Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Move On Long Move Ahhh/ Strid Stride Abide Bid : 4 Of My Own Saturday Morning Poems Of May 14th, 2011 : Enjoy, Daily Ruminations Of An Artist Very Muc

h Alive And Kicking ... the headling above should finish.

Here are my own 4 Saturday Morning Poems that I wrote before starting work on May 14th, 2011. I hope that you enjoy them, TONY

Move On LOng Move Ahhh
Strid Stride Abide Bid
On/Off Skim Top Off
Fazz Fizz Fuzz Glue Guzz
The Chi Lair Morn Water He
Heave Ste Hoe A Stow A
Stape A Strap Snape Be
Ready For A Turn To Taste
To Time Morn I This With Work
Think Cabs Wines In A
Prim Prime Cabernet Some Sau
Sauv I Save My Eners To
Channel Tunnel Fun Flim
Flam Funnell A Stride I Make
To Cover Uncover The Path
Make To Understand The Grape
A Certain Taste A Certain
Trapse We Do Now Take
Down Past Now For Future
We Try To Find A Way To
Understand The Way It Be
Made What It Of be This Myster
This Flave Of Flaves Of Hi's
'N Lows Slows Sterns Perms A
Path Of Tasted Tasting Tasted
So Much Strap To Starch Un
Yes Some Tannins Some Acids
Some Flames Of White Dark Peps
In As Of Peppers Greens Of
Tabacs Too Aussi Si Oui ...

#1 Le 14 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:04AM on a gray, cool, drizzle some , no-sunshine, bit cool morn now spring ... TONY

A Time To Focu Focu
Pocus Focus Gather Bring On
A Brigade A Brisk Wave
To Us Flow Blow Blast Over
To Blame Train Try
Tree Truck In Muck Mire
Add Some Up Fork Some
Bend Bind Blast Blend
Soon Talk ( Tack ) I Be Of
Of Sauvignons Of A Famous
Grape Of Some Now We
Speak Of A Wine's Spark
A Strength A Strong Sense
Pride Ride Charms Decried
Craved Carved To On Pal
Shoulders Of Palates Be Carted
Off To Long Strides Be
Taken A Strength A Strong
Fuerte Sense To Bridal
Bridge A Bless The
Best 'N Us In All We To
Celeb To Relay To Relate
It Be So Grand So Great
First Prime Prim Rah Rah
Rate A Mind Cerveau Cielo
Of Sate Be Strapped Straddled
Be Off On Purps To Teach To
Share What Know I Some
Pieces Of Bits Of Tastes
Of Recollects ...

#2 Le 14 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:16AM on a gray, cool, drizzly , no-sunshine spring morn ... TONY

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