Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Oh My God! Ohhhh Mmyyy Gggaaaawwwdddd / I'm Open, Sweating, Dripping, Moi Moi Moist/ Xyz-Sized, Comprised , Tues. Aug. 31st, 2010 : Hello Lady GaGa
Oh My God!
Ohhh Mmyy Gggaaaawwwddd
I'm Open I'm Sweating
Dripping, Moi Moi Moist
Xyz-Sized, Comprised
Just Fine Fin-End Stre Tret
Tretched Done Now For Exers
Sweet Prises Walk 'N STREE
Stretched Arms Hi Hi Hell Ello
Raises Up On High To Ohhhhh
See Low Past Bell Of Glass Large
Stom Bell Ell Elly Red Fleshed
The Sir Sure Sire Fire Want Want
Me Wanting To Look To Best Test
Rid Bod Mine Yeah Sure Of Wa Wa
Chems Side Turn Burn Sweet Sweat
The Temp The Emp Pr Em Empt
Empty Mmmmm Teee Tea Ty-Ing
Exers Mexers Misters Misses I Re
So Them Gard Eyes Ohhh Over Thri
Out Throw Rice Pass As By Us Do They
Head Ho Ho Hon Bunn Honey Off To
Pairs Two Para Ara Ra Rah Die Close
Quite Not Dise They Roll Have Just
Hay Heaven Hell 'Tween Paradise
Pleasing Pleasures Give Take 'N
Make Moan Make Musi Usi Usic
Gut Throw Out Roam Foam Throat
In As Music Utter Gutter Guts Uttered
Sounds Mor Mord Ord Ordias Of
Ordial Grunts Heaven Bunts
Yelps Hell Hola Jours Bon Tals Que!
Hounds Hell Dach Sun Suns Sunds
For Pry Rise Up Find Prise Groun
Grin Help Selves To Hole Hid Id Idden
Ed Eade Eaden Eden
Edibs Nib Bib Nibs A Naugh An Aughty
Nibble Ohhh Abe Able To Be
Draw To Drift Drawn A Mag A Gnet A Knig
Knigh Outa Night Knight Dreams From
Damn Gran Damse Amse Amsel Sell Soul
Sole Sold Vent Vendre Comp So Pra Pra
Prar Non Not Poss Es No Possible
Gift Of Time Ac So Cept Together Some
Written thinking of you Lady Ga Ga and your upcoming concert that my son and his two friends are going to attend at the Verizon center in early September 2010 and they would like to meet you after the concert or before. Any chance of this happening? Email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, hope you like these fractured/raptured/wrought/distraught poems of mine. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sweet Swet Swipe Swine In Own Wa Swim Lad Laddie Ga Lady Ga Go Swim On! Mon. Aug 30th, 2010 Chat Poetry Wine-Blood Reds
Sweet Swet Swipe Swine
In Own Wa Swim Lad
Laddie Ga Lady Ga Go
Swim On!
The Tea Tes To Test Be
The Fa La La Dee Fat Dah
Ditto De Yeah Test Now It!
On IT Spit Spite My ALL Might
A Gnah Gnah Grate Grind Grow
Grown Full Groan Moan To Be
Fina Ina Inal Nally Ally With
The Fate The Mate The Crate
Outa Fleshed Woods Outa On
Up On Jum Strum Ump Ump
To Gai Gay Gain Strain Strue
True Strut Yuck Yike Bike Book
Stuff Struff Cuff Cough Boff Biff
Be Now Slim Swift The Proo The
Roof Da Bod It Up Give The Tox
No Box No Tock Tick Tox Blanco
Sox Off The Skivs Da Cloth The
Of OFF Pay Paid Bit Full Not Yet
In Groove In Trouve In Trite A
Spin Ohhh Ope Span Hand To
'Ceive Seive Re So 'Ceive Serve
How Be Hand Ands Yours? Up
For Self Othe Thers Too Red
Blue White Flesh Pink A Pun
Yell Yell Sun Ellow Elbow To
Shoot Arrow To Curve Cup To
Off Rip Up Up Two Split Pow Pow!
Offer Sel Elf Up Sac Be Acri Be
By Others Self One's All Offered
Proferred Boffered Snoferred Snif
Piece Peace Parts Arts New Stars
Starts Some Sunk Some Blown Some
Off Off Way Dismay Here Once?!?
Carted Off ...
Cheers Lady Ga Ga , my son still wants to meet you at your Verison Washington D.C. concert early this September in Washington D.C. Any chance you would invite him and his two friends back stage to meet you after or before the concert? Email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Stran Tran Sa Saf Be Fel Bed Ellow Elbows/ Lady Ga Ga / Chat Poetry Red Wine 8/29/2010
Stran Tran Sa Sat Be
Fel Bed Ellow Elbows
Lady Ga Ga Self Lone
Pers Loan Purses Pul
Ulse Be Fas Eat Ast-F-
Be Beat A Bar Bart Sou
Soul Ol Old Mo Mol Old
You Youn Now Oung Be
Bles Less More ?!? My
My Yyy Eye Pea Pie Pee
The Pith Pat Ath I Star
Wat Up Atch Wratch It
Ho Ho Ho Ho Hold In Pla
La Hole La Place Plas
Be Last Laster Luster
Wine Glug Lugger A Soun
A Place Piece Pie Berth
Of Earth A Swea Wet Weat
Swine Dine In Out Dinner
Bit Darth Bit Luk Bit Kir
Cass Like Comme Kirk
Roya Oya Ole Okay Oyale
Rrrrrrrr G Rrrrrr Graaannn
So Me Foe Nice Rand Thrice
Fans Friends Us All Be Nice-
Fanned ....
Sunday at 1:21 PM here in northern Virginia at home. Cheers Lady GaGa, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Friday, August 27, 2010
The Rise The Surmise The Stocking What's Lady In Ga Stock Ga For?!? Fri. Aug. 27th, 2010 Chat Poetry, Hello Lady GaGa!
The Rise The Surmise
The Stock What's Lady
In Ga Stocking Ga For
Queen King Gait Gates
Gumption Grovelling
Great Rate First Sud Ud
Udden Burst Burn Tire
No Not Nice Tread Marc
Throat Down Grand Bread
Liquid Fuel Frothing Freshing
Thrashing Thracing Lines On
Skins Scants Scardey Pants
Scrunch Bunch Un-Ohh Over
Raid Radar The Tract Ract Act
Attract Be You Us Gathered
Pork Pulled Bacon Eating The
Grease Wheels Squeals Da Daint
The Cons Ontras Trasts Trasting
Trim Traums An Act Of Actions
Contrites Contraction Re : Grrrr
Get Reactions Cost At Which?!?
Sunny, Serv Swerve Vant Savant
Bitch Honey Witch Which Poi Poi
Son Daught Oi Ahoy! Haven Heave
Hell Heaven Hoighty Houghty Toy
Toity Bitch Snitch Y'Aah Qui Qui
Through Into Di Dit Sie Ditch Bit
Muy Lots Lard Self Cent Ent Entire
Tethered Weathered Whitened
Blackened Bleached Beached Wha
What Ale Whaled Beach Burnt Bust
Brandied More Have Madeira Some
Dear Me You Eyes Heav Eavy Wat
L'Eau Dans Le Ditch Be Sin Ink To
Sink Dow Dow Own Be LOW LAID
Lean Lenient Linoleum Lentils List
Lonely Lants Lantering Lathering
Lampposting Lampooning Life
Leafs The Eve The Star Start
Fine Pist Fan Fart Cathart Ka Yeah
Havin' Yey Fun Thun Think Who
Yeah Would Of ?!? One's Motion
Moist Art Our Pee Part Parting
Pasting Pixeled Partened Pardened
Preened Pressed Undresses Un Don
Dorned Porned Portioned Pleated
Pleased Pleasant Ants Minists Of
Trees Tries Traded Trunked Wor
Ohhh Over Worked So The Lif The
Life Lots Lame Strife Strick So Tri
Tri Trick Rick Spic Tricked Y'Aaah
Yards 'Tween Us Please Paste Plea
Prune Plumb In Motions Of Oceans
Starting Wet Watered Salts Salt Alh
X Y Z Alted Malted Till Point Fin Fing
Dry Dried Dripped Till Rays Sun Us
Eners Our Be Entered Fentered Bentered
Push Pull Pointed Planted The Slee
Faith Leap Lark Lane Moon's Lie High
Hang Pendu End U Us Lust Other For Or
Gold Fool's One Chest One Breast One
Be Whee Wetted Fetted Fined Pined
Pains Painted Day Gay Stray Traits
Eyes Straight The Stream The Strum
Strom Trom Trom Tromp Trays Of
Mists Of Mistrations Miststrums A
Light Strum A Guit A Tar A Taste
Wine's Glue Glug Paste Pasties Edibs
So Red Read Write Right Readied Wor
Hurried Worried Waranted Wanted
ALL Lack Wanting Fe Fea Ear Fear
Fail?!? Up Drink Spill Some Ale Wine
Wasted Warted Warfed Wafting Way
WAY Sale For Sailing Live Saint As In
Others Give Giving Self Selves Shelves
From Til Bun Bunk Kathunk Spew Spil
So Much Da Start Da Art The Continu
The Timu Tin Spin Tinuum Hummm
Spunky Spry Spress Press Address
Spurred Pert Purring Purted All 'Lerted
Flirted Blurted Blustered 'N Flusts
Gusts Flustered Flanned Unplanned
Life's Divine Pine Pant Part Put Put
Puttering Plastic Planet Park To How?
Some Tiny Give Lives Relevs Ours
Eleves Elves Vance Evance Entrance
Prance Prince Rinse Rung MY! MY! MY!
Heaven Hung Stud Tud Tudy Life Most
Minutes Moments Live Ah Drab Alive!
Till Pass Passi Ass Assio Pass Passion
Quick Quaiver Quaint More Time Not
Any Left
Sparks Spurts Flirts Flares Nosts
Tril Tril Trils Thrills Laired Legumes
Nostrils Rage Rant Loud Listing Ohhh
I'm Hearted Lie Light Freightened Now Not More
Slee From Leap Take Me Us Together Now
I'm Be 'Laxed 'Nough Over Me Wash Eyes My
Close Over Clothes Floor On Make Piece Peace
Life Living To Be So FULL Fully All Accept Of
ALL US This In Spell Now For So Get On Let's!
Thinking of life , the life of the artist, the life of a muggle, the life of us all. Hope you like it. Cheers and until we meet or not. Lady Ga Ga, my son wants to meet you at your Verizon Center concert early this September in Washington D.C. Any chance you would invite him and his two friends to meet you after the concert? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Thursday, August 26, 2010
You've Given Me Everything Else? What's Left Still To Give Lady GaGa? Chat Poetry Fri. Aug. 27th, 2010
You've Given Us Every Thing Else
What Left Still To Give ? It Is There
Sytill Give To Me You Us Them?
Give Iven All Done Yes Ready All!?!
Pill Syll Sill On Ohhh Ove Ove Over?
Pas Pis Pes You Gues Be Uest East
Be Bea Bast Beast Bits Bitz Itch
Breast Broach Roach Wretch
Rant Runt Honey Yes Buns Bunt
Stun Me Stun Run Be Brand
Be Drun Run Unk Kathun Hunk
Drin Up Drink All Give Got Rot
Otten Funk A Dunk Be Breast
Clean Da Flui Lui Leur Elle Da
Liqs Da Goo Da Gas Da Petros
Peels Petroled Patroled Pract
Feel Da Pose The Fazz In Fizz
Funk Sounds Sins Spins Be Bo
Bot Got Ot Hot Ottle So Spun
Bod Span Out Tands Arms Han
Ha Ha He He He He He He He He HE!
Want Him Be You Front For 'Splayed
Hang Galley Aller Hung Allery Pals
Punk Pank Dank Gank So Mu Uch
Merry Very Gun Gunk From A Load
Abode Thick Thack Thuck Trunk
Tried Blood Blued Rude No NOW Not
Room Prude More None Left Lift
Lot Got Through Thrash Thrunk
Thoad Goad Be Beard Eared Goate
Loaded Lice Laced Liqs Grin Grind
Rand Be Rind At Boar Bore Go It So
Very Airy Sweat Sweet Persp So Pie
Pire Pyre Pied Pip Da Pipe Da Snip
Snap Snipe Tripe Trap Trump Rump
Friday morning at 12:33 AM here in northern Virginia at home on August 28th, 2010 and I am all thunk-out/all whipped-wiped-piped-pipped out. To Be Be Gone now no more all about 'xept dreams mine in with real and imaged blends of people and contexts and circumstances. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Lady GaGa my son wants to meet you at you Verison concert in Washington D.C. in early September. Any chance of that? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. A la prochaine fois ma cherie, .... TONY
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Chat Poetry Lady Ga Ga Ga Ga Gat- Got-Git-Gat Fat Spat Stip Stap Slap, Thurs. Morn 8/26/10
The Boot Da Bat Bit It Be Do
Me Bitch Me Mine Pine Itch
No Not Snitch I'm Turn So Rou
Sou Soun Drown Da Soun Da
Ho He Heave Pound To Da Grou
Flesh On Da Ground Oh Yeah
To Max So Mime Mim I'M Lime
The Sigh Size Prize The Loo Lud
Allude Prude Count Constued
Strip Tree Yeah Bark! Bark Tea
Your Teeth With To Down At Da
Bay Baye Base Bast An Stion Tion
Seb So Bas Bast Baste In Flex Skin
Rip Rippi Ipple Rrrrrrrr Ripp Strip
Strap My Engns Yours Too Back My
Mist Most Mast Tape Ask Ass Skin
Stron Wron Rong Snip Snap Scrap
Strong String Ring Be Wrung Be Wrou
Wrought Wrote Taught Touch Tip
Tips Yours Ours Touch Ouch Snip
Snipe A Swap A Swif Whiff Waft Kick
Cact Tus Tossed Stickers Stoke Slick
Fire Bod Empire Deed Reeds Want
So Run Rand And Andy Sire Drop
Flat Rip Airs Gone Dead Tire 'Flate
Flat Feel Lated Rated Wrought Emps
Pire Crier Crowd Rant Cross Ohh Ov
Over 'N Ohh Over Wrought Jang Nerve
Nightly Naughty Nippy Nipping Curves
Go Ga Ga Gad Got Git Get Be Rotten
Puke Punk Rad Wrad Waist Bumm
It's now 12:26 AM on Thursday morning here in northern Virginia at home. Lady GaGa my son wants to meet you at your Washington D.C. concert at the Verizon Center. Is there any chance that you would invite him and his two friends back stage to meet you then? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Chat Poetry Lady Gaga Wed. Aug. 25th, 2010
Tio Tim Timb Imbre Time
Timid Timbre Tambre Ow
Sooo Sue So Out No None
Leaf Left Ow Pow Punk
Soon Sun Sunk In Fu Fun
Funk Much Spin Span Spunk
Tim Tim Time Tomb Timid
Whimpid Whump Gunk A
Low Loud Out Kathunk!
Stop Not Never Till Head
Gagas Ladies Sleep Lone
Heads Pils Pillows All Thunk
Harbs Of Things Day's Next
World Whirl Fresh Flake
Flight Bite Bits Bats Anew!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lady GaGa Chat Poetry Perfect Path Art Cart Cat Kitch Tin Tiny Bitch : Tues. Night @ 12:41 AM 8/24/10
La La Lap Lad Lap In On
Laddy Lassy Assie-L-L-L
On Me Lay It Lady GaGa Gag
Laconic Languid Anguish Lan
Linoleum Lanterns The Lamp
Light Sides Turned Burned Die
Disk Fear No Risks Path On 56
Path Pat Path Hers 24 Marve So
Harve She Arvey Ha Har Har Arves
Les Oeufs A Elle A L'Enterier
Le Sienes Siens Senses Sents
Lone At 56 Lone At 24 Time Times
Up Finit Finite Flourish Flair
Fin End The Quest The Time The To
Fill Time Take Song Fly Flake
Flame Flaunt Flesh Flair The Face
Holes Pee Peed Pissed Squints
Quints Quants Time's Up Lassies Lads
Ladies Guests Giants Ground Break Moo
Moovers Hoovers Hovered Uncovered Discs
Discovered To Push Self All Good Feel
Get Wit With It Be Grand The Feel The
Loss Freight The Fraid The Scare It ALL
Lose Of Track Off Where Some Play Lace
Far Scare Tarred Tamed Tossed Bossed-Not
The Taunting Tangle Da Dimple Da Dame Da
Man Fruit Da Boy Scoop Da Darned Farmed
Flecked Specked Pumpkin Orange Gold
Carved Care Over Grow Watch Giant Orange
Da Feat Engine As In Nere Night Naut Nice
Naught Nift Tooth Tangle Spangle Tongue
Wrangle High Fang Fangled Froze-Not Flake
Frought Framed Ravaged Untamed Untaught
To 'Spress Unpress Undress UnRav Rave To
Rant Pant To Radia Adiat Diat Iate
Unfrozed Freight Eggs Fresh Chill Fill
Men At Sea See Them Flow Flame Frame The
Cell The Cast The Spell Hell Haunt Heaven
Ho-Heave Hoist Boys Boist Basts Men To Wo
Wo Women Ladies Gagaded Guards Guardien
Guavas Man Mango Ango Orange Juice Squuez
More Stick Chew Gulp Please More Mast More
Mastics Markers Barking Basking Baking
Bars Blasts Barfing Barting Smarts Smarting
GaGa Guarded Gaunt The Great Fear Not Create
Luxury Uxuriate Urinate Masticate Muffle
Man Yes Hands Handle Hearts Hear Heat Hots
Hotties Haunted Hovers Overs Overies Nests
Nightly Empty Pires Perked Parked Parcels
Preening Prauns Prancing Perty Parts Pairing
Piranhas Pithing Panting Ground Pants On
Peeling Pleasures Placed Perfect Eggs
Devilled Be Delicious Dammed Damped
Darned Devils Parts Theirs All Take
Haste No Waist The Waste Paste Permed
Pruned Plummed Planted Parted Pierced
Sentiments Sent Sewn Saved New
Wa Wa Water Waved Fluids Now Once
Depraved Departed New Flourish Art
Lady GaGa, My son and his two friends would like to meet you at your Washington D.C. concert early this September. Any chance that they could come meet you backstage sometime? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks in advance. Hope you enjoy all these poems that I have written inspired by what I think your life must be like right now. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
8/24/19 :Chat Poetry Lady GaGa So Sud So Thud Qui Qui Uick Ickly Wow Fame Untame Never Lame!
Lady GaGa Enjoy My Streams/ Reams Of Frags Meant For You, cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Lad Ad Ady So Frag So Rag
Mean So Cau Cau You Off Guar
Un Not No Way Susp Quick Happen
All Fame Not Lame Your Game
You Up Caugh Aught So Fas Ast
Pre Was Prepar You Read Red Pink
For Suck To Have Succ On You
Your Uccess Out You From It
Drow Row Rown Uddenly Now
Save Ass Yours How?!? You Must
Sac So Acri So Feu De Fice De
Facts Fricts Ictions Actions
Acts Of Art Arting You From
Parts Parting Pacing Panting
Glow Babe Glow You Must Cert
Some Time Blow Quic Hard Stick
Press You On You Ress Ess Essu
Loads Up Const Pressures Preening
Prancing Parking Parting Your Sho
Shots Slots Slams Honey M'Aames
Marms Get You There Hitched Bits
Bitched On Farms Const Alarms
Monday, August 23, 2010
Poetry Chat :Where Are You Lady GaGa In Your Real Artistic Pursuits? Suits That Suit You ? Dresses That Are Instantly Made-Up?!? Mon. Aug. 23rd, 2010
Enjoy my ramblings Lady GaGa : I try and chose the words and fractured Fairy Tales Of Today Carefully To Suit You as Tim Gun asks all the contestants on Project Runway to do with the wall of accessories that pay for the show to be able to take place in the first place ... cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Frac Rac Rack Actur At You
Tales Tailes Tailored Tailed
Taught Tips Tipsy Torped
Tempered Tampered Torpedoed
Tests Telling Estements Testy
Torn Tarped Tarned Arnished
Tales Tarred Telling Tender Tom
Tombed Timbered Testy Tapered
Fun Frizzed Frizzoned Froze Fought
Frought Framed Facts Not Really
Frogs Frantic Funneled Few Feisty
Fans Flaming Flared Flesh Flecked
Lady Ahh So GaGaGaGaGaGa Go Gone
Lanterns Lighting Licked Tetters Luscious
Lacquered Licorice Licensed Lecterns
Laughing Ladies Lascivious Loathing
GaGa Ga Ga GA Gander Goner Go
Going Gotten Got Gaunt Aunt Let
Grin Grind Grand Gest Gent Gentle
Male Female Giant Groaning Grasp
Lady GaGa Gasping Gartered Garned
Lonely Alone Landing Looped Lopped
Loving Lasting Lemoned Limed Lammed
Listen Lightly Tampered Templed Tom
Tom Tomping Tipping Tasting Tongues
Trimmed Timmed Tammy Tarty
So Cheeku High Mantle Throw Hrown
Hooting Haughty Havened Mavened
More Morphing mapping Mighty
Maiden Malted Molten Missy Miss
Tis Tis Tissy Taut Tommed
Ga Ga Gatious Ga Gat Gate Gated
Grown Grind Grant Grin Grunt
Heaven Hell Bunt Punt Stunt
Stan Tan Standing Stoned Stinker
Strumb Rumb Strutting Start
Sin All Stink Are Art Our For
X Y Pressions Z A Zump Zamp
Sky Skamp Skump Skempt
Go Gone You With Lady Be Ga Gag
Aga Y'Dal Idol All GaGa Them
We For Be Most Gaga Lady Ahora
Aqui We Be Best Burn Hell Blist Burnt
Be Whee!!!!! Won Wand Pander
Pun Punst Punder Plunder ...
Thinking of all of us Lady GaGa : you, too. My son wants to meet you at your Washington D.C. concert early this September. Any chance you would be willing to invite him backstage after the concert or before? Email me please at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Chat Poetry Songs :Where Are You Lady GaGa These Days In Your Personal Odyssey? Sunday, August 22,2010 : I'm Thinking On This I Am ... Cheers
Lady GaGa, Enjoy these Bits And Pieces , cheers, TONY
The Flaunt The Flame The
Bla Blah Blame Lame Same
Life Is Not Same No Not Lame
Laugh Lant Lint Lent Lavish
Lilting Linoleum Lovely Learn
Ernie Sings Cellophane On Tape
Wrapt Be Us Sez Us Them All
Cast Care Of Characts Achters
Friends Ours Sezame Sesame
Our Bread Our Food The Chaine
First Have We Fore-Be Yes Yeah
Before We Get To Be Us GaGa Lady
The Start Us Be Stars We Watch T.V.
Change Arrange Now So Diff So 'Nough
Change Rearrange Range We Will Gain
Again Range Strange She You Give Us
New Proach Roach Encroach
A Sight Sigh Shirft Rift Raft Char Art
New Craft Yours From Streets Of
Semame Same Materias Erials Ears
Eyes Great New Prise Prize Arrize!
Lady GaGa, my son wants to meet you after your early September Washington D.C. Concert. Any chance of that? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks merci, gracias, TONY
The Flaunt The Flame The
Bla Blah Blame Lame Same
Life Is Not Same No Not Lame
Laugh Lant Lint Lent Lavish
Lilting Linoleum Lovely Learn
Ernie Sings Cellophane On Tape
Wrapt Be Us Sez Us Them All
Cast Care Of Characts Achters
Friends Ours Sezame Sesame
Our Bread Our Food The Chaine
First Have We Fore-Be Yes Yeah
Before We Get To Be Us GaGa Lady
The Start Us Be Stars We Watch T.V.
Change Arrange Now So Diff So 'Nough
Change Rearrange Range We Will Gain
Again Range Strange She You Give Us
New Proach Roach Encroach
A Sight Sigh Shirft Rift Raft Char Art
New Craft Yours From Streets Of
Semame Same Materias Erials Ears
Eyes Great New Prise Prize Arrize!
Lady GaGa, my son wants to meet you after your early September Washington D.C. Concert. Any chance of that? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks merci, gracias, TONY
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Chat Songs Poetry :Lady GaGa Out On Ledge Colors/Patterns/Shapes/Textures/Sounds/Bounds/Binds/Bins : Saturday, Aug. 21st, 2010
Enjoy these poems inspired by my imagining you the real persona through the facade of the popular/cult/bigger-than all of us personality/banality/trick/truck beauty 'n muck all wrapped in a GLORIOUS ONE. Cheers Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Did To Tex Ext Xtured Text
Abreves Abrates Gyres Gyrate
Jaunts To Jills Jilts Jilted
Bills Billed Bilted Bowled
Baileys Blown Blared Blasted
Henrys Horned Ham Am Amer
Stanlyeys Stammered Harriets
Hammered Barbars Bam Bam
Bammered Catherines Cram
Life Illusios Joni's Recall Yet
Yurn Lady You Do Up Step
To Play Plat To Test Taste
Drink You Wine For Go Forte
Titles Ever Subtl No So Blare
Calm Like You Gents Gentle
Fauns Fem EeeeMales Femaled
Mail Men Fe-Fi-Fied-Fummed
Femailes Emailed E-Males-F-F-
Fraught Fun Flum Lum Ummox
Frant Freight Flowers Flown
Flaunt The Pet Pets Pettaled
Petered Puckered Perfect Punks
Toes Tits Tongues Chinny Chin
Metalled Armoured Circles Silvered
Tittoes Chintoes Eartoes Bellytoes
Toes Skin Punctured Pressed Pens
Faded Paded Pricked Shapes Pics
Rant Rave Deprave Deprive Arrive
Sust Find Ustins Of Stains Tainted
Sustainable Tarn Arns Arnished
Armish Farmish The Base The Coat
The Back-To The Blarn The Blast
A Time Now Max Fast Tracks
Tarts Smarts Carts Turn Circs
Arcs Sparks See Set Ettl Parks
Darks Perf Da Forms Ormance
Ro Ro Roam Man For Mor Omance
Stark Contract Storied Romance
Lady Yo Go Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga!
Lady Gaga , my son wants to meet you at your Washington D.C. concert this early September. Any chance of that? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com/ Thanks, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Friday, August 20, 2010
Chat Poetry Songs :The Whir Whirl Swir Swirl The Cra The Dive Da Bot Ot Otto Hi Hit : 4 Minute Lady GaGa Poem 8/20/10
The Whir Whirl Swirv Swirv Swirl Hur Hi The Cra The Dive Gnash Gnat Off Swi Wi Why Blood Off But Dead Whi Hipe Wipe To Be Bes Bet Ett Etter Whine Wine Nick Dime Exers Demme Be Dem Moa Moan MOan Throa Dee Dow Own Eep Seep Groan Off Throw From Throans Throans Bone Bones Bone Demm Get Demm Bones Down Into Fibs Ibes Ibers Fles Leash Lesh The Warm Arm The Sin Ink Sind A Gut Buts Bust Feel Must 'Fraid Trust Ruin Run Butt Off MUST! TONY 4-Minute Poem thinking of you Lady GaGa Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Chat Poetry Songs :Guss Up Lad Addy Lady Ussie Ssied For Who Up? Thursday Morn, 8/19/10 : Thinking Of The Person-Artist You Are Inside Lady Gaga
Lady GaGa, hope you enjoy this Thursday Morning Poem I wrote thinking of you. Cheers. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Guss Up Lad Addy
Ussie Ssied For
Who Up?
Work Ork Orked
Up Who For The
Sweet Sweat Damn
Damp Wet Sat In Sit
Yours Pour Our Oured
Out Stream Orred Oared
Fight Toujours States
Feel Reel Real Eelings
Of Dome D0m Dom Dumb
Like Crumb Umb Umble Stumble
Feeling Weak 'Fraid Bored Be To
Gussied Up GaGa For Who Whom?
Lady Act One Like Tram Ram Or
Ramp -Like The Ohhh Moan Open
The UN The GAGA Like-Um Not
Lady-Like The Boys The Ladies
Others Gays Alike To You Side
You All Grand Ramp Stamp En
Yes You Want Ent So Bend Bed
Cham Ente Ham Hammer Hambers
Your Arms Legs Wings All You
Tease Now Test Taunt Temper
Fake Jest Gest Est Esture Yours
To Lick Taste Tongue Yours Baste
Naught Be To Naughty , Too
Bad You Be Front Us The Taut
The Stage Center Fenter Benter
Faunt The Faint The Freeze The
Glass The Galze The Un God So Odd
Maise Mase Maize Your Summer's
Craze Ice Trays Traumas Trances
Trounces Bounces Bursting Blaze
Thursday morning here at home in northern Virginia at 8:32 AM Lady GaGa thinking of you and your up-coming concert in Washington D.C. and the at my son and his two friends will be there and would love to meet you then sometime. Any chance you would consider inviting them back after or before the show to meet you? I would appreciate this very much as a father/artist. Thanks. Have a grand day. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Lady GaGa Are You Reading ALL This Poetry Chat I Wrote Inspired By Your Artistic Quest? The Muck The Mire / The Warm Flesh Fire / Desire/ Empire
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Chat Song Poetry , Lady GaGa Are You Reading My Poetry These Days? Enjoy These Today, Tues. Aug. 17th, 2010 : Cheers!
Lady GaGa I hope you enjoy my Poetry of this Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 the day I return to work after two glorious weeks off from work, Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn P.S. My son still wants to meet you at you concert here in Washington D.C. in early September. Any chance he and his two friends can meet you after the concert or before backstage? Please email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, TONY
La Lad Ad Ady Ca Can Yo
He She Now Hea Me Ear
You Ca Ca Can Ho Hop I
Hope Work My Ple Le Lea
My Ear Did I Earn In Re
Yeah Ques Uest Quest To
Son Mine Of You So Oon
Me Mee Meet You Sing
Whe Hen Brea You Flam
Flame Crot Rot Otch Easts
Hur Ur Urt Any? Tick Ickl
Fir Soft Yellow Tong Ongue
His Lisp Isps Of Yellow's Fla
La Lame Same Side Sid Ide
Ride Carr Arria Flames' Yell
Roar In For Us Store Up Side
You In Had Stored Now Ahora
So Us To Delpored Us Be Ravag
So Avaged Gored Up Quick Fro
Roam Snare Your Body Flames
All In Talk Son My Mine He Tell
One Every Change Hance Your
Pants Dress Burn To Ground
Skin Fire On What Song Sing
Will You As Breasts Yours In
Burst Flame In ?!?
Can Hear You Me Lad Lady
All Aud In Dien Ience Ga Ga
Mad Cheer Shout Hoarse
Go All As Sing Prance Us
Romance Dance Pup Pants
Sweat Sweet Swoon Gold Spo
Poon Pass Each Us As Concert
Goes Be You In Throes Yours
At Fin End Finishe Pass Spoon
You To Back ...
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010 a 9:04 AM here at home in northern Virginia. Hope you liked my drift of words broken apart and reassembled in parts here and there and everywhere?!? Have a good day Lady GaGa, TONY
Monday, August 16, 2010
Chat Poetry Song , Lady Ga Ga Sacrifice Complete To Art : Poems I Wrote Inspired By The Artist Trail You're Clearly On 8/16/10
Lady GaGa I hope you enjoy these poems and fragments and connects and tangents and disconnects and trails and blazes and blasts, blurts, blares and flares and flirts of streams/creams/cremes of ideas an thoughts and emotions that come-rush-over-me-jump-saunter-flourish-flaunt-disregard me fractions of splits of moments and cares,stairs ... Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn. By the way, my son still wants to meet you at your early Washington D.C. concert. Any chance that they can come ( he has two friends ) back stage to meet you? As a father I would appreciate this very much. Thank you and enjoy ....
To All Yeah Must Choice Give
None Half Not Way Find You
Art Artis Rtist All Must Soon
Lone Work X-Tent-Pup-Too
Lonely Sides In See You Well
Too World Whirl See Some Saw
Disp Pla La La La Lay Out Str
Wretch Wond Wand Ond-And
Way Wind Beach Sand Nake
Pirouettes Pranks Pray Prat
Teeth Cold Sun Doth Set Rattle
Nips Stiff Staff Stuff Bun Buff
'Nough 'Naff 'Nut Bare Bust
Butt Sands Fly Stick Parts
Grind Paper Sand-Like To
Rub Gray-Pep-White Beard
Gruff Billy Like Bit Bitch Me
You Us Mean Which Witch
Fly Sands Over Naked Nub
Winds Rubbed Thru Oats
Sea Scrubbed Oh Us So Do
Gents Bents Tic Tick Ickle
Once Us Fickle Now Hi Heigh
Ho Senses Full Throt Alert
Sands Of Sandro Oh My Our
Aless Mal Malo Might Bite
Bit Stiff Blood Drip Sandro
So Ten Twen Thirt Alert
Sex Flow Flower Showers
All Mine GaGa As Lady Femme
Permed Spermed Full-Alerted
Fin To Finish With Fins Felangees
In-Full Cert Blurt Hurt Jui Jui
Our Moments Alone Art As Artists
Out-In-Sert-Gush Motions Go Go
Gosh Emotions
High Fives
Infants Us All
Now Were Then
Up Grow
Monday, August 16th, 2010 here at home in northern Virginia at 1:05 PM - last day of summer vacation. Cheers Lady Ga Ga! Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn Write me here and leave me a comment or email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com Thanks ...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Chat Poetry Song, Lady Ga Ga Read My Poetry Here On These Blogs Inspired By You & The Artist I Imagine You To Be! Cheers!!
Lady Ga Ga : this is for you " lines, words and their fragments and their sounds combined, broken, recombined, started , trailed, finished, left unfinished : plenty of spaces left for you all to fill in the spaces and make of what I have written what you will : hopefully to pleasing sounds and stimulus to thoughts and moods and feelings, connections and possibilities that may not as of yet occurred to you as you wine your way on your paths and projects and nights and days and minutes and seconds and splits of everything that allow for so much possibility to happen and to become , to exist and to be. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Sac Le Acre Bleu Le Moo
Sonde Da Sou Sou Sound
List As Flute Obos Oboes
Class What? The Drif Rif
Rift Raft Hand Leg Breast
Ass Sexy Raft To Safe A Harb
Arb Arbe Arbin Bin Bing Do We
All Prin Yest Srin Ring Da Temps
I So Go Go Gor Gone Da Peassns
Da Elds Da You Ours Sacs Of
Fie Foe Unstow Fice Device
Spice Spring Grow We Can To
Escape You!?!? Believe You Me
You Not Escapades Escape Fi
Foe Final Spine Pine Pinal Act
Fire On! Your Breasts Be Sacked!
Gods Which Fertil Do Home Homa
Pay Pagar Payer Omage Lad Lass
Be Which Gaga Lady You One Both
?!? Sac You Life You Do Sorts In
Know Now Not Quite You Quit Not
Sacre Feu Fice Ex So Xau Xaus Aus
X Y Z B U Till Fall Mor More Morte
Agg Ggghhh De To Deat Eat Eath You
Yours Will You To Igor? To Coco To
Numer Umer Umero Cinq Comme A
Oui Si Vlaro Oui Que Cirque
Juste Tom Go You Tout Gaga A faite!
Tu Soon Be You Complete Si Gaga Si
Already All Red - Pink Yet Blood
Burst Vein Blood Rush Art Of Arters
So To Must Choi Oh Boy None BUST
BUST Wind Gust In Russia Country
Strive Stravins A Sinsky A Soak Up
Be You Sacraficial Thump Stump Tump
Fall Flat Rump On Yours Till Erners
Dance Song Sins Swing, Eyes Dart Eyes
Wide One Which Be You It? Other Be?!
Times Yours This Time Le Sacre Si
Rite Right Write Your Death Now
Spring See You In Song Clothes Yours
No Sum Others Live See To Summer
Cro Ropes Ropes Of Crows Of Grains
Crops Soil Earth Sweat You Must
Death Yours Soon To Help Others Lives
Live Eat To Drink To Pay You Grazie
Thanks Mercie Gracias From Youths
Friends Yours They Live Alive See To
Days Next To Breathe Plant Sow Grain
Seeds Plant Cover In Earth Water Next
Your Art Your Path Like Comme Como
Rites Of Spring That Event Will Borne
Be Spring's Rites Heal Healt Ealt Ealth
Stealth Yours Ours To Gain Days Next
Work Long Work Song Hard Bard Work
At Life Living For Worth Hard Working!
Ga Ga Lad Lass Spring Sacre Si Printmeps
Ne Waste Retarder-Non Pas Le Temps
Now's Times The Mo Mom Pom Moan
Moment Seize Size-Cries Your Guts Uts
Utterals But Buts Butterals All Yours
Rise Surp Slurp Surprise You Have
Up Give You Will You Will-Illingly
Final No Back! Your Life Our Health
Bear We All Dead Bod Yours Ill Will
Trans Acts Of Transition Posits Posi
Positions Best Good For Most Con Pro
Sider Be Siderate Be Think Best Of All
One Dead Gone Others To On On
Now Continue To Live While You
Death In Songs Acts Arts Live On
Glory Ohhh Gory Ohhhh On
Ledge Ledge Push Edgen Dgen
Be! Com! Legend ...
Thinking of you Lady Gaga nad Igor Stravinsky and his Le Sacre Du Printemps / Rites Of Spring and his liason with Coco Chanel and the recent movie : " Igor and Coco " and her making of the perfume Chanel #5. Cheers and I hope you agree to meet my son in early September. Contact me here at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com or respond here on the comment section of this and all the other blogs here about you at : chatpoetry as well as the very first one at " chatart.blogspot.com. Best of luck to you.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Follo Trai Rai Rail / Ca Cat Atch Boo / Boo Boose Ride Sail Emp Mmmppp Pa Ma Lady Ga Ga's / Aye Ya Ya Ya Eyes/ My Prise/ Up Up Round Her/ All Us/Arise
Enjoy this spur-purr-still citty moment of just know poems inspired by Lady Ga Ga and my son's desire to meet here at the concert here in early September in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area. Any chance to work this out Lady Ga Ga? TONY
Follo Trail Rai Rail
Ca Cat Atch Boo
( Latch Snatch Match )
Boo Boose Ride Sail
Emp Mmmppp Pa Ma
Lady GaGa Ga Ga's
Aye Ya Ya Ya Eyes
My Prise
Up Up Round Her
All Us
What Pa Pat Ath Off Beat Be
She Onto Into On About Snat
Na Na Her For So Snatch So
Got You All Her For So Natch
Whi Hi Hip Up Hers Ours A
Whif A Sniff A Catch Y'Aah Batch
Bit Mo Mo Satch 'N Song 'N
Cloth Clasp Shoe Sash
Moment There Where Stare OUT!
Dare Bit Lot The Comp Omp Po Po
Pose Composure Bit Unique Clo Lo
High Broad Crude Spud Closure
Find Mome So Spure Omen Yours
Moment Spur Spurn Purt Alarm
Alert Lot Bet You Her Us Now Flirt
The Tap The Tip The TOP Of OFF
The Stiff The Staff The Gawd The Gad
The Gift Da Gab Stab Honey Yes Us
Be Had You All By Happy Not Mad
Sun Sinbad Comic Brel Jac Jacq Acque
Il So Viens Si Toi Pour Gas Le
Bonbons Tea Seins Sex Le Vrai
Pas Attendre Pas De Temps Chere
Cherie Viens Venga Aqui Aqua Dans
Dans Ma Vierge No More Ici
Tu Piss Comme Les Dammes
Les Ports Danse Amsterdam
Come Hell Be Damned
Je Vous Cherie Si Apporte Bons
Bon Candies Sweets Fections
My Affections Wrapped In Up
Yours To For Kitty Sweeten
Saturday, August 14th, 2010 here at home in northern Virginia having listened earlier to Jacques Brell sing his great songs in French as I did my exercise walking on my HEALTHRIDER walking belt. Nice, very nice. I was thinking of what I would write next about Lady Ga Ga until she answers my/these poetry and art blogs on both chatpoetry and chatart.blogspoit.com. I want to arrange to have my son and his two friends meet her in early September. In exchange I offer up these poems and art works of mine. Hope you like them Lady Ga Ga. Cheers to you. Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Friday, August 13, 2010
Chat Poetry Song, Trea Read Reading Mill I / Be Eye Foc Foc Ucus / Igor Stravinsky, Coco Chanel Et Lady Ga Ga / My Son Wants To Meet You LGG!
Lady GaGa ,Enjoy these spurred by the moments words and fragments, too. Cheers, TONY
Trea Read Reading Mill I
Be Eye Fof Foc Ucus
Wal Alk Thru Wall 'N
Thin Line 'Tween Three
Igor Coco Ga Ga Lady
I X Y Size Spies Cries
I Sweet Sweat Drops
Drop Spla Tang Plang
Head Soak I Pull Ha
Ha Hard The Feel Day
This Hard Arder-Mmm
Much Difficul More Stray
Train Strain Thoughts
I Movie Saw Coco Et Ig
Ig Igor Thumps His Of
Peasants Spring Spring
Sprang Heads Churn
Coco On Loo Loo Ook
For Par A Fum A Fume
Scent Hers Last She
To Find Music Find Man
Lady She Everyone Ga So
Go Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Her
Pose Her Lack Clothes Her
Choi Oye So Edg So Cut
Three Peops Arts Rtists Be
3 They All 'N Spea Pea Peak
They Parler Hablar Tall Shor
Hort Snort Whisp Isp Lisp
Sing Cavort Consort 3 Peops
Me Find Pleasu Leasur Treas
So Much Pit Pat Pith Part
Self Dive 3 I Now Them Into
Thinking of you Lady Gaga and hoping that we can work something out for my son to come meet you back stage after your early September concert here in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area? Leave me a comment here or email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, cheers ... Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Chat Poetry To See You Envs Da Lopes/ Push Ga Up Ga Lad Lady / Up Ohhh Over Next To : Hello Lady Ga Ga! Thurs. 8/12/10 My Son Wants To Meet You LGG!
Lady Gag Ga Enjoy these spur-of-my-moment Poems thinking in part about you. Cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
To See You Envs Da Lopes
Push Ga Up Ga Lad Lady
Up Ohhh Over Next To
Pro Sel Ject Ady-L Elf
What See You There Stair
Nick In Time Ickers-Nnnn
Pant You Us Be Panting
More For Next Lope Pleaze
The Time The Press The More
Move Papa Rah Rah Rats Ratz
Photos Click Be Licked-Cl-Cl
Lit Litious Lush Ush Uscious
Look Me At! In/Out Me Sides
Surf In/Out/Round Mine Sides
Und Roc Nder Ock Off Pull So
Soc My Frock My Tick To Mine
Tock List Ist Iste Care Me
Disc Unco Scover Ncove Over
Distance Near Nice Naught
Taught Home-Made Self-Make
Time Kitch In Itch Itchen
Bake Us Your Real Self-Made
Yeah More Than Plast Real
Stlic Stlic To Flesh Mesh
Unstress Dress Address
You To Us Now Please Press
#1 Le 12 Aout, 2010 Jeudi matin ici chez moi en Virginie a 10:44 AM.
Lady Gaga, my son wants to meet you at your Washington D.C. area concert early this September : any chance. Contact me here in the comments or email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Hope you are enjoying these quick-spun thread poems of mine.
To See You Envs Da Lopes
Push Ga Up Ga Lad Lady
Up Ohhh Over Next To
Pro Sel Ject Ady-L Elf
What See You There Stair
Nick In Time Ickers-Nnnn
Pant You Us Be Panting
More For Next Lope Pleaze
The Time The Press The More
Move Papa Rah Rah Rats Ratz
Photos Click Be Licked-Cl-Cl
Lit Litious Lush Ush Uscious
Look Me At! In/Out Me Sides
Surf In/Out/Round Mine Sides
Und Roc Nder Ock Off Pull So
Soc My Frock My Tick To Mine
Tock List Ist Iste Care Me
Disc Unco Scover Ncove Over
Distance Near Nice Naught
Taught Home-Made Self-Make
Time Kitch In Itch Itchen
Bake Us Your Real Self-Made
Yeah More Than Plast Real
Stlic Stlic To Flesh Mesh
Unstress Dress Address
You To Us Now Please Press
#1 Le 12 Aout, 2010 Jeudi matin ici chez moi en Virginie a 10:44 AM.
Lady Gaga, my son wants to meet you at your Washington D.C. area concert early this September : any chance. Contact me here in the comments or email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. Thanks, cheers, Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Hope you are enjoying these quick-spun thread poems of mine.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Chat Poetry Song, Lady Ga Ga Go Go Gum Dad Gum Golly Olly Jolly Jilt 'N Jade 'N Pushing Edge Pledge : Letter/ Entreaty To Lady Gaga
Enjoy these Poems I am writing right now here on the spot! Lady Gaga : my son wants to meet you at your concert here in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area this early September. He will be with two friends : a male and a female : any chance that they can come see you back stage after the show?!? PLEEAASSSSEEEEEE! Gracia, Grazie, Merci et thanks en avance ma cherie ... pleases leave a comment here if there's a chance or email me at : tonythewineguy@gmail.com. I've already blogged about this at : chatwine.blogspot.com. Check that out, too. Thanks again. I hope you don't mind my asking and my approach that there's no harm in asking? Cheers to you and I look forward to reading your Vanity Fair article : I briefly saw the pictures two night's ago ... Anthony ( TONY ) Quinn
Lady Gaga Go Go Gum
Dad Gum Golly Olly
Jolly Jilt 'N Jade
'N Pushing Edge
Pledge Sledge Ledge !
La La Lad Laddy Lady
Son Home Comes Fair
Pics Your Van Vani Ani
Fair Anity Fare Stare
Flesh Mesh Faint Flush
Glim Lim Limp Blimp I
See Quic So Uick So Lick
As If Eyes Mine Luck
Have Would Up Long Down
Ache Bod Did Mine Bit
Just? Juste? Asez? 'Nough?
Think Make Me So Fast Of
First Demi Preg She Then
Be Now Slim No Baby!
Sub So Lim Limb Out?
De So You Clare Clark
Some Want You Kent
Man Sup For Din Dine
Now Quick
Lick It Lick Him Lic
Gloss Slick Chick
Alabs Demme Asters
Demme Pecs Da Glow
Da Flow Look Slow
Joy In Find I Quick
Mine Mind Did Quic
Now Too Roam Doth
To Pomp Da Circ
Cirque D'Or Custumes
Guild Spilled Gold
Eyes Mine Wand As
Pages Two To See Da
Glit Da Glow Da Stow
Da Treasures Low Low
Beyond Be Demme Hid
Da Con Da Pro The Act
On Active The Glist
Shine Lights Lit Up
Show You Yours
On Go Must!
Promised Must Y'Aah
On Deliver Soon The
Sup The Pense Da
Hide Your Skin
The Below The Bell
To Us Me All
Men Women Like
Be We All Now On
High Suspense Tit
Clit Slit Slong So Long!?!
Golly Jolly Holly Molly!
Matter What In Yes
Side Head Yours Of
Hoping Lots
Deliver Sliver Now
Slice Larger Soon
Grander Brander
A Must!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Do Best Can The You / You Me Us Each Be : 4 Tuesday Morning Poems Of July 13th, 2010 : 2 Bl & Wh Watercolors Inspired By Week In Avon, N.C. 8/09 Enjoy
These black-and-white watercolors I did last August here in northern Virginia where I live after returning from the beach with my family. I still had white/virgin sheets in my sketch books and I wanted to complete them inspired by our week at the beach in the Outer Banks. It seems appropriate to add some of them here as these poems that I wrote on Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 anticipate this time once again. I did lots of sketches at the beach this past week with both pens as well as both watercolors and oil pastels. It's now Tuesday evening here at home at 9:05 PM and I am back from the beach once again and have notebooks and sketchbooks with more white/virgin pages needing to be filled. I will do this over the next few days. What a treat for me : I am off from work this week and have lots of living and art to accomplish. Cheers, TONY
To Peace Try Home Make
Must Gut Bust Try
Cry Cry Baby Stym
Tym Ymy Try Under
Over Round Some
Stand Under Stand
Up Be Count Ounte
Unted Feel Bunted-Like
Fall Off Trike Pick Mik
Mike Up Blast Cast
Words On Be Counted
A Word Thought Got
Idea Dea Dia Ahora
Ideas? Get Jig Get
Think Wink Jink A
Moment Feund Ripe Rip
Tip Snip Skip I'm Whimmed
Off Top Head ( Heels ) Feels
Thoughts Skim Skim
#4 Le 13 Juillet, 2010 , Mardi matin a Washington D.C. en voiture avant de commencer mon travail on a cooler, gray, no-sunshine, bit sticky summer's morn - okay - TONY
Here are my 4 Tuesday Morning Poems of July 13th, 2010 that I wrote before work in Washington D.C.. Cheers and enjoy :
Do Best Can The You
You Me Us Each Be
Live Harm In Armony
No Harm Arms Round
Other Each Safe Mony
Mon Man Be Bout
Munits Units Of
Communits Of Munities
Ties Tied Loose Strong
Be Bonds The To Flesh
Bone Our Skin Ropes
Wrapped Rapping Supping
Sapping Honey Do's Honey
Don'ts The Place Be Ours
Share Of Ours With
Peops A Now Time Best Be
Ser Erve Energies Our
Life Lives Prides
Peops Ours ...
#1 Le 13th, 2010 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie on a cooler gray rained-last-night summer's morn, no-sunshine, not-too-bad-now morn ... TONY
To Bounce To Poing
To Pith Plus Puss
To Upstart Quick
The Tasks Hands At
Now Focu Ocu Ocu
Cus Cuss Curse Nurse
Life On It Goes The
Times To Most Make I'm
Set Eners Me In Hi
High Now Be A World
Large I What Some
Cha Cha Charge Catharge
Enter Enlarge Feel Flow
The I'm Wind Waters
On Think Of Fam Of My
Mine Weekend Them For
Them With Pith Path
Part Of ...
#2 Le 13 Jullet, 2010 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:18 AM on a cool, gray rather-nice summer's morn - cloudy, no-sunshine, bit sticky, oh well ... TONY
Spent Wound Up Time
Feel Fresh So Re
Ref Efre Fre Fresh
Was Bit Tied Fried
Yest Son Daught With
Lunch Good Yeah Time
Spent Good Was Ours All
To Be Three Us Get
Gat Athe Pahs Same
Ours We Pods Beans
In Be Side Side Side
By Be Convers Nice
The Tense The Present
Gift Ours Others To
Each Give Peach Apple
Pear Other's For Joy
Joined Jazzed Pizzazed
Our Prize Other Each
Peach Beach Soon
#3 Le 13 Juillet 2010 Mardi matin en voiture en Virginie a 10:23 AM on a gray, cooler, still bit sticky-icky summer's morn, no-sunshine now ... more rain? TONY
Paint Wat At Water/ Edge Dge's My : 4 Friday Morning Poems Of July 23rd, 2010 W/ Bl & Wh Watercolors Of 8/09 Avon, North Carolina
To Find Way Stay
Part Path Pith With
Friends Get Be Got
Sought After Not Bought
I'm Off Sketch-Stretch
Selves My Self
Inner Elf My Imp
Important Imp Mine
Impish I Will Sort
Sport Cavort Through
The Pieces Peace In
North Yes Carolina's
Cast Characters On Beach
Each Part Sand Da Dunes
Seas Of Oats The Guards
The protectors Ours Of
Lines Our Coasts I Will
Line Draw Virgins On Sheets
White To Add Part Pics
Of My Self Theirs To ...
#4 Le 23 Juillet, 2010 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:59 AM on a hot, steamy, icky, glazy, hazy hot, no-fun, pretty awful summer's morn ... TONY
P.S. The photos I have added here are of black and white watercolors that I did here at home in northern Virginia upon my return in August 2009 from Avon, North Carolina where I vacationed with my family. They are inspired by that time together down at the beach. I will shortly add those from 2010 as I have time. Cheers and enjoy these and the poems in the time being. TONY ( Tues. August 10th, 2010 at 4:48 PM here at home on my second week off from work - hurray! Time to do much more art! )
For Art For Soul
Soup Bowl Stroll
Move Lift Look Un
Under Wear Soul
Salt Be Salted Be
Give To Others Ex Y Z
Ex Halted Malted
Melt Pelt Peel Be
Unsealed Peeled
Squealed In Loud
Water Icy Sealed
As In Mots Oceans
Motions Of Seals
For Life Live Go
Whale Whole Air
Into Through Outa
Blow Blown Blow
Memors Embers Emories
Of Your My Our
Stoales ...
#3 Le 23 Juillet, 2010 Vendredi matin en voiture en Virginie a 9:54 AM on a hot, hazy, sticky, glazy, horrid sunshine-on-my-hands summer's morn... TONY
Hope you enjoy these 4 Friday Morning Poems that I wrote before work on July 23rd, 2010. Cheers, TONY
Paint Wat At Water
Edge Dge's My
Plee Pledge As
Incite Fledge Be I
Times Most I Will
Brush Paper Put To
Later Day Night Time
All I'll Paint Smudge
Smear Smart My Art
Smart Part Self Selves
I Must For Forge
On Life Me Round Gorge
The Glems The Ments Da
Soul Da Come Comparts
Bring Whale Piece Gather
Scatter Abscond With
Way To Stay To Tune Me
Body Senses Mine I Want
To Be Ware Aware Of
Surrounds Sounds Mine
Sinkers Deep Down Cool
Sands Beach ...
#1 Le 23 Juillet, 2010 Vendredi matin en Virginie en voiture avant de commencer mon travail a 9:44 AM on a hot, sticky, humid summer's morn ... TONY
My Desire Strong
Write Be Right Be
Arts Artsy Partsy
Fartsy Tartsy Be
Me Ends Both Be
On Strong Strange
Our Bodies Selves We
Be Foreign Selves
Even To So Vin Know
Much 'Bout Selves Ours
I'm Curio So Urious
So Wanting More
Know Now Like Lives
I Have So Much Dome
So 'Sprerienced Many
Parts Fun Fast Fierce Yes
Ways Not Much Ever Glum
I'm Glum I Onto Things
Stick Stack Attack!
#2 Le 23 Juillet, 2010 en Virginie en voiture a 9:49 Am inspired by all the art work that I would soon do a la plage en Salvo, North Carolina bientot en vacances on a hot, humid, icky, sticky, not-nice summer's morn... TONY
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