Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Ruminations This A.M. March, 29th, 2009 In Virginia

Hope you like these fresh morning bits of thoughts/feelings/ snapped from thin air! TONY

I'm Ta Ta Ame
Am I Tame
Aimed Tamed?!?
No No No No No
No No Not Any
Bit Purr Per Piece
Wee Sma Ma Mall
Bit Tame Oui Si
But Gen En Ener
Ra Ra Ral Ally Not
All At All No None
Bit Me Tame Jus
Just Ust Aimed
Fra Ra Rame Ramed
At Wi Wi Wil Ild
Pile Iled High Wild
Chi Chi Hi Hi Igh-H
Child Wild Be Me
Life All My Oh Mine All
Yet Peep Eople Thin Hin
Ink Mad
Me Be Da Craze
Day's Of ... Ba Ba Bad!
Sez Me You To All ...

#1 Le 29 Mars, 2009 Samedi matin a 10:44 AM en Virginie en voiture on a drizzly, cool, warmer damp gray dreary morn. TONY

Wa Al Alk Wal I
Morn Dog With Di Di
Think Did 'Dea-I
I Had Thoug Hough
Ought Me So Soo
Ooner Rive Ar
Rive Rived At ?!?
Dat Ma Ma Mad
Cra Ra Raze Razy
Me Not All Be At!
So Stu Tu Up Up
Upid It Idea Dat Be!
Can Ant I You
Us All We See?!?
I Be Wil Ild Chi
Chi Hi Help Heave
Hell Elp-Y-Y-Ell
Must All Si Times
Fois! Be I Wild?
Be I Child? Chill
Hot Run Sun Fun
Hon Oney Si Bun Bun Bun
I Be Way Ayes Have It Wild
Child Mild Trial Style
Me My Ohh! My ....

#2 Le 29 Mars, 2009 Samedi matin a 10:51 AM en Virginie en voiture on a hazy, dreary warmer damp drizzly morn ....

Why Wil Hill Up Wild
I Cert Spurt Hurt
All 'Lert-A-A-Ahh
Alert Squirt Chil
Wil Wild Child
6 Plus 0 Ties
Toes Hands Bands
60's I Be Gro
Ro Rown Strown
Re Re Rewn My
Faux My Will My So
Sou Oul Dri Ri
Rive He Hea Ear
Eart Art Atrewn
My Faux Fall Alse
Ash Ashe Ashes In
Prin In Rin Rinci
Pa Pa Pa Dey Be
Thrown Grown
Life Live I Will
Self My Young 'N Wild
A Life Nat At Ature Child
Pile Smile Be Me
All Time Wild

#3 Le 29 Mars, 2009 Samedi matin en Virginie en voiture a 10:58 AM on a dreary, cool, damp morn - no sunshine 'cept in forsythia yellow blooms! TONY

The For The Syth
The Yellow Bright Cad
Ad Admium Dee Eep
Yells Shouts Of Pure
Stark Steep Gra Rain
Run Leap Yelling
Spout Spelling Tell
Tell Telling Yellows
And Doze Gen
Ent Entle White
Creamed Jons
Doze Quils Johns
Suns Daughts Of
Lighter Yells Spells
Gels Of Yellows
Clo Lo Lose-Cl-Cl
Close Ground We
Wee Wet Dam Stamps
Yellows Pods Pouch
Pouches Of Ground Off
Green Shouts Cents
Scents Smell See
Hear Demme Sounds Of
Many Yellows To Mim
To Im To Imick
Sun's Ra Ra La Tra Rays!

#4 Le 29 Mars, 2009 Samedi matin en voiture crossin over Potomac River Teddy Roosevelt Bridge into D.C. from Rt. 50, VA. at 11:05 Am on a drizzly, damp cool morn. This last poem is inspired by the lack of any sun or sunshine this morning and me seeing the beautiful yellows of the forsythia and the jonquils and enjoying that - the different shades, hues of yellow! It became the sunshine for me this morning! It's now 11:42 PM as I type these second two poems here just before the end of this day. It was damp and dark as I drove home late tonight and I'm thrilled to be home safe and sound tonight. Cheers, TONY

Poems Writtten While In South Africa, Staying At B & B Whistling Pines & Anticipating My Visit At Both DE MEYE And CAMBERLEY Vineyards , 3/18/09

Here are two poems I wrote while in South Africa on March 18th, 2009. Hope you enjoy them. TONY

There Time No No No
Now Like Time Is There
Cert Not No Now
Be Time It My Mine
I Bor I Row I
Let Time Me Mind
Through Now He He He
Ha Ha Hap Ap Appy
Be I Now Here Be
South I Cape Afri
Fri Fric Ric Ic Ic Ca Ca
Here Tow Own I
Just Live Mom Omen
Oments Now Here Whist
Hist Ostling Pines I Pine
For De Camb De
Me Meye Main Amber
Amberley Come Soon To
Stel Tel Telen Elen Bo
Bo Bosch Toss I Be Soon
Lost To Won Onder ( S ) Of
Diz Re Reg Egion Legions Of Wines
Past Now Pre My Present
My Time Now ...

#1 18 Mars, 2009 en Sud Afrique avec John Morrison, here in Whistling Pines , South Africa, Cape Town. These poems were in part inspired by my going/driving off with John Morrison ( my excellent Boutique Vineyards' tour guide ) and leaving my B & B called Whistling Pines in Cape Town off to Stellenbosch to the vineyards of DE MEYE and CAMBERLEY. I was anticipating the joy I would have which was so much greater in reality once fully fleshed-out!

My Time Be Now In
Cape Ape Be I Aping
Gaping Fill Yes My Gaps
The Wines Food Oods
Locales Me Dey Do
Sap Slap I Rel I
Elish Em Bit Bellish
Heavenly Hellish I Do
Find Succour I Do
Find Self Bind My
Tell Store Tory Tories
" X " " Y " Splore Plore
Lore Loaries Lories ...
New Yeah All Be So
Bind Spe Pell Mell Spell
Oui Binding Grind Grin
Butt Hinding Heart Find
Inding Minding I Be In
Earth My Heav Eaven
Find Self Find Piece
Me Of On Peace Earth
Spelling Spell Told So All
All Told ...

#2 Le 18 Mars, 2009 In Cape Town at the B & B Whistling Pines looking at at the gorgeous view of Cape Town and all the area around it on a cool but sunny morning waiting for John Morrison of Boutique Vineyards Imports to take me into the wine country where I would indeed see baboons, wild in the hills there just off the roads that we would eventually drive through and spot. I have posted some of those photos already at : if you want to see them. Cheers, TONY ( It's now March 29th, 2009 here at home in northern Virginia, at 10:00 A.M. as I proof this and post it ).


Friday, March 27, 2009

Rain Replaced By Hazy Sun Inspire Today's Four Morning Poems, Friday, March 28th, 2009, Enjoy!

     Here are my four Morning Poems for you to enjoy I hope,  TONY

                                               The Moo The Oo Ood
                                               My My Ohh My Ine
                                               Mmmm How Quic
                                               Uic Uick Stick
                                               It Do Uik Ike
                                               Win Lose Loose
                                               Inds W-W- Inds
                                               Blow Air Wa Wa
                                               Arm Blog Leg
                                               Eg Egs Fin To
                                               Shoul To Tip Tip
                                               Inger Gers Brrr
                                               The Moment Shifs
                                               Those Tifs Doze
                                               Chang Angs Anges
                                               Ch Ch Chan Ants
                                               Pa Pa Ants Pants
                                               Zants Arro Ro Ro
                                               Rows My See Now You
                                               Ooods Moods Broods Broad
                                               Roads To Lif To If Ift Up
                                               Up Up Sup Sup Snuck
                                               Suck Tuck Plu
                                               Lu Luck Iri
                                               Irish My Mine
                                               Ohhh !!!

     #1  Le 28 Mars, 2009 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:37 AM on a sunnier, clearer, brighter still , cold, no rain now, sunny-soft morn ....   TONY

                                               My Dap Ap Appling
                                               Sa Sap Trap Snap
                                               Appling So Pea So
                                               Each Mom Omen
                                               Ment Mine Eachy-P-P
                                               Peach Spea Peac Ach
                                               So Goo So Gla
                                               So  Sna Na Snach
                                               Up Me Hands Out
                                               To Clo Lo Loews
                                               Snatch Scratch Batch
                                               The Fee Fee Feel
                                               Fine Din Don Inner
                                               I Take Spi Py Spin
                                               Be I Tale's Spinner
                                               Bit Wee Yah Sin
                                               Swim Wim Quim
                                               Swimmer Swummer
                                               Hap Ap Appy Stru
                                               Rum Ummer Son Ong
                                               I In Joy Sing No Bummer
     #2  Le 28 Mardi, 2009.  Vendredi matin en Virginie en voiture on a clearing up, less cold, sunny, early fog on walk with dog morn...

                                              I Floa Loa Loat I
                                              Wa Aid Wade Wide
                                              Went Wind Work
                                              To See To Spear
                                              Pear Arrow To Jui
                                              Vic Vices Sap Suc
                                              Pass The Juice
                                              Uicy Tale To Up In
                                              Self Serve Catch Sna
                                              Na Na Na Na Natch
                                              I Of Omen Ment
                                              Bent Ohh To Sieve
                                              To Ceive De Dey
                                              Sun Ray The For The
                                              Orce The Pow Pow
                                              Flowed Lower Up
                                              Up Shift Up Upper To
                                              Ta Ma Ta Ma Ake
                                              Quake I Do Un
                                              Yes Dress More Not
                                              Run Cov Not Hover
                                              No Lover No Safe
                                              Afely X Pose X Press
                                              Song Life Choir Re-Rent
                                              Wrist Twist Wist It 
                                              So Wo Wo Ork
                                              Snork Ork Stork ...

     #3  Le 28 Mars, 2009 Vendredi matin a 9:50 AM en Virginie en voiture on a clearing-up , no rain, now hazy cool morn.

                                             Oooh Oooohhh
                                             Oooooh Oooohhhh
                                             Ohhhhh Hhh
                                             Ooooohhh Hhh !
                                             So Much Pre Press
                                             Pro Pro Neg Eg Rose
                                             In Me Up So Su Su
                                             Up Mouth Rose Must
                                             I Blow Row Xpose
                                             The Pre Press Guts
                                             From Up Un Froze From
                                             My Tips Ips Tips Toes Of
                                             To Head To Oh Open
                                             Mouth I Out Throws
                                             So Many Bla La Lack
                                             Crows To Lease Un
                                             Si Yes Unleash
                                             The So Sud Sud Sudden
                                             Spud Spud Spin Swim
                                             Thrust Gut Throat Roat
                                             Bust Gut!!

     #4  Le 28 Mars, 2009  Vendredi matin en Virginie en voiture at 9:56 AM on a hazy, sunny, warmer cool-still morn ... Hope you liked today's batch. It's now 2:42 PM as I type these and send all four. Cheers, it's good to be back and writing every day almost again after taking my week-off to visit the wine country in South Africa which was very inspiring indeed!  TONY

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rainy, Dreary, Gray-Brrrr Thursday Morning, March 26th, 2009

Here are my " new " Morning Poems that are in part inspired by my trip to South Africa last week with John Morrison. Enjoy, TONY

Back I Wa At
Di Id Atch Did
En Afri Su Sud
Ique I Did Wat
Atch- H - Ha - At Hat
Off Tak Ake I
Sure Did And
Yeah Turn Yeah
Rou Oun Ound
To See To Xpie Pier
So Rence Fu Ull
Off Yes On Up Up
Fered - Pro - Prof
Rof Roffered Me
To Be To Par To The
Afriq Art Ique
Sound African
Sighs Murms Shous
Outs Grow Row Owls
Dose Urmurs Demme
Kills Fee Feeds To Nurt To
Live To Life Give Sieve
Save ...

#1 Le 26th, 2009 Jeudi matin a 9:41 AM en Virginie en voiture, on a rainy, drizzle fizzle fazzle fade-away into gray morn - brrrr! TONY

The Tim I'me Spent In
Afr Fric Frac Rack
Rake Sna Na Nake
The Pois Dee Flow
Of Red Lowers - Fl - Fl
The Grow The Bram
The Close Yeah Land
And To To Flower
Safe Kee Key Life
To On Ta Ta Ab Able
Mount Roun Ound Fount
I Did Day Wal Dee
Per The Fer The Rique
John Sun In Shine With
Txe Bre Rea Eath
Mine Did Sight Ights
Tak Ake Me Qua
Quiv Iver Uake I
My Sen Sens Enses
Five Full Wake Dey
Out Ga Ga Gasp I
Throa Roat Ras
Asp My Eye ( S ) So Wi
Ide Wide Cried Sighed Pied ...

#2 Le 26th, 2009 Jeudi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:48 AM on a drizzly cold grizzly morn ... Enjoy these two now, I will type the other two tonight at home Cheers, TONY

The Lan And Hand
The 'Span 'Spand
Spanse Spance
The Rumble Tum Tum
Umble Eyes My Mine
Mind Be Hum Humble
Umbled By So Mu
Uch Vista Vasta
Astas Land Terra
Terre Eyes Round
Round Go Go And
Far Eyes See Can
Run Ran Expand
To Ohhh Ope My Minds
Fants Dope Anta Sighs
Ants Seas Sies Sez
To Try To Grab-Rasp
Lapse To Round Arm
Emb Yes Bod Brace
So Ugh - Mmm Beau
Eaut Eauty Grace
No Nature's Dis Das
Disgrace Eyes Hands
Trace Tra Ra Rash

#3 Le 26 Mars, 2009 Jeudi matin a 9:56 A.M. en Virginie en voiture on a hazy, drizzly, dreary morn ... cold, brr! TONY

Mind Feet Ra Ra Race
Time Not Waste No Not
To Trounce Bounce
To Trance Entra Enter
Bend End Center
Sight Smell Bound
Sound ( S ) Resound
To Detect To Stu
Tu Tude Tud, Bud
Bir Irth Earth
Suc Wid Gir Irth
Gar Ar Arth Voiy
Oice Choi Hoice Oices
Hear Demme To Here Now
Then Re Yeah Mem
Meme Now Ember
Embers Still Lit A
Light A Bite Wee Bit
We Sin Ing Swing
We Hol Old New
Fresh Thresh Holds
Bolds Band Ant Anter
Run Punt Banter Buns Unt
Unter Crick It Icket ( S )
Ga Ga Games ...

#4 Le 26 Mars, 2009 Jeudi matin a 10:04 AM en Virginie en voture on a cold, drizzly, gray , dreary brr morn ... TONY It's now Thursday, April 23rd, 2009 as I type # 3 & #4 here - sorry for the delay! Hope you liked them all. Cheers, TONY

South African Inspired Morning Poems Tuesday, March 2009

I'm back! Finally! Jet-lagged a bit but writing nonetheless. Enjoy, TONY

Sud Sou Outh Af
Ra Ra Rique De
South Sud Ric Ica
Africa Here Ca
Ame I To See
To Be To Get Sen
Sense Of Thin Hin
Hings The There The
Then My Ti Tim Time
Spen Pen Pent Up
Over Spou Pout No
Not Yes I Did
There Now Spout
I Swam Ram Bam
Like Trout About
To X And Y And Z
Late Night At Fit With
Tied Thoughts Run Over
Gain Again ...

#1 Le 24 Mars, 2009 Mardi matin en Virginie en voiture on a brrr, cold-ass morn ... sunny, too.

I've Not Con Not Yet
Ever To Con No Not Over
But To Find To Live
To Up In Self Give
New Sense-Ense
Enses Of What Miss
I In World Ot Oth
Her Him Them In Their
Mine Not World
So Re Yes Far
Ove Moved Way-A
Ah Joy Theirs Find I
Bor Yes Orro Row
Risk Joy Sor App
Appy Orrows-B-S-
Shimmer I Did Glim
Limp Impse Limmer
Glad Glow Ladly I Did
Yeah Some Lots There
Eve Ad Add
Adam Shim Me
Shimmer ...

#2 Le 24 Mars, 2009 Mardi matin en Virginie en voiture on a brisk, bright, brr cold glary sunshine beautiful morn. TONY

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Been Bad! Writing Fiendishly Yet Not Typing Enough Here! Ouch! Four Cold-Ass-Bone-Biting Monrning Poems Of Thurs, 3/12th,'09/Day Before S. Africa Trip

     Here are my poems of this morning just less than an hour ago! I am sorry to have been so bad typing my " new " daily poems here and will have to try an make up for it towards the end of this month when I return from my first trip ever to Africa : this one going to South Africa to visit the wine country. Please be patient for I assure you I have lots more to type here and will do a marathon-typing of them at the end of this month to make up for this time in South Africa. Here are the poems of this really cold, windy, bright, sunny morning. Enjoy,  TONY

                                              I've Neg Eg
                                              Lige Gent Been
                                              Po Oem Oems
                                              Need Type Yes
                                              Into Onto Upon My
                                              Blog Many So Still
                                              To Be Re T+yes Cord
                                              Chord Ours Make By
                                              Into Type Our Pipe
                                              Words Of Frags Tho
                                              Hose Hoses Of Ments
                                              Frags Rag Tagged In
                                              My On Them Words Spin
                                              Like Swim Thru Words
                                              Tail Tale's Fin Funs
                                              Finds Binds No Bounds
                                              No Dar Dar Aries Just Spa
                                              Pa Ma La La Space(s)
                                              Ohh So Open
                                              Pry Merry Red Berries
                                              Quites Some Coms
                                              Some Traries Faeries ...

     #1  Le 12 Mars, 2009 Jeudi matin a 9:25 AM en Virginie en voiture on a sunny, hazy, blue-sky white , wispy lotza clouds, too cold ass brr morn!   TONY

                                              I Am Foun Con
                                              Yeah Nfou Ound
                                              Sound Ground Mounded
                                              I Start Write Word
                                              Ords For Orm And
                                              Me Fin Ind Eanings
                                              Me Me Mean Tame
                                              Taut Learned So
                                              Conne Onnec Ected
                                              Findings I Confound
                                              Astound I Prou Rou
                                              Oud-Pp-Pr Rant
                                              Rance Rinse I
                                              Wince Wink Work At
                                              Wonders Wanders
                                              Strat Ratch Head
                                              Uhh?!? Ponders I
                                              Mit Ad Add Mit Must
                                              How Some Gether-To-Too 
                                              Gether Fall Pla La Lace
                                              Fall Space In
                                              Onto ...

     #2  Le 12 Mars, 2009 Jeudi matin a 9:32 AM en voiture en Virginie on a bright, hazy, sunny blue-baby sky , lotta white clouds morn. Brr ass-cold bite morn!  Cheers,  TONY  It's 11:04 AM as I have just typed these first two poems here. I'll try and get the two others here later today.  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Cold Biting Cold Morning Creates/Molds Poems Of Endurance & Sad Death That Stopped For Someone We Knew / I Knew - Sad / Tues. AM March 10th, 2009

     Here are the Four Morning Poems That I Composed this morning before work on Tuesday AM , March 10th, 2009. Hope you like them or can relate to them. TONY

                                              A De Dea Eath
                                              Past Week Death Of
                                              Ved Wife His In
                                              Ind Di Dia Dia Sad
                                              Dias Now More Sad
                                              The Cause To Not Us
                                              Now Know Known Yet
                                              In Dark Moments
                                              Now Ours Live We
                                              Mise Yes Sera
                                              Todos Tous All Serab
                                              Rab Ab Gag Serables
                                              Us All Now We As
                                              Wait News For Of
                                              Such Tra Such Ragi
                                              Ragic Death Of One
                                              Like Us We Liked She
                                              Yes Was Nice Was Soul
                                              Kind Us To Was She 
                                              Mom Yes Monents Store In ...
     #3   Le 10 Mras, 2009 , Mardi matin en Virginie en voiture on a dreadful cold brr...  biting bitter stabbing morn ....   TONY

                                             Lost Us To Us Too
                                             Some Yes One
                                             Spe Pecia Pecial
                                             Store Ours Special
                                             Nice She Was All
                                             Was To Us Special
                                             Smile Miled At Us
                                             Words Most Kind
                                             Hers Soft Gent Ent
                                             Entle Spoke Pok
                                             Oken Not Token
                                             Ta Taken Well Warm
                                             Spell Us For She
                                             Her Clothes Flow Trail
                                             Ailed Flowed Colors
                                             Bright To Us Lif Ift
                                             Up I Liked The Smile
                                             The " Ness " Of Gentle
                                             Womanly Indi Dia Gentle
                                             Indian Charm Ma Fem
                                             Ma  " In " All-'Bout
                                             Kind Yes Ness Hers
                                             Alone ...

     #4  Le 10 Mras, 2009   Mardi matin a Washington D.C. Rock creek Parkway, a 10:25 AM en voiture on a dreary, cold , bold, bad , brr cold-touch-bones-mine morn!!! I don't like it, don't warm much to it. Oh well, the warmth will come again soon enough. Cheers,  TONY

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Warming Saturday Morning Weather brings New Ideas For Four Morning Poems : March 7th, 2009

     Here are my four warmer weather Morning Saturday poems , enjoy, cheers,  TONY

                                               Get Gettin Read
                                               Head Sped Speed Free
                                               Reed Read Freed
                                               To Do Call My Wha
                                               Off Hat Gloves Off
                                               Call Ball Hall Fall
                                               Calling Cat Cating
                                               Male Prowl On
                                               Call Cards A Call
                                               All Calling Out Of
                                               Doors Times Some
                                               Stalling Mind In Outs
                                               Pri Ri Riv Riva Va Va
                                               Vat Vate Clean Most
                                               Yeah Da Ma My Pa My
                                               Bro My Sis My Own Slate
                                               Clean Off It To Prov Rov
                                               Be In Carge Small Crow Any
                                               Crowd All At!

     #1  Le 7 Mars, 2009 Samedi matin a 10:32 AM en Virginie en voiture on a beautiful quite warm nice no breeze no sun just heat to be comfy outside in ...   TONY

                                              To Clean Act My Oh
                                              My Mine Feel Be Bet
                                              Better At Less Fa Fa
                                              Fat No More Time
                                              Final It Anily Be
                                              Clean Screen A
                                              Virg A Irg A Rgin
                                              Space Eyes Op Op
                                              Open Up Wa Wa Way
                                              Stay Clear Be Dear
                                              Be Focu Cus Us
                                              Cussed Bussed 
                                              Bay Baised Pasted
                                              Into Oven Get Wet
                                              Now Go Begin Ban Ant
                                              Banter Bunter Punt
                                              Puns Punting Lotza Grins
                                              Grunts Run Runtin
                                              Grunting Gearin' Rearin'

     #2  Le 7 Mars, 2009  Samedi matin a 10:39 AM en Virginie en voiture on a matted, milk-white sky covered blankets blue now nice warm weather...  TONY

                                              To List Make Cake
                                              Stake Stern Star
                                              Tar Stark To Get
                                              Where There Park
                                              To Be Yeah Si Oui
                                              Fine Me With Final
                                              Spinal All Minal
                                              Minally Finally
                                              Read Sign Signally
                                              To Act Out From In With
                                              Vic Vic Ic Iction
                                              Con Pro Lotza Of
                                              Cons Can'ts No
                                              More Just Yeses
                                              Oui's Wonders
                                              Winnin' Spinnin'
                                              Sporn Spermed
                                              Permed Firmed Forms
                                              Nice  Icely Hotly Formed
                                              Out Ripe Fleshed Flash
                                              Lash Flashed Flakes ...

     #3  Le 7 Mars, 2009  Samedi matin en Virginie en voiture a 10:45 AM on a cloudy, hazy, no sun yet really warm morn! Look ma, short sleeves!   TONY

                                              To Control Not Tro
                                              Rolled Rallied Sally
                                              Sallied Not Sul Not
                                              Len Sallied Be Pal ( Pac )
                                              Pert Parted Art Arted
                                              Tonied Ponied Paired
                                              Country Faired Be
                                              Smell Yard Barn
                                              Doze Those Smells
                                              Earths Births Bakers
                                              Of Div So Vi Vi
                                              Vine Wine Slime
                                              La Sla Lam Lamb
                                              Slammed Bah Bah
                                              Sam Tam Bammed
                                              Late Bum Bums Bum
                                              Hum Thumb To Hunker
                                              To Inner Self Out 
                                              Of Outer Howl
                                             Beat Fling From Cling ...

     #4  Le 7 Mars, 2009  a 10:52 AM en Virginie en voiture on a gray, hazy really nice warm, no sunshine morn. Hope you liked these four flowing, fractured, raptured poems that I extracted from myself somehow .... cheers,  TONY

Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Morn On A Gary, White Cloudy - Bit Dreary Day In Virginia I Wrote Four Poems Before Getting To Work : March 6th, 2009

Here are my four Morning Poems Before I arrived at work this morning, Friday, March 6th, 2009. It's now 11:55 PM as I begin to type these poems here for you all to enjoy : just under the wire of this day : phew ! Hope you like them. Cheers, TONY

The Line Till Dead
The Bod Be Must Fed
The Blood Quick Sped!
The Tales Done Said
The Tas As Ask To Dey
Demme Re Yeah 'Cord
Sword Swear Pair
Tales Of Love Valor
Tales Record Oth
Hers His Their Late
Ater Theater Tell
Our Lives Learned
Unlearned Late Bet
Etter Not Than To Live
Free Be We Us Meant
Us As Is As Was Should
Yes Busy Bees Barking Buzz
Uz Uzzing Round Hap Ap Appily ...

#1 Le 6 Mars 2009 a 9:35 AM en voiture en Virginie on a bit more gray , cloudy, milk-white dishwater color, warmer morn in the 40's. TONY

To Record To Not
Recoil To Not Spoil
To Over Under Round Foils
To The Pa Ma Atient
Go Demme Deeze Geeze
Spoy Poi Oils In Yes
Mir - Cence Scents
Sent Lent Us We To
Joyce Joice Gel Mel
Voice Oices Ours In
Pra Ra Raise Craze
Our Lots Our Lay
Ay Aye Ayers - L-LLa
Late Not Too Us To
Torn Born Bur Urst
Cry Thir Hirst We
Up Down Swal Eat
Allow Life Who Ho Hole
Whole Oley Mo Mo
Oley ...

#2 Le 6 Mars, 2009 Friday morning at 9:41 AM en voiture en Virginie on a gray, cloudy white warmer less bright, clear morn ... TONY

The Cour Ra Ra Ra
Age Come Of 'Oming
To Mat To Ture
To Youn Oung Sta
Ra Stay To Get
Jig Igg Iggy Young
With On Way Why
Cry Sigh Be Ba Ba Ad
Not Sad Not Mad
Best Yeah Glad Be !
To Try To Fry To
Touch Kiss Lick Sky
To Poke Dah Flesh
To Hold Cup Her Brea
East West Know You
Sure Urely Da Rest ?!
I'm Out 'Bout On Route
My Nose My Snout I'm
Rarin' Ragin' Raggin' Rich
Ideas Passion In Ate Mate
My Fa Fa Fate ...

#3 Le 6 Mars, 2009 at 9:48 Am en voiture en Virginie on agray, white cloudy bit dreary yet much warmer morn, no sunshine ... TONY

I'm REad Eading
Lines Life Between
Lookin' For Gree Ree
Green Paths Pasts
Ast Astures Cows
Bla Bah Bah Shee
Black Heeps-Sh-Sh
Cows Slow Creeps
The Trans Of Quils
My Pens Marks
Lines Blacks Of
Old Stores Tories
Tales Untold I
Be Yeah So Braze
Azen Bold So To
Demme Want Out
Stretch Hands To Sketch
To Out Onto Pap Aper Flesh
Flame Words Mine Of
Old Some Too ...
Tell, Sit Spell ...

#4 Le 6 Mars, 2009 Vendredi matin en Virginie en voiture a 9:53 AM on a gray, sleepy, warmer yet not as cheery morn.... Hope you liked these four Morning Poems of mine from yesterday as it is now Saturday at 12>23 AM here at home in northern Virginia on March 7th, 2009. Cheers, TONY

Composing Four Morning Poems On Thursday March 5th, 2009 In Virginia/ Snow Wite-Covered Sunshine-Reflections Off Snow White

Here are my Four Morning Poems written before work in Virginia on Thursday, March 5th, 2009. Hope you like them. TONY

Ou Ouc Ouch! Pow!
The Quie Whi
Hi Wel Uiet
Welcome Quiet
No Soun Oun Ounds
Just The Hum Of
Hym Quiet Yms
To One Be Once
Now Pur Velop
Eloped En " N "
Nice - Veloped To
Ab Abl Able Be
Yeah Need Thin
Thi Think Hin Ink
Words Mince Mince
Mincir Lo Fa Fa
At Moment Fat
It Lose Me Now
Part Art Us Mut Utu
Ual Ways Ours Pieces
Peace In To One Sep Wa Wa
Ays Go Peace In
We Have Now ...

#1 Le 5 Mars, 2009 at 9:35 PM en Virginie en voiture on a clear, bright , cheerful morn ... lots of sun reflections still off snow ... It's now 9:37 PM at home in northern Virginia on Friday, March 6th, 2009 as I type this #1 Poem here for you all to read and enjoy/decipher. TONY

The Brigh Righ Ight
Sigh Sight Bite Of
Wonder Diz Da Da
Day Glory Ori Orious
Marv Carve Me Day
Play Now La La Ater Pay!
I Might Would Yes
Like Much Now Stay
Yet To Work To
Sell To Teach To Share
It's Time To Price
Wines More Store In
Sale Now More Lots
To Sell Sell Sell
Not Time Sit Spell A
So Traf Much Roa
Oad On Now Ever
Every Car Pers Yes
Son Daughter Head
To Work Be Must Now Off
Too Much Man Woman Chi
Hild Many Road On Now And
Sun's Out Nice Morn ...

#2 Le 5 Mars, 2009 at 9:41 AM en Virginie en voiture on a beautiful sunny bright brr blue,clear sky morn - Snow White beginning to melt ... TONY P.S. It's now 10:07 PM here at home in northern Virginia on Friday night, March 6th, 2009 as I type this #2, the last poem of the four. Cheers, and I hope you liked them.

I'm Missioned On Task
On Point On Lose
Weigh My Over Be
Bear Bel Not Belle
Awful Gust Usting
Dis - Diz This Ohh
So Over Weight
My Belly Doth Car
Carr Ar Arry Not
Airy Jus Ust Us
Pla Lai Lain Scare
Scarey I Care I
Act I Sto To Top
To Less To Wa
Wa At Water
Drink To Less
Jun Unk Eat At
Nigh Ight Fright
Hunger Be Bed To
Go! ?! No! No! No!
I'm Wanting Now Fi
Fin Inal Inaly Lose Dis Off !
Awf ! Awf - Full Feel
Eeling ...

#3 Le 5 Mars, 2009 at 9:49 Am en Virginie en voiture on a beautiful, bright, warming-up to 40's morn!! Nice to be alive. TONY

Off To Sou Outh
Af Afr I Ri Ri Ca
Ca Ca Ca So Soon!
MySilver Spoon
My New Lagoon
I Will Sure Must
To Sigh Sites At Swoon
Nice Be It Will See
First Quen Hen
Ench Thirst Mine
Sighs New Lands
New I To Land
In World Anfan All
Unglue All New True
Truths Ruths The
Wine The Vine The
New People Kind
Lang Ang Anguage
New I'll Hear Afri
Afric Ric Can A Sound
To Reg To Egist To Egister
In Ear(s) Mine And
To 'Sorb 'Serb Taste My Five
Senses To De Yes Light !

#4 Le 5 Mars , 2009 Jeudi matin a 9:55 AM en Virginie en voiture on a beautiful morn, to alive thrive arrive - be " on " now !! TONY

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wednesday, March 4th Poems Four Written On A Snow-White Blazing Shine-Of-Sun-Reflectioned-Galring Bright Morning!

Here are my Four Morning Poems written before work on this blazing-saddle view of so much sun's shine reflections bouncing off the Snow White landscape all around me and right into my eyes! Yes and No!!! Cheers and enjoy, TONY

I Don Yeah Car
Are Real Do Eac One
Long As Get I Done
It Don't Care Really
But Do Blue Red
Yes Bloo Loo Lood
Care I Do ! More
Ore Thin Hing Any
Thing Care I Do
For The Jour The
Rney Is Imp So
Por Port Ort The
Tan Tant So The
Most Portant Thing
The Way Yes Way
Whi Hich In How
Do Get Compli
Plish Splish The Spla La
Lash Dash All Be
Yes For Tur Us All
Urn To Ash Into La La
Fa La La La Lator One
Smash Lash ...

#1 Le 4 Mars, 2009 Mercredi matin a 10:21 AM en Virginie en voiture on a cold, brrr , beautiful earth-covered in Snow White lotza beauty, still morn. Love it, 'deed I do! TONY

To On Press To Roa
Oad Take Turn
Stray Straigh Aight
1st Ra Ra Rate My
Path My Pla La Plate
My Bed My Mate
I Go By Rate Yes
In/ Out Things Self
In Fill Full Add
Adorn Filtra Ra Rate
Rat I My Road
My Map My Plan
On Lamb The More
Lazual More Get
Hap Hap Things Hap
Appen Just So ...
Like Snow Like My
Ta Ta Taut I'm
Yeah Bro Still
In That Go You I
Fig Ig Igure Dat ?
Whata Bag My Tricks
My Knack My
Trunks Shorts Snacks ...

#2 Le 4 Mars, 2009 Mercredi matin a 10:26 AM en voiture en Virginie on a Snow White everywhere! A Lovely , brr , cold clear, beautiful baby-blue sky to for die!? No, not yet !!! Dazzle me it does! Hope you like these first two of four poems. It's late now at 11:47 PM here at home in northern Virginia on Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 and it's late and I'm off to bed. I'll type the last two poems here tomorrow. In the meantime enjoy these two. Cheers, TONY

I'm Road Toad
Spode Roadie
Of Lif If Life
Wha Wha Hat
If Whiff?! Spiff!
Some Talk Some
Tiff Some Want
To Me Drive
I'm Riv Riv Iven
Given Got Not Bought
Ever Never Bought !
Self Others By
"Xam "Xamp Ample
(s) Taut Taught
gO wA Wat At Water
I'm Sought Begot
Fought Bit Snot
Bit Moment Caught I Yes
Love In Life Much
So More
Please Tease Please
Me ...

#3 Le 4 Mars, 2009 Mercredi matin en Virginie en voiture on a beautiful sunny light reflected off white snow brrr morn! TONY

On Road Find
Bind Ow Ow
Out Clout Scout
I'm Tra Ra Rack
Racking Snack
Knack Nacking
I'm For All Eve
Yes Some Even Dist
Yes Tracting Facting
To Me Still Be Fine
With Finding Fend
Not Ending Yet
Me For Good
Fending Some
More Lotza Ben
End Bending Bu
Urn Urning -B-B-B
Burn To Learn To
Un Yes Move Dat
Cover To Dis To See
What May Be Under ?
To Unite Not Sunder To
Thunder Soar Roar
Rarin' Go Be !

#4 Le 4 Mars, 2009 Mercredi matin a 10:37 AM en Virginie en voiture on a sunny, bright, Snow White covered earth, so much dazzling sun reflecting off white snow! Lovely brrr morn ... Hope you enjoyed these poems. It's now 9:09 AM on Thursday morning here at home in northern Virginia and I've just walked our dog and the snow's beginning to melt a lot and it's a beautiful bright day today as I head off to write more poems and then go off to work. Cheers, TONY

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow White Covers Everywhere Eyes Can See/Sun's Reflections-Dazzling Off Blankets White Snow: Tues. Mar.3rd, '09 4 Morning Poems

Here are my four morning poems on this Snow White blanketed morning in both northern Virginia and Washington D.C. Hope you like them. Cheers, TONY

Just Try Ry Rying
Get To My Done Wo
Ork Done Work Done
Just Trying To Yeah
It Get Done Da Da
Each Day Done Some
Try Cry Fry Rying
Strive Arriving Some
Get Bits There He
Ere Do Some Parts
Of Sum Each Day
List Off Crossed
From A Pain A Drain
New Tense New Pres
Res Essures ( Sent )
Fall Rain Like
To Done Be For Fun
Yes Some To Start But
Fir Ir Irst Must Acom
Ccomp Yes Lish Bits
Nee Eeding
Be Done Some First ...
Then Sat Yes If If
Fy Fy Thir Hir
Hirst Win Wine
Burst !

#1 Le 3 Mars, 2009 Mardi matin en Virginie en voiture avant dix heures on a sunny, bright, off-of snow dazzling, reflections of sun morn. Brrr, really cold, biting wind, too. TONY

The Chal The All Allen
Leng Lenge Chall
The Time To Not Burst
Yet Si Oui Thirst Thirst
Sco Co Core Now Or Worst
To Find Pie Pieces Perk
I'm 'Bout Work Go
Oi Oin Oing Now
To Wee Ee Eek Star
My Star My Sing Ing
Ingle Momen Yes Ment
Sent Me Live It Now
Pre Res Esent Time
Be This Now I Have
It The Sun The Heat
Car Eng Gin Gine
Begin Be Boast Boost
Brah Ra Rash Crash Thra
Rash Cash In Some
Now ...

#2 Le 3 Mars, 2009 Mardi matin en Virginie en voiture a 10:10 AM on a bright, sunny love sunshine - warm on my bare writing hand - look ma! no glove! What a dazzling morning here in and around our nation's capitol! Cheers, TONY P.S. It's now 11:50 AM here in Washington in Cleveland Park at my wine store and I will type the other two poems tonight at home. Enjoy these in the meantime.

I'm Fren Som Ren
Renet Enetic Now
Now Time Now Like
I See I Be I
Pee In Aban Glee
And Andon Ly Ly Whee !
On A Being Spree
I Free Gla La Ladly
Be Up Tree One Yes
Too Two Three I'm
Spor Por Porting
Pitting Pithing Pant
Ant Anting Ha Ha
Hap Slap Clap
Appily Mer Sea
La La Landily I
Hand Feet Sweep
Upswept Sleep Slept
Not Over Kept
Keep Not Me !

#3 Le 3 Mars, 2009 Tuesday morning at 10:15 AM en Virginie en voiture on a glorious sunny windy brr cold snowy white morn. TONY

The Making Marks My
All Mine Fine First
Marks Spar Par Sparks
Mine In Life Call I
It Mine Where Live
Alive Hive Bees Thrive
Like I Ohh My All
Bless Less/ More Or
Mine I Be Fine !
I Be Lord I Swine
Serv Erv Va Va
Vant And Own It
Owner Bone Chew
Boners Glor Orious
Ha Ha Hard Glee Pee
Spree Whee I See You
See Yeah Babe Aby
All Mine I Spin I Prin
Sprint Print Grint
Grand Groan
Greet Ya Oh My
Fine !

#4 Le 3 Mars , 2009 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:21 AM on a bright, glorious cold snowy white shiny sunshine reflective morn. It's now 11:47 PM on Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009 here at home in northern Virginia and I have just finished typing #3 and #4 poems and I am glad for that. It is nice that I am finally keeping up with my output on a daily basis : at least for the most part. That's quite an accomplishment for me. Cheers. TONY