Thursday, April 11, 2024

Satisfaction in small, medium and large doses, depending, state-of-mind determines a lot


Today has been gardening and transplanting and Australia

Aussie wine history and sales, and moving baby holly

Bushes from one spot to another, as so many shot up in

The flower beds and embraced the sun and would grow

Well there but disenfranchise and disrupt the growth of

The flowers so many that we want to give every chance to

Grow, bloom, spread their petals and shine and shout and 

Hoot and howl their glorious shapes and colors! From the

Budding young sassafras bushes , just one thin lonely stem

Now, soon to expand and fill up more space and announce 

Their shapes and forms and unique characters that make

Them a part of our floral community and ties between

Both land and sky , earth and wind, rock and cloud and

Roots and weathers! Such important parts to bees and so

Many insects and animals from deer to chipmunks to birds

And rolly-polys and butterflies and bumblebees and lady-

Bugs and animal and all living creatures and plants hugs!

And we cannot discount the effects importance of indoors too!

The idea of honesty! Really! You must be joking! What? You serious?! Can you, can we handle it!? Or do we simply say ‘ fuck it! ‘, no one tells the truth, never have, never will,so - why start now?K

 Relative anyway whether with relatives , associates, neighbors

We all live from white lie to white lie as no one is prepared to

Deal with knowing the truth, especially about ourselves, we would

Rather be sugar-coated-floated-flailed-flashed-framed-frozen—fried

Why deal with knowing what we already know and suspect, why

Have it all so blatantly brutally spelled out , emblazoned, tattooed,

Branded in heat on our naked so fragile, delicate, break skins so

That not only we, but the whole world knows, we are not prepared

Sadly I fear unfortunately as humans as we are we will never be!

Monday, April 8, 2024

The fat ti ti tigue of a good grand green earth’s did & trans plan an ant ting of works feels suptptoplime!

 I am bushed gushed crushed here on sit I

Am on my ass my back to the si a breeze

Birds chirp rip urp arp out chrtorting bird!

Their word words sin sand songs sang all

Round me now as I read so very get get getting

Myself ready to read the front page of Sunday’s

Washington Post a day late but never too late

I have a date here soon on our glorious deck with

My beautiful wife, our dog, to here by my side 

We wait for my wife to awake having with our

SeeEclipse of sun partial here by moon just now

From 2 to 4 quite the specs so dark we bpneeded 

To not get blinded by this stunning spectacle not

To return till 2040 so watch in full earnest we sure

Have, I stopped my digging and transplanting, I

Have three more plants to care so be as I round them

In our earth I dig at them trying for a clump to not

Roots all theirs keep as many intact to then move said

Clump to another anointed spot and now the birds

Sing to one another, three at least I do discern and so

In seconds as the owl hoots I will open my can of La

croix sparkling lime and read the Post and then angel

Hair pasta, a chicken thigh grilled on stove in pieces 

And some homemade pesto will make up our dinner

Here on this glory it be MondayvApril 8, 24 outside!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

I feel my buzz, I feel the effect, I am touched by the White wine, I love it!

 I wear the effect as I am effected soooooo

The affect on me has effected me and my 

State of being so lax so relaxed so very 

Muchly mellowed calmed and just being

Here seated and with little desire to move

To do much, just to be here and very easy

Aware without being much aware, so numb

Uncomfortably numb I am  so very numbed

Some might say that I am quite so dumbed!

The love the delight tge wonder of meeting, meetings unplanned, that connectiveness!

 The idea that you hold yourself back to be safe

The dare, the daunt, the devilish heavenish be it

A debate, a struggle, a star an art a start to discover 

Really a reveal, an uncover, a way to be in tune so

As much aware of that which surrounds you, us, we

Are all knee-deep in this together, whether we signed

Up for it IT or not we are now all so very caught up in

IT, not our choice as we were once totally unaware and

Now we are all more so aware vas we wear this addiction

We all share on us, no mistaking any of it, we are involved

And we feel trapped  wrapped, sapped, crapped mapped!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

I am making the most of my time as there is idle times at work when I should be busy

 What to do? Fill my time stay and be me

Be as active as I may be at work doing two

Things or more at once so I eel more full

More fulfilled purposeful and useful Help

Helping myself and others , more helpful

Where I may be! Listening more, being

Patient and looking at the bigger pic yes

That picture That frame inside a frame 

Creating a story and song more than

Only refrains and refraining from the

Obvious and the first impulse as I may 

We may benefit more from acting

Without some sense sometimes 

Of restraint acquaint paint saint!