Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The call to return to be present again, seen, heard, felt, feared, awed, inspired, welcoming, accepting, learning, listening!

 The time  is now ! I am here now

I am present presently so in pieces

In steps in thoughts and beings of

Myself collected and sorted and here

To add, to listen mostly, to read, to so

Respond in kind, be kind, be true, be

Humble , hum, sing out of tune, yet

Be audible as audible is hearing you

Me us all trying to be in some way 


Available, but

To who? To what purpose?

To be repurposed, to be out

Like saying some

Things , one thing, 

Once out it’s there

Fair? No, but sure square!

Hit you, me us right square

Squarely ‘tween eyes two or

More so deep depending on

Who whom how here horrific!?!

Just the process, the thinking, the

Typing yes , let’s , what type are 

We, I , us? Why here 

Why now?

Let’s move along, touching yes

At times so at others, not

At all!?! 

Why worry!?!

Just keep moving!

I am!


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