Friday, February 18, 2011

Poe Poet Poetry Wri Rit / Write Forg Almst Forgot : 4 Wednesday Morning Poems Of February 16th, 2011 : Enjoy , Love Writing My Poetry - Helps Me ...

Here are my 4 Wednesday Morning Poems of February 16th, 2011 : enjoy them, TONY

Poe Poet Poetry Wri Rut
Write Forg Almst Forgot
No Good Bad Write Now
Quick Must Rite Yes
Fix Paper Virgin On
Rumpled Dirt Some
Irty White Stamped
Mean Hole Punched Sides
One Other Writ Ritt Itte
Already TYped Upon
Printed Upon I Yeah So
Very Recycle Want Save
Trees Da Forrests So Outa
Trash Pull I Deeze
Rumpled Papers Son's
Wife's Of To Write Me
Poetry Of Sun Hands Now
On As Speed Peed Off Work
Now To To Wash To D.C.
Busy Been Already Lots Done
Doctor's Visit Lose Weight
Must Lots Some To Better
Balanced Feel!

#1 Le 16 Fevrier, 2011 Mercredi matin en voiture en Virginie , just pumped Shell gas on a sunny, bright, cheerful, beautiful winter's morning, blue skies faint white ribbon clouds ... TONY

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