Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wind Sweep Weep / Swept I Be Car From : 4 Of My Own Friday Morning Poems Written On May 20th, 2011 Before Work In Wash. D.C. - Enjoy

Here are my very own ( they all are, I just do not know if you all know this or not? ) Four Morning Poems of Friday, May 20th, 2011 that I wrote before work in Washington D.C. Cheers and enjoy, TONY

Wind Sweep Weep
Swept I Be Car From
I Wind Indo Ndow Ope
Open Be Hit By Morn
Oft Each Screech Sma
Ma Mack Brush Me By
What Attract?! Fact
Knuckle Knickle Me
Till Crump Buck Uckle
I'm Fire On Short Sleeves
Attired Now Work Wind
Way To Car In Windows
Two Open Ohh Sights Sme
Me Smells Wonders Be I
Route On Will Be 50 At Soon
Now Little Yeah Run Si
River Stream Where Water
Be I'm Sore Backed Attack
How Happen Morn This So
Quick To Bend Stiff
Groan I Moan I Be In
Some Rain Sun's Shine Please
Me Now Quick Me Heal
Make Whole Better!

#1 Le 20 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:36AM on a cool, damp, partly weak, sunny, bit brr spring morn - dampness everywhere ... TONY

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