Saturday, August 29, 2015
I Wanna Fuck You Wanna Suck Face With You Wanna You-Me Suck-Jack-Feel-La-La-LateMeLatte Your Tongue Me Fell My Pole My Fuck Stick Make Me Fold 'n Crumb Stum Strum Strip Me Of ALL My Blood In My Dick My Pen Is To be Drain So Rained So Spewed So Spun I Wanna Fuck You So!
I Wanna Fuck You Wanna Suck Face With You Wanna You-Me Suck-Jack-Feel-La-La-LateMeLatte Your Tongue Me Fell My Pole My Fuck Stick Make Me Fold 'n Crumb Stum Strum Strip Me Of ALL My Blood In My Dick My Pen Is To be Drain So Rained So Spewed So Spun I Wanna Fuck You So!
I'm A Horn I'm A Dick I'm A Prick I'm Rick I'm Randy Red 4 Your Pan Your Andy Your Pussy Your Pink Puckered Pandy Ohhhhhh Come On Cum On You My San Sand Dandy : Now Pow Ow I Do Ohhhh-Ver You Stand row My trous My Pants My Desps My Growls Into You All Mine Men Mine Seas Mine Men Into 2 U So X So Y So Zzzzzzz Plow Plow Plode!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
I Want My Nakedness , All Of It, I Want It So Bad I Can Taste It As I Walk Nakedly About Inside, Under The Stars , Roll Around The Cool Dark Sand , Like As If To Bloody Bod So Mine X Y Z Span Pan Pant Pant Pand Ahhhhhhhh!
I Want My Nakedness , All Of It,
I Want It So Bad I Can Taste It As
I Walk Nakedly About Inside, Under
The Stars , Roll Around The Cool Dark
Sand , Like As If To Bloody Bod So
Mine X Y Z Span Pan Pant Pant Pand
One-Minded Nakedness One Soled B
Bare My Chest Show My Tits That R
So Like A Woman's They Do Me Pull
Me Stray Strain As If To Me So Drain
I Pull Them Hard To Touch Me My Y
My Feels My Inner Moans 'N Squeehh
Ueels My Peels My Nakedness So Raw
Give Me Give You Two Of Us Straws
'N We'll Suck @ It ALL My Warm My
Shiver My Shake My Bah Bah Bake I
Eyes R's Do Quack Quack Quake Of Us
R Emotes R Motions Our Oceans R Fee
Eels Snakes Bits R Bites Our Squirts R
Creams Our Inner Out Out Spit-Spout
R Nakes Our Clothes They So Now Be
Toss As If Comepletely Cum Freely Lo
Low To Hi Hell Heave2Heaven2Skies
Be Herd Be Cry Be Thud Crash Croon
Crowned Down Dirty Dashing So Play-
Plash Da Dah Dash Con Panache Con
Fumes Of Pars-Ours R Essences In All
Our Cumplete Come Plea Naking Ache
2 Be Heard 2 B Seen To Be Ob-Scene
R Naked Scents Sensing Sending Our S
Sigs R Nals R Wicked Wanting 2 Be No
Nothing But Butt Naked All The Time F
Rom Roam From Now Till Death Us Part
R Signature R In Primeurs R Buzz Stan
Ta Tits Tans Tarts Testing Toasting Tuts!
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The World Is Constantly Making Love To me , My PLAYgroun-grow-growl-grist-grind-grin-grand-great-GROUND / Where , Like I Whale I Constat-Cum2Const-Ta-Tat-Totally pin-Spend MOS My Time! I Love It By Drawing, By Taking Pictures, By Making Videos I MAKE LOVE Right Back @ IT, The Peops The Sitch The Mome @In-Men-Women-Meant-Ment Merry Mighty Morphin Marv So More-Than-Less Ments Bends Bents I Make No Bones I Grow Many So Bones Through Yet Do Over Water's Edge Skip Some Stones , Ahhhhh Boners Bending ilting Lillies Lilting Smiles illing oassing Hairs Flipping Eyes A-Glinting, Doga Ahh-Barking, Birds So Si Chirping : I Make Love Constantly Without Even Touching, Yet In Mine OWN Way, ouching So Pro Yes Pro Pro Found Finding Fasting Fisting Farthering Farting Frisking Franting Frighting Frizzing Freshing Frothing Freshing Fantastic Love 2 GO ALL Ahhh Me-Us-All Around!
The World Is Constantly Making Love To Me
, My PLAYgroun-grow-growl-grist-grind-grin
-grand-great-GROUND / Where , Like I Whale
I Constat-Cum2Const-Ta-Tat-Totally Spin-Spend
MOST My Time! I Love It By Drawing, By Tak
ing Pictures, By Making Videos I MAKE LOVE
Right Back @ IT, The Peops The Sitch The Mome
@In-Men-Women-Meant-Ment Merry Mighty Mor
phin Marv So More-Than-Less Ments Bends Bents
I Make No Bones I Grow Many So Bones Through
Yet Do Over Water's Edge Skip Some Stones , Ahhh
hh Boners Bending Tilting Lillies Lilting SmilesTill
ing Tossing Hairs Flipping Eyes A-Glinting, Dogs Ah
h-Barking, Birds So Si Chirping : I Make Love Consta
ntly Without Even Touching, Yet In Mine OWN Way,
Touching So Pro Yes Pro Pro Found Finding Fasting
Fisting Farthering Farting Frisking Franting Frighting
Frizzing Freshing FRIZANTING Frothing Freshing Fan
tastic Love 2 GO ALL Ahhh Me-Us-All Around! Yo
Si Amo Claro Amour Mi Nous Us All Making R Love
I Read This Lat Night My Friend .... Sunday Morning Now 6 : 38 AM And I Wrote ...
I read this last night my friend after a busy day of work and here I am at 5:35 AM wide awake thinking about it, risen from bed and typing you at a very early hour indeed as I awoke bright-eyed, smiling, and thinking intensely about this event that inspires me and gets all of my artistic and creative juices going with so many ideas to make this truly a memorable and fun and special event for everyone that attends. I have a vision, a I have many visions, I have many questions, I have many suggestions and scenarios to propose and explore and make this something that can be useful in everyone's lives as well a simply fun and entertaining. Life and love, warmth and fun and being oneself and natural and open and receptive and mysterious and magical, filled with stories and good cheer and being positive and welcoming, pampered and also one that pampers, one that receives and also one that gives, one that asks questions, one that asks no and accepts or question, tempts and teases and pleases and pleasures, and feels connected and a part of something intimate and yet still available, spontaneous and not always pre-planned, one that can get away from the internet and their i-phones , one that knows what brings them joy and pleasure and that is meaningful and proper and sometimes naughty but never nasty, that is an adventure and not always routine and boring and something anticipated and party-finished and to be finished individually by each and everyone of us so that we get what we can that is positive from the experience and that enriches us infinitely and either makes us brim in a big smile, smirk inwardly, giggle and murmur in satisfaction : the life we all are blessed to be able to live and to share and to enjoy whenever possible to it's fullest - our individual fullest extents! Oh yes!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
My Fuck Pole Is Not In Sync With My Brain Malheureusement! And Malade Je Suis Mes Amies Amis Amigas Amigos Friends Of Both Sexes As I Fear I Might Fuck You Both If I Could Direct My Ardor In My Haed-Boiling Down 2 Limp Imp Gim Gim Gimp Na Na Na Ness In My Soft Un-Responsive Pole!
My Fuck Pole Is Not In Sync With My Brain
Malheureusement! And Malade Je Suis Mes
Amies Amis Amigas Amigos Friends Of Both
Sexes As I Fear I Might Fuck You Both If I Co
uld Direct My Ardor In My Haed-Boiling Down
2 Limp Imp Gim Gim Gimp Na Na Na Ness In
My Soft Un-Responsive Pole
I'm A Bloody Mess Without Blood 2 My Pole M
Yyyyyyyy Flesh Hot In My Cerveau & Flat So V
Ery-Time-Timid-Each I An Erec Rec Rect Ect T
ion-Sion Son Saint Sin-Skin Mrs Ma'am Miss Mr
Senor Senora Senorita Mademoiselle Madame Si
I'm Soft-So-Fla-La-Lab-Sa-Sla-La-Slab Of Meat
My Pole Without An Erection Without A Stole A
So Imp So Lim Limb-3rd Limp Lump-Ooh-Flesh
No Body No Soul Just A Mess Of Desires A Flab
No Flow No Act No Pole Worth Working 2 Get A
React An Action A Miss@Action A Fuck@Misses
A Flank@CenteredStiffCock Just Cocking2XYZ
Play Pin Spin Span Spit Crank Crane SO : Xplode
Pin Her-Him-Them-Us 2 Ground 2 Tree 2 Rug 2 B
Ed Edna Eddy Ernesta Edward Edwardina Ello Ella
Friday, August 21, 2015
I Am So @ U Tract ON You Your Tract Rac Rack Ract-Ta-Ta-Tit-Tat-@-Tat Yours Attracted / How Can It I Be So Damn Mad 4 U My Love My Urge My Purge To Spin To Spend To Un-y-OFF-My-Load-Leash-Lash You Love?!?
I Am So @ U Tract ON You Your
Tract Rac Rack Ract-Ta-Ta-Tit-Tat
-@-Tat Yours Attracted / How Can
It I Be So Damn Mad 4 U My Love
My Urge My Purge To Spin To Spe
nd To Un-
Mad 4 U Am I So In Yeah Sa Say I
Eyes ALL Mine Not Sane Not Pure
'Cept Cepes In Love U With Con Si
Ustedes Si Si I Eyes See Sea Over 2
Con To Que Que Quer Queer I Kno
How Why When ALL Ways All Da
Days Nuits Noches Lunas Lunes I
Just Want IN 2 U 2 B Com So In R
Juices Spuce Spruces Lick R Liquids
R Mess R Bless R Roses R Crevices
All To Con 2 Quer 2 Queer 2 Steer
2 Stern 2 Perm 2 Part 2 Art 2 Fix 2
Furr R's Firm Set Sail Say Can U C ?
I'm Messed Mired My Mix R's 2 Be
So Rand Yeah Randy Yeah 2 Not Be
Not Wanna Have 'Have-Be Bah Bah
So Blodd So Flood So Damned Nast
Bad-Nasty Cras Crasty Bast Ass 2 S
In U Deep I Sigh I Pry My Etes U All
2 Pry Sty Strap Sap Mix R's Insides
2 Out To Outside Turn Eners R's 2 Ee
So Rupt So Blast 2 Us Hit Butts R's
Buttons R G's R Strings R Bull's Eye
Ayes R Centers Our Blessed Spots R
Climb Each 2 R Maxes R X-Plo Plo
Plodes To Un 2 Not Leash R Loads!
Thursday, August 20, 2015
I Inflate I Grow I Get To Blo Low-High Hell-Da-Be-Water Care None Not Blow Da Block / Blow Da Bloke Go GO I Eyes Sock Ock Ockets Ow OUT / Be I So They By Pen Mine IS Blah La La Last Ast Blast Cast Coast I I I SO Can't Do Knot But Butt Buts Snipe Snip Sniff Niff Be They So Garnd So Puck They DO Due Mi Theirs ALL Dues Due Dews Slews Clues Lead To Puck Da Uck Da Rant Da Rave Da Crave To Have Nose Knows I Eyes ALL Mine In Da Crack-Yours-of SO BURIED-Merry-Mary-Harry-Hairy-Harried 2 Smell U Not So Quite Loud Louder Quite Con Cum-SO-Us-All-Balls-Mary-Tra-Tra-Ha-Ha-Trary!
I Inflate I Grow I Get To Blo Low-High
Hell-Da-Be-Water Care None Not Blow
Da Block / Blow Da Bloke Go GO I Eyes
Sock Ock Ockets Ow OUT / Be I So They
By Pen Mine IS Blah La La Last Ast Blast
Cast Coast I I I SO Can't Do Knot But Butt
Buts Snipe Snip Sniff Niff Be They So Garnd
So Puck They DO Due Mi Theirs ALL Dues
Due Dews Slews Clues Lead To Puck Da Uck
Da Rant Da Rave Da Crave To Have Nose Kno
ws I Eyes ALL Mine In Da Crack-Yours-of SO
BURIED-Merry-Mary-Harry-Hairy-Harried 2
Smell U Not So Quite Loud Louder Quite Con
Stick Plu Lu Luc Luck Luke So I Puke Your R
Sticky Wicks Wicky Icky Ick-Eeeeeee Wheee
Mine-Yours-Ours-R-So White Wet Wetted We
Want To So Much More 'N Anything Else Use
Be Used Be Some Yeah Lots Loads Lotted So
Deeeeee So Stroy Troy Troyed Roied Rowed
To Rave To Black Ravens Crows Peck Peed S
Oooooooooo GO ON! Do IT Man Do Me Us D
Toy rod Train Us 2 So Be Dray Ray Rained In
Show Us R Cums Cums So 2 B Cumming Be
So Blow Low-High Hell Hill Heart Da Art Da
R Roast us R Asses R Cracks R Splits R Tits 4
Tats 4 TAMES Tamper Us Tin Tink In Ink So
Now Ready B us 2 B in ink Sin IN Sink So 2 B
Tinkered TANT an Ank Tankered Tun Strum
Ankered Span Pans Pankered Punks Rs Pun U
Us Al Splunkered We Care Not Souls Rs Lost
Mome ALL We Want Crave Is 2 B Rave Ave
So Ravished Lavished Lathered Layered IN O
Other's Gooey Spin Spun Pun Punk Guns Gun
Guns Gunked Stun Skun Kun Unked 2 Smell
Of Jizz 2 B Bathed In Others Mess Undress A
Be Us Nature Natured Others By Naked Verge
Urge Urged Purr Purged Parted Far Ar Arts Ta
Ta's Tarted Sma Ma-Pa Parted Caths Catharted
Cars Carts Carted Kitted Tits TuTTED Oh Yeah!
Sunday, August 16, 2015
You Have A Lovely Ball //// 8/17/2015 .....
You have a lovely ball sack and a lovely inst IN Me Me me IN Strum 2 My tum tum ap Poke Peck Peek My IN Strum Strum-Me-tum-Me:MenMeant2BBeBzzzzzBiteBitBurnYourInstrumentINoutINoutMeMenMeant2B! I am goingnow to pull your red panties down and tunnel deep inside of you from the back! Keep track! Your-Mu-OurFrontalBackALL Ahhhhhhhh At @At-U-Me-Us We Both other soon to be us butts nake we ache nakedly ache cocks dicks R’s ALL Ahhhhh At @ At At ta tac tack ACKK 2OhhOtherIN2Spew!WhewPhewwwwww! I ache I bake I Back @ U Your red panties sex sexy X X X’eeeeee horns mine so U make me Horns Blare Blurt 2 SOooooooo Joy In Us In You In me Squir Quir Queer Queer Steer Stern pern Perm U-In-Out-In-OutMe So2 plow plow spout so man men boys be us all like river’s trout ins-outsIn-Outs fucking lava spouts! And I have not yet even sucked your cock, massaged, cupped your balls, run mine fingers through your curly BODy hai hai air air hairs! I need to kneed you, harvest your perly creams prom sticky tiared queer queen spleens! Asian man Asian man living in Australia now, my prim and proper and sexy Asian man!
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