Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Getting a real grip am I , moments to in revel at those revelations I am achieving through rummaging every day!


To be able to look with

In e my me all mine mi 

Self de-shelfed de-robed

I closer still X-mmm-am

Am in motives directives

Debunked bungles jungles

Side trips strips all times

Easy solution not really

But feels so good finger

Up my butt less damage


Lick later wounds that

Green cuke -sweat-stain

Drain sweeter ‘n coke so

Mine hits anal wall, push

No further membrain-brand

Not wanting break , no foul

No gain , gas-pass shit marks

Careful what you wish for

Best achieved in one’s head

Bend torso lower cock so

Mouth-receptive so stink so

Stun stunk soooo mmmmmm

Who’s ow the skunk!? All

My pent-up-male-cock-crazed

Gunk bunk trunk desperate

Measures glory holes and yes

Stalls at malls, gas stations

Shitty toilets panting shoving

Pricks frantic raw rough no

Disney coat no foto-shop-NO!

Temporary release from our

Own mental prisons solving

Absolutely nothing! Change

My habits! Turn in my keys

No longer to fit driving with

One hand my blood-stiff yes

Penis out of it will my jizz

So madly fiercely animal cum!

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