Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Getting a real grip am I , moments to in revel at those revelations I am achieving through rummaging every day!


To be able to look with

In e my me all mine mi 

Self de-shelfed de-robed

I closer still X-mmm-am

Am in motives directives

Debunked bungles jungles

Side trips strips all times

Easy solution not really

But feels so good finger

Up my butt less damage


Lick later wounds that

Green cuke -sweat-stain

Drain sweeter ‘n coke so

Mine hits anal wall, push

No further membrain-brand

Not wanting break , no foul

No gain , gas-pass shit marks

Careful what you wish for

Best achieved in one’s head

Bend torso lower cock so

Mouth-receptive so stink so

Stun stunk soooo mmmmmm

Who’s ow the skunk!? All

My pent-up-male-cock-crazed

Gunk bunk trunk desperate

Measures glory holes and yes

Stalls at malls, gas stations

Shitty toilets panting shoving

Pricks frantic raw rough no

Disney coat no foto-shop-NO!

Temporary release from our

Own mental prisons solving

Absolutely nothing! Change

My habits! Turn in my keys

No longer to fit driving with

One hand my blood-stiff yes

Penis out of it will my jizz

So madly fiercely animal cum!

Feeling aggressively alive to grapple to grip and grope, rope and soap slippery slick slicing slope , my energy, my intensity,my natural capacities, capabilities, capricious cantankerous, compelling inclinations sooooooo darn spontaneous sooooooooooo noooooo slow!


All is sudden my souvenir trails

My savage returns such flames

So many thrustings by me so yeah

Sudden abunden pitch my tent dents!

Mess mire murk mystic mighty most

Blasting brimming combining collides 

Rides reddens denses tenses test tops

Tips I tap slap grap app apple slice so

Big bites crunch unch inching clear

Queer questing quiet turbulence to

Grasp to contest and confront to be

Myself so nude to myself hiding not

Napping freq freak frantic fresh fire

Flash flair flaunt fry flirt pull off shirt!

A long long along time coming! Fatigued by my restless dress mess to myself to me to us come4fessUndressReDIREerect!


     I am getting to know myself better and my ways that I worked before and, having time to reflect is wonderful.

I have charged forward all my life into everything I do once I make my move by jumping off without fear.

Fear will not stop me.

My own mind will not wall me in or wall me out

I must have flashes and glimmers y s

Of what I am all about

Neither you or they will lint my way

Like the Damon and the trout

Swim madly swiftly boldly

Into the mystic the electric

I am charged each morning

With tasks so grand so challenged

So questioned so indifferent

The world does not care

The world wants to hate

To blame anything but them

Blinded by their failures to

Simply be themselves to do

That which makes them happy

Their brains bursting fuses

Synapses fizzling out and dying

Time my friends for you and I

To bite our bullets hard and let

That fucked-up past be sawed off

Like in times of past wars we must 

Finally pay our pipers and smile 

Along long long time coming 2 us

 Anthony Tony Quinn

Tuesday 10:46am

January 28, 2025

Friday, January 24, 2025

To write is right whether poetry or not’


I love to write and use words and not emojis 

Emojis will destroy our desire and patience and abilities to write , and effect our thinking, too

As we give up much

Lose ourselves 

Become more pampered and spoiled 

Useless to ourselves

And pawns to the few 

Manipulating us!

I give IT all I got!

I fo it to reach out, to release positive energy, to encourage both myself and others 

Whether what I write is poetry or not on some level it feels right to me!


I write on

Just about synth

Any surface 

Any scrap

I love recycling 


Putting my mark 


Friday night 

January 23


Anthony Alan Quinn 
