Monday, May 30, 2011

Electric Go Go Gone Be / Off Die Dead Now For Go : My Own 4 Morning Poems Of Saturday, May 28th, 2011 : It's Memorial Day Weekend : Thanks To All Thos

e Serving & Those That Have Served In The Armed Forces ... this headline should finish.

Here are my own 4 Saturday Morning Poems of May 28th, 2011 on Memorial Day Weekend her typing them now at home on my day-off on Monday, May 30th, 2011. Cheers and heartfelt thanks to all of those that are serving and have served in our armed forces. TONY

Electric Go Go Gone Be
Off Die Dead Now For
Go Go Gone Swan So Song
Have None House Da Dar
Dark Flame Cand Spa Spar
] Of So Dark So Snark So Ass
Park Bed Go Quick 'N Dark
Shades Of Many Shads Bads
Goods The Hard See Too Much
Cloaked Soaked In Blacks Navy
Blues Skies Night Wet Damp
The Roll Now Thunder Modes
Cycles Of Rolling Loud Morn
This After Quick Sud Thud
Sudden Storm Flags Now On
Yeah Cycles Waves Us To I
Like Da
Sight Wish For Cam Came
My Photo Digit Camer Rah
Rah Camera Igit Igital My
Way To Take A Photo More
In One Many Muchas Beau
So Many Beautiful Coups
Of Cups Of Capes Capers
Capricious Captors Captivating
So Motived Vah Vast Vating
Till Satured Sleep Start Gain
Over Ohh All Over Again!

#1 Le 28 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:02 AM on a clear, bright, blue skies puffy whites hot, humid spring morn ... TONY

To Be On Memory On Days
3 Think Service Women
Men Have All In War
Served Us To Keep Nation
Ours Safe To be All We Can
Yes Brave Strong Our
Peops They Us Have Now
Then Too Many Wars
Us All Served Our Nation
Our Land Our Many Peops
Them To Honor To Give
I Do Now As I Drive I
Work To I Think I Owe
Mucho Mas Beaucoup
Cheers Hurrahs Thanks
Sincere Our Peops In Armed
Yeah Services Many To Us
Our Homes Our Wonders
Ments Our Fancies Our
Flames Our Hearts Warm
To Them That Serve Served
'Spec 'Spects Respects My
Toast I'm Lots In Awe Humbled
Honored To Them Known Know

#2 Le 28 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin a 10:11AM en voiture, VA. on a hot, sunny, humid, hazy, damp , sticky some, too ... late spring morn - nice Memorial Day weekend ... TONY

To Birds Cheeps Hear Now
Loud Clear Nice Cheer
Haze Heat Sticky Hot Wet
A Half Blue Half White
Stiff Wind Skies Heave
Heaven Heavy Pregs Preg
Ready On Day Dia Jour
Memorial Memorys Of
Those That Fight Still Then
Fought On Rt 50 Many Cyc
Cycles Of Vets Of Those
That Fought They Come
They Roll In Loud Mode
Motorcycles Cyclists Singing
Engines Clear Loud Prou
Prou Proud Thunder A Throt
Throt Throttle Unbottle Un
Wind Find The Rhythm The
The Peace In Pieces Collect
Them Now
String Together To Please
To Place To Get Us Some
Grace Face Saving Sounds
Peace Of ...

#3 Le 28 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin a 10:18AM en Virginie en voiture on a hot, humid, one-half baby-blue skies, half puffy whites late spring morn ... TONY

Rolling In Thunder Wonder Where
Donde?!? They Wander Pony
Tails I Like The Braids
Blonde Washed Blown
Wind Blanched Tied
In Kerchiefs Motifs Of
Our Flag Off They Roll
3 Modes Front Me Now Of
One Behind Men In
Front Women Behind 4
Modes Behind Me We Cross
Now River Potomac Lights
On Bright 3 One The Noise
In My Mirror Sight Sigh
More To Behold To My Left
Modes Loud Thunder Roll
Me By So Quick No Time To
Stud Leather Study Vests A
Sight Me Now Very To Insp
Inspire Fire I'm All Stirred Up
Love Da Sight Of Rolling Thunder
Now Just In Them Me Surround
Sound Me Pass By One Man Go

#4 Le 28 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture a Washington D.C. N.W. a 10:25AM on a hot, sticky, wet, sunny, bright Memorial Day Weekend ... I'm now very inspired, we have no electricity at home now, like in frontier times - TONY

Rush Off Wo Wor Work / To Da Das Dash Spla La : My Own 4 Friday Morning Poems Of May 27th, 2011 : Memorial Day Weekend : Thanks To Those That Serve & Have Served

     Enjoy these 4 of my own Friday Morning Poems of May 27th, 2011 that I wrote on this Memorial Day Weekend before starting work in Washington D.C. Cheers,  TONY

                                     Rush Off Wo Wor Work
                                     To Da Das Dash Spla La
                                     La Dee Dash Splash To Ma
                                     Mak Make Time Car In
                                     To Deliv Yeah Lunch
                                     Comida Deliver Wife To
                                     Left Home Counter Kitch
                                     Yes Chenin Morn This Earl
                                     E-Early As I/ She / Dog Out
                                     Door Front Went Walk Dog
                                     School Teach Off Went 3 We
                                     Whee The Rush Some Add
                                     Some Drenil Si Re Ren
                                     Renalin To Our Hop Skip
                                     We Motion 3 All To Get
                                     Onto In Big Mug Bit Too
                                     Much Too Hug Humid Da
                                     Water - Thick Us Smug Too
                                     Much Much Start Early
                                     The Sun Warm Rays Been
                                     Not Cold Not Brr Just Almost
                                     Yeah All Be Morn This Right
                                     Now Off To Wife School
                                     Elementary My Dear Alan ...

     #1  Le 27 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie on a sunny, hazy, bright, late spring morn blue skies all white cloud fused ...   TONY

                                    To Start Run Run Fast
                                    Drive Fast Faster Bit
                                    On Track Cars Fewer
                                    Vacay ? Kay ? Kat-Shun?
                                    Bet So Fewer Cars Now
                                    Right Now Beechtree Onto
                                    School Wife's Lunch
                                    Drop Off Now
                                    Park Car Out Hills On
                                    Accomp Yeah Miss Ission
                                    Ission Job Puppy Pound
                                    Well Done
                                    Dropped Office Off Main
                                    Feel Good Better Now
                                    Still Sun Bathed Drive
                                    To On I Go Go Go Go
                                    Go Go Go So Much
                                    To Love To Long To Last
                                    To See Now Just Motors
                                    Thunders Men's So Ends
                                    Be In Sun Plain Rolling
                                    On Yeah
                                    Annandale Yes Road Past
                                    By Me
                                    A Welcome Sight
                                    Sigh Sound On Weekend
                                    Memorial Day Weekend
                                    A Familiar Come To D.C.
                                    Wash Comfort ...

     #2  Le 27 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:38AM on a humid, dry, sticky, hazy, sunny bright warm, milky-white blue skies above Memorial Day Friday spring morn ...   TONY



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Salv Salva Va Vat Ta / Ta Tore Nigh Last : 4 Of My Own Thursday Morning Poems Of May 19th, 2011 : Salvatore Of GROTTA DEL SOLE Wines

Enjoy my 4 Thursday Morning Poems of May 19th, 2011 inspired in part by the owner Salvatore of the GROTTA DEL SOLE Naples, Campagnia Italian wines that we sell so well . Cheers, TONY

Salv Salva Va Vat Ta
Ta Tore Nigh Last
Yeah Taste Did He Cust
With Chez Nous Tienda
Magasin Store In What
For Us Custom Ma Ma
For?!? XYZ 'Splore
From Start Of Chamat
Asprinio Indigen So
Unique Us Nous Grapes
Found Calab In Labria
In By Sea Mer Water

Monday, May 23, 2011

Oprah Winfrey Loved By My Daughter/ Son & Wife / A Poem To Oprah 5/23/2011

I'm writing this to share with Oprah and the world my family's love and appreciation for Oprah Winfrey and her show for the last 25 years. Cheers Oprah. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

Ohhh Ohhh Op Op Op Prah Prah
La La Lad Lass Lady Dah Dah Dah
Free Be Soul Yours In Find Self
Into Shell Spell Sit Disc Yes Cove
Cover Own Yeah Own Yourself
Prow Prowl Self Be Proud Self Of
Yours The Mess Straight Hap Gay
Appy Be Because Know Yourself!

Opah Prahhhhh Prance Dance Y'Aaa
Lance Big Broad View Vast Expanse
Your Life On Traack Oprah-Like
She Did Does Still Light Make Create
A Space A Grace A At Pace Yours Own
Arrive Strive Thrive Yes Oui Claro Si
Oui Oui Oui Oui Girl Boy You Can Ru Ru
Ule January To Yule Tide Ride Slide Y'Aah
Go Get Git Gonna Fit Gonna Spit Hands
In Gain Firm Grip If Need Y'Aah Strip
Get A Grip Get A Posoition A Haven Heaven
Peace Earth On Peace Self With Do IT Get
IT Be Alive You Man Woman BOTH Own It!

More to follow later, read the poem below, too as it's about Oprah as well. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn Monday, May 23rd, 2011 at 9:10PM here in northern Virginia at home. Been a great day here. Cheers et merci Oprah, TONY

Ohhhh Ohhh Ohhhh PA PA PA PA PA PRAHHHHHHHH ! Live Poem Written To & About Oprah Winfrey 5/23/2011 : Cheers! For O Magazine /25-Year Biography Of Show

Ohhhh Ohhh Ohhhh
3rd To Last Watch!
Sit Here Wife Son Watch
Tom Han Hank Ank Anks
Be Con With Avec Nous
Dites Lui : It's Going Go Go
Good Night Harpo Secrets
Kept Best Mission Imposs-
Oss Ossib Bib Bib Bible!!!!!
Walks On Just Now Tom's
Two 4 Women Life His In
1988 Way They Excite SOO
Glenda Good Witch Power
Always Had Power The Eve
Ve Ven Ven Ko Ko In Dress
Abgel White Sing Like Slip
Lip Lipp Lippers Slippers
Sparkle Red Botticel Boticelli
Of The Ly-Lee Family - No
Josh Be He Brolin This Time
Dreams True Come Patty La
La Belle So Above Rainbow!
Love Gotta Do So Must Where
Wear!?! What Some Teeny Weenie
Bird Over Why Oh Why Can't I?!?
Why Can't I!?! We!?! All!?! Yeah Can
We All!!!! Ohhhhh Opprraaahhhh
Can ALL US To Get Together Us
3rd Night Last Night It's Gonna
Gran Grande Hard Working Mother
4 Of Just Flew In!!!! Mad Mad So
Beautiful Mad Mad Mad On ON ON
Go Ma Pa Ma Pa Mad Do Don Donna!
Oprah Win With Ohh Ohhpra Pra Pra
On Her Top Game Still Balls Hers
Ass Kick Kick In Kicking Ass Girl's
Yeah Ac Acad Cad Cadem Cadem Me
Us All Vow Be Courageous Never More
Up Give!! You I Thank You Inspire For
Me! You Inspire Us Many Women Girls
Egypt Over Inspired Legacy Of Oprah
Dream Wish Wonder Hope Women Men
Countries 150 Amen World Over Amen!!
Power Power Of So Full Of Power To Stim
Me Even Inspired So Now Show Oprah
Show Baby Many Chicago In Stick My To
Beliefs! 13 Lost Pounds My Mom Died
To Learn Continue From You We've
Learned We Are Enough - Good Morn
Gorgeous! Thank You Becasue You Of
Girls We Believe World World Can Be Be
Beyond Here Now There Who We Can Be
We Run Can The World Mondo Sings
Us Girls ALL Beyond Beyonce See Sing
Who World Runs?!? Who!?! Who?!!! We
Run Do World This 'Cause Our Our Cause
RUN WORLD WE DO Dance Legs Nice
Like I Man As Do That Run Who? Who
Runs World?!? Girls Females We Do Red
Black White We Do Children All Women Stage
On Now You Do It ... For Me ... Audien
All Crazy Now Jump Sing Shout We Run Girls
Go Go Go Go! Girls We Do Run World The
Who Runs We Do Not Run Wife Mine Ours
Sings now : We Run The World! We Run The
World!!!! Who Inspired You?!? Eve Me Man As
Am I Inspired Oprah By Oprah By! Ohh Oprah By!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay In Body Trying ... How Doing You Asks Tom
How Doing You? Book Club Favorite Things
Audience Favorite Theirs Bring Stage To Be
Belief School Orleans New Bring After Hurr
Urricane Throw Library Away Books 2nd Time
Shelves No Money Books Left For Do What?!?
The Believe School Legend John Standing By
Take Books We Will Need Them Needed Oprah
Show Target With Library Now Target Thanks To
Trans For For Every One 2000 Books Audience
Yours Compute With Put Pute Puters You Thanks
Say " Hi " Oprah Through Target 25 Libraries Rebuild
25 Years To Thank You Saw You Us Now Sawyer
Now SO : I've always thought that the closest Oprah is
To Heaven is in an oak tree from a sampling it grows
the stronger the wind the stronger the tree that is the
Oprah Winfrey Show .... the Oprah Tree Standing and
Inviting Them You Bless and You Embrace Them -we
Sea To Shining Sea 25 THOUSAND YEARS Plan Plant
Planting thousand twent-five oak oak oak trees!!!!!!
Sawyer Dianne Sawyer Tells Oprah And Watching
Everyone ALL Now World Over Halle Berry Queen
Latif AHH AHHH Et Katie Holmes Love You We Sez
Berry Halle - Risen Up Change To World The Debbie
Inspired 29 New Babies Lanny Georgia Women To
Women Bosno, Aphganistan, Bosnia Own Veg Farm
Feed Village Too Walking Around World We You Thank
So Proud Here To Be Say They All World Over Women
Say Now Just To Oprah Inspiration Hers To Make Tissues
There To Wipe Tears Away You Never Let Us Go We
Never Let Go Of You Rascal Flatts You're Not Alone
Sings He Dalmatian Puppy I Will Hold You Come To Me
I Will Stand By You Help You Thru ... I Will Oprah
Sing Along Words She Knows Must Conviction With
Now Sings Along ...

More Come Back When We Do The Show Goes On
Must Even Sick When At Grammies Oprah Occasion
To Rose Television History Everyone There Stage On
Thank You Of What You Have Done Your Presence In
FRont Of Your Televsion Sets Here Right Now You
Touch Me Now Do You I Will Oooooooo Oprah!
To Hear You See You Again Tomorrow Tom Hanks
Sez Now One Tornado Tore Through Lining Bodies
Up Joplin Missouri War-Zone Like-Looking Now
Contrast Great Saint John's Center Medical To Oprah
Hard To Make To Go Now To This?!? Thank You
Oprah More Now More Tomorrow ....

Take care one and all - all safe and sound is what we wish ... Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn

I tried to capture the excitement just now of the Oprah show as it played for the first time - the third of three last shows ... Dianne Sawyer speaking now again to us ... help the people, and they sure need it ... TONY I am sending this now as-is , no proofing it - live - hope it's okay. cheers , hasta luego, a demain, a bientot, until we next meet ...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Was Born Conceive / Hatch Create I Do : 4 Saturday Morning Poems Of Mine Of May 21st, 2011 : Inspired By Meeting Lucas Nemesio Of Pategonia, Argenti

na, Wines Of NEMESIO Vineyard ... Thursday, May 19th, 2011 In The Afternoon ... the headline should finish. Here are my own Four Morning Poems of Thursday, May 19th, 2011. Enjoy them, gracias Lucas e hasta luego, TONY

I Was Born Conceive
Hatch Create I Do
Yest Lucas With
Pategon Y'Aaah Of
Yes Si Claro Of Vinos
Pinot Charms Noir Of
He Came From
To Taste To Link Us To
Him Wines His Of South
Argi Gents Lasses
Fines Tangled Masses
Be We All Become Ones
Love Loved Loud Emotes
Quiet Promotes An Elegan
A Practice Pure Close Purr
Perfect We Be Become In
Presences Presents In
The Mome Present One
L'Autro, Ensembles Juntos
Nosotros Lucas Mio Oh Boy
Oh My Fun Fun Frolic
Wings Limbs Fun!

#1 Le 21 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en Virginie en voiture a 10:09AM on a drop-dead beautiful spring morn, sunny, breezy, fresh, clear baby-blue skies, wonderful ... TONY

To Met Have Yest
Lucas Argentin Hombre
Como Dan Sincero Si
Bueno Vinos Vinhos Rosso
Blanco Di Pategonia
Nem Nem Nemesio Oui
Viernes A Tienda De
Cleveland Park A Wash
D.C. We Tasted Old
3-4 Day Old Wines His
Quite Good Still Balanced
Quite A Surprise To Taste
With Young Blond Juntos
3 Us Of Us She Looking
Gift For For Friend Buy
Comprar Did She Claro
Una Bouteilla Chardonnay
Firma Signed By Lucas Smile
Off Went She 'N Portraits 3
Quick I Did Make Of Lucas
Before Off To Bells He Did
Scoot With Radar System Box
Address Lugged In By He Me

#2 Le 21 Mai, 2011 Samedi ahora matin a 10:19AM en voiture en Virginie on a drop-dead gorgeous morn now - so clear baby blue skies warming up now TONY

Lucas 'N Me Of Argen
Argenteen Tina Tony
Lucas Nora Pedro
Beatrice Valentin
Susana Laura Otros
Speak We Of Fon Fon
Fondly A Time Eyes
Brim Yesterday Joy Of
Together We Quickly
Did Speak Share 'Speriences
Nem Nem Nemesio Vinos
Look At Album Fotos Of
1995 Long Ago Seeing Friends
Mine Cristina Maria
Tambien Como Es Muy
Importante La Vida Nos
Nous Nosotros A Link A
Line A Way To Remember
To Bind To Be Connected In
Lives Vidas Locas Normales
A Wonder Wonderment
Miles Separate Us From Yet
Talk Then Just As One Lucas
'N Me What Fun What Fun!

#3 Le 21 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en Virginie en voiture a 10:20AM crossing over the Potomac river on a beautiful, clear, sunny, warm, blue skies spring morn now ... TONY

Nem Nem Nemesio
Vinos Hobre Muchacho
Como Amigo Ahora
'N Met We Juste Now
Ai Hablar Bebir Vino
Did We Taste His Wines
Together No Bread Broke
Yet Bond Quick Set
Motion Notions Oceans
We Crossed Times Several
To Make Amigos Nosotros
To Kind Words Establish
Connection To Talk Of
Past To Common Grounds
Us Find Us Bind Us Wind
Us Wend Us To Together
Fun Fend To Build New
Stories Enjoy New Glories
A Glad Mome Yest Lucas
Con Migo Mio Me A Nice
Special Point In Time Us To
Find A Good Very Good Ahora
Siempre Aqui Encora ...

#4 Le 21 Mai, 2011 Samedi -Sabado matin a Washington D.C. now @ 10:38AM on a drop-dead gorgeous spring baby blue skies warm blue skies spring morn!! TONY Gracias Lucas ... e hast luego, TONY

Wind Sweep Weep / Swept I Be Car From : 4 Of My Own Friday Morning Poems Written On May 20th, 2011 Before Work In Wash. D.C. - Enjoy

Here are my very own ( they all are, I just do not know if you all know this or not? ) Four Morning Poems of Friday, May 20th, 2011 that I wrote before work in Washington D.C. Cheers and enjoy, TONY

Wind Sweep Weep
Swept I Be Car From
I Wind Indo Ndow Ope
Open Be Hit By Morn
Oft Each Screech Sma
Ma Mack Brush Me By
What Attract?! Fact
Knuckle Knickle Me
Till Crump Buck Uckle
I'm Fire On Short Sleeves
Attired Now Work Wind
Way To Car In Windows
Two Open Ohh Sights Sme
Me Smells Wonders Be I
Route On Will Be 50 At Soon
Now Little Yeah Run Si
River Stream Where Water
Be I'm Sore Backed Attack
How Happen Morn This So
Quick To Bend Stiff
Groan I Moan I Be In
Some Rain Sun's Shine Please
Me Now Quick Me Heal
Make Whole Better!

#1 Le 20 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:36AM on a cool, damp, partly weak, sunny, bit brr spring morn - dampness everywhere ... TONY

Thursday, May 19, 2011

See Meat Speak Ale / Sa San Sandro : 4 Of My Own Wednesday Morning Poems Of May 18th, 2011 Written Thinking About Alessandro Furlan, Caio E A Presto!

Here are my 4 very own Wednesday Morning Poems written before work on May 18th, 2011 thinking of my dear old friend Alessandro Furlan. TONY

See Meat Speak Ale
Sa San Sandro
Row Row Row Boat Da
Italia American Yea
Go Older Men Now Two
51 'N 58 Makes 109
Ouch Oh Dios Mio
What Age What 'Speriens
'Sperience A Many Things
Alone Together Years Past
Over We've Stayed Con
Yes Tact In Here There
Memories We Now Share
A Constant A Bind Bond
Bin To From Draw I
Always Any Way So More
From Draw Which Watch
Want A Spin A Span Of
La La Lane Memories
Si Historias Muchas Many
C'Est Vrai Grazie The Wines
Shared A Satis Fa Fact Fiction
Action Actions Loud Clearer
Still Start Star Most

#1 Le 18 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:07AM on a drizzly wet-warm water-air -heavy spring , no-sunshine morn ... TONY

To Sit Spell Spill Tell
With Alessandro Our
Stored Stories Our Shared
Glories So Much Happen
Has Two Countries Two
Peops In Contact Rest The
Atlantic Ocean Sep Yes
Parate Divide Us Now
Days Many Moons Too Unite
Us Still Sy To Years Passed
We Talk Still Share
Spill To Sit A Spell To
Me Draw Portraits His
He Try Hard Skype To
With Andrea Speak Together
Lunch Eat Wait Yet Call
Us Back Firehook At Not
Later Andrea Reach Ales
San Sand Sandro Oh I
Did Miss Conves With Andrea
Voice Hear His Still Now Head
Mine In We Speak Of Our Stories
Shared Glories So Much Fun

#2 Le 18 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en Virginie en voiture on a rainy, damp, drizzly, warm, bit-humid, no-sunshine spring morn ... thinking , too of Andrea Fossi of the FOSSI Chianti Tuscan wines that both Alessandro and I know fairly well. Cheers, TONY

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mike Mik Ra Radclif / Climb On Up Top Of : 4 Of My Own Morning Poems Of Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 Thinking Of Mike Radcliffe Of WARWICK Wines & The Down

" Get Down " Downey Annual Win-Owner/Maker & Rep Portfolio Tasting, Mon. May 16th, '11.

That is how the headline above should finish. Enjoy and cheers, TONY

Mike Mik Ra Radclif
Climb On Up Top Of
Out Look Round 'Bout
Lots View Grand Mount
Vast Glor Brown Home
His From What Sight Sound
Bound Bind Binding Rou
Rou Roun Round Abound
Abun A Bun Dun Dunce
So SPace Much To See
Be Awe In Of Africa Sud
Of Man Vines Grounds
Special Bonds 'Tween
Lands Grands A Groan A
Bun Bunt Work Stunt A
Blast Blist Blur Stir A
Strip Search Lurch Lunch
Burst Of Flowering Vines
Flash To Fist Wrist Wrestle
Curb Direct Vines Pinots
Tages To Advants More
Till Over Spill Spell Spin
Weave Hello Heave Sieve
Up Up Serve

#1 Le 17 Mai, 2011 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:37AM avant de commencer mon travail a Washington D.C. on a drizzly, gray, cool, not cold spring, cloudy, no-sunshine, going-to-rain more spring morn?!? TONY

To MIke To Cliff Rad To
Lisa To Center To Ville
To Copper To Canyon
To Grill A Lunch A Noon
A Three Peops Gather Get
Geth Eth Eth Ether Sun
Shine's Weather A Steak
A Sandwich An Intro
Duc Duct Duction To
Waitress I Did Make
For Mike To Know
The Sitch The Which The
Wines Sauv Blanc White
Pinot Was Taged Me By
Lady First Three Cape
Some Cab Some
Blends Reds Runs The
Flaves Meld Come To
Yes They Did Splend
Penned Run Deeply
Together In
Out To One To More
To Explore Busy All

#2 Le 17 Mai, 2011 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie on a dreary, rainy, cool, gray, rainy, wet, no-sunshine morn now - yikes! TONY Thanks Mike - nice to see you and Lisa.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Break Took Yeah / Yest I Needed A : My Own 4 Wednesday Morning Poems Of May 11th, 2011 Written Before Work

Enjoy my own 4 Wednesday Morning Poems that I wrote on May 11th, 2011 before starting work in Washington D.C. Cheers, TONY

Break Took Yeah
Yest I Needed A
Deserved Much Me
Break Not Brake Want
Xept Brake To Go Bit
Slower Mean That Need
Off Off Times Stress
Bless Feel The Treasure
The Time Unwind Get
Wind Sales Arms Spread
From To Be Thrive Alive
I Liked Draw Night Last
Sketch Quick The Portraits
Others Night Last A High
A Flow A Grin Grind I
Did Fly Seat Pants By Smile
I Stroke Slap Dash Dot
Poke Stab Pape White Paper
As Draw Fast Flash The
Caught Up Up Sweet Swept
Up I Wash By Muse Yeah
The Move My Two Blue Bleu
Pens Stilos Over Surf The
Skirt The Sketch The Vite
Fait Pas Temps Du Quick
To Be Into Features Of Others
Drawn Caught For Secs Momes
Be Then Captives So Up Swept!

#1 Le 11 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:07AM on a sunny, breezy, baby blue skies, fresh, crisp morning - I love it - great to be alive now!! TONY

The Times Changes Quick
So Uick Uick Uickly
Cha Cha Chan Han Hang
Change Anging Rap
Tap Slap Nap Apt
Rapid Ranging Stra
Tra La La La La Stranging
A Quick Succeed Suck
Succession Of Things
All Dumped Stumped
Lumped Bum Bum
Dumped Onto The Nerv
The Nostrils Do Flare
Square Not Care Not
Take Care Others A
Lot Selfish Sell Others
Down Stream Careen
Night Lust Caress
Cart Spoils Of Turn
Head Sleep Sound
Sounds Of Grief Off
Turn Nocturnal Day Mares
Horrors Of Others Of Peops
Of Hopes Dashed To Few Others
Get Ahead The Constant Hunger
Bellies Empty Be They

#2 Le 11 Mai, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:15AM on a breezy, fresh, warming-up now sunny spring nice morn - I love the abandon of it all!! TONY

Move On Long Move Ahhh/ Strid Stride Abide Bid : 4 Of My Own Saturday Morning Poems Of May 14th, 2011 : Enjoy, Daily Ruminations Of An Artist Very Muc

h Alive And Kicking ... the headling above should finish.

Here are my own 4 Saturday Morning Poems that I wrote before starting work on May 14th, 2011. I hope that you enjoy them, TONY

Move On LOng Move Ahhh
Strid Stride Abide Bid
On/Off Skim Top Off
Fazz Fizz Fuzz Glue Guzz
The Chi Lair Morn Water He
Heave Ste Hoe A Stow A
Stape A Strap Snape Be
Ready For A Turn To Taste
To Time Morn I This With Work
Think Cabs Wines In A
Prim Prime Cabernet Some Sau
Sauv I Save My Eners To
Channel Tunnel Fun Flim
Flam Funnell A Stride I Make
To Cover Uncover The Path
Make To Understand The Grape
A Certain Taste A Certain
Trapse We Do Now Take
Down Past Now For Future
We Try To Find A Way To
Understand The Way It Be
Made What It Of be This Myster
This Flave Of Flaves Of Hi's
'N Lows Slows Sterns Perms A
Path Of Tasted Tasting Tasted
So Much Strap To Starch Un
Yes Some Tannins Some Acids
Some Flames Of White Dark Peps
In As Of Peppers Greens Of
Tabacs Too Aussi Si Oui ...

#1 Le 14 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:04AM on a gray, cool, drizzle some , no-sunshine, bit cool morn now spring ... TONY

A Time To Focu Focu
Pocus Focus Gather Bring On
A Brigade A Brisk Wave
To Us Flow Blow Blast Over
To Blame Train Try
Tree Truck In Muck Mire
Add Some Up Fork Some
Bend Bind Blast Blend
Soon Talk ( Tack ) I Be Of
Of Sauvignons Of A Famous
Grape Of Some Now We
Speak Of A Wine's Spark
A Strength A Strong Sense
Pride Ride Charms Decried
Craved Carved To On Pal
Shoulders Of Palates Be Carted
Off To Long Strides Be
Taken A Strength A Strong
Fuerte Sense To Bridal
Bridge A Bless The
Best 'N Us In All We To
Celeb To Relay To Relate
It Be So Grand So Great
First Prime Prim Rah Rah
Rate A Mind Cerveau Cielo
Of Sate Be Strapped Straddled
Be Off On Purps To Teach To
Share What Know I Some
Pieces Of Bits Of Tastes
Of Recollects ...

#2 Le 14 Mai, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:16AM on a gray, cool, drizzly , no-sunshine spring morn ... TONY

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eric Glom Lom Loms / Ski Sky Ariz Pie : 4 Of My Thursday Morning Poems Of May 12th, 2011 : Thinking Of Eric Glomski, Wine-Maker Of ARIZONA STRONGHOLD

Enjoy these 4 Thursday Morning Poems that I wrote before work on May 12th, 2011 before work thinking about the wine-maker Eric Glomski and his wines of Arizona's ARIZONA STRONGHOLD wines. Enjoy, TONY

Eric Glom Lom Loms
Ski Sky Ariz Pie
Zone Eric's In Make Win
Apple Wine First He Did
Oh My My My Sky High
Clear Cloud Clust Grapes
Syrah He Make Makes Do
Doth Does Lots Buzz Buzz
Cuzz Wines Good Be Da
Sauv. Da Blanc Hhrara
Do Don Na Nah Nay
Some Mawsome Ze Ze
Zia See Ya See Me Soun
More White Please Me Doth
It White Arizona's Strong
Hold On Me Now Wine
Hear Eric Fro From
Be There Plus 40 Wineries
Now Arizona In Quite Few
What Fact Fiction Wine Diction
A Vocab Cabern Na Na Nay
Here Now Sauv Us Sauvignon
All Us Save Salvage A
New Start New Solar A
Syst A Stem A Vine Vineyard
Full Us All In Dismay We Be
After Upon New Taste New
Fla La La Dee Dah Flaves
Craves A Great Taste Last
Night Eric Of Arizona's Strong-
Hold Now Other 49 Staes
Begin It ...

#1 Le 12 Mai, 2011 Jeudi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:39AM on a nice, sunny, breezy, fresh, warm , milky-white creamy skies , beautiful morn now ... I love it - really nice - want to play hookey now - not work! Get off early tonight ... TONY

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Met Armin Yest Si Oui / Jour Dia Day Store At : 4 Morning Poems I Wrote On Friday, May 13th, 2011 : Inspired By Meeting Armin Grassa of DOM. TARIQUET

Here are my 4 Morning Poems of Friday ( Yesterday ) May 13th, 2011 inspired in part by my meeting pf owner Armin Grassa of the DOMAINE Du TARIQUET wines and bas armagnacs. Enjoy, TONY

Met Armin Yest Si Oui
Jour Dia Day Store At
With Julien Grace A
Arm Bas Mag Of Magnacs
Macs Of Arms Of Vins
Blanco Blancs Premier Fois
Et Antoine Est Venu Les
Chercher Au Magasin Et
Gouter Nous Avons Pas Fois
Okay Me By The Day Nice Was
Nice To Meet Finally After
Long So Very Know Armagnac
Bas Best It Be The Wines Aussi
The Sauv Blanc The Colombard
Ugni Blanc The Folle Blanche
What Fun What Taste Crazy
White Smooth In ARmagnac
Crazy Silky Smooth I Did
Taste The Later Lalande Dejeune
Lunch 4 Us Mecs Comme C'est
Etait Bien Nous Ensemble
Nous Quatre Us Four Explore
Perameters Other's Each Od Did
Glory Lory Glorious Us Ly
At Sequoia At Potomac
On Riviere Belle Journee
The Soleit Plain Sunshine
So Clear Warm Drinking
Sauvignon Lalande Armin It
That So Clean So Crisp Yet Fresh
Smooth Too ...

#1 Le 13 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:25AM en voiture en Virginie on a gray, cool, drizzly spring morn, milky white cloud covering, humid bit, too ... TONY

To By Riviere Potomac
Sit French Old/New
Friends Quatre Mecs
Nous Tous Ensemble
Deux Peu Anciens Duex
Jeune Peu Peut-Etre C'Est
Bien Les Jeunes Mangent
Stek Les Peu Vieux Mangent
Poisson / Fish Not Poison!
Je Me Demande/Remarque
Et Antoine Repond Ils
Ne Faites Pas Attention
C'Est True-Vrai-The
Rockfish Peu Trop Cuite
Said Antoine Tout De Suite
Moi Suis-Je D'Accords I
Agree HearteWhole-Ly
Him With Croquis J'Ai
Faisant Des Trois Mecs
All Time Was There For Me
Listen Them French Speak
Argot Slang What Constern
Na Na Nation- Understand
Not All Yeah Soi Oui What
Fun! Blast Of Soft River
Sweat Sun It's Shine Loud I
The Specience The Lalande Of
Gasc Of Cog Cog Cogne So Right
The Taste Mome Warm Like
This The Meeting Four Of Us
Special Time!

#2 Le 13 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:35AM on a gray, cool,, damp, drizzly , bit-humid spring morn! TONY

Tariquet Gascogne Sou
Sout Out Outh FRance
Of A Place A Space A
Hot Weather Know It Not
Yet I Have Never Been
Yet Like Wines Lot The
Sell Armagnacs Lot Of Bas
Of Louis Jean Birth Place
His He Dead Now Be Yet
Long Ago Watergate Hotel
His Restaurant What Special
Place A Meal A Treat We
Eat There Twice Carlos
With Friend ( Chou ) Long Ago
Before Just Femme Et Moi
A Adore Love Time That
Special Pleasing A Period
To Nice Be It Of Now Think
A Blink Not Blank A Tease
A Treasure To Remeber
Days When We Together Us
Two Just Met Antoine Met
John Leslie Susan Lee
Steven Grand Times To Dine
To Party To Drink Fine Wines
Fine Cognac Armagnacs Calvas
Aussi Comme Ca me Enormement
Plaisaint Beaucoup So Much
Fine So Special 'n Divine!

#3 Le 13 Mai, 2011 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:44AM crossing over the Potomac river now - hazy, gray, muggy, drizzly, on an overcast spring morn ... TONY

To Much Have Mind Now On Morn
A Whole Lot Boat Load
Be Heavy Much Much Too
Like Pregnant Run Around
Try Focus Try Sound To Clear
Head Center Thoughts A
Friday In Spring Start Da
End Of Week Strong Not Weak
Try Later Wines Kermit
Lynch Not Grenouille
Not Frog A Nice Mome
Jody With To Customers
Please Ease Tease Unpleeze
A Flow A Fresh A Speak Of
Armin Of Julien Antoine Of
Paolina Of Cans Of Sauvig
Sauvignons Of Wine Classes
Of Good Times Of Drawings
Of Rhymes Of Poems Of
Faces Jeunes Filles Oui
C'Est Moi Bien I Do Love
Fine Ladies Me Alive
Thrive I Them To Subscribe
They Be My Tribe My Tribute
Too I Treasure I Always
Them To I Homage To A
Leisure A Lark A Spark A
Spear A Splendor Oh Yeah
More Mas Give Us More!

#4 Le 13 Mai, 2011 En voiture a Washington D.C. au travail @ work now on Connecticut Avenue N.W. Vendredi matin on a gray, drizzly, cool / warm muggy bit spring morn - okay! TONY

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Being Art My Tis Tist Self / Being One Myself A : 4 Tuesday Morning Poems Of May 3rd, 2011 : Enjoy!

Here are my 4 Tuesday Morning Poems of May 3rd, 2011 written before work. Cheers, TONY

Being Art My Tis Tist Self
Being One Myself A
Selfish Times At Artist
Giving Most Taking Mostly
Feels Like I Puzz Buzz
Puzzle Sitch Itch Some
Whine Witch Wine Which
A Wonder Fill Full Sitch
I'm Off Now Yeah Morn
This Osama Be Gone Now
He Final Sea Rest In He
Son We All Rest At
Dead Done Be Gone I'm
Stun Still Stunned It
Did Me Pause Give Knot
Stom Ma Pa Mach Me
Guts Be Gripped Tie Tight
To So Bad So Much He Life
Lived Cave Not In Nice Comp
Compted?!? Compound Not
Life Bad He Hide Hid Away
Seals Navy Hime Done In Sund
Da Da Day Away Far Far Dead

#1 Le 3 Mai, Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:36AM on a still somewhat water-air heavy, sunny, breezy, baby blues lots milky white skies now spring morn ... TONY

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mug Smile Ugg Ugg Ugh! / Hot Air Stick Stuck Stunk / 4 Thursday Morning Poems I Wroye Before Work On April 28th, 2011 : Cheers

Here are my 4 Thursday Morning Poems that I wrote myself before work on April 28th, 2011. Hope you enjoy them. Cheers, TONY

Mug Smug Ugg Ugg Ugh!
Hot Air Stick Stuck Stunk
! Like Not Bit One !!
Condition Yes Air To
Be Aired Conditioned
A Take Wa H2 Ohh
Wa H20 Water Out
Re So Move From
Away From Outa Git!
Be Got Removed Far
Away Need Humid
No No Way! Away
Be Gone Be Fade Song
Be Cool Bree Ree Reeze
Us All Please Us Please
Over Invite Tea For Us
A Star A Plum A Tart An
Art So Much To New Start
Be De Stemmed

#1 Le 28 Avril, 2011 Jeudi matin en Virginie en voiture a 9:36AM on a muggy, warm , gray, overcast 2nd month of spring morn. TONY

To Raise Money To
Sell Sake To Raise
Awa Aware Be Some
Awareness Some Focus
Yeah Draw Together
For Japan For Triple
Whammy A Thunder
A Thirst To Gain
To Grow By Taste
Tastings Of Sakes A
Rice Like Beer More 'N
Wine To Make A Drink
A Start To Awareness
Fair Fair Fairness A
Glimpse A Ohhh At
Like It More Me Now
Sake Liking Surp Slurp
Pry Prize Gain Know
Treat A New Awareness
Mine Of State

#2 Le 28 Avril, 2011 Jeudi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:42AM on a sticky, humid, air water heavy, no sunshine now, lots of thick clouds, 2nd month of spring. TONY

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osa Osam Bam Bam Boom Osam Bib Bib Lad Lade ( Rest! Kil Killed!! ) NOW!!! Laden Ahora Gone! 5/1/2011 Here In Annandale, VA @ 11:29PM!!!!!

Wow! Osama Bin Laden is nor dead and in American hands after the fact now on this late Sunday night, May 1st, 2011! How great is that!?!? Unfucking believable - unfucking beliievably great, too!

Osa Osam Bam Bam
Boom Osam Bid Bid
Lad Lade ( Rest! Kil
Killed!! ) NOW Laden
Ahora Gone ! 5/1/2011
At 11:07pm Finale Men
One Man Osam Sam Sama
Dead Gone Sweat Song De
Killed Osama By Americans
Be He Final Rest Deadly In
No Breath More No Flow
His Blood Silent Ilenced Be
I Feel We Feel We Cert Si
Oui Joy This Find Relish In!

Don't General Wish Death No
Not Any On Human Ever Want
Yet Man Bin Bin Sin No Saint
Laden be Cold Now Pakistan
Hide Hid He Years Did Crawl
Conflict Terror Two Goves No
Govern Mean Ment Ments Govern
Pakistan VS U.S. A Tear A Storm
A Blow Blow Blow Blow Blow!

Kill Bin Bad Bill Blood His Spill!
Jour Nuit A Moon Blue This
A Final A Bleu Mome A Trill A
Fanta A Grizzly A Groan A Grind
Last Long Hours Minutes Ghastly
A Horror A Terror A Tease A Torn

World All Spill To Spell To Strain
To Work Evil Truth Convictions
Each Part Each Half Beliefs Believe
Right Wrong Wrangle Wrought Roof
Be Messed All Be Been So Very Very
Long Song Lengt Ength Strong Chanson

We Surv We Triump We Urvi Urvive
We Trump We Tromp Stomp Stump
Obama Bin Trump Trump Lade Ade
Aden Be Now Finalement Gone Gone
Thank Si Oui Yes Full Of Thanks Feel
We Live On Us To Good Restore In
Wake Of Death Of One Man A Mome

A Great Time To Have This Man Dead
Mort Hear At Home In Annandale I
Hear That Obama Is Finally Found
For Us Considered Terrorist He Is
Sudden Thudden He Be So Cold So
Systems All His Be Bin Down Ohhhhhh

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

I'm Done In All Now Moment For
Spoke Poke Picked My Peace 'N
Done All In Eners All Mine Be Go
Go Throw Thrown Blown In Bliss
Pleasure Please I Be Happy So Now
For World Of Democracy Ours Not
All Others But For Us Super Supreme!!

Merci Gracias Thank You Dans Tout Les
Langues Languages Linguas Words
Soon Will Hear Minutes Two From Pres.
Esident Obama Of Osama ... Wait! Wait!
All Us Waiting Patiently On Needles/Pins
Waiting En Attendant Nous Ahora We
Round Teles Be Eyes Ours Glued To
News Of Asama's Death Recent We For
Now Hang Wors Every On Way Way Wait!


Gerald Of Quinn Uin Incy / Fait Ca Jours Deux Ald : 4 Saturday Morning Poems Inspired By Geraldine , Owner Of A Quincy Loire Valley Vineyard

Enjoy these 4 Saturday Morning Poems that I wrote before work on Saturday morning, April 23rd, 2011 before starting work. The poems were in part inspired by meeting Geraldine the owner of a vineyard in France's Loire Valley in the town of Quincy. Cheers, TONY

Gerald Of Quin Uin Incy
Fait Ca Jours Deux Ald
Aldine Quincy Loire Blan
Vin Anc I Meet Did
Good Esprit Vibes Taste
Sauv Blanc At Store Cleve
D.C. Land Hier Aussi With
Laurent Tasting Wines Of
Include Cahors Cedre Too
Hat Off What W-Hat Hat
Fun A Way Off Top Le
La Day Soiree Quel Fun
'N Plaisir We Good Times
Share Neighs Of Bors Of
Endroit Quartiers Le Note
Notre Our Blocks Two A
Time To Pose Gay Be Happy
Of Old Meanings Stick Now
Forgot A Fanta A Fact I Do
React I Do Joy In Of Things
Old Find Soul Solace A
Sense Who I Am Of?!? The
Joy The Mysters The Details
Big Pic Ic Icture ...

#1 Le 23 Avril, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:10AM on a wet, gray, cool, fresh, very green all around 33rd day of spring morn? Nice. Easter weekend TONY

Wait! Cars Wait Care / I Not Weight Wait Bet : 4 Tuesday Morning Poems Written Before Starting Work On April 26yh, 2011 : Enjoy!

I hope that you all enjoy these early Tuesday Morning Poems of mine written on April 26th, 2011 before starting work. Writing them is a challenge and quite cathartic for me as I never know what I am able to squeeze from myself five days a week with my Four Morning Poems. Cheers, TONY

Wait! Cars Wait Care
I Not Weight Wait Bet
Straight You Day Nice
All Nova Go Go Go Go
Go !
School Spool To On Sun
In Sun Eners Of Sun Us
All Drench Pour The
Air Pollen Stroll Fall
Blow Nostrils Into Waft
Float Snee Bend Knee
Over Explode The Back
Out Blow Pollens To
Into Away Stay Far Far
So Away Dismay Stray
Play Plop The Hey Hey
The Water Heave 'N Ho In
Heavy Load Stick Beat Off
Through The On Arms'
Down Squeeze Weight In
Weight In Wait A Lot On
So What Can Do?!? Smile!
In Style In State In All
Good Traits ...

#1 Le 26 Avril, 2011 Mardi matin en Virginie en voiture a 9:38AM on a sunny, hazy, blue baby skies, some puffy whites 2nd month of spring morn. TONY

To Starting To Alert Alerted
Be Exered Be Group Yeah
Grouped Grouping A
State Phase Delicate Daze
A Pull Gather Gether In
As Garnish Untarnish
At Time To Organs All
Organize To Mission Be
Less Broad Specify Specific
More Track Of Lists Of All
Alert To Difference
See A Place Work Of To Do
To Squeeze Be Squished
Less Turmoil More Visions
Clear Cluttered Less In
Spaces Living Working
A Wanting Willing Address
To Be Visioned Goggled
Googled So Many Links So
Many Purps To Free Self To
Be Breathe Clear Breast
Freedom To On Top Life
Of be Yeah The See Chance
Take Vision Large Make!

#2 Le 26 Avril, 2011 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:47AM on a sunny, hazy, breezy baby blue skies, some puffy whites , 2nd month of spring now. TONY

To Hum Humbe Humbled / Be Bees By Bumbled : 4 Saturday Morning Poems Of April 23rd, 2011 : Enjoy These, Cheers

Here are my 4 Saturday Morning Poems of April 23rd, 2011 written before work. Sorry I have not been copying these here for awhile. I have been writing them but so short on time and energy to get them written here. I will add some this weekend of May 1st, 2011 - today and tomorrow. Never have I felt more artistically motivated and inspired. Whether or not these poems are understood or appreciated I am writing them and we will all have to see where the chips will fall inevitably one way or another?!? Hope you enjoy them, cheers, TONY

To Hum Humbe Humbled
Be Bees By Bumbled
A Blast A Call Closed
Near Head Buzz Little
Dark Black Balls Of
Biz Of Buzz Of Sounds
Close Start Startle Be
Surped Pr Prized
The Bumble Mission On
Us Be Seated Be Ease At
Be Pleased Surrounds With
A Moment Piece Of Peace
Of Pleasure To Mind's Pra
Ra Prance Dance Romance
To Pause Pose Reposes
I'm Thinking Now Back
To Outside House be Being
A Bliss A Bless A Temper
Ra Rah Rare Rary Moment
Seize Size Wow Win Our
Surprize I'm Special I'm
Joy In Surroundings Treasured
Bushed Treed Trunked Truncated
Out Spread Spree Spun Spurted

#3 Le 23 Avril, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:28AM on a cool, wet, gray, no-sunshine , 33rd day of spring morn now? Nice Easter weekend ... TONY

I'm Bit Slower Slowed
Dow Dow Down Not Fast
A Less Frant A Fantast A
Frame A Fixture A Firm
Yet Porous Resolve To Solve
To Salve To Save To
Sanction A Stelvan
A Up It Cork It Fix
It Focu Ocu Hocus Poke
Pick Over Yurn Wash Rub
Shine Apple Pear Eat
Goats Scamper Bleat A
Time Observe Serve Rest
Reserve Swipe Swerve
Swoon Spoon Tales Spin
Pony Tails Follow Eyes
Smiles Teeth Mouths Ohh
Open A Fresh A Please
Pleasure Post A Sec A
Strip A Strap A Sun Snatch
Snap Pf Fingers A Fix Of
So Dear Delight Want Nip
Tuck Bit Bite Batch ...

#4 Le 23 Avril, 2011 Samedi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:37AM on the 33rd day of spring, Easter weekend @ work now! TONY