Thursday, June 27, 2024

So much outer noise I have blocked it out! I am turning inwards to focus on my “ doings “ that are semi-structured, giving me space I need uninterrupted!

                             Life is my grasp within

                             Time is my path without

                             Self-doubt is lurking in me

                             I must do an about - face 2

                             Face not tearful no fearful!

                             I have found help inside out

I swim with all my might like a wild trout!?

                                                                          I cannot miss my mission


Like a commission, a consult
I use my inner Guinea pig , 

       I am my very best subject alway 
subject subjected to change!
I have no real wheel to steal
   As I want to breeze bust unrest!

                                                              I thought I was typing unrust and
                                                              Unrest came up by my doing or
                                                              By auto-correct, I will have none

                                                              Of correct, I only want to flow so
                                                              All my training becomes untrained

                                                              And gut functions me instinctively
                                                              Fuck artificial intelligence I want
                                                              My very own active intelligence to
                                                              Guide me on my very own person
                                                              Of my own person of acting mind
                                                              Mindful to respect my selfish gut.    
                                                              Alone for the most part constant
                                                              Re-direct, my own inflect, of me!


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