living in my seconds, split them, dive I eyes into them, ahhhhBSoSOsorSoarSorbThem, now, no time to waste, no waist to leave unexplored!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I am my weakest moan most vulva, vulnerAaaaabbbBle @NighNighIEyes AyesMy MineNigh when gobs of Goblins come cum ow out to lay like linger lobg lazt luve lover lipstick rouge plahhh la la la lay!t

I am most my mess my undress, unconvInced, feast fast fierce fear Fran ran and so tick tock tab tab tack smile smack smirk smile squander sequiming one anither oooons sailing salty seas easoned sail sails sailors, stringing striking, strings ... gentle, light, shadows shadowing each other gentle sways od shashHeyHeyHeyingSinsSingSinging Moand Auds Be They Ever So Audibs Da Dahs Bles Bulls Bleed Brats Through Rings Of Fens Demme Ence Ence Ences 2 Be Strong Wrong Cum-Plee-Plea-Plete SweetSweatsRusWeTGetHerHisWetsWonsOnesTwosBlueThreeWheeLuesLewsLadsInYeahToOtherLadsSomeLassesLassoedLowedLoughedLoanedLentHahHahHahaHellBTogtherALLBeBentALLBeMenWomenOthers4MentSuplesLesMoreLessMoaredMensMiMyMineMireAdAddsLoansOhhhhhhSoManWomanGrowRGrowsRBlowBlowBlowsThrowRThronesRBoBonBoneOneOnesAllInSameRinInInkRinksFullBlowns!OffRThrowsRThronesBetterMixMoldWeldRBonesRFleaFleesFleshesMeMeshesMireAdSoMireMirthMixRMastsRMasksRMrMrsMissBoy2SuckFacesR'sNowTillWeGroanTillWeStopTillWeTapTipTEMPTtauttangtisstristtrytruetwangtongueRBones!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Tout Nu Il Y A Three Minutes - Maybe ?!? Raindrops, Dark, Piercingly WET Watering Rinse Me-Off Clean-Clear-Close-POPS- Popping @Like 2 Me Brrrr Bray Bray Brace Bring Me 2 My Senses ALL On The ip The Skin The Poing-Points Of Contacts Just Now!

                                Tout Nu Il Y A Three Minutes - Maybe ?!?
                                Raindrops, Dark, Piercingly WET Watering
                                Rinse Me-Off Clean-Clear-Close-POPS- Pop
                                ping @Like 2 Me Brrrr Bray Bray Brace Bring
                                Me 2 My Senses ALL On The Tip The Skin The
                                Poing-Points Of Contacts Just Now!

                                Me ALL Contacting @Break THEIR
                                Falling FALL Yeah Yet Fall No More
                                I Save Their Asses As Ping They So
                                Me Pong Me Mine Butt Mine Arse M
                                y Pen Is Was Then Still Now So Wet-
                                Is I Can Breeze I Did Short Freeze-Of-
                                OFF My Clothes Strip I Stripe I Did M
                                ake My Self My Bod My Suit Of Birth
                               With ALL My Perfects My Not So's Too
                               Tits Still Man-Tits Mine, Arse-Man-Ma
                               Pa By Long Aggghhhh Ride It Sa Sea
                               Da Men Da Women All In Climbs Theirs
                               Groans Men-Women-IN-Sinc-Grinds 2
                               Grand MaaaaaaaMaxxxxxxAxxxxXesXes
                               More 4 US ALL Be We More-Wanton-W
                              One Big Sieve One Big Hole=Whole-Of-                


                              Great Did Rain Man Women Child Drops
                              Ropes Grow So Many Man-Woman-Man-
                              Man-Women-Women Gropes Grips Totes
                              Totals Aaahhhhhhhh We ALL Do R Strips

                               The Rain The Dark The Cold Brrr Now J
                               ust Now Outside I bristle I Bit Brittle Eye
                               Making Me Close UP Turn 2 Burn Inside
                               The Joy The Moment The Magic The Mee
                               My Mighty Big I Me Mine Myself So Hu
                               ge My Nakedness My pride My Prim Now

                               All Lost All Up-Give-I-IT-Others2-Freely

                               Wanting Now More-No But Butt-Naked
                               Run Free Run Whee Rant Raucous Be Me

Thursday, November 5, 2015

I'm Real Reel Reeled La la Tra la la Dee Dahl Lax So Laced Now!

I'm Ob I'm living Liv I've U Us We give Get Such Liv  Livi Livio Livion So Fra  RA Ran To Run so Ahhhhhhh A much For me For Us For ALL amuck, so now still stand sit shift to unstuck!

Ready to rock, to roll, topic per perk poo term perv pole aaaahhhhhhh your my hole whole holes!

Dropping trow's, my mine all mine!

Ready to part and to pair down , strip da layers, bare the bear !

I'm so want 2 B ba Ba Bah Bah Bar Bare Bair Bear Birn Bern Born Barn Bear Bare No Tan No Hair just a babe a young a man a jeaned si prin prim preemed a preemie a promo a prattle a prance a daring and dangling in for sautee from jum somewhere free flailed flaunted flown full-blow-blown yes, in mid in mild in muddy in mired in multiple scenes scenarios screening sinking sinning summing ohhhhh so far so very fast drum rum Irish whiskey drowning my fears frants my frlics my frozen farmer city scape ohhhhh escapes scaping scraping strupping stronging feebling franting pants-ahhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhh-now down round my ankes free skin flashing hairs bobbing penisapokingaprattlinamotioningamenacingamiringahhhhadaddmiresiresinspinspunspunkaflyfrytrytrycrycryahhhhhhhhsofrozennomoreboreflownflashedflairedflailingflyingthroughmidmoltenjavaAaaaaahedairnodispairn,NocompareFreeAaaaahhhhhhh@lastLongLyinglimpinglonginglanteringlasting!

I'm just not that, yeah, knotted I am in my side'bout dat, wee lit it IT little Be 4 Me Ssssoooooooooooo Vary Very Big IT Act On Me be BIG Mass As Ass Massive Be!

I,'m  So Conn So conned yet vol volut lute I do not that Olay yes I am listed lit bye Bit but burned it by the kn knowing that I matmattmatter so little really a dis a disp I fell disped isp isp ispe spe sped unwed unwound no outer feel no outer sound, all in yeah my sides be a-roar a-run a-rant  so be I eyes roam a-scan a-scan can plan kant all me ascant asking telling leaning look looks looking for ass 4 more askance 4 more Dick for

more tush more more love 4 more cuddle for more of you your warmth you care you tenderness you you you more please of YOU one-on-one, please por favor!

More pants on da floor.

Hanes on the floor.


Belt on da floor, legs bare bare some body hair, some wear-and-tear, some love to share.


Let me hold you close now.

Nothing left to hide, wanna ride? Wanna slide? Wanna share my pride? Stem the tide?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I kneed i Jack I knick I snug snack lips smack

Do you want me? Want to kneed knead read rate rant so into me souvenirs self inject make me saliva yeah waistvmyvjeans my underwear bookseller drop to the ground bundle up at my feet be a mess want to see me breed feed myself to you and you and you and you!?!?! I do!

I am American I am man I am brute force I am ego-centered for me mine foc-fuck-used on my mine all me please to pleasure I am selfish!

What gives?!? What I have ? What give I dam dampened aahhhhh about!?! I am mess me bless bleed blue blood sausage Dick red to pull it to stretch to massahhhhhhh Si oui I do Saaaaaaajjjjjjje IT so so oft so much so be I eyes senses all so const to find my reel real per peel laugh sigh gigs my mine ALL mine pleasing teasing treasures my ambers my golds my glints my glusts glists glamours I clamour I claim I climb I clone groan grand my slam my slave my bod my bray bray hey hey hey hey hay my graves my grins my yells and spins spun high spring low ohhhhhhh my migrant pilgrim rim rim rim I hum my throws my thrashes I trump tramp rim ramp till I sweat sweet dears on you all cum I mad, glue glad , yeah, I be so bad!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The way fee 1er we whee wee well well worn b my bee belt my pan pay da Payne deez worth welts

I am an American I am a man I am a community person I am a dad a husband buhhh ban sta sta stan I have vision purps few pla plaaahhh plans I am Sam Ma'am Pam tram p.o. polite Pooooohleeeeen me stream me my myself so dream ream ram bahhh bammmmmm how can I be self without sell me mine all my various tired greed per peed pardoned parts partitioned pained so payned painted perfected perfumes mine unnatural sofakenofade a crock a crock,an crank a dim darn barn binge blade bladder lah la land lads pin prin pront prist pried fry fries fried air weather dried tears cried cranks dans danks weiners r pusspusses prices fiddles frids riddled frothed freshed frizzled froze Aaaahhhhhhh da rose!

Stream I do I Due In Tim In Time I Temerity TEST I Do Tseet Test Try Tan ME tANG an ANGGHHHHHHHH My Mine ALL So Mine Angle Spank My Fan Mine Fangels Fangs Be They Flaired Falunted Frought So Wrung So Ring Wrought Mine Not Ever Aghhhhh Gain Again Store Sock It To mr No More Store Society Bought!

Stream I do I Due In Tim In Time I Temerity TEST I Do Tseet Test Try Tan ME tANG an ANGGHHHHHHHH My Mine ALL So Mine Angle Spank My Fan Mine Fangels Fangs Be They Flaired Falunted Frought So Wrung So Ring Wrought Mine Not Ever Aghhhhh Gain Again Store Sock It To mr No More Store Society Bought!

Has to be mine has to be fresh has to be free has to be 2 B 2 B gone 'N Go GO GO I Aye I',m mess So Messed so very clear in unclarity yet freely clear I do drive am driven to be best to be blessed to be pleasured yeah mess measured so as to come cum out off smileing smelling like fresh garden cut Just Juste in mine - our garden roses radishes radiant pieces and flowers flowing so yeah now for us go for me glowing their glsit their glitters theri presents pleasures tress leafs leaves petals blooms all so much the for us 4 our R lives so much the merry the remove the scarey scatter the bliss the blooms the blessingsR's, to be best we possibe so possibly can! Ohhhhhh yeeeaaaahhhhhhhh! With care, without, no realy plan B, no spare, just juste oui pas de time tiempo temps a- spare!

Monday, November 2, 2015

I'm Vile I'm Vain Je Suis Brute Hombre Sincero I Have Phones Too Man-Woman Probes @Probs Like Lems Lemmings Phobias Phlem Phlems Phlaire Phlorists Phlows Phlighs Phlowers Phoo Phoo Phoos!

Too man many shoooo-eeewwwwwwwwsssszzzzzzz! I am mess, one mess-BIG! I am phart phair, need more phlair phlare Plame phans phantastic pharms more charts More Jueves more Randy running raucous riled whilly pubes pubs pubes to drink my Phillips to phish piss my phrames phrantic phar I just wanta be more self than less, want to be stood star stared others to climb on board, to board and horde and heal peel perk my man tweets my long pencil pull tints, Muslim yeah in my sculpted chest fine salt and pep pepp pepper peppar hares hairs heart!

I Was Born 2BBeAReck 2B Me Wreck Eck EcktTTT

I was born so sex in act ennact in-out pack terra decompress da da DaDDact SO si oui tac tack tact I was born Eyes all a yes yeses ouis Si Si sisters bros Moe's Mr's Munsters Munchkins Muffins masters my oooohhhhh us all so To Be fired in loin's latreens latrines no lanterns no lights no ladders just pure spunk R cumbined come come ON me missy mired mucks masks mayhem raise demme theme chaperones daze brazenly doughs darn barn no harm just electric jolts of prime so IT fit tack toe tuck tap slap slip Aaaahhhhhhh dispossessed finger fuc-suck sin sink satin flaming blood blast blaring blundered soooooo thin hon sunderedrundeted granting such pans spanning a thunderin'  CD dip dip drip intovoooohhhhh open pipelines with prancing praline' lies and licks and flutter to their baseball wanton Cray Cray cravin sex 'n more sex all soooooo cry banished groom's 2 B heard active wired wordedfleurded!So  aaaahhhhhh bas muscles added hineys honeys haunted Shoppe hopped onto,  yeah so IT be!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Th Self The sell The levEl Elf of Stub Of Boar Bore Nnnnnnnnnnn must center loose lease lend

Stage center smile l mile milk the da aisle the peace the perk, wanting two peaks twins one furloughed haired happy hole whole en da chi chill :O home hot la la land lads lads ahhhhhhhDaaaaaaaahhhhhh! To be seen scene make one to get sigh sight of self I'm one's selfish any Nat at A@At U R nature to be on selves r's so selfishly hurting us well as others, sell our selfishness, bury R fear and get on smiling aisling idleing. Say say sailing with more of a healthy dose of contents content such it's R'zs for the making contents content in our comportment oooohhhhhkhh yeah, ma pa bro sis uncle aunt .....making, not breaking!

The Fine The Fix The Fun The en En En N n NnnnnnnnnnnnnnnDdddddddddddddddd!

To B smell well yelled low slowed blessed learned Lent to be bred beast I am bird no I am Sam no I am lost so sad toes Tits my toss no one boss salad like I am the vinaigre the tar my tarnished olives my palms mine mixes I am so at loss yet I do this to be rising to my state stat my tat my tet trimmer?3MeMen MentHellsHallowsSo sunk the pay I dusp dips plied I piled perted permed pissed I am was so nigh night last pissed what foul fowl flown to some flirted I am by another she does not Eve me believe care for me like I care for her, sure, always, all bout, all bouts reds birds breasts burns bruises, so many man-man-woman_-whoa-worn-worseToBeBested of all choice ohhhhhhhh get on get ohhhhhhh ever over arrived you I we must all be at R Bees broads burnished bronzed belted boiled and ultimately blessed!

The Task The Risk. to Not Knot Up, not Be So Sum some Sumrd!

Fly by fly on, fly through, cheer x cheese ahhh be bare n breezy free freeze rise round I am so too conned so b by my own methods consume sue Sumer surmised Paris rubberized, I am Goodyear I am serial serious surprised Freud rooted stored surrenders rather than an am I rammed termed a star I feel the trapping to in me fall, no!

Gotta me Get Ohhhhhh 've ever My sit my it Itc Tch Tch

I'm @Be b but bat © u 3Eyes on For my min fire Ohhhhh what what what leases so Just day nigh high fun firefights determine hideaway lay Lunes I do fall t yeah to me @ gathered pieces pissed parts to gain bites more peepers i am need to find to not pieces disses so solve my  bids thoughts my thoughts it's it's a a britches glitches britches be me a telecast!

The He Hea Heal The Let To Go bye Bit Slo Low To High Soft Let Me Dow Ow Own My State Now!

All is well if only Can I see this, or must I make more ? In my sweat not sweet I stick my thick my tack clothes to me mess be bit both other bothered and hot heat heat I heart I eyes my I tin so to in in in son's by pro prod of odd even me my insides solo lo load load my saints my pins my part art arts stain my clothes as after raking leaves as if my souls I am matted splat lay flattered thigh igh ight luxury bleeder , I did not type those last two words and here my Fire corrected me so this is modern biotechnology and and human waves of brain of thoughts of ifs ands or thoughts, to be, to see, cert I do all they now fee feel and try best my to all feel from seal from send forth, mine imperfect clothed still now real partial above reveal!