I',m Me us A;hhhh All So 2 b us we Mess
Me Mire Miss Missed mussedFu Fue Fuss
ALL Ahhhh Bu Bus Bussed bless Blesy Blest VBlue blussss
I Am Ehhhh Real Rung Rand So t\ Tin Tam
I', not no not I type be no know knot sell MY SELF MY RUN MY
I Be Me mess So I Con So Sun I Cum I Cummed I bBe Blesss Be
Un So Un So No Know Now Not Free Fresh Not Knot Dr Dress
I be Drun Run Ran Rant Run Runt In My ALL MY Mee Mess I',m
So Come Sp So Ple leeeeeeee Plete Ahhhhhh A Ro Rot Roytyyyyy
I Know So Nor NkNot Knot Whataaaaaa ye type I Here I',a A Diun
Drin So I Be A messs Ob On A Bt a lot A Whole A He She Hef He
J Hell helf Hald HoldHolf I fDo ip ype aft Ma Pa Make Sooooo Ma
Man Wooo hooooo Woooooo Womb So Man She he His Her Many
I', so See ceee Silf Sre;lf Shelf ype tip taop ap Blowwww BlooodI I
be he sg She Shere Sj Shim I type I tap Tap TIP top i'< bLUE bLAD
loody meesss mereee Meeeerrrrrr Mist Mast Most Must Mess Ha Ha
Ap I Sill B Ha Ha Happy! No Edit Be No re No Course No edir ALL!