Sunday, May 1, 2011

To Hum Humbe Humbled / Be Bees By Bumbled : 4 Saturday Morning Poems Of April 23rd, 2011 : Enjoy These, Cheers

Here are my 4 Saturday Morning Poems of April 23rd, 2011 written before work. Sorry I have not been copying these here for awhile. I have been writing them but so short on time and energy to get them written here. I will add some this weekend of May 1st, 2011 - today and tomorrow. Never have I felt more artistically motivated and inspired. Whether or not these poems are understood or appreciated I am writing them and we will all have to see where the chips will fall inevitably one way or another?!? Hope you enjoy them, cheers, TONY

To Hum Humbe Humbled
Be Bees By Bumbled
A Blast A Call Closed
Near Head Buzz Little
Dark Black Balls Of
Biz Of Buzz Of Sounds
Close Start Startle Be
Surped Pr Prized
The Bumble Mission On
Us Be Seated Be Ease At
Be Pleased Surrounds With
A Moment Piece Of Peace
Of Pleasure To Mind's Pra
Ra Prance Dance Romance
To Pause Pose Reposes
I'm Thinking Now Back
To Outside House be Being
A Bliss A Bless A Temper
Ra Rah Rare Rary Moment
Seize Size Wow Win Our
Surprize I'm Special I'm
Joy In Surroundings Treasured
Bushed Treed Trunked Truncated
Out Spread Spree Spun Spurted

#3 Le 23 Avril, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:28AM on a cool, wet, gray, no-sunshine , 33rd day of spring morn now? Nice Easter weekend ... TONY

I'm Bit Slower Slowed
Dow Dow Down Not Fast
A Less Frant A Fantast A
Frame A Fixture A Firm
Yet Porous Resolve To Solve
To Salve To Save To
Sanction A Stelvan
A Up It Cork It Fix
It Focu Ocu Hocus Poke
Pick Over Yurn Wash Rub
Shine Apple Pear Eat
Goats Scamper Bleat A
Time Observe Serve Rest
Reserve Swipe Swerve
Swoon Spoon Tales Spin
Pony Tails Follow Eyes
Smiles Teeth Mouths Ohh
Open A Fresh A Please
Pleasure Post A Sec A
Strip A Strap A Sun Snatch
Snap Pf Fingers A Fix Of
So Dear Delight Want Nip
Tuck Bit Bite Batch ...

#4 Le 23 Avril, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:37AM on the 33rd day of spring, Easter weekend @ work now! TONY

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