Thursday, May 19, 2011

See Meat Speak Ale / Sa San Sandro : 4 Of My Own Wednesday Morning Poems Of May 18th, 2011 Written Thinking About Alessandro Furlan, Caio E A Presto!

Here are my 4 very own Wednesday Morning Poems written before work on May 18th, 2011 thinking of my dear old friend Alessandro Furlan. TONY

See Meat Speak Ale
Sa San Sandro
Row Row Row Boat Da
Italia American Yea
Go Older Men Now Two
51 'N 58 Makes 109
Ouch Oh Dios Mio
What Age What 'Speriens
'Sperience A Many Things
Alone Together Years Past
Over We've Stayed Con
Yes Tact In Here There
Memories We Now Share
A Constant A Bind Bond
Bin To From Draw I
Always Any Way So More
From Draw Which Watch
Want A Spin A Span Of
La La Lane Memories
Si Historias Muchas Many
C'Est Vrai Grazie The Wines
Shared A Satis Fa Fact Fiction
Action Actions Loud Clearer
Still Start Star Most

#1 Le 18 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:07AM on a drizzly wet-warm water-air -heavy spring , no-sunshine morn ... TONY

To Sit Spell Spill Tell
With Alessandro Our
Stored Stories Our Shared
Glories So Much Happen
Has Two Countries Two
Peops In Contact Rest The
Atlantic Ocean Sep Yes
Parate Divide Us Now
Days Many Moons Too Unite
Us Still Sy To Years Passed
We Talk Still Share
Spill To Sit A Spell To
Me Draw Portraits His
He Try Hard Skype To
With Andrea Speak Together
Lunch Eat Wait Yet Call
Us Back Firehook At Not
Later Andrea Reach Ales
San Sand Sandro Oh I
Did Miss Conves With Andrea
Voice Hear His Still Now Head
Mine In We Speak Of Our Stories
Shared Glories So Much Fun

#2 Le 18 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en Virginie en voiture on a rainy, damp, drizzly, warm, bit-humid, no-sunshine spring morn ... thinking , too of Andrea Fossi of the FOSSI Chianti Tuscan wines that both Alessandro and I know fairly well. Cheers, TONY

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