Sunday, June 12, 2016

My Response To The Orlando, Florida Shootings This Weekend June 11-12th, 2016 : Unimaginable, Horrific!

The love we are able to see is equal to the love
we are lucky enough to feel, the love we nurture
is growing inside of us and helping others to grow,
too, in smile, in laughter, in warmth, in miracle, in
mighty morphin magic and multitudes of moments
, as frequent as all our breaths we take, breathing
in the positive and the community of souls that grow
along one another and are enriched by each other,
where life continues to bless and include us, where
we feel blessed to be fortunate enough to be alive,

to thanks our parents that gave us our lives, to embrace
as much of our community and others as we are humanly
able to do, even though we are always somewhat afraid,
stupidly so, shackled in part by what we think is expected
of us, let us all grow to accept ourselves for who we are
and still can be, examples like sparkling, twinkling stars
that make it all possible, all bearable, in our darkest hours,
knowing full-well that they will pass and the clarity of thought
and the warmth of love will return soon again to us if we are
aware and open to it, patient, and willing to endure together
those parts that are the hardest to reap all those grand rewards

that are able to make us soar and fly, somersault, hop-scotch,
and sail into the mystic and through the mire, the fire, to desire, to aspire always!

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