Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Feeling aggressively alive to grapple to grip and grope, rope and soap slippery slick slicing slope , my energy, my intensity,my natural capacities, capabilities, capricious cantankerous, compelling inclinations sooooooo darn spontaneous sooooooooooo noooooo slow!


All is sudden my souvenir trails

My savage returns such flames

So many thrustings by me so yeah

Sudden abunden pitch my tent dents!

Mess mire murk mystic mighty most

Blasting brimming combining collides 

Rides reddens denses tenses test tops

Tips I tap slap grap app apple slice so

Big bites crunch unch inching clear

Queer questing quiet turbulence to

Grasp to contest and confront to be

Myself so nude to myself hiding not

Napping freq freak frantic fresh fire

Flash flair flaunt fry flirt pull off shirt!

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