Monday, July 18, 2016

It Grows I / Grow It Grounds / Pounds Yeah / ... 6/24/ 2017 Friday @workjustnow ! Enjoy!!!!

It Grows I /
Grow It Grounds /
Pounds Yeah /
You Bet , Me /
Sounds So /
Yes Oui Si /
Outa Outa /
Bow Bow Bounds !
6/24/ 2016 . Friday @workjustnow ...
Happy Monday all, 7/18 / 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016

Don't Anal - Lies - Lies - Lies -Lize - Tivia ....6/24/2016 Before Starting Work On This Friday Morn!

                                Don't Anal - Lies - Lies -
                                Lies - Lize - Trivia
                                Trivial Trivialize
                                Me! No No No No No!

                                Prize Surprise ! Me !!!

                                Don't You Go Be All
                                Anal On me ! Don't Stray
                                Don't You Go 'N Strain
                                Us Drain Yeah , No Need

                                Bro Sis To Us Be Strained
                                R Glory Our Rain o Do Be
                                During Life's Reign Our
                                Gift Our Sight Our Gab@R

                                Sites Set R Sights Yeah Bro
                                Kind Warm Sound Bits
                                Nips 'Spaces Stars Clouds
                                Trees Flowers Moon 'N Suns

                                Sound Bites To Blister
                                To Brandish Fears 'R's
                                Their Unnecessary Quite
                                Loud Contrary! To Us Tie

                               Down Bind Us Strap Us
                               We Be So Down - Strapped
                               So Much Rap Tap Tap Tap
                               Bang Bung Bing Bang

                               Guns Sound Of Death
                               'N Pain Not Freedom
                               Not Friend To End R
                               Lives ...

     Le 24 Juin, 2016,  Vendredi midid juste au travail Je suis! End Gun Violence!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My Poem Of Just-Now To An Old Fine Friend, Yes!

 Convers Yeah I Say Sat Step Stand
      R Say I It Did Feel Dit It With Early 
      So Much So R Convers R Say Sate
      Not So Much Feel Yet It Did Words R
      R's We With Feel Con Emotion Avec
      Coeurs Hearts R's We Did CommUnnn
      So Other Stook By One ;Nother In Store

      Talk Open Talk PLain On Same Level
      To Thank You To Find Friend-U-In-4-Me
      For You Two Peops US A Bond A Bind
      No Combination Just Gestures Jests
     R Gists 2 Closer 2 Feel In Contact Know
     Out There In World-Large We Were Fast

     In Words In Meanings Closing R Gap The
    One That Renders Suspends-Us-R-Suspe
    Ends 2 To Floor To Ground To Shed To S
    Shy Be-Us Not, No Knots Just As-If Fing
    Gers-R's Holding Touching Torching A Arm
    Warm Welcome So To-Other Mat Red-In
    Arms To Open To Engulf To Embrace The
    Distance Closing R Words Us Did Early Y
    Yes Feel Better So Much More Better As
    In Betterer Betterest Smile-U-@-I-Eyes
    Mine @-U NOW Good 2 ReconnectAMIGA

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

I Just Wanta Fuck, Be Fucked, Be Rimmed Be Filled, Ohhh My I Do Itch Bit Every Og Mine tHE bITCH tHE bAST I B So Tard So Itchin' To be Bits Mine All Bits Bitchin' Its Itchin' To be Filled Cum So Full So Flush, My Cheeks My Walls My Lips, Lip-Butts ////....

                                 My Mouth My Mr My Mighty My Master
                                Be Prick Mine To be Roy By Roya Ya Ya's
                                Royally Plucked Pruned To Plum Dumb Da
                                My Ass My Cunt Yeak Yeah Tell Me They
                               Do Male Mighty Cunt To Fill Mr. Me U Fie
                               You Foe Foul Fowl Flaunt Flare Fly Flight

                               Your Man You Men You Boys Your Pricks
                               Flaunt Flare Flame S.O.S. I Sure Do Need 2
                              Be Kneeded Naughtied So Not Haut Not Hau
                              No Not None Taught Tauty Titted Teased So
                              Snug Snag nare Snote Sniff Me Mine My Smell
                              My Smile THE sMILE The Smirt The Twerk

                             Do Not Knot Play Lay Last List Lest You Lie
                             Linger Longer Stay me Play Me Long Longer
                             Lasting Lusting Your My Nuts All Us Hunger
                             Skins Scans Skanks Skunks ALL US Male Us
                             Men Mighty Morphs Ors Orphs Hunks Lads Yea
                             Hanks Your Us Penises Ours Your Wins Wanks
                             Asses R's So be Spun Spin Spanked So 2 B Yours!

                            Now Men Boys Mrs Masters Majestic Pricks R's
                            2 B By So Silky Satin Hairy Hunks-Of-R-Flesh
                            Shared Sharked Sunk Sealed Sheened Shanked 2

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I Was Thinking Long And Hard / ...

Thinking Long And Hard / He Was Thinking Long & Hard / She Was Thinking Long & Hard / He Said To Them " I Am Going To Write / A Poem About / Thinking Long & Hard / To Charlotte Andrew He Spoke / Charlotte Smiled Vainly / It Was Clearly A Stretch For Her / " Just Be Sure You / Make It End Nicely " / I Said As His ' Other - Inner Voice ' / I Will. And So Here , Now / I Am Thinking Long & Hard / Hardly Was The Moment / Last Night But Tonight / With A Near Full Moon / I Will Howl I Will Smiling / And 4 U Charlotte / The Long & Hard / Will Be 4 U To Decide / Was It Hard, 4 U 4 Me 4 Andrew? / Does It Matter Does It ?!? / It Hardly Does The Soft Approach A / Hug Warm Round Shoulders / Yours / ALL Us / Hugging, Embraces All Around / Whether Soft-ly Whispering, Tugging Touching / Tasteful, Full Of Taste Flavors / Savor THE Moment Make It / Special / No More Need To THINK Or Stretch The / Truth, It Be Told 2 U 2 Me 2 Us / We Don't Have TO Think Just Do / There 2 B Together Get Us There / Fair And Square, Share!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Oh To Be So Loaded By Nature's Loads So Many Docks To Load To Be Natural To Be Stripped Of Society's Snores Snatches So Closed So OFF Keel Kilter Clams Calm-No-Not-Knots Nagging To Us ALL Be Sp Pests-Agh-Gag-Grating Groans Not Audible We Silent Then NOW X-Plode Like So Many Nature' We Revert To Sex Parts Of Partners Finding Like We Be Croaking or Should be Like So Many Man-Woman, Boy Girl, Lass's Lassies So Many Cunts Open 4 Business So Many Cocks-Ahhh-Tick-TOCK- Of Others They ALL Us ALL We Be Like We Should Of Selves Ourselves Dusted OFF Taking Makin' Breaking Blaring Blasting Blunting Blissing, We ALL Peops GFeeling Good Looking Close @ R'Selves ' N Others Yeah We B takin' Makin' Unmaskin' Unmirin' Natural-B-We-Whhhhheeeeeeeeee Making R Stock, Fillin' R Flock, Flaunting Our Cunts And CocksTick-Tock

                                  Oh To Be So Loaded By Nature's Loads
                                  So Many Docks To Load To Be Natural
                                  To Be Stripped Of Society's Snores Snat
                                  Bats @ Swoopin' Nats Gnats Gnat-@-At
                                  ches So Closed So OFF Keel Kilter Clams

                                  Calm-No-Not-Knots Nagging To Us ALL
                                  Be Sp Pests-Agh-Gag-Grating Groans Not
                                  Audible We Silent Then NOW X-Plode Like
                                 So Many Nature' We Revert To Sex Parts Of
                                 Partners Finding Like We Be Croaking or Sho

                                 uld be Like So Many Man-Woman, Boy Girl,
                                 Lads,  Lassies So Many Cunts Open 4 Busne
                                 ss So Many Cocks-Ahhh-Tick-TOCK- Of Ot
                                hers They ALL Us ALL We Be Like We Shou
                                ld Of Selves Ourselves Dusted OFF Taking Ma

                                kin' Breaking Blaring Blasting Blunting Blissing,
                               We ALL Peops GFeeling Good Looking Close @
                                R'Selves ' N Others Yeah We B takin' Makin' Un
                                maskin' Unmirin' Natural-B-We-Whhhhheeeeeee
                                eee Making R Stock, Fillin' R Flock, Flaunting Our

                                Cunts And CocksTick-TocK! Smackin' Smokin' S
                                Ssssoooooooooooooooooo Saaaaaaaaackinnnnn!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

My Response To The Orlando, Florida Shootings This Weekend June 11-12th, 2016 : Unimaginable, Horrific!

The love we are able to see is equal to the love
we are lucky enough to feel, the love we nurture
is growing inside of us and helping others to grow,
too, in smile, in laughter, in warmth, in miracle, in
mighty morphin magic and multitudes of moments
, as frequent as all our breaths we take, breathing
in the positive and the community of souls that grow
along one another and are enriched by each other,
where life continues to bless and include us, where
we feel blessed to be fortunate enough to be alive,

to thanks our parents that gave us our lives, to embrace
as much of our community and others as we are humanly
able to do, even though we are always somewhat afraid,
stupidly so, shackled in part by what we think is expected
of us, let us all grow to accept ourselves for who we are
and still can be, examples like sparkling, twinkling stars
that make it all possible, all bearable, in our darkest hours,
knowing full-well that they will pass and the clarity of thought
and the warmth of love will return soon again to us if we are
aware and open to it, patient, and willing to endure together
those parts that are the hardest to reap all those grand rewards

that are able to make us soar and fly, somersault, hop-scotch,
and sail into the mystic and through the mire, the fire, to desire, to aspire always!

Where Are You ?! Bit-Itch-Y-4-You Now, I Am, Pam, Sam I Am, Yeah, Yes Mmmmmm Ma'Am! / 6/12/2016

                                 Where Are You ?! Bit-Itch-Y-4-You
                                 Now, I Am, Pam, Sam I Am, Yeah,
                                 Yes Mmmmmm Ma'Am! / 6/12/2016

                                I Do So You Want Yeah To Tra Tra La
                               La Trolley Ohhhh BOY GAL, Ohhhhh
                               ALL MY GOLLY ALL MY Joe Joe Jol
                               La La Lay Lie Low Last Linger Langui
                              Gui Gui Guish My Cheerful FULL JOL
                               LO LO LOLY I Feel Like I Could Now
                              So Am I ' Cert I Do Ass As-King Curt I
                              Eyes Mine All To You Salute To You So
                              Shin I Shine 4 U I 'Cert SOO Pin I Pine I

                             Yeah Put All me All My Mine U So Now
                             4 Your I Will Pinder I Will Pan 4 Your Go
                             Old-New-Now-Last-Full-Fill-Fall-Flirt 4
                             ALL Your Go Go Go Goal-Mine Your G
                             String me I Am @ Your ComMaMaManW
                             O Ohhhh OmmmmmmMAN Your Cum M
                             Mindful I Am You be Full Filling I Am By
                             You Always You In My Thoughts My De-
                             My Sires My Fills-To-De-Dep-Deep-My

                             Pose Lose My Clothes I You Fall Foll Ol
                             Into Every You Cumplete Nooks Brooks
                             Brats Bits-Of-Your-IT-Tack-Tock-Tick Mm
                             Me Brass Me Broad Me Brunt Bruise Blee
                             U me Leed Lead By Your Image I Am Fall
                             ALL IN Fla La La Lam Lamb Lame In 2 U!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Enjoying So Thoroughly My Many Views Of All Our Human Joyous Fleshy Flavored Flaunting Flashing Flaming Flimsy Flying Flattering Valleys!

                               A Valley Is Captivating I - We Are All Captives, Held ,
                              Beholdin' Captivated, Captives Waiting Dates Dating
                              Eyes Dashing Darting, But Hey, Butt Naked Truth Be
                             Told, Hands Lips, Arms, Feet, oes, Breasts. ALL Hold
                             Valleys , I Have Just Been Alerted Made So By It A Pic
                             A 'Ture An Ap An 'Apeture A View, One Pic To Blow Your
                             Mind, Such One Did Just Secs Ahhhhhhhh AAGGGHHH
                             HHH-AGO! Took Hold Took me My Eyes A Eyes'/Throat
                             Choke Of Sorts As I Eyes-Mine Real So Real Like As To
                             Peel They Most Certain Most Surely Did Ari Ari Ri Ri Ric
                             Ric Rica Thank You Thank You, Made me Realize That
                             The Trick The Spell The Splash The want TO DASH To
                             Splash To Eyes Hands Lips Mouth Teeth All GO GNASH,
                             Depends, Deep-Ends, Shallow-Ends, Mid Ends, Highs,
                             Lows, Mids Of Said Valleys And What Vantage Point At 
                             Which You View Said Man-y Women-y Valleys Makes
                             ALL The Difference, Not Need To Think To Do Anything
                             But Find The Full Joy Joys-Toys Within=Without , Bathe
                             Fully Bathe Nakedly Bathe Unabashedly In Pleasures 
                            Treasures All Measures Of Human Flesh And Each Said
                            Valleys In So Many Grand Places Of Our Bodies, Sip Some
                            Tooddy's, Drink Some Paddy's , Smile My Friend, I Just Did ,
                             Am Sooooooo Now Perfect Still , Fill Fill Filling Up On My Re
                             cent Glimpse Of Arica's Valleys!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Please Preserve This Liquor New York City Neon Sign From Destruction! 6/4/2016 Thank You ALL! Thank You Kyle Supley!

Please preserve this sign , it is part of the wine, beer, liquor, liqueur, spirits world of so many fascinating drinks and recipes, cocktails, and stories and anecdotes and antidotes and remedies and elixirs and myths and magics, and so many personal stories of perseverance and triumphs and successes and weddings and parties and wakes and anniversaries and birthdays and special events : save this sign, save the magic, save the part of history that may be retold by generations to come that see this neon sign and recollect what they know, what they have heard, what has been passed down to them, triggering life and so many wonderful individuals and their unique human, collective mankind stories! Cheers Kyle, thanks for pointing this out to me! Cheers!!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tout Nu, Chaude Dans Ma Peau , Suis-Je Oui, Je Le SUIS! Bien Si Calme Si Me Mucho Fuerte Mac Ac Ac Achhhhhhhhhh Hooooooooo Dans Ma Peau Bien Si Oui Comme Ca me Plait OUI, SuiszzzzzJe-Jeu-Jambe-Ambes Tellement Sage Content Fier Fort Fragile FanAaast-Attaue-Oui Je Suis Fantastique En Ce Moment NU, Dans Ma Vrai Peau Ouvert Expose Sublime Saline Mouille Millet Monet Manet Mains-Pieds-Doigts-Mes Oreilles mes Yeuz Ma Bouche Ca Te ouche, je Le Veux Bien Que Ca Le Touche Que Je Peut e Touche Profondement Dans Vos Interieurs Exterieurs, Derrieres Front,s Sides, Too My Human Animal Natural, Normal-Not, Unique Yes, Individual Certainly My Friends ! YES!!!!!

                               Tout Nu, Chaude Dans Ma Peau , Suis-Je Oui,
                               Je Le SUIS! Bien Si Calme Si Me Mucho Fue
                               rte Mac Ac Ac Achhhhhhhhhh Hooooooooo D
                               ans Ma Peau Bien Si Oui Comme Ca me Plait

                              OUI, SuiszzzzzJe-Jeu-Jambe-Ambes Tellement
                              Sage Content Fier Fort Fragile FanAaast-Attase
                              -Oui Je Suis Fantastique En Ce Moment NU, D
                              ans Ma Vrai Peau Ouvert Expose Sublime Saline

                              Mouille Millet Monet Manet Mains-Pieds-Doigts-
                              Mes Oreilles mes Yeuz Ma Bouche Ca Te Touche,
                              je Le Veux Bien Que Ca Le Touche Que Je Peut T
                              e Touche Profondement Dans Vos Interieurs Exter

                             ieurs, Derrieres Front,s Sides, Too My Human Anim
                             al Natural, Normal-Not, Unique Yes, Individual Cert
                             ainly My Friends !

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Human Kind's Human Kindness To Animal Kind, To Plant Kind , Too! Kinda Cool All This Kind Of Human That Is Sensitive To Others , Not Just Of Their Kind, But To Other Kinds As Well!

                               Human Kind's Human Kindness To
                              Animal Kind, To Plant Kind , Too!
                              Kinda Cool All This Kind Of Human
                              That Is Sensitive To Others , Not Just
                              Of Their Kind, But To Other Kinds As

                              Takes ALL Kinds And Almost Forgot
                              Insect-Kind, Introspective-Blind-Not-
                              Seeing-Kind, Yeah, Some Kinds R Ki
                              nda Crappy, Not So Sappy, More-Like
                              Slappy Prefer Myself Those Kinds Dat
                              Are Somewhat, Yeah Kind  Sappy! As

                              Vermont Honey Sticky Stuck-2-You-M
                               e-Us-We Be All Kinds To Move 2 Ma
                               ke World Filled With All Kinds To Se
                               e World Environment Through Their
                               Kinda Eyes, Noses, Ears, Fingers Feet
                               Touching Tasting Teasing Testing Turn
                               ing Earth Sky Trees Plants Animals Pe
                               oples Temples Treasures Triumphs Yes

Saturday, May 28, 2016

I Am AMAZEingLY All-Larmed-'Larmed ' Coome On Dit In French, What Gives?!? What Goes? What Does Not?!?

                                  I Am Soooo ConSUMED/Cerned UP
                                 Yeah To Say Phrase Mouth My Word
                                 sszZZZZZZZZ So Long I Say Not One
                                 Fear I Reper Cus CUSS Cussions Nooo
                                 Cushions Have I Eyes Mine Do See I
                                 Do Feel I Must Spiel Yeah Soo Spell T
                                 Tell It ALL Owwwwww Ouch Now OUT

                                 cONCERNED bURRS sCARRED Scared
                                 To MAX, What Gives Will You Eve Ever
                                 Go Out On Date With Age-Yours-Pro-Prop
                                 U need 2 Date You Go OUT With Your
                                 Age Fun Fun Sun Dark Day Or Night Yeah
                                 Babe Either Or Both Just Have FUN! It Is

                                Your Due Your Right Be 'Fraid Fear Not! 2
                                Ohhh Others Now Soon Tonight To Mor Or
                                ow MeetBe Met Yourself Feel Good Bout
                                Uuuuuuuu Not Home Here Eve All Always
                                Beee Healthy NOT Bad State Bad Place You
                                Need Stimules Late Better Now Than Eve E
                                ver VER Very Portant Meet Others Age Yours!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

It Was Night , Darkness In Light, The Moon Mooned Me Tonight! I Was Naked Stark Quite The Fright!

                                 It Was Night , Darkness In Light,
                                The Moon Mooned Me Tonight!
                                 I Was Naked Stark Quite The Fright!

                                A Good Sound Bite ! No More Less
                                Is So Much More Leave The Stage
                                With More To Explore I Sip My Calva

                                Now I Was Aware Of My Flesh My
                                Body Waves We Flesh Suit That Suit
                                ed Me Yeah Me Fit Me No Fiddle A

                                Flesh Ripple Just Right Skin Not Scul
                                p Tight Not In My Ass My Clothes
                                Dropped I Felt So Grand All Rippled

                               I Am All Right I Am Now Aware ...



Thursday, May 19, 2016

It was almost a full moon ...

                                             It was almost a full moon

I walked out into our backyard
a lit green stage so to speak
naked, holding a bottle of whi
ite wine in my hand warm
from drinking and writing
my poems, up the hill I mar
arched I arched I bathed I
luxuriated in the spotlight
the light the warmth of the ko
ool cool moon's glow, I so
should have mooned it! I
open cheeks flashing my
so silly man man manly see
self to it to world me to see
my buff my gruff my arc mm
my mine ALL MINE Manly
Might I still be mighty Might
I still dare to roar to rant to Rah
Rah Rave?!? Bet Your Sweet
Ass I Might I May I Must Show
Me First Myself then world too
and so I peed wetted strutted 
Mmmmmmmm My peed piper
perfume of perfumes scene my
scent I mark so arc so marked 
my all my mne me mighty terror
tear territory my ground 2 share
with you mmmmmmm I love! So.

The Who Ore Be I Cu Cu So Sigh Sil Il Ilk Key Ky Cu Cu Ummmmmmmmmmmmm In Come 4 For Four Fort Ort Forth Fat Dirt A Ohhhhh Over Mmmmm My Me My Sill Of My Hill IT Be So Rim Tim Sim Kim Kimmed Mmmmmmm I Do Wa Wa Wan An An Nnnnttttttttttttt Her You So Much Hurt me Sooooo Now! Pow Pow Pow Pow POW!

The Who Ore Be I Cu
 Cu So Sigh Sil Il Ilk
 Key Ky Cu Cu Ummm
mmmmmmmmmm In C
ome 4 For Four Fort Ort
 Forth Fat Dirt A Ohhhhh
 Over Mmmmm My Me
My Sill Of My Hill IT Be
 So Rim Tim Sim Kim Kim
med Mmmmmmm I Do Wa
 Wa Wan An An Nnnntttttttt
ttttt Her You So Much Hurt
 me Sooooo Now! Pow Pow
 Pow Pow POW!

I'm A Man Wit Wits Cer Su
Ure 4 Cert For Needs Cert
I Ahhhhhh I Stripe My St-
Rips Cloth Clothes I Wa W
Arm My Out My Inners Sca
Scrape Ehhhhh Eeeehhh SO
From me Ecsars Cars My C
Arps MmmmMenWomenM
Ents Bends Bents Burns I Be
Brah Brah Bra Rahs Rahs So
NO Bras No Brains Thoughs
OUT Drain Out Me Small I
Shrin I Wrap I Store My Bra
Ra Rahs My Reigns Of Too
Much Thinks Me Sinks Me
Da Dah me Damage So I Do
Of Self Mine Strip Down To
Bare To be Bare 2 B Fresh I
Smell I My heat Flows My
P's My Passing Flah La La
Lashing Passes @ Real High
Hi hells Hellos Heave-ho Hea
Vens See C Sevens My Numb
Nerves Fresh Flow Flat I be
Free 'N Hap Hap Happy To B
By Sigh I Side I Hol Ol Till be
Old I U So Dear 2 Me To Us
o be held Hold ON For Ride 2
Out With Outer Skins Sins We
Wear R Selves Show Our Selves

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Love You Mom, Love You So!


                          Love You So, My Mom, Ours
                          Love You , All, Do Not Love.
                          Your Pain, That Hurts You So
                          Hurts Me As I See It Hurt in

                          We Are,Same Mold We Are
                          Le Meme Oui, Meme Meme
                          You Pain Travels Through U
                          My Eyes Conduits They Are
                          Travel Trail Train True Toss

                          You Should Not Suffer U Do
                           I Know, Eyes I Mine U See
                           I Bleed Four You Constant
                           I Am Wounded 2 By Your
                           Pain We Are One, I Am Also
                           In Pain! Pained Together R

Saturday, May 14, 2016

In My Nakedness I Chug I Glu Lu Lu Lu Lug In-As @ To Gul Gulls Me See On Beach Night-At-AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGULP! I Do Now , Too Home-At Sit-Sat-Set-Sut-Glup Tate Throw Wine-At-@ThroatMINEallALLGlugggggLugSlugAGlugAhhhhhhhWhiteSauvMeMyAssMyBlancCulMyHardBoneBoneyBonnySoakedSatedSillySatin-HaHaHarARDAssNOW! So Sadly-GladeGlideGladlySoakingKINGQueenSpleenSplashLiverAhhhhhhAMASSmyPullOfPouillyFumesSilkyTEND2MySpineMyLoveOfLoireFranceLikeDRUNKINmycellsALLmineOhhhhDeyALLmineBeStrummedStrappedStrungHangingNowStarsBoveFromBurpingBeltingBelchingICloseDrunkRunONRunk2BNaturalNatires'ManFREEBreeBreeReeReeBreezeLouiseNitTimidMoreEveEverAdamBbbbeeeeeeeeeee!

                                In My Nakedness I Chug I Glu Lu Lu Lu Lug
                                In-As @ To Gul Gulls Me See On Beach Night
                                -At-AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhGULP! I Do Now , Too
                                Home-At Sit-Sat-Set-Sut-Glup Tate Throw Wine

                                                   @ThroatMINEallALLGlugggggLugSlugAGlugAhhhhhhhWhiteSauvMeMyAssMyBlancCulMyHardBoneBoneyBonnySoakedSatedSillySatin-HaHaHarARDAssNOW! So Sadly-GladeGlideGladlySoakingKINGQueenSpleenSplashLiverAhhhhhhAMASSmyPullOfPouillyFumesSilkyTEND2MySpineMyLoveOfLoireFranceLikeDRUNKINmycellsALLmineOhhhhDeyALLmineBeStrummedStrappedStrungHangingNowStarsBoveFromBurpingBeltingBelchingICloseDrunkRunONRunk2BNaturalNatires'ManFREEBreeBreeReeReeBreezeLouiseNitTimidMoreEveEverAdamBbbbeeeeeeeeeee!

I Sucked A Nipple I Sucked A Second, I Was Sooo Turn Turn Turned-On I Went Back For Seconds, Got Back To The First Then Somehow Got Distracted Felt Per Porr-Haps I Had Gone Too Far Stopped, Neve Neve Neve No Nerve ?!? Per-Haps So Never Sad Sad Bad Bad Badly Not Was Knotted Purr-Haps So Distance Never Go Di I, Make The Mark The Cont Ta TA Ta Tack-TACT-In Her On Her Up In Onto Her Full Impeach-Me Now Wife, With Her I Did Nor Dare Too Respect Too Fraid Contact So Sore Sorry Am I That 4 Now!!!!!

                                 I Sucked A Nipple I Sucked A Second,
                                 I Was Sooo Turn Turn Turned-On I We
                                 nt Back For Seconds, Got Back To The F
                                 irst Then Somehow Got Distracted Felt P
                                 er Porr-Ha ps I Had Gone Too Far Stopped
                                 , Neve Neve Neve No Nerve ?!? Per-Haps
                                 So Never Sad Sad Bad Bad Badly Not Was
                                 Knotted Purr-Haps So Distance Never Go Di
                                 I, Make The Mark The Cont Ta TA Ta Tack-
                                 TACT-In Her On Her Up In Onto Her Full

                                 Impeach-Me Now Wife, With Her I Did Nor
                                 Dare Too Respect Too Fraid Contact So Sore
                                 Sorry Am I That 4 Now!!!!!

To Be Out / To Natural Naked Normal Nasty-Not-Yeah-Some-LOT , Love Mine, To Me Be So 'Nough Eeeeeeeeee We I Me Us All Three Me'sssssssss Naked Natural Nifty Nice Natch Ca Cah Cat Yeah Me Sum Sna Na Nah Nah Nah Nah Natch Hook Up Quick To My Be Grand, No Trash!

                              To Be Out / To Natural Naked Normal
                              Nasty-Not-Yeah-Some-LOT , Love Mi
                              ne, To Me Be So 'Nough Eeeeeeeeee We
                              I Me Us All Three Me'sssssssss Naked N
                              atural Nifty Nice Natch Ca Cah Cat Yeah
                              Me Sum Sna Na Nah Nah Nah Nah Natch
                              Hook Up Quick To My Be Grand, No Tra

                              Rah Rah Rah I Am Great Grin Grind Grna
                              Nah Nah NashAshSplayPlayTrayTrim Ga-

Sunday, May 8, 2016

OhhhhhhhPen 2 Suggest Too Gest Gests Est Est Sti Ti Tio Tions Yeah Yes I Am Eve-Ever Soooooooo Open To Bend To Me-Us-Men-WwwwwwwwWOwoWOwoWomEn 2, U Us We Me Them US ALL Suggest Be Ready Alert Flirt Flat @ Atter @ Attery Open R Batteries, 2 B Best Eve 'N Ad Ada Atta Adam Bring ON Da Ap Demme Apples Be Us By Them So Deep Dark Light Lathered Learned Lusted Dusted Yeah In Their Pixy Our ALL Pixy Dusts 2 Be To Come To Live Be SO AhhhhhhhhLive 4 Eve-R Ad Add AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAdam Hold Take Another Breath 2 DO So Alive "N Till Die Dye Dive Down Earth Under be Us Ashed In R Ashes Over In Around Through On Tossed Turned Chur Chur Into Dirt-Water-Air Spread-Ground-Flown So Yeah Si Oui Till No Tomorrow Be 4 Us here there anywhere everywhere Till THEN We Sin We Swear We Wear We Be Worn By Our Lives The World Us Play With Not Care , No One Bit Note Eve Not Ever Damn be Eve , Too Adam ALL Alone Us We All Are be Bound Together Still Strong Family Song Sing Low Sing High Sing Sooooooo With Cert So Certain pride! There But 4 The Ride, Find R Stride ...!

                                 OhhhhhhhPen 2 Suggest Too Gest Gests
                                 Est Est Sti Ti Tio Tions Yeah Yes I Am E
                                 ve-Ever Soooooooo Open To Bend To Me
                                 mEn 2, U Us We Me Them US ALL Sugge
                                 st Be Ready Alert Flirt Flat @ Atter @ Atter
                                 y Open R Batteries, 2 B Best Eve 'N Ad Ada
                                 Atta Adam Bring ON Da Ap Demme Apples

                                 Be Us By Them So Deep Dark Light Lathere
                                 d Learned Lusted Dusted Yeah In Their Pixy
                                 Our ALL Pixy Dusts 2 Be To Come To Live
                                 Be SO AhhhhhhhhLive 4 Eve-R Ad Add Ahh
                                 hhhhhhhhhhhhhAdam Hold Take Another Bre
                                 ath 2 DO So Alive "N Till Die Dye Dive Down
                                 Earth Under be Us Ashed In R Ashes Over In A
                                 round Through On Tossed Turned Chur Chur Into

                                 Dirt-Water-Air Spread-Ground-Flown So Yeah Si
                                 Oui Till No Tomorrow Be 4 Us here there anywhe
                                 re everywhere Till THEN We Sin We Swear We W
                                 ear We Be Worn By Our Lives The World Us Play
                                 With Not Care , No One Bit Note Eve Not Ever Dam
                                 n be Eve , Too Adam ALL Alone Us We All Are be
                                 Bound Together Still Strong Family Song Sing Low
                                 Sing High Sing Sooooooo With Cert So Certain prid

                                 There But 4 The Ride, Find R Stride ...!

Friday, May 6, 2016

I Eyes Mine Fli Soooo Lir Lir Lirt, Too Damn Much Soooooo I Am Sha Ha Ham Ham-I-Eyes-Am 2 Much 2 Probe, I So You Others, Me Disrobe!

                                 I Eyes Mine Fli Soooo Lir Lir Lirt, Too Damn
                                 Much Soooooo I Am Sha Ha Ham Ham-I-Eyes
                                 -Am 2 Much 2 Probe, I So You Others, Me Dis            

                                We Can Yes Yeah So We Canm No! Never Can
                                We Eve @ Ad So At Da Dam Damn-Me-U-You
                                Damned For Life Ours Not Eeeee-Not-Knot Et
                                Tur Tur Turn No Not Burn In Eternity Die Quick
                                Too Soon Flames Rage Tempers Sexes R's So @
                                Other's Frail Strong Limbs-Frames Struck @ R S
                                tructures So To Maim Mame Take Dead To Make
                                Dead To Sun-With-Sunder Not To Us Each Other
                                Bla Bla Blah Blah Not The Other Eve Adam 2 B
                                lame Love One AnotherBurning Quick Yet Loving

                                All The Same, All The Drain Whetted In Cool Rain'

Thursday, May 5, 2016

To Be Natural, A Natural Nature Buff, In THE, With Willy Glee, Sunny Spree, Nice Naughty Nudity, Pinching Prudes, Raunchy Rudes, Real Rascals, Naked Niceties, Unclothed Skin X-posed Underwear!

             To Naked Honest, Hot Hearty Hellos! Dropping Cloth, clearing clutter, unlayering, undies , skin skivees, not shivering in our naked exteriors, revealing, reveling in our sunny-niw, open interiors of unclothed posteriors, no more nippy, skin hairy-stuck-to us harmful pasties, we be billboard posters, preening,posturing our real sags, our honest dips and scars and natural aging, here is to nise to oppressive  controls of us, our gifts, our gaffe, our real true honest guts if flesh and blood, muscle and mire, fire and flame, shit and saint and satin flesh, silky  so .... nature to us to our humble , untrained, not fixed , not surgicals, just letting go, just releasing our guts, no more sucking up, sucking in our guts our bellies, to vain vanities, ties, tortured social media bombarded blasts, constant of unwanted infos, no more mercials, we just want to lax be real be welcome, yeah, welcoming all friendly nakednesses in the world round us, no others wanted, just true honesty, humble, hearty, healthy, happy hearts!