Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osa Osam Bam Bam Boom Osam Bib Bib Lad Lade ( Rest! Kil Killed!! ) NOW!!! Laden Ahora Gone! 5/1/2011 Here In Annandale, VA @ 11:29PM!!!!!

Wow! Osama Bin Laden is nor dead and in American hands after the fact now on this late Sunday night, May 1st, 2011! How great is that!?!? Unfucking believable - unfucking beliievably great, too!

Osa Osam Bam Bam
Boom Osam Bid Bid
Lad Lade ( Rest! Kil
Killed!! ) NOW Laden
Ahora Gone ! 5/1/2011
At 11:07pm Finale Men
One Man Osam Sam Sama
Dead Gone Sweat Song De
Killed Osama By Americans
Be He Final Rest Deadly In
No Breath More No Flow
His Blood Silent Ilenced Be
I Feel We Feel We Cert Si
Oui Joy This Find Relish In!

Don't General Wish Death No
Not Any On Human Ever Want
Yet Man Bin Bin Sin No Saint
Laden be Cold Now Pakistan
Hide Hid He Years Did Crawl
Conflict Terror Two Goves No
Govern Mean Ment Ments Govern
Pakistan VS U.S. A Tear A Storm
A Blow Blow Blow Blow Blow!

Kill Bin Bad Bill Blood His Spill!
Jour Nuit A Moon Blue This
A Final A Bleu Mome A Trill A
Fanta A Grizzly A Groan A Grind
Last Long Hours Minutes Ghastly
A Horror A Terror A Tease A Torn

World All Spill To Spell To Strain
To Work Evil Truth Convictions
Each Part Each Half Beliefs Believe
Right Wrong Wrangle Wrought Roof
Be Messed All Be Been So Very Very
Long Song Lengt Ength Strong Chanson

We Surv We Triump We Urvi Urvive
We Trump We Tromp Stomp Stump
Obama Bin Trump Trump Lade Ade
Aden Be Now Finalement Gone Gone
Thank Si Oui Yes Full Of Thanks Feel
We Live On Us To Good Restore In
Wake Of Death Of One Man A Mome

A Great Time To Have This Man Dead
Mort Hear At Home In Annandale I
Hear That Obama Is Finally Found
For Us Considered Terrorist He Is
Sudden Thudden He Be So Cold So
Systems All His Be Bin Down Ohhhhhh

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

I'm Done In All Now Moment For
Spoke Poke Picked My Peace 'N
Done All In Eners All Mine Be Go
Go Throw Thrown Blown In Bliss
Pleasure Please I Be Happy So Now
For World Of Democracy Ours Not
All Others But For Us Super Supreme!!

Merci Gracias Thank You Dans Tout Les
Langues Languages Linguas Words
Soon Will Hear Minutes Two From Pres.
Esident Obama Of Osama ... Wait! Wait!
All Us Waiting Patiently On Needles/Pins
Waiting En Attendant Nous Ahora We
Round Teles Be Eyes Ours Glued To
News Of Asama's Death Recent We For
Now Hang Wors Every On Way Way Wait!


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