Monday, May 23, 2011

Ohhhh Ohhh Ohhhh PA PA PA PA PA PRAHHHHHHHH ! Live Poem Written To & About Oprah Winfrey 5/23/2011 : Cheers! For O Magazine /25-Year Biography Of Show

Ohhhh Ohhh Ohhhh
3rd To Last Watch!
Sit Here Wife Son Watch
Tom Han Hank Ank Anks
Be Con With Avec Nous
Dites Lui : It's Going Go Go
Good Night Harpo Secrets
Kept Best Mission Imposs-
Oss Ossib Bib Bib Bible!!!!!
Walks On Just Now Tom's
Two 4 Women Life His In
1988 Way They Excite SOO
Glenda Good Witch Power
Always Had Power The Eve
Ve Ven Ven Ko Ko In Dress
Abgel White Sing Like Slip
Lip Lipp Lippers Slippers
Sparkle Red Botticel Boticelli
Of The Ly-Lee Family - No
Josh Be He Brolin This Time
Dreams True Come Patty La
La Belle So Above Rainbow!
Love Gotta Do So Must Where
Wear!?! What Some Teeny Weenie
Bird Over Why Oh Why Can't I?!?
Why Can't I!?! We!?! All!?! Yeah Can
We All!!!! Ohhhhh Opprraaahhhh
Can ALL US To Get Together Us
3rd Night Last Night It's Gonna
Gran Grande Hard Working Mother
4 Of Just Flew In!!!! Mad Mad So
Beautiful Mad Mad Mad On ON ON
Go Ma Pa Ma Pa Mad Do Don Donna!
Oprah Win With Ohh Ohhpra Pra Pra
On Her Top Game Still Balls Hers
Ass Kick Kick In Kicking Ass Girl's
Yeah Ac Acad Cad Cadem Cadem Me
Us All Vow Be Courageous Never More
Up Give!! You I Thank You Inspire For
Me! You Inspire Us Many Women Girls
Egypt Over Inspired Legacy Of Oprah
Dream Wish Wonder Hope Women Men
Countries 150 Amen World Over Amen!!
Power Power Of So Full Of Power To Stim
Me Even Inspired So Now Show Oprah
Show Baby Many Chicago In Stick My To
Beliefs! 13 Lost Pounds My Mom Died
To Learn Continue From You We've
Learned We Are Enough - Good Morn
Gorgeous! Thank You Becasue You Of
Girls We Believe World World Can Be Be
Beyond Here Now There Who We Can Be
We Run Can The World Mondo Sings
Us Girls ALL Beyond Beyonce See Sing
Who World Runs?!? Who!?! Who?!!! We
Run Do World This 'Cause Our Our Cause
RUN WORLD WE DO Dance Legs Nice
Like I Man As Do That Run Who? Who
Runs World?!? Girls Females We Do Red
Black White We Do Children All Women Stage
On Now You Do It ... For Me ... Audien
All Crazy Now Jump Sing Shout We Run Girls
Go Go Go Go! Girls We Do Run World The
Who Runs We Do Not Run Wife Mine Ours
Sings now : We Run The World! We Run The
World!!!! Who Inspired You?!? Eve Me Man As
Am I Inspired Oprah By Oprah By! Ohh Oprah By!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay In Body Trying ... How Doing You Asks Tom
How Doing You? Book Club Favorite Things
Audience Favorite Theirs Bring Stage To Be
Belief School Orleans New Bring After Hurr
Urricane Throw Library Away Books 2nd Time
Shelves No Money Books Left For Do What?!?
The Believe School Legend John Standing By
Take Books We Will Need Them Needed Oprah
Show Target With Library Now Target Thanks To
Trans For For Every One 2000 Books Audience
Yours Compute With Put Pute Puters You Thanks
Say " Hi " Oprah Through Target 25 Libraries Rebuild
25 Years To Thank You Saw You Us Now Sawyer
Now SO : I've always thought that the closest Oprah is
To Heaven is in an oak tree from a sampling it grows
the stronger the wind the stronger the tree that is the
Oprah Winfrey Show .... the Oprah Tree Standing and
Inviting Them You Bless and You Embrace Them -we
Sea To Shining Sea 25 THOUSAND YEARS Plan Plant
Planting thousand twent-five oak oak oak trees!!!!!!
Sawyer Dianne Sawyer Tells Oprah And Watching
Everyone ALL Now World Over Halle Berry Queen
Latif AHH AHHH Et Katie Holmes Love You We Sez
Berry Halle - Risen Up Change To World The Debbie
Inspired 29 New Babies Lanny Georgia Women To
Women Bosno, Aphganistan, Bosnia Own Veg Farm
Feed Village Too Walking Around World We You Thank
So Proud Here To Be Say They All World Over Women
Say Now Just To Oprah Inspiration Hers To Make Tissues
There To Wipe Tears Away You Never Let Us Go We
Never Let Go Of You Rascal Flatts You're Not Alone
Sings He Dalmatian Puppy I Will Hold You Come To Me
I Will Stand By You Help You Thru ... I Will Oprah
Sing Along Words She Knows Must Conviction With
Now Sings Along ...

More Come Back When We Do The Show Goes On
Must Even Sick When At Grammies Oprah Occasion
To Rose Television History Everyone There Stage On
Thank You Of What You Have Done Your Presence In
FRont Of Your Televsion Sets Here Right Now You
Touch Me Now Do You I Will Oooooooo Oprah!
To Hear You See You Again Tomorrow Tom Hanks
Sez Now One Tornado Tore Through Lining Bodies
Up Joplin Missouri War-Zone Like-Looking Now
Contrast Great Saint John's Center Medical To Oprah
Hard To Make To Go Now To This?!? Thank You
Oprah More Now More Tomorrow ....

Take care one and all - all safe and sound is what we wish ... Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

I tried to capture the excitement just now of the Oprah show as it played for the first time - the third of three last shows ... Dianne Sawyer speaking now again to us ... help the people, and they sure need it ... TONY I am sending this now as-is , no proofing it - live - hope it's okay. cheers , hasta luego, a demain, a bientot, until we next meet ...

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