Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Break Took Yeah / Yest I Needed A : My Own 4 Wednesday Morning Poems Of May 11th, 2011 Written Before Work

Enjoy my own 4 Wednesday Morning Poems that I wrote on May 11th, 2011 before starting work in Washington D.C. Cheers, TONY

Break Took Yeah
Yest I Needed A
Deserved Much Me
Break Not Brake Want
Xept Brake To Go Bit
Slower Mean That Need
Off Off Times Stress
Bless Feel The Treasure
The Time Unwind Get
Wind Sales Arms Spread
From To Be Thrive Alive
I Liked Draw Night Last
Sketch Quick The Portraits
Others Night Last A High
A Flow A Grin Grind I
Did Fly Seat Pants By Smile
I Stroke Slap Dash Dot
Poke Stab Pape White Paper
As Draw Fast Flash The
Caught Up Up Sweet Swept
Up I Wash By Muse Yeah
The Move My Two Blue Bleu
Pens Stilos Over Surf The
Skirt The Sketch The Vite
Fait Pas Temps Du Quick
To Be Into Features Of Others
Drawn Caught For Secs Momes
Be Then Captives So Up Swept!

#1 Le 11 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:07AM on a sunny, breezy, baby blue skies, fresh, crisp morning - I love it - great to be alive now!! TONY

The Times Changes Quick
So Uick Uick Uickly
Cha Cha Chan Han Hang
Change Anging Rap
Tap Slap Nap Apt
Rapid Ranging Stra
Tra La La La La Stranging
A Quick Succeed Suck
Succession Of Things
All Dumped Stumped
Lumped Bum Bum
Dumped Onto The Nerv
The Nostrils Do Flare
Square Not Care Not
Take Care Others A
Lot Selfish Sell Others
Down Stream Careen
Night Lust Caress
Cart Spoils Of Turn
Head Sleep Sound
Sounds Of Grief Off
Turn Nocturnal Day Mares
Horrors Of Others Of Peops
Of Hopes Dashed To Few Others
Get Ahead The Constant Hunger
Bellies Empty Be They

#2 Le 11 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:15AM on a breezy, fresh, warming-up now sunny spring nice morn - I love the abandon of it all!! TONY

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