Tuesday, September 22, 2015

To Follow My Wallow . To Wallow In My Fall-Ohhhhhh! Open A Can Of Sperms , Warm Your Way, Worms Away! Trying To get Other To Stray , We All - Both Oh Yeah Must Pay!

                                 To Follow My Wallow . To Wallow
                                 In My Fall-Ohhhhhh! Open A Can O
                                 f Sperms , Warm Your Way, Worms
                                 Away! Trying To get Other To Stray ,
                                 We All - Both Oh Yeah Must Pay!

                                 This Wrong Seems So Right Not Kno
                                 Nots Knots No Non Nunc Jamais No
                                 Ow Ow ow Wanting Nerves Never 2
                                 Pay Just To Play Just To X Plo Y Lo
                                 Z Lode Un So Later Loose Lost In
                                 One's Wondrous Fan-Of Yeah A Ve
                                 With Us Any Of Them Carry We Are
                                 Hippies Hipped Nip Nip Nipped-Out
                                 Lost Childs Children In R Gaurds R
                                 Laughter Gardens Eating Shit Pies S
                                 Miling Milling 2 The Skies We be So
                                 Fresh So Free So Whee Whee We We!

The Crazies All On My Side , Yeah, Making Me Mad TOTAL No Ally Alone ALL, Mess, messed, Confess Ravel-Un-On, I'm Not Supposed, Ohhhh, NO Way To Feel As I Do, Any , Man-Any-Many Of Some Or Sum or Parts of All Of This! Sock-Me Soc I 2 me Iet Loud Not Quiet Ly Ly Ty Ty Ty Ty TY, Does Me, Me Messaged Me Mess, me Not Sage Age Mine Help-Little-Very-Vary-Somewhat Toe-Head-2 Scarey! No More Feelings

                                The Crazies All On My Side , Yeah,
                                Making Me Mad TOTAL No Ally A
                                lone ALL, Mess, messed, Confess Ra
                                vel-Un-On, I'm Not Supposed, Ohhhh,
                                NO Way To Feel As I Do, Any , Man-            
                                Any-Many Of Some Or Sum or Parts of
                                All Of This! Sock-Me Soc I 2 me Iet Lo
                                ud Not Quiet Ly Ly Ty Ty Ty Ty TY, D
                                oes Me, Me Messaged Me Mess, me Not
                                Sage Age Mine Help-Little-Very-Vary-So
                                mewhat Toe-Head-2 Scarey! No More Fee

                                They Be So Very Wrong So 2-Hide
                                 Society-By-Ah-Darn-Abide New Y
                                 Es God Bless Stry Stry ry IT Stride
                                 Swallow Feelings Swallow Pride Y
                                 Yes You be Better Now Blessed Less
                                 Fucked Lotta Less Messed Need To
                                 Bro Sis Mr Mrs Miss Misses Less @

                                 But hey Same Old Tune Your Feelin
                                 So Very Wrong , In Rut B U Same S
                                 Ha Ha Ham Am In IT Now Shame So
                                 Same Old Tune Just Man Juste Femme
                                 Oui Si Claro Senora Yo Te Quiero Si
                                 Pensar De Ti Todas Mi Horas En Mi
                                 Suenos My Waking Hellatious Hours!
                                 Just Mine, My Tune My GDBS Tune!

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Love You Feel The Love You Bring

                                   The Love You Feel The Love You Bring
                                   The Questions You Ask The Bog Of R
                                   Thoughts Weighty Wired  Hold-Grips O
                                   Hhhhh On Drown Us @ Pull Us With U
                                   We Swim 4 R Lives Holding On Holes
                                   So Us Snatch Natch Ma Pa Boy Or Girl
                                   Go Quick B So Yond Friend B Mad Be
                                   Fool Lap Drin-Rin-Ink Drool Of Love's
                                   Spool We're Conned Const So R Though
                                   R Eeeee-Mots-Motions Hover Sway Ohh
                                   So We Are Done-4-1-2 Of Us Which?!?
                                   We Cede We Sede We Wave We Wand
                                   We Are Over So Over R Caps R Aps R
                                    B Bils Ils Ilits R Ilities Ties Fly Sky Us
                                    Divide Us Dive Us 2 B Plun Lun Lunged

                                   Messes Messy Messed Mires Mired Mud
                                   Frank Frought Fraleins Friends Fried 4
                                   Wanting Love It So Slap Us Hard So ALL
                                   Think We Is of Another That May Think
                                   As We ?!? Yeah Yet Go On Think Feel
                                   Form Idea Yes Your Sentence You Still
                                   Can Speak?!? You Are Not As Far-Go-G
                                   ONe As All That For Sake-Yours Man-W
                                   Oman-Omen Pick Self-Yours UP Now
                                   You Still Can Breath So Go Hug That One
                                   The One You Think Const Of From Dawn

                                    Till Waking UP 4 U With Or After Rising
                                    Sun , Yeah Be There 4 ALL The Fun All
                                    The trips-Of-Steps Rises-From-R Falls

My Art And My Handwritten First-Drafts Of My Poems, Too, Enjoy, Cheers, Happy Monday Today.

Hope you enjoyed these as I combine my work here to add to it I hope. Cheers, happy Monday, Sept. 21st, 2015  : all my work is for sale, contact me if you are interested at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Cheers,  TONY

Sunday, September 20, 2015

There In There Out Really Nice Temps Sounds Cricks In Neck Criclets So Loud Cicadas So Proud To Gaze Eyes Fix @ Dots Of Lights-Stars Clouds Now Moon-Hide The Arc he Dark The Coolness Soft Voices Females' Talk Drifting In And Out Our Daughter's Cat Tempted So Curious Of All, Wanting To Best See Be In On Commotion All Round All So Near Yeah There heir Blares Noises About!

                                There In There Out Really Nice
                                Temps Sounds Cricks In Neck C
                                ricets So Loud Cicadas So Proud
                                To Gaze Eyes Fix @ Dots Of Lig
                                hts-Stars Clouds Now Moon-Hide
                                The Arc he Dark The Coolness Sof
                                t Voices Females' Talk Drifting In
                                And Out Our Daughter's Cat Temp
                                ted So Curious Of All, Wanting To
                                Best See Be In On Commotion All
                                Round All So Near Yeah There The
                                ir Blares Noises About!

The One In Lone The All In Alone Likened To The On In One We Lives Live Ours Mostly Alone Comme Un Pierre Un Stone Most Times Sue To Survive Together Yet Somehow Some Way Marvelously Alone

                                 The One In Lone The All In Alone
                                  Likened To The On In One We Li
                                  ves Live Ours Mostly Alone Com
                                  me Un Pierre Un Stone Most Times
                                  Sue To Survive Together Yet Some
                                  how Some Way Marvelously Alone

                                 Now That I've That Cuteness Outa
                                 Yes Out Of My Bones To Tacks I
                                 Do Re Now Turn Mine Stag Age Y
                                 Be Center Yeah Mine Our Ours Si
                                 Stage We Do Make A Play R's 2 B
                                 To See R-S'Elves Dust Of Bugs Off

                                 Be True Somewhat Truants Cons S
                                 I Struants Strains R's 2 B Part 2 B
                                 Blessed 2 See Others 2 Live Lives
                                 Give R'Selves Selfs Melfs Murfs 2
                                 Mundanes That Matter That Defne

                                 Play 2 R Most Basic R Bases R Tr
                                 Ue Selves Trying To Get Them Out
                                 About To Think To Feel To Be A T
                                 Team Player 'N Not Just Solo Acts
                                 More Than Loners Playing Solos @
                                 In Two Not One Three Not One In

                                 All Alone! Turn Over Pluck Leaf 2

The App In Happ The Pie In Py The B In Be The E In Being So B It! 4 Poe For Poet One Poet Happy Make Does It 4 Good Poetry?!? Ma Mat @ At Matter Much?!? No, Yes. Oui, Si, Non Nunca Jamais 'J;aime Not Non-Pense Not Think Dat-Of Off 2 B To Write Mine Eyes Nature's Drinking Bounties High Mounties Cliffs 'N Springs-Deep Found-Pro-Pre-Pulmb-OhhhhhhI Do Body-Wjhole Mine Into Carnnies Ohhh Otter-Other Holes 2 Disc, Talk Uncover Many Ground Moles Cover Nature's Bounties In Bare My Soles! 'Twee 'Twee Tweet sweet Sweat In Between Poles, Heads To Mine Tips TIPSY winkling Twirlin' Toes!

                                 The App In Happ The Pie In Py
                                 The B In Be The E In Being So
                                 B It! 4 Poe For Poet One Poet H
                                 app y Make Does It 4 Good Poe
                                 Et try?!? Ma Mat @ At Matter M
                                 uch?!? No, Yes. Oui, Si, Non Nun
                                 ca Jamais 'J;aime Not Non-Pense
                                 Not Think Dat-Of Off 2 B To Writ
                                 e Mine Eyes Nature's Drinking Bou
                                 nties High Mounties Cliffs 'N Spring
                                 s-Deep Found-Pro-Pre-Pulmb-Ohhhh
                                 hhI Do Body-Wjhole Mine Into Cran
                                 nies Ohhh Otter-Other Holes 2 Disc,
                                Talk Uncover Many Ground Moles C
                                over Nature's Bounties In Bare My So
                                les! 'Twee 'Twee Tweet sweet Sweat I
                                n Between Poles, Heads To Mine Tips
                                TIPSY winkling Twirlin' Toes!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I'm So Lucky To Be Able To Stay Up All Night I Do So Feel Lucky So Very Fort To Sort To Port Cavort Contort Pee Free So Whee Turn As In To Car Feets-Like-Whee-Eel-Eels-2-urn SkinWarm All Most Mossy I Upwards Stare Sky Dark Twins WINKLE Twins Twinkle Shines Rain As In To Down 2 Onto Me My Skin-Bared Pour I Do UP 2 3 AM Up Up Upwards Look-Stay-Pla-La-La-La-Smile-Smirk-Smeer Features Mine Ohhhhhhh I Come 2 Senses Full-Fill-Filling All Dreams In Night Stars-Moon I Do Moon Moon I Do Gay Gain Penis Upwards Pull Yes It Stray Sprain Wanna So Drain Yet Graves Gra-Grabs-It-Gravity-Grave-Me-My-Mighty-X-Plow-Blow-Blotions-Eeees-Ease-Not-Easy-So-Play-Strum-Pull-Prance-Dance-2-All-My-BloodColle-2-Lap-MyThighs-into-Rush-Hide-Disappear-Leave-Fran-Me-Rand-Me@-LikeRantic-Pantic-Panting-Bloods-Heart-Gasping-Wrasping-Rasping-I-Eyes-Dick-Pen-Is-Mine-2-Collapse No Re-No-Lease-My TENSIONS @ 2 Not Loose Let Yet Happy Feel So To Be Up 3 AM All Me Almost Last All Night Nigh Nigh Sigh I @ Night With Con Avec All My Might Mios Morphin Powers Up Up Up 2 Skies Run Spray Amuck!

                                I'm So Lucky To Be Able To Stay Up
                                All Night I Do So Feel Lucky So Very
                                Fort To Sort To Port Cavort Contort Pe
                                e Free So Whee Turn As In To Car Fee
                                ts-Like-Whee-Eel-Eels-2-urn SkinWarm
                                All Most Mossy I Upwards Stare Sky Dar
                                k Twins WINKLE Twins Twinkle Shines
                                Rain As In To Down 2 Onto Me My Skin-
                                Bared Pour I Do UP 2 3 AM Up Up Upwa
                                rds Look-Stay-Pla-La-La-La-Smile-Smirk
                                -Smeer Features Mine Ohhhhhhh I Come 2
                                Senses Full-Fill-Filling All Dreams In Night
                                Stars-Moon I Do Moon Moon I Do Gay Gain
                                Penis Upwards Pull Yes It Stray Sprain Wanna
                                So Drain Yet Graves Gra-Grabs-It-Gravity-Gr
                                -Mine-2-Collapse No Re-No-Lease-My TENSIO
                                NS @ 2 Not Loose Let Yet Happy Feel So To Be
                                Up 3 AM All Me Almost Last All Night Nigh Nig
                                h Sigh I @ Night With Con Avec All My Might M
                                ios Morphin Powers Up Up Up 2 Skies Run Spray

Friday, September 18, 2015

I Sucked On Her Buttons , Longingly, Drinking From My Guts, Deep, Gutsily, Famished, Craving Her 2 B In me All Of Her I Suck Feverishly, Devilishly, Hellishly, Madly, Maddeningly, Glad Lad Sad Hap Lass Lssie, Moving Upwards While Traveling Down From Breasts Nips To Belly Two Button To Butts Butting Cunts Pusses Their Pussies Parting Paths Pinks Pants My Tongue My Fings My Prick-Cock's Pen's Is Are Warm 2 Her Flush Her Flair Her Carpet-Pink I Strut I Stretch I Strean I Cry Joy Eyes Mine All Modes Muscles 2 Reel To Lease To Lie 2 Lend 2 Borrow Tp Burrow 2 Bend To Sawy Ahhh All The Way To Self To Shelf To Stem 2 Strap 2 Trap 2 Cream Ohhhh What A Heaven My Earth My Mine Burr Urst THIT tHIR tHIRST mY bALLS To Beam Up Up By Scott By Scotty I Do Star My Trek I Do Tree I Do TRUNK Leave Sticks Stickies White Blogs Of My Spunk!

                                I Sucked On Her Buttons , Longingly,
                                Drinking From My Guts, Deep, Gutsily
                                My, Famished, Craving Her 2 B In Me
                                All Of Her I Suck Feverishly, Devilishly,
                                Hellishly, Madly, Maddeningly, Glad Lad
                                Sad Hap Lass Lssie, Moving Upwards Wh
                                ile Traveling Down From Breasts  Nips To
                                Belly Two Button To Butts Butting Cunts
                                Pusses  Their Pussies Parting Paths Pinks
                                Pants My Tongue My Fings My Prick-Co
                                ck's Pen's Is Are Warm 2 Her Flush Her
                                Flair Her Carpet-Pink I Strut I Stretch I Str
                                ean I Cry Joy Eyes Mine All Modes Muscl
                                es 2 Reel To Lease To Lie 2 Lend 2 Borro
                                w Tp Burrow 2 Bend To Sawy Ahhh All
                                The Way To Self To Shelf To Stem 2 Stra
                                 p 2 Trap 2 Cream Ohhhh What A Heaven
                                My Earth My Mine Burr Urst THIT tHIR
                                tHIRST mY bALLS To Beam Up Up By
                                Scott By Scotty I Do Star My Trek I Do
                                Tree I Do TRUNK Leave Sticks Stickies
                                White Blogs Of My Spunk!

I'm Thin Spread Spree Spend All Owww Out Blems My Ems My Emishes Mish Ish Esssss Right There All Me Too To See Raw I'm Wrought Wrung Worn No Hide I Do See I Try Seek I 'Cert Sure Do Squeak Squawk Quak Quack A Pile A Sin A Ship A Guil Gills Fins Funs Flash As Ash Ashes's Ashen Pale Paint Paire Parceled Punked Primmed 'n Primed No Reason Ob Not Bvio Vio Iou Ous Us No, Non, Not At @ ALL, Just Plain Mess Messed Pocketed Pierced Porned Permed Spermed Sparked Spun Ohhhhh Hon, I'm Junked Gunked Gummed Gushed Glassed Glared Grown Young Con Vestiges Of My Old, Too OOT Scoot Scout No Non Not Eve 2 Ever Adam Not Pout!

                                I'm Thin Spread Spree Spend All Owww
                                Out Blems My Ems My Emishes Mish Is
                                 h Esssss Right There All Me Too To See
                                 Raw I'm Wrought Wrung Worn No Hide
                                 I Do See I Try Seek I 'Cert Sure Do Sque
                                 ak Squawk Quak Quack A Pile A Sin A S
                                 hip A Guil Gills Fins Funs Flash As Ash A
                                 shes's Ashen Pale Paint Paire Parceled Punk
                                 ed Primmed 'n Primed No Reason Ob Not B
                                 vio Vio Iou Ous Us No, Non, Not At @ AL
                                 L, Just Plain Mess Messed Pocketed Pierced
                                 Porned Permed Spermed Sparked Spun Ohhh
                                 hh Hon, I'm Junked Gunked Gummed Gushed
                                 Glassed Glared Grown Young Con Vestiges O
                                 f My Old, Too OOT Scoot Scout No Non Not
                                 Eve 2 Ever Adam Not Pout!

My Skin Is Bare It's So Tends-2-B Days These Wanting To Reach Far FAR Out Ow Ouch Touch ALL Ahhhh Yeah Yes Yet More Still Act Quick No Time Yet Lang So me Us To Get Together 'N Time Spend On Pause In Quiet In Hugging So Ho Hold Old-New Holding Together Threads Weaves Shifts Stars 2 Starts 2 Moving For 2 Get 2 Arrive Motions Mattters Musts Meads Mustards 2 Accent Meal To Nourish Souls 2 Feed Walking On R Bare Soles In Our Skins That Are Bare ...

                                 My Skin Is Bare It's So Tends-2-B
                                 Days These Wanting To Reach Far
                                 FAR Out Ow Ouch Touch ALL Ah
                                 hhh Yeah Yes Yet More Still Act Q
                                 uick No Time Yet Lang So Me Us T
                                 o Get Together 'N Time Spend On P
                                 ause In Quiet In Hugging So Ho Hol
                                 d Old-New Holding Together Thread
                                 s Weaves Shifts Stars 2 Starts 2 Movi
                                 ng For 2 Get 2 Arrive Motions Mattter
                                 s Musts Meads Mustards 2 Accent Me
                                 al To Nourish Souls 2 Feed Walking O
                                 n R Bare Soles In Our Skins That Are
                                 Bare ..

                                 And After Rereading Now ....

                                 Tending Trending Not Resigned Butt F
                                 Fi Fie My Foes Step-Side  Yeah Heard
                                 Hear / Here Now Ahora Agora Si Oui
                                 U Me Herd Aside Right As There's

                                 Fucking So Much Still 2 B Done Fun!

                                 After Rereading Once Again ...

                                I'm Good Final Skin-My-All-Mine-IN
                                Such Ease Such Please me Most Of All
                                Feels So Right I Grow Broad 'N Tall I
                                Horizons-Mine Expand Find New Def
                                @-In Defining Clear-Crystal My Balls
                                To See IN 2 Sea On 2 B ON To Ready
                                So Days Dias Journees My R MOms So
                                Precious So Found-Find-Fleshing 2 B
                                Not 2 Forget But To Add 2 Digest Yea
                                Eat WHOLE Swallow 'N Wallow 2 So
                                Fall Ohhh Heels My Heads 2 Contemt
                                Ment Peel Us 4 Meant Fully Direct A
                                New State A Nuovo Prima Si Verra Si

                                Ohhhhhh Open Pen Part Peer Out Of Y
                                Our So Often Shut Puertas Doors Hol
                                 lows Turn To Fulls To Fills OverSpills!

                                Rereding Once Again ...

                                I Fuck-@ U Firece-Something Want
                                IN React Act Actions Some Come2Pa
                                Emotions Commotions Wanting U 2
                                Fuck @ Me Right Fierce Fire Me Back!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Pros To Oc Occ Cess C'est Cess 2 Poo Poo Oo Oo Oo My Ool My Mind My Sal-Live Ahhhhhsssssss My Dreams-Of-Day-Of-Nigh-Hi-High-Ight-Wak-My-Me=Just-So-JusteWaking Some Stoops Some Stool 2 Sit 2 Be To Live Leive Did Jsut I Dream Ore Go Old Gold Thin In Ink Think Dat Just Now?!? Ho Hole Who Me Who Who's Wholey-Mo-Mor-Mole-Molley-Cra Ra Ra Rah Rap! Where 4th Did Such Mine Dribs My Drabs Gra Ra Rah Rabs Come 2 B Cum @ Cummings Eeeee Eeeeee Cummings My Saults My Be bees Be's Best Bats Burns Brats Bits Ohhh Bitch I'm So Bast In My Nast My Asts Of Astard tards'Ness-Mess-Unnnnnnn Ohhhh 2 Final B Fore Worls Self, tOO cUMS 'Plete Undress! No Redress, Juste Juste Complete Address! My Mine Mon Confess Yes!

                                 The Pros To Oc Occ Cess C'est Cess
                                 2 Poo Poo Oo Oo Oo My Ool My Mi
                                 nd My Sal-Live Ahhhhhsssssss My D
                                 Wak-My-Me-Just-So-JusteWaking So
                                  me Stoops Some Stool 2 Sit 2 Be To
                                  Live Leive Did Jsut I Dream Ore Go O
                                  ld Gold Thin In Ink Think Dat Just Now
                                  ?!? Ho Hole Who Me Who Who's Whol
                                  ey-Mo-Mor-Mole-Molley-Cra Ra Ra Ra
                                  h Rap! Where 4th Did Such Mine Dribs
                                  My Drabs Gra Ra Rah Rabs Come 2 B C
                                  um @ Cummings Eeeee Eeeeee Cummin
                                  gs My Saults My Be bees Be's Best Bats B
                                  urns Brats Bits Ohhh Bitch I'm So Bast In
                                  My Nast My Asts Of Astard tards'Ness-Me
                                  ss-Unnnnnnn Ohhhh 2 Final B Fore Worls
                                  Self, tOO cUMS 'Plete Undress! No Redres
                                  s, Juste Juste Complete Address! My Mine
                                  Mon Confess Yes!

To Ohhh-Pen 2 Opt Opt Av Have-2-AhhhhVail One 1 See Self Re-2-Turn Sea 2 Mate Matter Must Most Nature So @ Our R's Nats T's Tu Tu Two Too One Not Sell On'e Self Matter Most B So 1's Nature One's Prim So IT US Ta Ta Tave What Oct Waht tave , Maybe Like @ In Cinder Her Ra Ra Love Herself Find Herself Most Rel Rel Rella And Be True To Gus Better Final His Note He's To Himself-Others Know Now 4-Eve-4-Ever @ Octavius!

                                 To Ohhh-Pen 2 Opt Opt Av Have-2-
                                 AhhhhVail One 1 See Self Re-2-Tur
                                 n Sea 2 Mate Matter Must Most Natu
                                 re So @ Our R's Nats T's Tu Tu Two
                                 Too One Not Sell On'e Self Matter M
                                 ost B So 1's Nature One's Prim So IT
                                 US Ta Ta Tave What Oct Waht tave ,
                                 Maybe Like @ In Cinder Her Ra Ra
                                 Love Herself Find Herself Most Rel
                                 Rel Rella And Be True To Gus Bette
                                 r Final His Note He's To Himself-Ot
                                 hers Know Now 4-Eve-4-Ever @ Oc
                                 tavius! 'B bet On Bette No Mid No S
                                 ock It 2 Us Sing Us Your Song A Fi
                                 Fin Finding Mid Midler Her Mid-He
                                 Her Touch Of Us-Mid Mide Id-Usss

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Flame Me In, Me-Flambe, No Ember, Firs ALL Fresh ALL Fire A Const My Flow Most IT HIGH BALL B I'm Nat @ My Nature My Flirt With Con So Ahhhh I'm Avec Si So Sharp So Brit So Slice Me Die Dice Ohhhhhhh You May So Eve So Ven So Splice UP Me-My-Ar-My-Par-My-Pear-Paired-Parted-Perked So Flamable Alerted Yeah Bit Seem Soci Ocie Ety Y Tong I B By Others Tie-Dye bY ME Now Free! Whee Whee WHEE! Weeners Trump Winers!

                                 The Flame Me In, Me-Flambe,
                                 No Ember, Firs ALL Fresh AL
                                 L Fire A Const My Flow Most
                                 IT HIGH BALL B I'm Nat @ M
                                 y Nature My Flirt With Con So A
                                 hhhh I'm Avec Si So Sharp So Brit
                                 So Slice Me Die Dice Ohhhhhhh Y
                                 ou May So Eve So Ven So Splice U
                                 P Me-My-Ar-My-Par-My-Pear-Pair
                                 ed-Parted-Perked So Flamable Alert
                                 ed Yeah Bit Seem Soci Ocie Ety Y T
                                 ong I B By Others Tie-Dye bY ME N
                                 ow Free! Whee Whee WHEE! Weene
                                 rs Trump Winers!

                                 A Mess Be Eye Eyed All Ablaze All B
                                 it Of Much So Stamped Sealed Pee Pee
                                 led Craze Need A Raise o be Raized 2 B
                                 Heeled , NO, Healed! I'm So Tire So Ma
                                 Pa Mire So Society @ Large take Me On
                                 A Barge, Let Me Celebrate Enjoy 35 Yea
                                 rs of being together, of holding together, o
                                 f not falling , not burning not losing mysel
                                 f of being here, There on mark on spot on
                                 targ so get so not a complete cumplete me
                                 ss, though signs 2 the contraire au ohhhh s
                                 o contrary canary I must 2 fly zip it IT UP
                                 up and away fly fling wanting to binge to b
                                 ring on many a mighty my r's mighty fighty
                                 flighty fleshy flaire flaunted fleshing my nat
                                 u-ral self, let to be 2 B let out to get ahhhh ar
                                 ound I need some of that I'm tired so tested s
                                 o morphed now back to being some semble s
                                 ome len lending 2 myself myself to re to ga g
                                 ai gain my natural a born-with-@-birth being ,
                                 not others , not another, need to flesh that skin
                                 of my youth, the babe the baby maybe redisco
                                 ver the normal baby winning whining just ope
                                 n eyes and so @ wnader 2 wonder 2 plop 2 plu
                                 nk 2 plink 2 plonk lonk onk onk ONK! Yeah, B
                                 IT so now maybe , all over me wash me rinse me
                                 ahhhhh over starting UP once again I gain I grin
                                 I spin I span Span XYZ-spand and make IT to A!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

If You Offer Up You Ou Ici Aqui Our-Your Services Serving Self Other, Too, To Mass To Sa Sag Sagg Agge ?!? Follow Me?!? Fall Foll Ollo Ollow Dri Rif Rift Drif Stiff Drift Yeah Yet Non Si Ohh Real Pure Though Ough Oughts?!? No, Non Nots ALL Guts R's Be 'Bine 'Binned 'Binned In R Knots Agh Aft Fore Saying Not Just Thin Thinkigs Flow Flaw See Saw all SmallR Eeee Wheee Wee Tall Emoted Moats Masses Misses Mighty Master Bits Basters Asters a ar tards Of So Man Wo Whoa Itch Itche- Bbbbbbb Rrrrssssssss 4 2 Of Us Now ALL Low Alone Ahhhhhh What Us Have They Them Us B So Very Any Of All At All Go Go Spin Spurr Purr Spurt Us We Gots Hard Foughts Ohhhh, Go ON, Re-So-Yeah-Now Strip, Remove Your Bloody Ugh So Ugly Socks U Me We Need More 'N Eve Add An Dam-Aaaaaaaa To R Garden Off With All R Guards Our Bar Bards B They Them File Fine Gone Another New Song!

If  You Offer Up You Ou Ici Aqui Our
-Your Services Serving Self Other, Too,
 To Mass To Sa Sag Sagg Agge ?!?

 Follow Me?!? Fall Foll Ollo Ollow

 Dri Rif Rift Drif Stiff Drift Yeah Yet
 Non Si Ohh Real Pure Though Ough
 Oughts?!? No, Non Nots    ALL
 Guts R's

 Be 'Bine 'Binned 'Binned In R Knots


 Aft Fore Saying Not Just Thin Thinkings
 Flow Flaw See Saw all Small R Eeee

Wheee We

 Tall Emoted Moats Masses Misses
Mighty Master

 Bits Basters Asters Ta Tar tTards Of So
 Man Wo Whoa OmanZsssss So : Yes

 Itch Itche- Bbbbbbb Rrr
rssssssss 4 2 Of Us Now ALL Low Alone

 Ahhhhhh What Us Have They Them Us
 B So Very Any Of All At All Go Go Spin
 Spurr Purr Spurt Us We Gots Hard Foughts
 Ohhhh, Go ON, Re-So-Yeah-Now Strip, Re
move Your Bloody Ugh So Ugly Socks U Me

 We Need More 'N Eve Add An Dam-Aaaaaaaa
 To R Garden Off With All R Guards Our Bar B
ards B They Them File Fine Gone Another New

Ache 2 Nake Do We
Grass Green Dark Now Dew Dawn
R We 2 Combine R Selves Now Ah
Agora Ahhh Ahora
Spin Span Spawn ?!?

Ou Are Timid Too Us
All In All Ways So i'm
Tim iM imi Imid 2 Dis
2 Robe Let Fall Ground
To  R Heave Ho Eave
Heavy Loads Sac 2 Fi Fie
R Live Be So They Fice

No Feu No Art Non Not
Any Allumes No Flames
Just US So Bundle Sad B
R Mighty Weakened Fla
La La Lame R Aims R Fl
La Lag Ag Ags Aghs R L
Ames So be They Most Lives

Living Not La Vida Loca
But R Butts Tight So Lam
Lam Pam Spam Ugh Hate
Lame 2 B Laminated So
To be In So Con So Most
Quen So Quential In-Out

Outa R Waters Now Like
2 B Flap Sl La Lapping G
Gasp Asp Asp Asping R

Last-Very Body Drains!

One Shot Uno Sapato Una
So B Sure All Con Ustedes
Aim Ame Ami Amie Arm
Armours ALL 2 Ground Oh


Monday, September 14, 2015

I Wear Just Wore My First Suit Outside, Full Light Of Moon, Feeling Fresh Breeze Too, Skin Of Mine ON Now Ohhh Lord ....

                                 I Wear Just Wore My First Suit Outside,
                                 Full Light Of Moon, Feeling Fresh Breeze      
                                Too, Skin Of Mine ON Now Ohhh Lord ....

                                 I'm Born Being Brought To Self Not Sell N
                                 Ot At Any Just @ Me At My @ Skin Mine
                                 I'll Be Clothed I'll Feel Skinned So Freshly
                                 So Sho Sho Shor Shorn LIke The Lift Fa F
                                 Ahhhhhh Fit Of New Shoes Only Skin My

                                Mingle Mass Mucho Mighty Mingle Miffed
                                Mr Mrs Senor Senorita Senior Junior I Am
                                Fi Fin Not Quit Quite @ Yet Feeling In My
                                Very First Suit That Suits me Boots me Bats
                                Taps Sla La La Laps @ me Light A Lick A
                                Linger A Gentle Set Many Few Some Fin In

                                Fingers Sin Sins Sings Ings Many Ingers-Fff
                                Flat Lat Latter-Form My Form My Former M
                                Might My Master Mine Minister My ALL M
                                Slide A Slce A Dice A Roll A Rant-Raunch M
                                My Paunch My Row So Round My Flesh My

                                Love 4 Always 4 My Very Own All Mine 1st
                                SueMe Sam-Me Pam-Me-Peter-Me Mine Suit!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Writes So Many Rewrites Making Too Many Wrong Probes Too Many Strobes, TOO, Mistakes Large LARGE 'N By!

                                The Writes So Many Rewrites Making
                                Too Many Wrong Probes Too Many Str
                                 obes, TOO, Mistakes Large LARGE 'N


                                 Heart Beat-Bray-Breaks-Hi!Hello! Ola!
                                 Stakes Pierce Sword Word Silence Make
                                 Makes Mastering Really Not, Missing Y
                                 Yes The Thoughts The Wroughts The X-
                                 Que Cus Cuss Cuses Makes Making Mar

                                 Marking Lost Grounds R Male Growls R
                                 Acts Not Worth The Thoughts The Feels
                                 Mighty Wrought Wrung Sting-Stung App
                                 Aps Appeals Peels Peals Ringing Rants G
                                 On One-G By Bad Bring ON Da Laughs

                                 Da Slings The Slants The Miseries Gone 2
                                 Now Final IN Live Me The Mome My Mo
                                 Moment I Do Sing I Do Self Sling In Slan
                                 Lan Lang Auld Old Olding-HaHaHaHaHA
                                 Lingering Not 'See 'Cep Cepes 2 In-Out In
                                 Ter See-Sept Long Gone BE GONE No Mm

                                 More Crept I Do Act I Do Accept My Sit M
                                 y Sitch No Longer Such A Bit BIG WHOLE
                                 Itch-Bbbbbbbbb Bring IT On Buds My Blow
                                 Blossoms Bing Bling Brat Be Brash Be Bast
                                 Blast Bitching Stand Standing Stung Once Y

                                Yes Stung More 'n Once Now Tote I ote My
                                Total Refresh My Once Regress I Do Still So
                                Keep Life My Young My Chill Child Do Ohh
                                Over Star Start Starring Stringing I Am Strung
                                Full Life Filled-T-ALL-Me-Most-Now-Times

                                Full I Do Flash I Do Flaunt I Do Strum Strut M
                                My Ohhhhh My Me Most Might Morph-2-Mor
                                Morphin Fine 2 Not Yet B Fine Not Yet Be Fin
                                Finish I Eat ALL My Spins Of Ohhh Spinach 2
                                Sing 2 POP To Eye My Pope Popey Opey Pey

                               I'm Less Rung Less Motion Ocean-Apart Less E
                               Eeeeeeeeeeee We Me Us I Wheee He Hell Hello

I Lusted You For Before More Than Lust You I For Now / I Loved You For One Before More Than Now Love You / I Remember You Less As Answer None You To me My Calls My Notes Emails I Sent Large My Of Me Pieces Largely Unreturned You By...

I Lusted You For Before More Than Lust You I For Now / I Loved You For One Before More Than Now Love You / I Remember You Less As Answer None You To me My Calls My Notes Emails I Sent Large My Of Me Pieces Largely Unreturned You By...

You Cannot Any ME This Of I Know You me Of Think More Than Know I , But Silence Dead Me Did Does Dtill Deaden Me So

So I Leave You Lone Lone Lone Though You Me From Like Hear I Know!

So Sorry Sorry So!