This was a great serendipitous encounter with owner Daniel Brunier of Chateauneuf-Du-Pape in the southern Rhone just outside the town of Avignon and where the only French Pope of the Vatican built his own home so many moons ago.
Before the luncheon that I was invited to started on Friday morning on January 15th, 2010 I wrote these 4 Morning Poems as is my custom before work. Three of them were inspired by my meeting Daniel Brunier and enjoying what I thought would be a small gathering of people in the business to meet Daniel and try his dry red and white southern Rhone wines from the town and area of Chateauneuf-Du-Pape.
Here I have included both pictures of the 4 Morning poems as well as four of the eight quick portrait sketches that I did before our food arrived at Proof restaurant and Daniel was tasting us on his four wines : one white and three reds.
I gave Daniel four of the portraits and asked him to choose the one of the two pages as I had drawn front and back because I only had two white sheets of paper for this purpose. Yes, I had planned this out and was pleased to have thought of it as it's always better to be organized about such things as not as you have to try and seize the moments that accommodate such things as sketching someone without it being too obvious or disruptive to the flow of events and conversation. I hope it was neither and if it was I apologize because that was never my intent. I just want to capture the moment in both film and picture and pen, ink and white paper, too.
I number the portrait sketches as well as the poems and so you have to look closely to see their order. Sorry the one below of the poems is upside-down!
I also try and include other things to capture the place and the time and the whole experience or at least as much as I was able to quickly note and capture. I took these pictures at my desk at Cleveland Park Wines & Spirits where I manage the wine department just across the Uptown movie theatre with one of the last big screens ( and down from the National Zoo ) on Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
There are also two other blogs about this event at : and Being an artist this is a great forum for me these blog sites on blogspot. Hope you enjoy these entries that I will post by the end of this long weekend as tomorrow it is Martin Luther King's birthday/day. Cheers and read on as I will now type the 4 Poems here and then later the last one or two that I wrote on Saturday, January 16th, 2010.
To Off Go Meet New Some
One To Not Know Peop
The Eops The Ople Opel
The Fren The Man Own
He Chat Do Neu Of Pa
Ma Pap Pap Ape Teaux
To Lun To Unch Hun Un
Hunch At Proo At Roof
Rift Raft In Car At Cros
Museu Useo To Look
At To Fren To Whit
Red Ta Tas Taste The
Wine The Wond Wande To
In Out Round The Liq The
Quids Licks Of Reds Whites
So Many Fights 'N Joys In
Deeze Geeze Brawls The
Time Timing The South Fran
Da Rhon The Hone Hon
Honey In Grens Da Nach Na
Na Na Naches Panaches The
Love In Wine For Way
Ways All!
#1 Le 15 Janvier, 2010 , Vendredi matin a 10:57 AM en voiture en Virginie on a sunny, much warmer, finally much nicer, less-cold New Year morn ! I'm lovin' it! TONY
To Off To Swim Swine
Wine Flu Flow Flew
Lew Louise Weeze
Gee Gee Jeeze I
To Shot To Get My
Swine Flu Shot Now
Then To Dine To Wine
To Me Meet Make Own
Owner Wine Chats
Of Teaux Toes Of Grens
Of Naches Of Mourvs
Of Syrs Of Carigs Of
Gna Gna Igs Of Gnans
Of Ra Ra Rahs Of
Veds Of Vedres Of
Grap Rap Grapes Red
Whites 'N Blend Of Neuf
Vieux Du Du Des Pape
Le Pape Francais Cais !
#2 Le 15 Janvier, 2010, Vendredi matin a 11:04 AM en voiture en Virginie avant mon dejeuner a midi avec proprietaire Daniel Brunier du LE VIEUX TELEGRAPHE en Chateuneuf-Du-Pape, France. I had to get my flu shot first at my wife's elementary school. It was on the way and it cost $10 and I needed to finally get one so it ended up in the poem here above as you can see and I played around with the idea that the word " wine " was inside the word " swine "...
Got Go Sho Ho Ho Hot
My Swim Wim Wine
Swin Sho Ho Hot
Flu Fly Dis Bi Bir Flow
Ird B-B-Ird Be
Flown On Off To Proo
Proof Of Proved On
Chateaux New Nuovo
Pape Franc Nouveaux
( New Reveal Veal Peel )
Neuf To Meet Taste 'N
Ba Baske Baste Food
Skin Lips Mouth My
Mine Tongue To Joy
Find My Time Income
In Ompany In Wines'
Ways A Win A Swim A
Swimming Tongue Oh Over
Mine Soon With Foods With
Convers Of Says Said Sations
Sa Shash Shay Hay Hey
Hi Bonjour
Convers Say Say
In New Tastes
Saytions ...
#3 Le 15 Janvier, 2010 , Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 11:29 AM on a not so cold, bit breezy, but so very nice now January morn ... TONY
Bon Si Le Jour
Au Joie Joux D'Hui
D'Hui Whee Comme
C'Est Say Peut Vous
Voir Nous? Le Sol
Bleu En Ciel Le Pot
Le Poten Ten Dix
Vingt Cial En Vin
Rhon De Hone Du
Chat Vos Chats Neufs
Blanc Rouge Roses
Coul Cool Coule
Leurs Fleurs En Liquids
( Arome Rome Roam Romes ?!? )
Les Grens Les Na Nach
Aches Les Sys Los Ellas
Elles Mours Les Veds
Les Vedres Nos Carigs
Mes Gnans Les Vins
Des Rhone Sud
Mag Magni
Comme Elles
Sont Fiques !!
Au Joie De Jour
Main Si Ten Oui
Nant !!
#4 Le 15 Janvier, 2010, Vendredi matin a 11:33 AM en voiture en Virginie avant mon dejeuner avec Daniel Brunier a restaurant Proof en face de Musee Portrait Gallery de Smothsonian Institute. I added the lines in Poems #3 and #4 in parentheses. Thoughts occured to me then to add them as I just typed them here on a very chilly, rainy cold morning at 12>33 PM here at home in northern Virginia on Sunday, January 17th, 2010. Cheers. Hope you like the portraits as well as the poems as well as the photo I took of Daniel as I first met him at POroof for the very first time ever. TONY
Merci Daniel pour le dejeuner avec toi et Eric Platt et Xavier, Andrew Myers et Moez Ben Achour ( et Amy notre waitress ) aussi .... comme c'a m'a plu enormement! Comme tes vins sonts elegantes et tres rafines - avec la force des hommes et des femmes et de la vie ... TONY
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