Here are my 2 Poems that I wrote having met yesterday July 6th, 2010 at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits the Colombian wine-maker of LYNMAR ESTATE in the Russian River Valley of California. We tasted two Chardonnays and two Pinot Noirs, two of them from the Quail Hill Vineyard. Cheers, TONY
Met Bibi Ibi Rav
So Ibiana Ave Ave-R
Of Colom Lom Lomb
Ombi Make Wine Aker
Enologa Speaks Span
Engli Fren Lingues
Inguas Trois Treis
E Mas?! No Sais!
Importa No - Ella Est
Muy Si Catch Curious
My Uriosit Osity
Bad Too Speak Her With
Little So Time Short
Us Spent We Kay With
Yest Day Of Hier On
Lyn On Mar ( Mer ) Taste
Quail Uail Hill Colline
Tongues On Sit Look Goute
Out Over Scape Land ...
#1 Le 7 Juillet, 2010 Miercoles matin en camion en Virginie a 10:29 AM on a going to be another hot, humid, sticky, gray-white milky blue skies summer morn. TONY
To Rencontrar Meet
Greet Bibiana 'N To
Bibir Boire Bibiar
Wines Quatro Sien
Hers Pinots Red Dos
En River CA. Russian
?! Russia Meets U.S.
Beatles Ahead Times Their
Of The Girls In Colombia?
The Wines Of Quail's
Balance Lingua Mine
On Gusto Mucho Si
Claro Ella Trabajando
Si En France Siete
Anos Vendemias Seven
Now Lyn Ahora Mar
En Sonoma Eaux Si Proche
Come Taste Bibiana's
Vinos Quatros ...
#2 Le 7 Juillet, 2010 Miercoles matin en Virginie en camion a 10:39 AM on a hot. sticky, muggy summer dia. TONY
P.S. It's now 11:05 AM as I post these minutes after having written them. TONY
So Yo Curioso
Muy Si Oui
Ella Est Muy
Si Uyer Femme
De Colomb De
Lombi Ombi Mmm
Mmmbia Claro Si
Que Tambien Ahor
Ora Francais Un
Siete Anos En Vinos
Tierras Grapes Vines
She Spend Did Time
Stories Joven Ella
Etait Historias Ustedes
Simplimente Practicar Le
Francais Digame Digame
( Me/Us Tell )
Como Se Diche Say This
How Como?!
#1A Le 10 Juillet, 2010 a 10:08 PM en coamion la noche noir totalmente en Virginie on a cool, pleasant, clear nice noche ahora ... and I had to write by street light and moon light. My Spanish is rusty and so I sounded out the words and phrases that I know and here all the time like " digame : tell me ". Is that correct my spelling? Oh well, it's for the sound , too and the meaning also. Cheers, TONY
Pens Ensa Ensar Di
Bibi Di Ibiana En
Stored Stories A Many
Man Of Women Of Peops
Ran Rancais Como?!
Digame Hablarme
Mucho Noche Profondo
Dark Ark Arks Of
Kness Besame Nosot
( Kiss Us With Words Yours
With )
Osotros Mondo Entiero
Stories Stored Favor
Please Us Tell Seven
Years In France Pray
Me Us
All Tell Rest Us With
Ibia Spell A Ibiana
Mi Mio Yo Soy Mucho
Interese Love To
Your Stories Many
France Of
How Mold You
( Did )
Everything in parentheses I just added as I typed these a few minutes ago at 4:53 Pm and checked for spelling errors.
#2A Le 10 Juillet, 2010 Sabado noche en camion in full darkness of night a 10:11 PM after work selling lots of wine on a nice. clear night of summer. I was wondering Bibiana how these seven years of yours in France and now in Sonoma, California have been? They must have been amazing and I am curious about that and would love the next time we meet to hear more about your experiences and how they molded you and how you remember them?
What a wonderful/incredible experience. You must be some gal to have done all of that : that's all that I can say and think of when I hear that you did this. I guess you are perhaps sorry that you did not spend time in the Loire Valley or in the Champagne district?
What's it like in Colombia? Any wine experiences there?
What are the experiences in wine and food ( people, too ) that you hold dearest and are willing to talk about?
Questions/questions/questions! So very many but that's how I am - very curious about life and people and everything around me.
Cheers and bravo to you. TONY
P.S. I may write more poetry: you never know. I was inspired to write these last night after work.
1 comment:
Dear Anthony,
I'm so touch by your poem and the amazing words you said about Lynmar and myself. We are looking forward to see you soon at the winery.. Good luck with your new camera and your blogs. You are doing a great job!
Bibiana G
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